Racism & politics in todays political discourse

Remodeling Maidiac

Diamond Member
Jun 13, 2011
Kansas City
Many presidents have come and gone without so much as a blip on the racial radar. Very few accusations or talks of racism in years past. But now its the talk of the town, EVERY DAY. Why?

Wasn't Obama supposed to have been the post racial president? McCain refused to let his staff go negative or even bring up Obamas publicly known past in an attempt to take the high road and be part of that post racial reality. Yet here we are.

Nearly every thread contains accusations of racism. Most political punditry shows on TV contain some kind of reference to racism. Why?

I just don't get it at all. I am white. My best friend growing up was black. He went off to the army and is still there for all I know. I went off to jail and lived as the minority there for 3 years. I hold no feelings of any kind in a derogatory manner towards any other race. Yet despite my past and reality I've been called a racist more times since Obamas election than I was called "cracka" in prison for 3 years. Why?

What is wrong with you people? And that's not racial! I ment lefties but apparently now certain terms are racially charged that never were before Obama. Why?

I am a republican yet when Obama won I accepted his victory and put hope in his rhetoric. I wanted him to be what he claimed because if he would have been our country could have made great leaps forward. I literally tried to believe in his hope and change montra. Yet here we are and I am now commonly accused of racism. Why?

I'm sick of it. The term is so frequently tossed about that those who actually suffer the effects of real racism aren't believed. I'm beginning to think that this tactic of the left has gotten to the point that it may actually start to cause real racism on the part of the people who have been pounded by the accusation.

It's become a poison to our society. Young adults and children hear this drumbeat and are convinced people are racists even though they have no clue what real racism is. Mr King would be ashamed of where we are IMO.

Rational thoughts?
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White folks have to get over the word "racist", just as black folks have to get over the word "******"
wilson was probably the biggest racist president. ...showed that KKK movie at the white house etc. FDR close 2nd with his open hatred toward the asian race.
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White folks have to get over the word "racist", just as black folks have to get over the word "******"

Whites use racial slurs as personal insults

Liberals accuse racism as a means to personal and political advancement.

Two entirely different reasons and outcomes. If I call someone the n word it stops there. If the left accuse racism it spreads like wildfire with negative outcomes.
Whites use racial slurs as personal insults

Liberals accuse racism as a means to personal and political advancement.

Two entirely different reasons and outcomes. If I call someone the n word it stops there. If the left accuse racism it spreads like wildfire with negative outcomes.
This makes no sense whatsoever.

It is a fact that there is a significant racist element found on the right with regard to Obama; there are a significant number of white conservatives who are angry a black man is president.

Now, do they constitute a majority of the right? Are they representative of conservatives in general?

Of course not.

But when the left points out and objects to what are clear examples of racism, they’re accused of ‘playing the race card,’ or using race for ‘personal and political advancement,’ as if they’re required to stay silent about the actual racism they see.

The right should stop being so hyper-sensitive about racism, and work to eradicate it from their midst.

Obviously a majority of conservatives are angry a democrat is president, regardless his race.
Whites use racial slurs as personal insults

Liberals accuse racism as a means to personal and political advancement.

Two entirely different reasons and outcomes. If I call someone the n word it stops there. If the left accuse racism it spreads like wildfire with negative outcomes.
This makes no sense whatsoever.

It is a fact that there is a significant racist element found on the right with regard to Obama; there are a significant number of white conservatives who are angry a black man is president.

Now, do they constitute a majority of the right? Are they representative of conservatives in general?

Of course not.

But when the left points out and objects to what are clear examples of racism, they’re accused of ‘playing the race card,’ or using race for ‘personal and political advancement,’ as if they’re required to stay silent about the actual racism they see.

The right should stop being so hyper-sensitive about racism, and work to eradicate it from their midst.

Obviously a majority of conservatives are angry a democrat is president, regardless his race.

It's hard not to be Hyper sensitive after a few years now, Of constantly being called a racist simply because I don't agree with Obama's Policies.

Nobody is denying there is a Racist Element, but can you deny that some on the left have abused the word Racists, and used it over and over, when it was not really applicable. Just for Political Gain?

Oh and as a Conservative I am not so much Angry a Democrat is President, I am Angry a Left wing Democrat, who had almost no experience for the job, Is president. I think it is kind of sad, that such an Unqualified Candidate won with the help of a whole lot of people who voted for him simply because he was Black, and they wanted to be part of History.

I sincerely wish the First Black President had been more of a practical Centrist, and not such a Partisan hack. Now the Real Racists who are among us, will point and say look what happened the last time we elected a Black man. As if Obama's Skin Color has anything to do with his Failures.
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Whites use racial slurs as personal insults

Liberals accuse racism as a means to personal and political advancement.

Two entirely different reasons and outcomes. If I call someone the n word it stops there. If the left accuse racism it spreads like wildfire with negative outcomes.
This makes no sense whatsoever.

It is a fact that there is a significant racist element found on the right with regard to Obama; there are a significant number of white conservatives who are angry a black man is president.

Now, do they constitute a majority of the right? Are they representative of conservatives in general?

Of course not.

But when the left points out and objects to what are clear examples of racism, they’re accused of ‘playing the race card,’ or using race for ‘personal and political advancement,’ as if they’re required to stay silent about the actual racism they see.

