Record Heat Of 2021


Diamond Member
Mar 19, 2018
Real Climate Science

Record Heat Of 2021​

Posted on July 30, 2021 by tonyheller


During 2021, 100 degree temperatures have been confined to the western half of the country. During many previous years 100 degree temperatures blanketed the country.


LINK for many charts
This week in Florida the temperature are below average....
Overall, global temperatures are higher. And the science continues to improve, confirming human emissions as the source of the warming. It can be ameliorated by eliminating the use of fossil fuels, the destruction of forests, and other measures to restore the CO2 balance.

It is a cultish belief that this is not happening. It is dysfunctional and dangerous, because those opposing action are thereby exacerbating the problem. Cease and desist. Crops will fail, millions will die, if this continues to progress.

I know most deniers never passed a science class, so stop trying to discuss things you cannot understand.
Maybe the western US is turning into a baked desert. Maybe that is what it was meant to be.
"Meant" to be? Once the Sahara was green with lakes and rivers. Was it "meant" to be like that, or a vast desert.

Were tens of millions meant to starve to death when crops fail due to global warming? Crop failures are part of what is pushing refugees from Central America to the USA. Don't object to them coming. It was "meant" to be.
"Meant" to be? Once the Sahara was green with lakes and rivers. Was it "meant" to be like that, or a vast desert.

Were tens of millions meant to starve to death when crops fail due to global warming? Crop failures are part of what is pushing refugees from Central America to the USA. Don't object to them coming. It was "meant" to be.
This, boys and girls, is what they call warped logic. You'll learn nothing from this guy.
Overall, global temperatures are higher. And the science continues to improve, confirming human emissions as the source of the warming. It can be ameliorated by eliminating the use of fossil fuels, the destruction of forests, and other measures to restore the CO2 balance.

It is a cultish belief that this is not happening. It is dysfunctional and dangerous, because those opposing action are thereby exacerbating the problem. Cease and desist. Crops will fail, millions will die, if this continues to progress.

I know most deniers never passed a science class, so stop trying to discuss things you cannot understand.

Why did Michael Mann’s team at Penn State manipulate the temperature data to create the infamous hockey stick graph? You know, the graph that jump started global warming.
Maybe the western US is turning into a baked desert. Maybe that is what it was meant to be.
Back in the 1990s we used to call Californication, "The shake and bake state". If it wasnt on fire, there were earthquakes, but then when it rained, all that desert area would be in flash flooding and watching million dollar mansions go over the cliff. Nothing has changed, except the state got a lot dumber, because all it would take is to vote in people who actually care about the citizens, not the prog elites, but until the, just "Shake and Bake".

Overall, global temperatures are higher. And the science continues to improve, confirming human emissions as the source of the warming. It can be ameliorated by eliminating the use of fossil fuels, the destruction of forests, and other measures to restore the CO2 balance.

It is a cultish belief that this is not happening. It is dysfunctional and dangerous, because those opposing action are thereby exacerbating the problem. Cease and desist. Crops will fail, millions will die, if this continues to progress.

I know most deniers never passed a science class, so stop trying to discuss things you cannot understand.
Over all global temperatures huh? Here is an analogy of the Globe?

If temperatures in a house are 72 degrees, then some parts may be a little 73 degrees, some 71 degrees, but over all the house is 72 degrees. Right?

Now if you raise the temperature of the house up 5 degrees, then the over all temperature is 77 degrees, but some will be 78 degrees and some 76 degrees. So you cant fucking say the Earth's temperature is rising year after year and then expect below normal temperatures in some parts of the Earth. Egad man, you progs are such stupid twits...
This, boys and girls, is what they call warped logic. You'll learn nothing from this guy.
Sure as hell will not learn anything from an idiot like you. Every Scientific Society, every National Academy of Science, and every major University in the world has policy statements that AGW is real and a clear and present danger. Fires, floods, and droughts of the last 5 years certainly add credence to that statement.
Over all global temperatures huh? Here is an analogy of the Globe?

If temperatures in a house are 72 degrees, then some parts may be a little 73 degrees, some 71 degrees, but over all the house is 72 degrees. Right?

Now if you raise the temperature of the house up 5 degrees, then the over all temperature is 77 degrees, but some will be 78 degrees and some 76 degrees. So you cant fucking say the Earth's temperature is rising year after year and then expect below normal temperatures in some parts of the Earth. Egad man, you progs are such stupid twits...
Well, there is dumb, then there is really fucking stupid. We have satellites measuring the world's temperature. In fact, several nations have satellites doing that. And they all pretty much show this curve;

Back in the 1990s we used to call Californication, "The shake and bake state". If it wasnt on fire, there were earthquakes, but then when it rained, all that desert area would be in flash flooding and watching million dollar mansions go over the cliff. Nothing has changed, except the state got a lot dumber, because all it would take is to vote in people who actually care about the citizens, not the prog elites, but until the, just "Shake and Bake".

