Reactions to Terrorist Attacks: A Tale of Differences.


The Big Bad Wolf.
Oct 4, 2010
New York City
Just a sampling of terrorist attacks and how the right and left reacted in this country:

Iran - After decades of enduring the US Puppet, the Iranians rise up and overrun the US embassy. Candidate Reagan stresses that it is a time to allow the President to assess the situation but in secret may have made deals with the hostage takers. After a failed rescue attempt and talks breaking down, the hostages are released less then an hour after Reagan in sworn in as President.

Lebanon - Reagan sends Marines to help calm down the violence taking place in that country. A Marine base is bombed, killing over 250 of them. Reagan pulls out.

9/11 - A group of mostly Saudi Nationals under the leadership of Osama Bin Laden, an ex-CIA funded muj leader who's family has business ties to President George W. Bush's family, in an impossibly ridiculous scheme, slams three planes into expensive American real estate killing several thousand Americans. After making a boilerplate speech about terrorism, the President isn't anywhere to be seen for 3 days. Then in a remarkable speech at the site, rallies the nation behind him. Support for the President is high and the nation wants the terrorists brought to justice. The administration then maps the attacks to Iraq and begins building a case to invade.

Benghazi - After a largely successful operation to oust terrorist Mommar Gaddafi from power in Libya, conservatives go into overdrive to marginalize or criticize the effort. As a whole conservative politicians are engaged in dangerous story telling about the Arab Spring in general that in one particular case puts Secretary of State Hillary Clinton at risk evidence by an attack on her motorcade in Egypt. The US establishes an Embassy in the fledgling nation which is attacked on 9/11. During the attack, Candidate Romney releases press statements that indicate this is a "failure" of President Obama's foreign policy. Intelligence indicates that the attack may have come from a demonstration and the President relates well as calling it an act of terror. Conservatives launch the theory that the President is "lying" and hint that there might be a collusion between the terrorists and the administration.

What the Obama administration has said about the Libya attack -
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Reactions to Terrorist Attacks: A Tale of Differences.'

The Obama Administration lied thru it's collective teeth about the Bengazi terrorist attack to appease the Muslim Brotherhood.

Hell to pay.
State Dept. Email to White House at 6:07 PM on 9/11/12: 'Ansar al-Sharia Claims Responsibility for Benghazi Attack'

The LYING LIARS and their LYING Zombie herd.
CIA Funded assets cause wars for a Republican then a Democrat President?

Where are the "differences"?

Oh yeah, only only in the false Left/Right arguments.
CIA Funded assets cause wars for a Republican then a Democrat President?

Where are the "differences"?

Oh yeah, only only in the false Left/Right arguments.

For the first time in American Presidential Candidate uses a foreign crisis to score political points, while it's on-going.

That sets a very dangerous precedent.
Reactions to Terrorist Attacks: A Tale of Differences.'

The Obama Administration lied thru it's collective teeth about the Bengazi terrorist attack to appease the Muslim Brotherhood.

Hell to pay.

Case in point..

Conservatives launch the theory that the President is "lying" and hint that there might be a collusion between the terrorists and the administration.

And first post in the thread.
Well the major difference becomes:

Conservatives use such events to focus anger at foreign enemies when a President they approve of is in power, and focus anger at the President, when they don't like who's in power.

Liberals rally around the American President, no matter who is in power to get the enemy.
Well the major difference becomes:

Conservatives use such events to focus anger at foreign enemies when a President they approve of is in power, and focus anger at the President, when they don't like who's in power.

Liberals rally around the American President, no matter who is in power to get the enemy.

Brilliant insight!

You guys can claim moral superiority all you want, you're still going to lose. :badgrin:
The conservative reaction from day one to this was "How can we use this against the president?". Contrast that with 9/11 when democrats looked to Bush and said "How can we help?" the partisan bickering all but ceased and he got everything he asked for with full bipartisan support. Republicans are fucking scum when it comes to how terribly conditional their support for the CIC is in times of emergency and the really shitty thing if Romney happens to win is that he too knows he can count on democrats under the same kind of situation.
Well the major difference becomes:

Conservatives use such events to focus anger at foreign enemies when a President they approve of is in power, and focus anger at the President, when they don't like who's in power.

Liberals rally around the American President, no matter who is in power to get the enemy.

Brilliant insight!

You guys can claim moral superiority all you want, you're still going to lose. :badgrin:

Lose what?

It's not "moral superiority"'s about government.

You guys hate government when you aren't the guys in charge. So much so, you are doing things that make it impossible to govern.

When Bush advocated for attacking Iraq, he got a good many Democratic votes. When it was shown that the intelligence that Bush was basing his cause to attack on was not only incorrect..but cherry picked..did Bush or conservatives own up to their mistake? Nope. Quite the opposite..they shared the blame.

This is making it impossible to govern this country. Because if power is not will be taken. Simple as that.
The conservative reaction from day one to this was "How can we use this against the president?". Contrast that with 9/11 when democrats looked to Bush and said "How can we help?" the partisan bickering all but ceased and he got everything he asked for with full bipartisan support. Republicans are fucking scum when it comes to how terribly conditional their support for the CIC is in times of emergency and the really shitty thing if Romney happens to win is that he too knows he can count on democrats under the same kind of situation.


Romney has set up a new precedent that he can never complain about.
The conservative reaction from day one to this was "How can we use this against the president?". Contrast that with 9/11 when democrats looked to Bush and said "How can we help?" the partisan bickering all but ceased and he got everything he asked for with full bipartisan support. Republicans are fucking scum when it comes to how terribly conditional their support for the CIC is in times of emergency and the really shitty thing if Romney happens to win is that he too knows he can count on democrats under the same kind of situation.


Romney has set up a new precedent that he can never complain about.

Yes, the republicans seem to have adopted an attitude towards government that closely resembles a DOS attack by hackers, make it collapse by turning it's machinery against itself for the LULZ while screwing up the maximum number of lives.
The conservative reaction from day one to this was "How can we use this against the president?". Contrast that with 9/11 when democrats looked to Bush and said "How can we help?" the partisan bickering all but ceased and he got everything he asked for with full bipartisan support. Republicans are fucking scum when it comes to how terribly conditional their support for the CIC is in times of emergency and the really shitty thing if Romney happens to win is that he too knows he can count on democrats under the same kind of situation.


Romney has set up a new precedent that he can never complain about.

Yes, the republicans seem to have adopted an attitude towards government that closely resembles a DOS attack by hackers, make it collapse by turning it's machinery against itself for the LULZ while screwing up the maximum number of lives.

or slash and burn politics.
The real tale is that conservatives want answers, while swallow wants to give blow jobs

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