Reconciliation does not apply


Diamond Member
Oct 12, 2009
Back in 1974 Congress passed a measure saying you can't use reconciliation on a bill that will effect Social Security revenues. This bill will, so it is likely the House parlamentarian will declare this vote null and void. The plot thickens.
The Dems diverted $53B of SS taxes to ObamaCare to cook the CBO score.

This is the worst Congressional Majority every. Truly thuggish.
So now they face going through the whole process again. New bill for the House and the Senate will have to pass the same thing. Of course, the ensuing process will eat up considerable time and take the focus off jobs. This will compound problems for Dems seeking reelection. I guess they could just postpone the whole mess until after the next election. lol
Back in 1974 Congress passed a measure saying you can't use reconciliation on a bill that will effect Social Security revenues. This bill will, so it is likely the House parlamentarian will declare this vote null and void. The plot thickens.

And where's your link to this?
Back in 1974 Congress passed a measure saying you can't use reconciliation on a bill that will effect Social Security revenues. This bill will, so it is likely the House parlamentarian will declare this vote null and void. The plot thickens.

I don't think you understand what they are doing.


Here's the text of the section of the budget act Stewart referred to in his statement:

“LIMITATION ON CHANGES TO THE SOCIAL SECURITY ACT.—Notwithstanding any other provision of law, it shall not be in order in the Senate or the House of Representatives to consider any reconciliation bill or reconciliation resolution reported pursuant to a concurrent resolution on the budget agreed to under section 301 or 304, or a joint resolution pursuant to section 258C of the Balanced Budget and Emergency Deficit Control Act of 1985, or any amendment thereto or conference report thereon, that contains recommendations with respect to the old-age, survivors, and disability insurance program established under title II of the Social Security Act.” (Congressional Budget Act Of 1974, Sec. 310g, P. 31)

Read more at the Washington Examiner: Senate Dems won't call bipartisan meeting with Parliamentarian on House reconciliation bill's legality | Washington Examiner

The GOP is going to use this try and put a stop to coverage and protections for the very people this rule looked to protect. talk about original intent and meanings.:eusa_whistle:

oh well, I guess it's okay, it is allowed by the rules if the Parliamentarian agrees. Funny thing is, douchbaghs have been arguing that Democrats using the rules in this same way was awful. Now it's great them. :lol:

gawd, I love the circus acts and side shows of American democracy.
Well, since the reconcilliation isn't what is being really voted on, but the senate bill is, who gives a rip?

As for the whole democracy thing... It was getting outdated anyway. You Obamabots will regret its passing more than the rest of us.

[ame=""]bye bye[/ame]
Back in 1974 Congress passed a measure saying you can't use reconciliation on a bill that will effect Social Security revenues. This bill will, so it is likely the House parlamentarian will declare this vote null and void. The plot thickens.

And where's your link to this?

Senate Dems won't call bipartisan meeting with Parliamentarian on House reconciliation bill's legality | Washington Examiner
Well, since the reconcilliation isn't what is being really voted on, but the senate bill is, who gives a rip?

As for the whole democracy thing... It was getting outdated anyway. You Obamabots will regret its passing more than the rest of us.

bye bye

I didn't vote for Obama, but so far, I support his actions here. Democracy is what you were yapping about when Scott Brown won a Senate seat and what your type was yapping about when the Tea Party Terrorism was hidden.
Not in your definition of reform. Tort reform, interstate competition and the like, sure. This bill we have now no more helps health care than snake oil.
Not in your definition of reform. Tort reform, interstate competition and the like, sure. This bill we have now no more helps health care than snake oil.

That's the only two things the GOP offers up in ideas. Tort Reform will only bring down costs by 2%. And interstate competition will just create less regulation in a race to the bottom.

Neither are real reform by themselves or together.

Try again.
Back in 1974 Congress passed a measure saying you can't use reconciliation on a bill that will effect Social Security revenues. This bill will, so it is likely the House parlamentarian will declare this vote null and void. The plot thickens.

Then I guess the Bush tax cuts are illegal!! I knew it!! :cuckoo:
Speaking of reconciliation....

Most of what senate Republicans say they're going to try to do is fight like crazy to keep the least popular parts of the original Senate package in the bill. That's right. They're going to go to the mat for the 'Cornhusker Kickback.' They're going to do everything they can to prevent the "Cornhusker Kickback" from being overturned. Same with the "Louisiana Purchase", the tax on "Cadillac" Health Care plans and a bunch of other stuff.

As we know, what happens in reality doesn't matter in politics. What matters is how reality is portrayed in 30 second attack ads. But I think, on both sides of the political spectrum, the implications of this effort haven't been adequately thought through.

So much of the what the GOP is trying to do now is about one big galactic psych-out. And the psych-out pyrotechnics are so overblown in part because the threats sort of fall apart on their face. If you step back a lot of it amounts to, "Don't you dare pass that bill, or I'll shoot my foot right off!"

Thought That One Through? | Talking Points Memo
Not in your definition of reform. Tort reform, interstate competition and the like, sure. This bill we have now no more helps health care than snake oil.

your uninformed opinion is duly noted.

strike that.

make that: your ill-informed opinion is duly noted.

So ill-informed that the Dems blocked it going to the House parlamentarian the first time. Wonder why they would do that? Could it be that it is true? We will see.

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