Reality is a Bitch for Trump Supporters

For the record, did you support Biden? Did you support Harris? Did you support the DNC removing your voice to select a candidate? Did you support Harris lying to you about Biden's mental state? Did you support Biden pardoning his felon son? Yeah, yeah, yeah, that's all irrelevant straw man garbage too---just like every irrelevant non-point you've tried to make hay out of in this thread.
Sounds like you want to start a new thread so go ahead I'll be sure to jump in, but those questions go far outside the scope of this one which is focused on the fact that Trump has a strong record of failure.
Yes, I know, that's all that matters to some, in the United States politics is treated more and more like sports, with all the personalities and rhetoric and bluster, the population have been reduced to spectators who simply choose their favorite team and cheer when their team wins.

This is all proof of how dumbed down the United States has become. But those two images are correct you can go and check if you care (but you don't care).
He made a lot of mistakes during his first term, so what? He's already admitted all that, ostensibly has learned from it and is moving forward, what do you want him to do, live in the past? time travel perhaps?

You appear to think that the election campaign is still in progress and that you can convince those of us that voted for President Trump to change our votes, hate to be the one to break it to you, it's over, Trump won. Time to get behind our new President and do whatever we can to help him succeed and be ready to chime in if he doesn't do what we think he should be doing.

The bulk of your list is just subjective nonsense designed to inflame those that didn't vote the way you wanted them to. It is fascinating that you think it proves some kind of a point or constitutes even a reasonable facsimile of an argument.

Buckle up Daddy's coming home whether you like it or not.
No, it is all about patterns. As a stock analyst that I am, I have learned that patterns are usually reliable. As far as people are concerned, it is also known that people do what they have always done and rarely change and when there is change, it is minor.

This OP is about the pattern of incompetence that Trump has shown throughout his life. That incompetence is likely to continue and is likely to cause us all problems. As such, mentioning it, is information and not criticism or blame.

Yes, Trump won but that means Trump's incompetence pattern is something we will have to face.
Yes it's clear now but it wasn't clear until you made it clear.

Two wars will cease
Illegal immigration throttled
Economy going to improve

How do you assess the economy? stock market or what? Let's take the GDP shall we:

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Do you notice anything? I do and that is that it has grown steadily irrespective of who was president, so why would you believe otherwise?

How much were you paying for gas on Jan. 19, 2021? How much three months later?
How much was your grocery bill in early Jan. 2021? How much is it now?
Cry me a river. IDGAF what circuitous garbage you spew--the people have spoken.
Try these numbers on for size 312-226. Grab a box of tissues, I see a long four years in your future. Is that enough of a PREDICTION for you?
See, that is a problem. They are not all debunked lies, not even close. Just take a couple. Trump steaks--yes, they were a failure. And while you think it was the product, not really seeing it. Hard to screw up a prime bone-in rib-eye. Peter Luger beat them on cost and quality, but Trump steaks managed to outperform other New York City establishments in quality.

It wasn't the product, it was the business model, and that is on Trump. A failure. And some cases, it is worse than failure. Trump University, Trump actually paid a settlement, I mean it was fraudulent as hell. And I promise you, that word "fraud", it is going to develop a whole new meaning in the next couple of years.

You guys enjoy your victory now, "I wish, I wish, I wish I were a fish". Oh yeah you bunch of Limpet's, its coming. You got your wish. Last presidential election you clearly demonstrated what poor losers you are. Now, you surprise no one when you demonstrate what poor winners you are.

It be like this. Pickett's charge, yeah, I know a little bit about that. Check out the Hibriten Boy's. Welcome to my neighborhood. But some of them boys, they made it all the way across that field. When they reached the wall, the yanks held out their hands, pulled them over, and then shook their hands and said, "Welcome to the other side".

That is what is coming down the pipe. There is no war, not as you would see it. But "they", well they see it differently. You are charging across that field, for duty, for honor. You just don't even know you are being shot at. You will eventually figure it out.

Honestly, I don't know where to start but I figure this place is as good as any. It might have been before the election. Let my give you background. If you, as a whistleblower, can provide evidence resulting in the conviction, or judgement against, an entity committing "fraud" against the federal government, well hell, you get a share of the settlement. Some Republican judge out of Texas, go flippin figure, threw that ability out. How dare you, uncover fraud, "no soup for you".

There is so much more, the appointments, ambassadors, it is blatant, in your face, and damn right scary for anyone with even a minimal understanding of history. But it looks like Musk and company withing DOGE, damn how comical, they found their first target to eliminate waste. Could it have been more predictable. The CFPB. Consumer Financial Protections Bureau.

That is where the waste is? Seriously? Damn spending government money protecting consumers from pay-day lending scams, overcharging late payment penalties or just, well, damn right "fraud". I told you, the word is going to start to get big.

Nope, it won't be long now. Trump has no barometer. He is destined to overplay his hand. It is who he is. I mean he is at the bowling alley, for real. He has those guards up, ynou know, the one that keeps the kids from throwing the ball in the gutter. That was his first term.

