"Rational" Republicans Threaten Third-Party if Cheney's Replaced.


Diamond Member
Dec 27, 2009
Los Angeles, California
For those who thought they would never care about who was the third most important House Republican, Liz Cheney's expected ouster from her leadership position has inspired 100 former Republican leaders drop a letter tomorrow (Thursday 5/13) saying if their party does not separate itself from the former president, they will form a third party:
The Whigs Collapsed Over Slavery. Could the GOP Over Trump?

‘Rationals’ vs. ‘radicals’: Anti-Trump Republicans threaten third party

"The letter, headlined: 'A Call For American Renewal,' is an exploratory move toward forming a breakaway party, two of its organizers said.

"The group is dismayed by what it says is a modern Republican Party driven by its allegiance to Trump, who continues to falsely claim the 2020 election was stolen from him..."

"A spokesman for Trump, Jason Miller, said: 'These losers left the Republican Party when they voted for Joe Biden.'

"Evan McMullin, a former chief policy director for the House Republican Conference and an independent presidential candidate in 2016, said if the Republican Party does not reject lies and extremism, part of it 'will have no choice but to part ways with it and build something new. We’re excited about that prospect.'"

Imho, if four years of Biden has the same effect on Democrats as Trump has had on Republicans, the US may finally get rid of its two-party political monopoly.
Good...I'd vote for that party over the two hyper partisans wacko parties.
You're not alone.
Both major parties prioritize their respective donor class, i.e., the richest ten percent of voters:

Political party strength in U.S. states - Wikipedia.

"On December 17, 2020, Gallup polling found that 31% of Americans identified as Democrats, 25% identified as Republican, and 41% as Independent.[3]

"Additionally, polling showed that 50% are either 'Democrats or Democratic leaners' and 39% are either 'Republicans or Republican leaners' when Independents are asked 'do you lean more to the Democratic Party or the Republican Party?'[3"
For those who thought they would never care about who was the third most important House Republican, Liz Cheney's expected ouster from her leadership position has inspired 100 former Republican leaders drop a letter tomorrow (Thursday 5/13) saying if their party does not separate itself from the former president, they will form a third party:
The Whigs Collapsed Over Slavery. Could the GOP Over Trump?

‘Rationals’ vs. ‘radicals’: Anti-Trump Republicans threaten third party

"The letter, headlined: 'A Call For American Renewal,' is an exploratory move toward forming a breakaway party, two of its organizers said.

"The group is dismayed by what it says is a modern Republican Party driven by its allegiance to Trump, who continues to falsely claim the 2020 election was stolen from him..."

"A spokesman for Trump, Jason Miller, said: 'These losers left the Republican Party when they voted for Joe Biden.'

"Evan McMullin, a former chief policy director for the House Republican Conference and an independent presidential candidate in 2016, said if the Republican Party does not reject lies and extremism, part of it 'will have no choice but to part ways with it and build something new. We’re excited about that prospect.'"

Imho, if four years of Biden has the same effect on Democrats as Trump has had on Republicans, the US may finally get rid of its two-party political monopoly.
A real conserv thinks the Bush Cheneys are dick sucking traitors who should burn at the stake
I'll bet she doesn't get replaced. Trump supporters are big on threats but short on results.
All liberal men are very short on results the women tell me....very very short....Cocktail weenie short

I can imagine what you called this cock gobbling whore before this...A cock gobbling whore right. You libturds just use people. No wonder you were all born so physically ugly
All traitors in the GOP

Stand up and ID yourselves....


Every single one of these made a fortune by investing in gold, oil, the long bond, and defense stocks on 910...

And the wealthier these 911 traitors got, the deeper America went into debt.

Dick Cheney was not only one of the worst 911 traitors, but he is also the one who tossed out fiscal conservatism by lying about Reagan and debt. If you care about America, you want America strong and solvent, not weakened and obligated by a galactic sized debt. Dick Cheney never cared about America. Dick Cheney only cared about Israel.

America before w- budget surplus and under $6 trio in debt

America since w, Cheney, and traitor Joe - trillion dollar deficits are the norm and we are $30 trillion in debt and counting

Solution - civil war
The GQP "civil war" lasted about 15 minutes, and Trump won. Now it's up to the lucid members of the party to rip the scab off for the good of the country.

If they form that party, I'll vote for it in support, at least while it's getting started.
Swamp rats in washington and their loyal apologists here on this forum still misunderstand everything about Trump and the movement that swept him into office

And cheney is a good example of that

When biden was declared the winner and trump was forced to leave washington he took with him the shattered hopes and dreams of trump voters

That was the wrong time for entitled assholes like Liz Cheney to gloat and pour salt on their wounds

Or at least it was if she really hoped to unite the party and move on

The vote to impeach trump was a stick in the eye of the repub base

And so was the fist bump with biden

Both were just cheap symbolism

But the resulting shot in the foot to cheney was real
What appears to be ignored in the Liz Cheney thing is the huge difference between disagreeing with President Trump (which ALL Republicans do, from time to time), and using your Republican leadership position to publicly slander the most prominent Republican of the last two generations.

This the Republican equivalent of, let's say, Chuck Schumer coming out and publicly calling Barack Obama the most racially divisive figure in Democrat history. It is perfectly acceptable for him to hold that opinion, or even to share it privately with a couple close associates, but...

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