View attachment 519912
LOL They realized that the "Conservatives" are universally a bunch of idiots. Same as Oregon and Washington. Treasonous idiots as 6Jan21 demonstrated.
Sure as hell will not learn anything from an idiot like you. Every Scientific Society, every National Academy of Science, and every major University in the world has policy statements that AGW is real and a clear and present danger. Fires, floods, and droughts of the last 5 years certainly add credence to that statement.
If those people were right the world would already have ended, Al. Democrats will believe anything.
Why did Michael Mann’s team at Penn State manipulate the temperature data to create the infamous hockey stick graph? You know, the graph that jump started global warming.
Because they did not, you lying ass. More than a dozen studies since have validated Mann's graph. Idiots like you will believe no nothings like Hannity and Carlson over scientists that have spent decades doing research on this subject. Classic Dunning-Kruger.

If those people were right the world would already have ended, Al. Democrats will believe anything.
And just where do you get that nonsense? I have not seen one article from a credible source making such a claim in the last 50 years. On the contrary, they warned about exactly what we are seeing today.

Publication Abstracts​

Hansen et al. 1981​

Hansen, J., D. Johnson, A. Lacis, S. Lebedeff, P. Lee, D. Rind, and G. Russell, 1981: Climate impact of increasing atmospheric carbon dioxide. Science, 213, 957-966, doi:10.1126/science.213.4511.957.

The global temperature rose 0.2°C between the middle 1960s and 1980, yielding a warming of 0.4°C in the past century. This temperature increase is consistent with the calculated effect due to measured increases of atmospheric carbon dioxide. Variations of volcanic aerosols and possibly solar luminosity appear to be primary causes of observed fluctuations about the mean trend of increasing temperature. It is shown that the anthropogenic carbon dioxide warming should emerge from the noise level of natural climate variability by the end of the century, and there is a high probability of warming in the 1980s. Potential effects on climate in the 21st century include the creation of drought-prone regions in North America and central Asia as part of a shifting of climatic zones, erosion of the West Antarctic ice sheet with a consequent worldwide rise in sea level, and opening of the fabled Northwest Passage.

Real Climate Science

Record Heat Of 2021​

Posted on July 30, 2021 by tonyheller


During 2021, 100 degree temperatures have been confined to the western half of the country. During many previous years 100 degree temperatures blanketed the country.

View attachment 519846

LINK for many charts
Why don't you tell the Canadians that the heat was limited to the western half of the US? 230 fires in BC alone, many in other provinces.
I see that no one actually got the point of the article, it is why reading is essential.

No one here is disputing the heatwave in the west, I was right there in the hottest area of it when it was 117F for two days in a row, and over 112F for several more days.

It was made possible by three separate weather events meeting in the North West as pointed out by Dr. Mass and his presentations before, during and after it ended.
Overall, global temperatures are higher. And the science continues to improve, confirming human emissions as the source of the warming. It can be ameliorated by eliminating the use of fossil fuels, the destruction of forests, and other measures to restore the CO2 balance.

It is a cultish belief that this is not happening. It is dysfunctional and dangerous, because those opposing action are thereby exacerbating the problem. Cease and desist. Crops will fail, millions will die, if this continues to progress.

I know most deniers never passed a science class, so stop trying to discuss things you cannot understand.

It has been cooling for over 5 years now, it is amusing you are unaware of it.



Your insults aren't helping you here.
"Meant" to be? Once the Sahara was green with lakes and rivers. Was it "meant" to be like that, or a vast desert.

Were tens of millions meant to starve to death when crops fail due to global warming? Crop failures are part of what is pushing refugees from Central America to the USA. Don't object to them coming. It was "meant" to be.

Actually crops are doing well in many areas of the world with a stable government.

Our World in Data,

Crop Yields


From the USDA,

World Agricultural Production

It has been cooling for over 5 years now, it is amusing you are unaware of it.

View attachment 519949


Your insults aren't helping you here.
LOL Five years? OK. let us look at those five years in context;

So we have the hottest month yet recorded within those five years. And the lowest temperature recorded is far higher than most of the temperatures recorded prior to 1997. Nice cherry picking, and I am sure it works for feeble minded "Conservatives". That is not an insult, rather an accurate description.

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