Well now he is like, take down the guards. I got this shit and you ain't on my cabinet, or my staff, unless you agree. You just get ready for the gutter balls.
Trump steaks??? never heard of them and don't care either... this is what you guys don't understand... we don't care what kind of challenges Trump the business man had.... and we understand the disgruntled employee syndrome because we have taken business risk before too... many libs have not and do not understand these things... I voted for PRESIDENT Trump based on his presidential record not his business record... which if it was so bad then why is he a billionaire?...
How much were you paying for gas on Jan. 19, 2021? How much three months later?
I'd have to look, gas prices are quite volatile though. It's true that the average annual gas price was lower under Trump than Biden but it was even lower under Obama's last term than all of Trump's first term so where does that get us?
How much was your grocery bill in early Jan. 2021? How much is it now?
I don't pay much attention to that myself, the question is really about inflation though and I don't think President's ordinarily control prices in a free market economy anyway (if you want stable prices then a planned economy is what you want, aka communism).
Cry me a river. IDGAF what circuitous garbage you spew--the people have spoken.
Yes I know, the election is in the past, done, no argument about that fact.
Try these numbers on for size 312-226. Grab a box of tissues, I see a long four years in your future. Is that enough of a PREDICTION for you?
Well based on Trump's ongoing bluster there are many forecasts about how our economy might be impacted by Trump's huge plans for tariffs and mass deportation, if you haven't looked at those you should, perhaps once the victory hangover has faded you'll get back to the real world, but its been a whole month now and you goons are still screaming "312-226".
Largely due to a leftist indoctrination system. How about this. Pack your shit and go back to whatever shithole you escaped from if you don't like it here.
See, you are a racist and don't hide it very well. If you said that to someone in work you'd likely be fired, for all we know you even have been.
With magats? neo-Nazis? nah.
Meaning YOU CAN'T address the specific points made, right?

Did Trump build the wall?
Did Trump mishandle Covid?
Did he provide new Health Insurance?
Did he lower the National Debt?
Did he hire Good People?
Did he clean the swamp?
Did he MAGA?
Did he unite the nation?
Did he get Reelected?
Did he Build Alliances
Did he defend himself in court successfully?
Did he keep his lawyers?

He failed and failed and failed on HIS PROMISES. He failed more than his successes.

Was Trump undermined by the Obama-Clinton-Dem embeds in the Executive Branch?
Do more people feel that they were better off during Trump's first term than they are under the Biden Crime Family Syndicate?
Are more people hopeful about the future under Trump than they were about a Harris admin?

The answer to all of these is a Resounding Yes!

You can spend the next 12 years mired in TDS hysteria, or you can get on with your life. I'm not your therapist, so toodles.
Trump steaks??? never heard of them and don't care either... this is what you guys don't understand... we don't care what kind of challenges Trump the business man had.... and we understand the disgruntled employee syndrome because we have taken business risk before too... many libs have not and do not understand these things... I voted for PRESIDENT Trump based on his presidential record not his business record... which if it was so bad then why is he a billionaire?...
So on what basis did you vote for him for his first term?
Reality is a bitch for Trump Supporters

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and this is how they handle the mentioning of this information:

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Trumps failures outweigh his successes, especially as president.

Due to his incompetence and desire to be president again (which he did succeed at), he has placed himself in a no-win situation. Promising that he will deport all illegal aliens and raise tariffs, if he succeeds in doing that, he will cause big damage to the nation, and if he fails at it, he will cause big and unnecessary damage to the nation.

From the get-go, his incompetence will be in full view!
Reality is a bitch for Democrat supporters. You lost the presidency, the House, and the Senate, not to mention the Supreme Court.
Was Trump undermined by the Obama-Clinton-Dem embeds in the Executive Branch?
Yes, that's normal, president's face opposition when in power, it's called democracy, you're seeking a dictatorship and might even get your wish soon.
Do more people feel that they were better off during Trump's first term than they are under the Biden Crime Family Syndicate?
Are more people hopeful about the future under Trump than they were about a Harris admin?

The answer to all of these is a Resounding Yes!
And that was a resounding "Yes" in 1933 Germany too, don't be fooled by lots of people who have themselves been fooled.
You can spend the next 12 years mired in TDS hysteria, or you can get on with your life. I'm not your therapist, so toodles.
GDP isn't affected by who is president though.
Drilling and trade policies are.... if the dems do not drop this insane shit on the climate and gender they will never win another election again nationally....
They also must clean up their party... from politicians cheating the stock market with inside information to bribing other nations and unions and now lawfare... its time for them to fix themselves like we are trying to do with the MAGA movement in our party.....
Drilling and trade policies are.... if the dems do not drop this insane shit on the climate and gender they will never win another election again nationally....
They also must clean up their party... from politicians cheating the stock market with inside information to bribing other nations and unions and now lawfare... its time for them to fix themselves like we are trying to do with the MAGA movement in our party.....
Here's US GDP history, it's grown pretty steadily irrespective of who was president:


But anyway, magats are anti-science and anti-intellectuals so we'd best leave it there (dismissing climate change is as idiotic as dismissing vaccines)
You stated "You need a little talk with Jesus. You know all your talking points are lies.".

The Statements in the OP memes are not talking points, they are facts. Trump promised and he failed. There are no talking points. Saying that I need to talk to Jesus because they are lies, is using Jesus name in vain.

By the way, I too am a Christian. I have been a Catholic all my life and believe in Jesus
You have no links supporting the bullshit in your memes, Trollboi.
Here's US GDP history, it's grown pretty steadily irrespective of who was president:

View attachment 1049397
All those graphs are not accurately expressing truth on the ground... that people are having trouble getting by... and they instinctively know it doesn't have to be this way...
Everything I pay for has gone way up in price from food to fuel to utilities and cable...

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