“Ray Epps CLEARLY Was Working for Somebody…The Core Claims About Jan 6 Were a Lie” – Tucker Carlson Discusses the Truth About the Jan 6 Files

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MAGA Macho Man

Diamond Member
Apr 19, 2022
Linear Time
Ray Epps was a fedsurrectionist.

I'm not allowed to post a link to these good people, but Google "Patriot Mail Project" and you'll find one.

They've got the names and addresses of almost all the imprisoned patriots.

Pick two or three (or more, if you've got the time), spend two or three dollars on stamps, take half an hour and send them a note telling them how we -- millions of patriots -- are with them, and maybe about the giant party we'll throw when they get out. Light up their lives for a day.

Read about the restrictions. The Patriot Mail Project discusses them. You can't send books, you can't send a card with decorations... basically all you can do is send letter on plain white paper. But that will make a huge difference.

If you don't want the Enemy getting your home address, you can use the Patriot Mail Project's return address ... they'll forward any replies to you.

There are about 80 million patriots in the US. Really, these guys ought to be getting a hundred letters a day.

Go, on, do it!
I'm not allowed to post a link to these good people, but Google "Patriot Mail Project" and you'll find one.

They've got the names and addresses of almost all the imprisoned patriots.

Pick two or three (or more, if you've got the time), spend two or three dollars on stamps, take half an hour and send them a note telling them how we -- millions of patriots -- are with them, and maybe about the giant party we'll throw when they get out. Light up their lives for a day.

Read about the restrictions. The Patriot Mail Project discusses them. You can't send books, you can't send a card with decorations... basically all you can do is send letter on plain white paper. But that will make a huge difference.

If you don't want the Enemy getting your home address, you can use the Patriot Mail Project's return address ... they'll forward any replies to you.

There are about 80 million patriots in the US. Really, these guys ought to be getting a hundred letters a day.

Go, on, do it!


Thank you.



Thank you.

My pleasure. We should be posting their URL all ove the place. I send it out two or three times a week to 24K people on Twitter. It would be wondrful if the Authorities had to lug heavy mail bags full of letters to each prisoner. (Note, about a 1000 people have been arrested, but only a (largeish) fraction of those are still behind bars. We should concentrate on them.)
My pleasure. We should be posting their URL all ove the place. I send it out two or three times a week to 24K people on Twitter. It would be wondrful if the Authorities had to lug heavy mail bags full of letters to each prisoner. (Note, about a 1000 people have been arrested, but only a (largeish) fraction of those are still behind bars. We should concentrate on them.)

I will certainly do my best, and to donate as well as write letters.

Ray Epps was a fedsurrectionist.


I have nothing but respect for him for pushing back and trying to get to the truth and asking the questions that we all want to ask about the very obvious lies and inconsistency’s being pushed by the government and the left wing media.
Tucker is way more powerful and trustworthy than the media
Clearly, Murdoch's sons knuckled under to Schumer's censorship demands. Demonstrating there is no more freedom of the Press.
The Media Quislings shield Maoist Democrats and refuse to expose any of their corruption. They are the biggest deterrence in shedding daylight on stolen elections because they refuse to report any of it. They are the biggest problem the world has, they control the narrative, disinformation, propaganda and the gas lighting!
Conspiracy theory and what not, also known as real life.

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