Radical to Regal: Governance/God (United Nations)


VIP Member
Sep 22, 2013
Any sociologist or historian can tell you about the global impact cinema has had on the collective human psyche. Species-symbolic films around the world such as La Dolce Vita (Fellini), Citizen Kane (Welles), Breathless (Godard), and Aparajito (Ray) remind us of the power of imagery in the social matrix.

Movies capture daydreams and are therefore 'totems' of dialogue (and etiquette!). We look at movies to think about our inner-selves as well as our social consciousness.

Since America is the most pluralistic land, Hollywood (USA) has become the beacon for movie-making representative of the concerns of the entire species (arguably).

That's why Hollywood(USA) movies about social trends (America's Sweethearts), public controversy (The People vs. Larry Flynt), and politics (True Colors) reveal our new age interest in networking and sharing complicated thoughts.

When we think of the 'principle' of shared daydreams (e.g., Divorce Court), we realize that governance is wed to passion, since expressiveness in the social matrix creates interest in voting, which is why political campaigns can be so 'entertaining.'

So if this new age of ours is marked by a fascination with disclosure, honesty, sharing, and therefore networking, how do we eulogize 'social propaganda' from the era of Caesar through the era of the United Nations?

Such a question is certainly valuable since we're currently 'negotiating' why TrumpUSA is representative of commercial aesthetics and not consumerism vanities (since Donald Trump was a capitalism-baron, casino-mogul, and celebrity-diplomat). After all, this great 'social network' should not feel...juvenile!



A historian might recount the passionate early days of the Russian Revolution and how the great 'Communist Captain' Lenin aroused Russian people to think 'outside-the-box' and imagine how commerce could be a teamwork-oriented 'mission.' Of course, the USSR plummeted after that into frailties regarding dictatorship-flaws (i.e., Stalinism), economic challenges (i.e., Cold War), and eventual failures to contend with democratic stalwarts (i.e., USA). However, we remember the 'progression' of the early Russian 'radicals' (i.e., Lenin) to the establishment of a Communist 'super-state' martialled by one 'regal' dictator (i.e., Stalin) and we think about the 'nature' of governance (and propaganda) itself!


Americans are Christianity-oriented and new age films explore complex ideas regarding the 'hairy' issues of religion and therefore spirituality. Americans care about democracy and free-speech, so we look at Hollywood (USA) movies about religion (i.e., Agnes of God) as symbolic of a very American interest in disclosure-based propaganda (e.g., WikiLeaks).


American comic book writers likewise opt to focus on themes about terrorism, rebelliousness, and social anarchy to reflect America's peculiar interest in 'negotiating' free-speech with social control --- arguably the greatest 'challenge' of a true democracy. American comic books, particularly Captain America and G.I. Joe: A Real American Hero, focus on the democratic ideals regarding the 'evolution' of leadership, statesmanship, and individual liberties. We look to these social art presentations as public 'symbols' of governance-discourse. Today, diplomats of the United Nations might refer to Captain America in comments about public expressions regarding 'political passion.'


Americans have changed the way they make movies, over and over. There were many 'epochs' in American cinema, and movie historians/scholars may differentiate between these periods by titling the eras as 'The Golden Age of Hollywood' or 'The Silver Age of Hollywood' or even 'The New Age of Hollywood.' Because Hollywood (USA) invests in expressive film-making, the evolution of movie-themes reflects the evolution of democracy-discourse in America. So earlier periods saw films of patriotism-meditation (e.g., Citizen Kane), while this new age of networking-intrigue and publicity-discourse/controversy sees films of privacy-meditation (e.g., Fight Club).


As policies and populations change, so do the demands on the government. We might yearn for radical philosophy-oriented statesmen (e.g., Lenin) to become the 'governance super-figureheads' we craved during moments of forgivable weakness rather than the unbearable dictators we ended up enduring (e.g., Stalin). The challenge of networking-focused modern institutions such as the United Nations therefore becomes a negotiation of aesthetics (e.g., Consumer Reports) with etiquette (e.g., Amnesty International).


Animated films marketed to youngsters and kids offer stories about idealizing the 'destiny' of global networking and technology. If we're to 'idolize' IBM, Samsung, and Apple, we have to be sure that our youngsters believe in the 'beautiful face' of modern ingenuities. That requires an appreciation of how new age leadership is connected to the 'socialization' or 'normalization' of art, which is why censorship is the greatest concern in this era of globalization/discourse.


A meeting at the Security Council of the United Nations might feature a discussion about the development of modern biochemical weapons and how the threat of terrorism makes warfare seem very much like Armageddon. We look to the Security Council for a balanced meditation on the complexities of new age politics and globalization-related fears/concerns. The Trump Administration (USA) is responsible for commerce-idealism in the eyes/minds of many, so how do we balance capitalism with psychiatry?


Stand in front of your bedroom mirror and look at your reflection and ask yourself on this August Sunday (one of the final summer Sundays), "Do I feel good about my daydreams regarding this new 'social network' in America and worldwide?" Before you decide to mindlessly shuffle through your Facebook pages, consider why an American 'terrorism' comic book story about D.C. in panic (e.g., Captain America v Red Skull) represents modernism imagination. After all, isn't leadership/confidence really about...intelligibility? What would U.S. President Donald Trump say? He tweeted today, "Study the late Joseph McCarthy, because we are now in period with Mueller and his gang that make Joseph McCarthy look like a baby! Rigged Witch Hunt!" (Twitter).


The Purple Rope

An analysis of gender-oriented marketing in modern media indicates that humanity is curious about 'philosophical complements' to considerations about the shaping of competitive politics. Women, after all, are considered to be more emotionally mature and hence less emotionally drawn to competitive activities such as warfare. How then should we view the diplomacy-value of U.S. First Lady Melania Trump, arguably a modernism symbol (token?) of consumerism-sophistication (being the wife of celebrity-president Donald Trump)? Is Melania a 'diplomat' of argumentative aesthetics/politics?