The right should stop being so hyper-sensitive about racism, and work to eradicate it from their midst.

Obviously a majority of conservatives are angry a democrat is president, regardless his race.

Sorry... but having been married to a woman of a different race than my own, I get a little perturbed when someone calls me a racist without anything to back it up, other than the fact I am a conservative.
I sincerely wish the First Black President had been more of a practical Centrist, and not such a Partisan hack. Now the Real Racists who are among us, will point and say look what happened the last time we elected a Black man. As if Obama's Skin Color has anything to do with his Failures.

I figured that I should vote for Obama to teach the blacks that one of theirs would be as bad as all the rest
It's quite difficult to say why you are accused of racism without some examples of things you've said that lead to accusations of racism. Certainly, some people who aren't racist are accused of racism. I'm a little troubled by the apparent assumption that the explanation for why you are accused of racism has nothing to do with your own actions.

I'm also not sure that false accusations of racism are currently a tactic primarily of the left. Many of Glenn Beck's comments about Obama, and the Shirley Sherrod episode spring to mind as examples where members of the right have used charges of racism. The most memorable episode where prominent members of the left accused members of the right of racism was sufficiently well-documented that it appeared in reputable news sources ('Tea party' protesters accused of spitting on lawmaker, using slurs).

Was Obama supposed to be the post-racial President? Some prominent people said so, but I always thought that was ridiculous, and I don't think most people took it that seriously.

Finally, I disagree with your suggestion that young people today don't know what "real racism" is. When racism was largely banished from our laws essential human nature didn't change. People are still racist, it has just become unpopular to be explicitly racist.
It's quite difficult to say why you are accused of racism without some examples of things you've said that lead to accusations of racism.

I am talking more about the Blanket accusations a lot of people on the left made during the campaign, and during the debate about things like Obamacare, and the stimulus. As well as the Blanket statements being made about the Tea Party based on a few signs at a rally a year ago.

As well as those in here who constantly say we only oppose things Obama does because he is Black, That is calling us racist and there are several Regular Posters in here that inevitably go back to that line.

Obama could be the whitest man on earth, and I would still say he is an utter failure and needs to be fired. His Policies and what I see as an ultra Partisan Divisive style of governing he has are what I hate, Not the man or his Race.

Hell Obama himself basically called everyone who Opposed him a racist when he said the famous line "they'll say I have a funny name, He doesn't look like most presidents on the Dollar bill, and oh did I mention he was black".

It grows tiring.
I figured that I should vote for Obama to teach the blacks that one of theirs would be as bad as all the rest

Considering 84% of Blacks in the latest poll still say they approve of his job performance so far. I am thinking the lesson might be lost on them. Who can blame them, the Liberal Press and the Democrats will tell them it was racism that defeated Obama if he loses, and not his own Short comings as a leader.
Was Obama supposed to be the post-racial President? Some prominent people said so, but I always thought that was ridiculous, and I don't think most people took it that seriously.
I happen to agree, But Obama did tell us he would bring change to Washington, and less Partisanship. His Speech before Congress last week, was a shining example of how much BS that promise was.

Finally, I disagree with your suggestion that young people today don't know what "real racism" is. When racism was largely banished from our laws essential human nature didn't change. People are still racist, it has just become unpopular to be explicitly racist.

That's just it. Yes Racism exists today, but it is not Popular to be racist anymore. I Imagine it was much harsher in the day, to experience Racism when it was Popular to be Racist. It was institutionalized. It was everywhere. I believe that is what he means that they don't know what real racism is. Because while Racism does still exist, it has rightly been driven into the Shadows, and called out for the Evil that it is.

I was graced with a Father who was raised to be a racist, and rejected it. He use to tell me all the time about how Racist his Father was, and how important it was to him that he, and his kids not be that way. I am assuming there are Millions more out there like me, because Clearly racism is much less wide spread today than it was back then.
As long as you have democrats, while real racism can be dead and buried, "racism" will always exist because they need it as a tool for political gain......
Both sides have racism. Yidnar, Rabbi, CF, etc. etc. but the bottom line is, it's not really prevalent any more and you wouldn't have to walk too far to have friends in denouncing it.
Whites use racial slurs as personal insults

Liberals accuse racism as a means to personal and political advancement.

Two entirely different reasons and outcomes. If I call someone the n word it stops there. If the left accuse racism it spreads like wildfire with negative outcomes.
This makes no sense whatsoever.

It is a fact that there is a significant racist element found on the right with regard to Obama; there are a significant number of white conservatives who are angry a black man is president.

Now, do they constitute a majority of the right? Are they representative of conservatives in general?

Of course not.

But when the left points out and objects to what are clear examples of racism, they’re accused of ‘playing the race card,’ or using race for ‘personal and political advancement,’ as if they’re required to stay silent about the actual racism they see.

The right should stop being so hyper-sensitive about racism, and work to eradicate it from their midst.

Obviously a majority of conservatives are angry a democrat is president, regardless his race.

Define significant.

If you want to preach at the right about racism you should make sure your own house is clean first. The left has racists all over the place, they just get away with it because they feel guilty, and some of their best friends are black.

By the way, most conservatives were willing to give Obama a chance, despite the fact that he is a Democrat. The problem is he also proved to be totally incompetent, and never even tried to do his job.

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