Real estate market is collapsing in Moscow 🇷🇺 empire . PRICES !

And what about Texas and 2/3 of Mexico?

Wow. Just wow.

You really have no idea about the history of international law.

I'll give you a clue - IT DATES TO AFTER WWII, when countries descided never again.
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No dummy it doesn't.

Justifying invading and annexing Crimea or Donbas territories because someone got shot in Kiev is dumb nonsense.

Nazis murdering 14,000 Russians in Ukraine is > "someone got shot in Kiev". Just plain nonsense
Nazis murdering 14,000 Russians in Ukraine is > "someone got shot in Kiev". Just plain nonsense
You clearly do not understand what you've just said. 14,000 is the total soldiers, millitants and civilians killed between April of 2014 and 2021.

That is not a count of people killed in Kiev during Maidan (most of whom were the protestors).

There were barely any deaths to speak of in Ukraine when Russian soldiers rolled into Crimean Parlament in Feb 2014 to annex Crimea and bloodshed did not start in eastern Donbass untill Russian hybrid forces started taking over Ukranian govenrment buildings in cities like Sloviansk.
You clearly do not understand what you've just said. 14,000 is the total soldiers, millitants and civilians killed between April of 2014 and 2021.

There were barely any deaths to speak of in Ukraine when Russian soldiers rolled into Crimean Parlament in Feb 2014 to annex Crimea and bloodshed did not start in eastern Donbass untill Russian hybrid forces started taking over Ukranian govenrment buildings in cities like Sloviansk.
Of course you need to make up fictional talking points
Of course you need to make up fictional talking points
I've just explained to you simple facts and why what you've posted is pure nonsense.

You saying that it's made up, with absolutely no basis is laughable.

War in Donbas

About 14,000 people were killed in the war: 6,500 Russian and Russian proxy forces, 4,400 Ukrainian forces, and 3,400 civilians on both sides

You know where Kiev is? It's not in Donbas dummy, so when you say that 14,000 people were killed by Nazis in Kiev you just show that you are completely clueless (which explains why you easily fall for stupid Kremlin propaganda)
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Wow. Just wow.

You really have no idea about the history of international laws and treaties.

I'll give you a clue - THEY DATE TO AFTER WWII, when countries descided never again.
Who decided? Russia's official motto is "If necessary we can repeat".
And no, if you want to talk about international laws - you should have not destroy Yugoslavia, Iraq, Libya and Syria in first place. And now there is only one law of Taiga - "When the bear hungry - he eats".
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You clearly do not understand what you've just said. 14,000 is the total soldiers, millitants and civilians killed between April of 2014 and 2021.

That is not a count of people killed in Kiev during Maidan (most of whom were the protestors).

There were barely any deaths to speak of in Ukraine when Russian soldiers rolled into Crimean Parlament in Feb 2014 to annex Crimea and bloodshed did not start in eastern Donbass untill Russian hybrid forces started taking over Ukranian govenrment buildings in cities like Sloviansk.
Thats ok. It is acceptable price. Highly likely, there will be hundreds millions of killed in few next years, when the situation escalate more. And it will be acceptable price, either.
Again you show how cluelss you are. Russia is a singnatory to those post WW2 conventions.
Yep. And the USA were the side who destroyed them and officially declared "No more Yalta, no more Munich". Post-WWII time was ended and pre-WWIII was started.
Nazis murdering 14,000 Russians in Ukraine is > "someone got shot in Kiev". Just plain nonsense

Russia is a paper tiger (sitting on $80 Trillion of resources
The origin of 🇷🇺Moscovy lies in the bloody degradation of Mongolian slavery...
🇷🇺 "semi-Asiatic" menace to "Europe" and "civilization ...
the 🇷🇺 Muscovites. They are not Slavs; they do not belong to the Indo-Germanic race at all, they are des intrus [intruders], who must be chased back across the Dnieper,...

Karl Marx (1856–57/1873)

“Muscovy is an empire. That has never for a moment, not for a moment, wanting to be anything but an empire.”
- Peter Pomerantsev
10 out of 10

Imperial Ambition, Autocracy and the Compulsion to Humiliate Drives Moscow's War

“Muscovy is an empire. That has never for a moment, not for a moment, wanting to be anything but an empire.”
- Peter Pomerantsev
10 out of 10

Imperial Ambition, Autocracy and the Compulsion to Humiliate Drives Moscow's War

Have you packed your bags?

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