Radical Islam and the bomb !!


Diamond Member
Jul 16, 2011
Inside your head.
It's a bright Monday morning and you are on your way to work . Traffic is gridlocked in the major port city you live in ....The kids are in school and your spouse is still in bed after the night shift she just pulled at the plant ..For the past few Yrs things have been going well after one of the worst recessions in American history .After being laid off from the docs for nearly 2 yrs forcing your wife to seek employment going back to work unloading cargo has really been a Godsend.The bills are getting paid ,there's plenty of food on the table and the bank account is growing once again . You're thinking maybe it's time to surprise the misses and tell her with the promotion to foreman coming up you will make enough money so that she can quit here job and go to college to study nursing !! With the radio playing an old classic Billy Joel song and the beautiful view of the gulf of Mexico dominating the view out of your drivers side window nothing could ruin the optimism you have for the future !! While Still about a mile and a half from the ship yard the air is so clear and clean that on the horizon you can just make out the top of a giant crane used to unload cargo from one of the many ships that sail into and out of the port every day of the week ...And then out of nowhere a flash brighter than the sun fills the skyline in front of you !!Luckily you are wearing dark sunglasses to protect your eyes ,but the light is still so bright that you pull quickly to the side of the road ...all of this takes place in about 4 seconds .Still confused about what just happened you look in the direction that weird flash came from.....And you stare in shock at the gigantic mushroom cloud rising in front of you !!........And then the wind picks up, and as you stare in horror you can actually see the shock wave racing towards you evident by the palm trees bursting into flames and being uprooted by an invisible wave of super heated air !! Your last thoughts are she was going to go to nursing school ........
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It's a bright Monday morning and you are on your way to work . Traffic is gridlocked in the major port city you live in ....The kids are in school and your spouse is still in bed after the night shift she just pulled at the plant ..For the past few Yrs things have been going well after one of the worst recessions in American history .After being laid off from the docs for nearly 2 yrs forcing your wife to seek employment going back to work unloading cargo has really been a Godsend.The bills are getting paid ,there's plenty of food on the table and the bank account is growing once again . You're thinking maybe it's time to surprise the misses and tell her with the promotion to foreman coming up you will make enough money so that she can quit here job and go to college to study nursing !! With the radio playing an old classic Billy Joel song and the beautiful view of the gulf of Mexico dominating the view out of your drivers side window nothing could ruin the optimism you have for the future !! While Still about a mile and a half from the ship yard the air is so clear and clean that on the horizon you can just make out the top of a giant crane used to unload cargo from one of the many ships that sail into and out of the port every day of the week ...And then out of nowhere a flash brighter than the sun fills the skyline in front of you !!Luckily you are wearing dark sunglasses to protect your eyes ,but the light is still so bright that you pull quickly to the side of the road ...all of this takes place in about 4 seconds .Still confused about what just happened you look in the direction that weird flash came from.....And you stare in shock at the gigantic mushroom cloud rising in front of you !!........And then the wind picks up, and as you stare in horror you can actually see the shock wave racing towards you evident by the palm trees bursting into flames and being uprooted by an invisible wave of super heated air !! Your last thoughts are she was going to go to nursing school ........
As far fetched as this nightmare scenario may seem to many, the danger is very real !! This is the dream of radical Islamist across the world !! While it is virtually impossible for a foreign country to launch a nuclear warhead and striking the US It is much easier to smuggle one aboard a cargo ship !! The suicide atomic bomber is no more dead than the run of the mill suicide bomber that pulls the pin on an explosive vest !! With the advance in technology it is not a matter of if , but when this horror is going to take place !!
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Sorry bout that,

1. I can see this as being possible.
2. But just what are we doing to prevent it?
3. I know what I would be doing if *CWN* was *The President*.

Sorry bout that,

1. I can see this as being possible.
2. But just what are we doing to prevent it?
3. I know what I would be doing if *CWN* was *The President*.

the only way to stop it is preemptive war by the west against the religion of Islam !!
If it happened, it is unlikely to happen the way it is outlined in the OP. It's much harder to trigger a nuke than one would think.