Americans prepared for the usual eccentric offerings by the world's top fashion designers/marketers including Calvin Klein, Pierre Cardin, DKNY, Givenchy, and J.Crew. These designs reflected the upcoming autumn harvest season, with its peculiar nods to the colors of the season --- red, rustic-yellows-and-browns, Earthen-colors, orange, dark-green, etc. Market specialists wanted U.S. First Lady Melania Trump to receive invitations to attend fashion-events or answer fan-mail questions. Fashion in the age of commerce could therefore be rather very federal...

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American comic book writers/artists penned gender-iconography avatars/characters such as Marvel's Squirrel-Girl, an obvious nod to Walden-esque naturalism as a backlash to civilization labyrinths (e.g., factories, crowded cities, busy airports, etc.). Squirrel-Girl was the new Wonder Woman (DC Comics), and she spoke to a crowd of fans interested in the enduring legacy of the 'punk-rock politics aesthetic.' Squirrel-Girl could not be interested in First Lady Melania Trump's eco-attitudes, would she? It all depended on how the White House handles personality advertisements...


American female politician (and something of a modern media 'celebrity') Sarah Palin was touring around America that autumn and taking photos while conversing with local townsfolk about the evolution of values in consumerism-culture. Palin would always wear a plaid shirt to represent her political interests in 'naturalism/ruggedness.' This new 'primalism-backlash' trend we saw in comics-art (Squirrel-Girl), we also see in the pedestrian-pulpit (Sarah Palin).


Americans love plaid, and the discussion about the value of fashion and aesthetics in the age of consumerism goes to the deeper question of whether or not commerce should be artistic or merely convenient. Should brand-name clothing/items such as Polo and Band-Aid and Hershey's be 'fun' or simply 'nutritious'? There are no regulatory boards or governing 'bodies' in the world of modern fashion, but seriously, strewn images of models in plaid-shirts complements the flow of trend communication. It's all news...


As we re-present the female figure in aesthetics orientations (e.g., fashion), we arrive at intriguing conclusions regarding the marketability of gender through times of great socio-political change/controversy. The Industrial Revolution was replaced by the Information Age, and now we see all kinds of 'media-based intelligentsia' (e.g., Reuters); our enduring characterization of values, traditionalism, human nature, pornography, and civics is imprinted onto our art and fashions. Wonder Woman (DC Comics) is not the 'queen of the Amazons' (or is she?).


American film-makers have been heavily investing in justice-daydream vigilantism-themed comic book adapted films, and there have been countless ones since the new millennium, including Daredevil, Spider-Man, The Dark Knight, Marvel's Avengers, Wonder Woman, and Catwoman. These films represent this new pedestrian (or 'street') aesthetic catering to a species interest in the swing of the proverbial consciousness pendulum. Wonder Woman's muscular strength and primal background, for example, make her a 'diplomat' of the defense of human liberty (when faced with civilization dictators). Would Melania Trump be disparaged in a media now charmed by DC's Wonder Woman?


Americans are in love with commerce, and when we see photos of wonderful clothing on merchant's/retailer's website, we feel like we're being treated 'royally.' These fashions and postures representative of modern capitalism suggest that mob psychology can re-direct basic instincts (e.g., ambition, sarcasm, vanity, idleness, etc.). The worry is that consumerism will over-feed capitalism, and capitalism will become an empire rather than a republic!


A radial Internet-blogger professing to understand Frantz Fanon while living in America and drinking from consumerism's well might be considered simply a fanatical harmless pedestrian 'poet' pretending to be a vigilante of some kind and claiming to understand some deep truth about the scar of pornography on the face of the eternal censorship debate. Such an 'armchair warrior' is either a modernism diplomat of media-spam or media-graffiti. It all depends on if you find capitalism to be...theatrical!


Artists will continue to celebrate the artistic appeal of lavishly heroic fictional comic book superhumans such as Wonder Woman, Flash, Supergirl, and Batman. Even though DKNY offers interests to LVMH, Givenchy continues to create lines claiming to be completely unlike those of DKNY; in other words, there is sufficient aesthetics competitiveness in 'normal bazaars' to require an intellectual demand for the 'child-like sensibilities' of comic book art/literature/imagery. That's why comic book art remains 'low-brow' in the minds of many. So will sarcasm towards Wonder Woman's 'simple prophecy' rub off on Melania Trump political cartoons (e.g., "Melania is both commercial and fleshy!")?


TRUMP: Fashion is so strange...
CARTER: Consumers want ornaments!
TRUMP: Remember the days of the southern belle?
CARTER: Well, not it's all Runway and Sarah Palin.
TRUMP: The media has offered a variegation in citizenship.
CARTER: Everyone can 'tune in.'
TRUMP: There should be media/TV available in homeless-shelters.
CARTER: We all think valued resources of civilization require allotment.
TRUMP: Are you a fan of Facebook?
CARTER: I like Harper's Bazaar and Nickelodeon.
TRUMP: It's important to keep-pace with media imaginariums (for our kids!).
CARTER: That's the 'veiled passion' of some of the messages of Sarah Palin.
TRUMP: Do you think Palin benefits from the prestige of First Lady Melania?
CARTER: It's strange how the camera can 'shape' social consciousness.
TRUMP: Well, people feel 'close-to-the-action' thanks to video...
CARTER: Censorship continues to be the most hairy issue!
TRUMP: Perhaps I'll consider watching The Ellen DeGeneres Show.
CARTER: Globalization/commerce will change political hierarchies.



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