Realistically how I think the Immigration/deportation thing is going to go down


Diamond Member
Jun 29, 2013
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Everybody agrees that the illegal alien violent and even the non violent criminals have to go. Out of the possible population of 30 million plus that's going to amount to somewhere between one and two million people. Only an egregious asshole of a politco whether state politician or federal politician would be against this. This is what Homan has said he will focus on first. Give it time and see what happens because it absolutely needs to happen.

I think that once that has been accomplished you will see a gradual softening of the attitude toward the immigrant population. That does not mean however that they get a free ride....they must be informed that despite working and contributing to SS that they will never benefit from it. They must be informed that they cannot participate in legal elections. If the state wishes to allow them to vote in state elections then so be it....but not in federal elections. They must be informed that people who are going through the correct process will be given consideration first. Employers who hire them must pay an extra fee to the federal government for the cost of the immigrant's presence or be on the hook for a full boat insurance policy that they must pay for 100%.

Once the crime wave dies down....and let's not fool ourselves here there is one..... and that includes immigrants who pour cement during the day and rape at night.....It shouldn't take too long for people to understand that there is a place in our economy that has actually grown dependent on these people. It's not a proud place to be sure because it makes liars out of our Slavery Hating patrons who look the other way while their immigrant neighbors are actually paid salves but that is for another post.

If we truly decry the exporting of American manufacturing and we want to compete with a man hour colossus like China or even Vietnam for that matter...we need bodies. It's that simple. SS needs more contributors if it is to survive....unfortunately that means sacrificing people who will not collect it in their old age.

What we don't need and what we never needed was a migration flood....uncontrolled...unvetted and uninvited. This does not work. Their source countries are not stupid....for those who believe that the jails are not being emptied out and patched into the migrant caravans I say that you are just plain gullible. Make it plain to those places that the aid money they love so much is going away unless the get with the won't have to say another word.
Can’t argue that we need to deport anyone with a criminal record or those who commit crimes while here.
Otherwise, we need the labor.
We should give temporary work visas and allow them to work on the books, pay taxes, earn benefits
After proving to be good citizens, we should allow them to apply for citizenship
Can’t argue that we need to deport anyone with a criminal record or those who commit crimes while here.
Otherwise, we need the labor.
We should give temporary work visas and allow them to work on the books, pay taxes, earn benefits
After proving to be good citizens, we should allow them to apply for citizenship
Have you always believed in exploitation?
The low hanging fruit of criminals and got-a-ways will keep ICE busy for some time to come.

What really needs federal legislation is penalties (including jail time) for the employers of illegals.

I'm talking if Amazon is found hiring illegals, then up to and including Andy Jassy (Amazon CEO) goes to jail.
My guess is that before the Stormtrumpers kick in people's doors in the middle of the night, their legal immigrant neighbors and family members will help identify and locate them. The paranoia will hopefully cause a lot of them to make their way back home on their own while they can. We'll see.
Have you always believed in exploitation?

They are exploited because they have to fear deportation and are forced to work under the table.
Give those who are working a temporary work Visa and allow them to work for a legal wage with benefits and pay full taxes
The low hanging fruit of criminals and got-a-ways will keep ICE busy for some time to come.

What really needs federal legislation is penalties (including jail time) for the employers of illegals.

I'm talking if Amazon is found hiring illegals, then up to and including Andy Jassy (Amazon CEO) goes to jail.
Or make them pay....15k/ year federal tax for displacing one American citizen and they own the medical bills for the illegal and family members. Watch how fast that shit gets straightened out. You won't need ICE....the IRS will amazingly start popping up with their magic collection tin.
The low hanging fruit of criminals and got-a-ways will keep ICE busy for some time to come.

What really needs federal legislation is penalties (including jail time) for the employers of illegals.

I'm talking if Amazon is found hiring illegals, then up to and including Andy Jassy (Amazon CEO) goes to jail.
Maybe you've noticed that the argument has now migrated (pun intended) from "there's no problem at the border" to "if it weren't for illegals, you couldn't eat".

I will not give one flying fuck when the media shows us gratuitous video of little cheeeelreennnn wailing about being sent back...They were made pawns in a massive invasion and gaslighting campaign...If we should be upset at anyone, it's the same media scum who aided in those acts.
They are exploited because they have to fear deportation and are forced to work under the table.
Give those who are working a temporary work Visa and allow them to work for a legal wage with benefits and pay full taxes
They are, in fact, exploited because the Democrats wanted to give them false hope of entering a country illegally and being told that they will be welcome and always allowed to stay. All for a political ploy for power and a deep desire to exploit the brown person for cheap labor.

Why not just enslave them and be done with it? That is, after all, the lefts mentality with regard to the border jumps who have flooded into this country.
First, tax remittances. Then secure the borders so that the deported can't come back. Deport criminals as they complete sentences. Don't reward them with freedom. Round up and deport all those who are under a deportation order and never left. They aren’t even entitled to a hearing. That's probably four to five million deadwood. Close the shelters. Stop the benefits. Round up the homeless illegals. Any alien that believes he can support himself or herself by committing crimes gets immediately deported.

Deport all those arrested and charged with low level offenses that wouldn't result in incarceration.

This should whittle the problem down to the painful part of deporting criminal aliens that are working and raising families. Employers will hire Americans or pay a fee to the government for every foreign worker they want to hire. They will have to abide by contracts. The employee cannot be fired and become unemployed. The employer must pay all expenses in returning the employee to the country of origin.

This is a good start.
They are, in fact, exploited because the Democrats wanted to give them false hope of entering a country illegally and being told that they will be welcome and always allowed to stay. All for a political ploy for power and a deep desire to exploit the brown person for cheap labor.

Why not just enslave them and be done with it? That is, after all, the lefts mentality with regard to the border jumps who have flooded into this country.
They provide a labor force that is critical for our economy.
Provide documentation to legally work here
They provide a labor force that is critical for our economy.
Provide documentation to legally work here
They can never gain documentation to work here after having jumped the border and entered illegally.

Do you know who else provided a labor force critical to our economy?

Slaves. Specifically, slaves in the south.

It's good you are coming out of the closet.
They can never gain documentation to work here after having jumped the border and entered illegally.

Do you know who else provided a labor force critical to our economy?

Slaves. Specifically, slaves in the south.

It's good you are coming out of the closet.
Not remotely similar
Out of the possible population of 30 million plus that's going to amount to somewhere between one and two million people.
That ^^^ is NOT what trump promised.

You seem to be making excuses for trump before DAY 1, when he promised Massive Deportations.

Us that recognize that trump LIES constantly, realize that he could never fulfill his promises, whereas YOU and the CULT are already prepared to say "That's NOT what he meant" when he can't deliver on his promise.
That ^^^ is NOT what trump promised.

You seem to be making excuses for trump before DAY 1, when he promised Massive Deportations.

Us that recognize that trump LIES constantly, realize that he could never fulfill his promises, whereas YOU and the CULT are already prepared to say "That's NOT what he meant" when he can't deliver on his promise.
I don't give shit about the campaign...
Never did..... You got a problem take it up with Trump.

What I care about is the crime ..
I see Homan getting ready to handle that. Shouldn't wait for Homan it should be getting handled right now but instead the Democrat governors and mayors are protecting the murderers, the rapists and the child molesters.
I've lost track of the number of times that it was claimed that all of the people in this country illegally were going to be rounded up and deported. In reality, it's we will round them all up, if only we could find them.
It was a stupid argument back then too
So, the fact that our economy did just fine without slaves and the fact that our economy will do just fine without the brown person picking our veggies is a stupid argument to you.

Got it. Take care.
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