It is, however, more likely to be a dirty bomb. Not so dramatic, but seriously deadly. In fact, our security services have - on at least one occasion - intercepted the components for such a devise coming into the United States.

Hysterical over dramatization, such as that of the OP, is ridiculous. But that does not mean that there is not a very real threat to our country.
If it happened, it is unlikely to happen the way it is outlined in the OP. It's much harder to trigger a nuke than one would think.

It is, however, more likely to be a dirty bomb. Not so dramatic, but seriously deadly. In fact, our security services have - on at least one occasion - intercepted the components for such a devise coming into the United States.

Hysterical over dramatization, such as that of the OP, is ridiculous. But that does not mean that there is not a very real threat to our country.

Ya'all dropped two on us already
The 1966 Palomares B-52 crash or Palomares incident occurred on January 17, 1966, when a B-52G bomber of the USAF Strategic Air Command collided with a KC-135 tanker during mid-air refuelling at 31,000 feet (9,450 m) over the Mediterranean Sea, off the coast of Spain. The KC-135 was completely destroyed when its fuel load ignited, killing all four crew members. The B-52G broke apart, killing three of the seven crew members aboard.[1]

Of the four Mk28 type hydrogen bombs the B-52G carried,[2] three were found on land near the small fishing village of Palomares in the municipality of Cuevas del Almanzora, Almería, Spain. The non-nuclear explosives in two of the weapons detonated upon impacting the ground, resulting in the contamination of a 2-square-kilometer (490-acre) (0.78 square mile) area by radioactive plutonium.
1966 Palomares B-52 crash - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
If it happened, it is unlikely to happen the way it is outlined in the OP. It's much harder to trigger a nuke than one would think.

It is, however, more likely to be a dirty bomb. Not so dramatic, but seriously deadly. In fact, our security services have - on at least one occasion - intercepted the components for such a devise coming into the United States.

Hysterical over dramatization, such as that of the OP, is ridiculous. But that does not mean that there is not a very real threat to our country.
now that the left is allowing Iran to continue to develop a nuclear arsenal, I think the Iranian government will be able develop a user friendly triggering device and train a suicide bomber on how to detonate it !!
If it happened, it is unlikely to happen the way it is outlined in the OP. It's much harder to trigger a nuke than one would think.

It is, however, more likely to be a dirty bomb. Not so dramatic, but seriously deadly. In fact, our security services have - on at least one occasion - intercepted the components for such a devise coming into the United States.

Hysterical over dramatization, such as that of the OP, is ridiculous. But that does not mean that there is not a very real threat to our country.
now that the left is allowing Iran to continue to develop a nuclear arsenal, I think the Iranian government will be able develop a user friendly triggering device and train a suicide bomber on how to detonate it !!

The problem is not the trigger device but the materials needed to build such a bomb. The left ruined the centrifuges of the Iranians with a worm.

U.S.-Israel Tested Worm Linked to Iran's Atom Woes, Report Says

Read more: http://www.foxnews.com/scitech/2011...ted-worm-linked-iran-atom-woes/#ixzz1Xdl0Qgbe

Again Ydnar, the ass spelunker, is not up to snuff with current events in the world.
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If it happened, it is unlikely to happen the way it is outlined in the OP. It's much harder to trigger a nuke than one would think.

It is, however, more likely to be a dirty bomb. Not so dramatic, but seriously deadly. In fact, our security services have - on at least one occasion - intercepted the components for such a devise coming into the United States.

Hysterical over dramatization, such as that of the OP, is ridiculous. But that does not mean that there is not a very real threat to our country.
now that the left is allowing Iran to continue to develop a nuclear arsenal, I think the Iranian government will be able develop a user friendly triggering device and train a suicide bomber on how to detonate it !!

I suggest you find out more about the topic before you start overly dramatic threads about it. Just an idea.

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