Ralph Nader: Democrats Retreat Into Cowardly Corporatist Future


Diamond Member
Dec 27, 2009
Los Angeles, California
"MARCH 16, 2021
Perfidy Meets Putty – Congressional Democrats Betray Voters

"Do you remember the promises made by the Democratic Party’s presidential and Congressional candidates on universal health insurance?

"You can forget their pledges and somber convictions now that your votes put the Democrats in charge of the House and the Senate.

"The Democrats’ leaders are abandoning their promises and retreating into a cowardly corporatist future.

"Here is the present scene.

"Leading Democrats, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer, have decided to spend tens of billions of taxpayer dollars to subsidize the giant health insurance companies like Aetna and United Healthcare to 'cover recently laid-off workers and those who purchase their own coverage,' as The New York Times reported."

There are no price restraints on for-profit insurance premiums or restriction on loophole-ridden policies.

The "American Rescue Plan" allows corporate socialist insurers to decide how and whether they pay healthcare bills with co-pays, deductibles or grant waivers, and all of these anti-consumer details are buried in endless, inscrutable fine print.
"MARCH 16, 2021
Perfidy Meets Putty – Congressional Democrats Betray Voters

"Do you remember the promises made by the Democratic Party’s presidential and Congressional candidates on universal health insurance?

"You can forget their pledges and somber convictions now that your votes put the Democrats in charge of the House and the Senate.

"The Democrats’ leaders are abandoning their promises and retreating into a cowardly corporatist future.

"Here is the present scene.

"Leading Democrats, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer, have decided to spend tens of billions of taxpayer dollars to subsidize the giant health insurance companies like Aetna and United Healthcare to 'cover recently laid-off workers and those who purchase their own coverage,' as The New York Times reported."

There are no price restraints on for-profit insurance premiums or restriction on loophole-ridden policies.

The "American Rescue Plan" allows corporate socialist insurers to decide how and whether they pay healthcare bills with co-pays, deductibles or grant waivers, and all of these anti-consumer details are buried in endless, inscrutable fine print.
Democrats are the Party of Corpo-fascism.

It’s hilarious to watch you leftwingers slowly realize the obvious.
"MARCH 16, 2021
Perfidy Meets Putty – Congressional Democrats Betray Voters

"Do you remember the promises made by the Democratic Party’s presidential and Congressional candidates on universal health insurance?

"You can forget their pledges and somber convictions now that your votes put the Democrats in charge of the House and the Senate.

"The Democrats’ leaders are abandoning their promises and retreating into a cowardly corporatist future.

"Here is the present scene.

"Leading Democrats, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer, have decided to spend tens of billions of taxpayer dollars to subsidize the giant health insurance companies like Aetna and United Healthcare to 'cover recently laid-off workers and those who purchase their own coverage,' as The New York Times reported."

There are no price restraints on for-profit insurance premiums or restriction on loophole-ridden policies.

The "American Rescue Plan" allows corporate socialist insurers to decide how and whether they pay healthcare bills with co-pays, deductibles or grant waivers, and all of these anti-consumer details are buried in endless, inscrutable fine print.
Democrats are the Party of Corpo-fascism.

It’s hilarious to watch you leftwingers slowly realize the obvious.
Leftists, real leftists, and those of us paying attention know the D Party is nothing but a fraud. It has been for a long time. Those who adhere to either of the two parties (really duopoly), can’t see this fact.

Since Reagan, the government has followed right wing policies. Ears and Bubba were no exception. Both abandoned their progressive followers to impose corporatist policies. If only wingers could see this fact.
Democrats are the Party of Corpo-fascism.

It’s hilarious to watch you leftwingers slowly realize the obvious.
Did Trump tell you that?

Both major parties serve their richest ten percent of voters at the expense of the majority, but anyone supporting Koch-backed Republicans who claims to be concerned about Democratic perfidy and putty isn't believable:

"MARCH 16, 2021
Perfidy Meets Putty – Congressional Democrats Betray Voters

"Although health care expenditure per capita is higher in the USA than in any other country, more than 37 million Americans do not have health insurance, and 41 million more have inadequate access to care...."

"By contrast, a universal system, such as that proposed in the Medicare for All Act, has the potential to transform the availability and efficiency of American health-care services."
Since Reagan, the government has followed right wing policies. Ears and Bubba were no exception. Both abandoned their progressive followers to impose corporatist policies. If only wingers could see this fact.
It is strange how Americans demand dozens of brands of mouthwash yet settle for two political parties?

50 Ways the Democratic and Republican Parties Are The Same

"Both parties engage in and benefit from gerrymandering, the practice of redrawing district lines for partisan gain.

"In 2010, Republicans invested millions in statewide races to retake state legislatures for the purpose of controlling congressional redistricting.

"Since then, Republicans have created highly gerrymandered maps in states like North Carolina and Virginia.

"Democrats are guilty of gerrymandering as well: Maryland hosts some of the most contorted, gerrymandered districts in the country.

"Gerrymandering is one of the leading reasons that many congressional races are not competitive."
Since Reagan, the government has followed right wing policies. Ears and Bubba were no exception. Both abandoned their progressive followers to impose corporatist policies. If only wingers could see this fact.
It is strange how Americans demand dozens of brands of mouthwash yet settle for two political parties?

50 Ways the Democratic and Republican Parties Are The Same

"Both parties engage in and benefit from gerrymandering, the practice of redrawing district lines for partisan gain.

"In 2010, Republicans invested millions in statewide races to retake state legislatures for the purpose of controlling congressional redistricting.

"Since then, Republicans have created highly gerrymandered maps in states like North Carolina and Virginia.

"Democrats are guilty of gerrymandering as well: Maryland hosts some of the most contorted, gerrymandered districts in the country.

"Gerrymandering is one of the leading reasons that many congressional races are not competitive."
Both parties serve at the behest of the ultra wealthy and big corporations. It’s a terrible scam that harms 90% of Americans, yet most don’t see it. I suspect it will just get worse.
Democrats are the Party of Corpo-fascism.

It’s hilarious to watch you leftwingers slowly realize the obvious.
Did Trump tell you that?

Both major parties serve their richest ten percent of voters at the expense of the majority, but anyone supporting Koch-backed Republicans who claims to be concerned about Democratic perfidy and putty isn't believable:

"MARCH 16, 2021
Perfidy Meets Putty – Congressional Democrats Betray Voters

"Although health care expenditure per capita is higher in the USA than in any other country, more than 37 million Americans do not have health insurance, and 41 million more have inadequate access to care...."

"By contrast, a universal system, such as that proposed in the Medicare for All Act, has the potential to transform the availability and efficiency of American health-care services."
Unfortunately I am not personal friends with President Trump, so no, he didn’t “tell me that”.

Koch is an anti-Trumper, so not sure what point you are trying to make.

President Trump is all about bringing manufacturing jobs back to the US, he did bring back half a million in his first term, when Dems like the Hussein said he would need a “magic wand” to bring them back. This is because he knew it was best for us to stand up to China, something no Democrat will do, nor neocon globalist like the Bushes.

The Dems love these giant corporations, especially the ones that kiss the CCP’s ass in hopes they will be given access to their market and their slave labor. Another reason they love the Corpo-fascists is that these companies openly discriminate against “righties”, something even Dems in the government can’t do. The kickbacks are good, and it destroys the middle class of America. Why create jobs for all those white families when you can just pay a Chinese slave camp?

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