Reasons to vote out Obama


Democrat all the way!
Mar 16, 2010
The Good insane United states of America
1st to 7th in global competitiveness
Triple A to double A+
Slowest recovery since the 19th century
Doubling the size of the food stamp program
The middle east blew sky high
China is laughing at us
5 trillion dollars more in debt
Al Quada and the Taliban are growing and spreading throughout the middle east and north Africa.
Has lied outright to the American people
Tripled the wiretapping.

Pretty much every thing that we hated about George Bush + a thousand times more.

We don't need anymore of this.
The reasons are simple.

Obama wants the USA to become a welfare/socialist/pro islamic fundamentalist country.

That is the truth.
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The reasons are simple.

Obama wants the USA to become a welfare/socialist/pro islamic fundamentalist country.

That is the truth.

No, that's propaganda. Check a dictionary.

OOO"that's why he tripled the size of welfare(one trillion dollars) and supports mandated healthcare.

Lastly, that's why he wants to kiss the ass of the islamic world over our freedom of speech. FUCK THE ISLAMIC WORLD. PISS BE ON MUHAMMED!
The reasons are simple.

Obama wants the USA to become a welfare/socialist/pro islamic fundamentalist country.

That is the truth.

No, that's propaganda. Check a dictionary.

OOO"that's why he tripled the size of welfare(one trillion dollars) and supports mandated healthcare.

Lastly, that's why he wants to kiss the ass of the islamic world over our freedom of speech. FUCK THE ISLAMIC WORLD. PISS BE ON MUHAMMED!

Back up propaganda with more propaganda, eh? :clap2:

No wonder we're losing ground intellectually to the rest of the world! Heaven help us if Romney wins and this becomes an example of American exceptionalism. :eek:
No, that's propaganda. Check a dictionary.

OOO"that's why he tripled the size of welfare(one trillion dollars) and supports mandated healthcare.

Lastly, that's why he wants to kiss the ass of the islamic world over our freedom of speech. FUCK THE ISLAMIC WORLD. PISS BE ON MUHAMMED!

Back up propaganda with more propaganda, eh? :clap2:

No wonder we're losing ground intellectually to the rest of the world! Heaven help us if Romney wins and this becomes an example of American exceptionalism. :eek:

How is it Propaganda? Obama did grow welfare to over a trillion dollars and go in front of the islamic world saying he supports their feelings.

You have a right to dip my cross in piss and I have a right to tell the truth about Muhammed. If kissing the dirt 5 times a day is a sign of American exceptionalism to you. Well, you're the one that has the problems. :eusa_silenced:
OOO"that's why he tripled the size of welfare(one trillion dollars) and supports mandated healthcare.

Lastly, that's why he wants to kiss the ass of the islamic world over our freedom of speech. FUCK THE ISLAMIC WORLD. PISS BE ON MUHAMMED!

Back up propaganda with more propaganda, eh? :clap2:

No wonder we're losing ground intellectually to the rest of the world! Heaven help us if Romney wins and this becomes an example of American exceptionalism. :eek:

How is it Propaganda? Obama did grow welfare to over a trillion dollars and go in front of the islamic world saying he supports their feelings.

You have a right to dip my cross in piss and I have a right to tell the truth about Muhammed. If kissing the dirt 5 times a day is a sign of American exceptionalism to you. Well, you're the one that has the problems. :eusa_silenced:

It's propaganda because you're twisting things to suit your bias. When did I equate kissing the ground to American exceptionalism? Try again without putting words in my mouth.
Why do you people think that destroying capitalism is going to help the poor? It will do just the opposite. Why can't you fuckers get it through your fucking heads. Look at Cuba or North Korea to see what you support. You'd have to be insane to be a red after the last 100 years.

Welfare outside of the disabled or the old is just going to destroy an able bodied human being. You think it's ok to turn this country into a third world shit hole???

Tell me how Obama hasn't been trying to copy chavez.
Well let's see...

He is a criminal, an idiot, a liar, a closet muslim, a socialist, etc.
this post needs to be put down to rest

1st to 7th in global competitiveness- this is due to bush policy, under obama big biz is up 67% on the stock market.

Triple A to double A+- this was the republican taking hostage of the debt celing, remember they wanted tax cuts for the rich, remember?

Slowest recovery since the 19th century- clearly you do not understand, 2 things. first regan created 2 econ. stalls, not to mention under bush and regan, the way they kept unemployment down was by giving gov. jobs out. 2nd under the bush admin. we were losing 500k jobs a month by the end, NOW WE ARE GROWING

Doubling the size of the food stamp program- once again, after the bush years, our econ. fell, now when this happpens, MORE PEOPLE APPLY. this is no something Obama created, its something that was passed to him.

The middle east blew sky high. once again, this is something out of our control, would you sudgest sending in our army to every forien country in the middle east?

China is laughing at us. Yes they are, under bush they bought up all our debt. not under obama

5 trillion dollars more in debt. would you not say its a good idea to invest back into our workers? of would you prefer to put stuff on a cc to play later, bush did the ladder and and the bills came due now.

Al Quada and the Taliban are growing and spreading throughout the middle east and north Africa. Really osama bin laden dead, 2nd in command dead, the Al Quada leadership is 6 feet under. also, the talaban will ALWAYS be there.

Has lied outright to the American people. Just like bush did, weapons of mass distruction........I can keep going on this.

Tripled the wiretapping. Bush started it, its called the patriot act.

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