Racer Film: DiCaprio/Maguire (Spielberg Proselytes)


VIP Member
Sep 22, 2013
Speed Racer has been already adapted into a 2008 film, but perhaps a Spielberg film adaptation of the iconic adventurous but ethical race-car driver might be very appealing to modern audiences.

Movie-star Leo DiCaprio has portrayed 'carriage-characters' in the films The Aviator and Titanic and just might be the right celebrity to portray the 'Big-Brother' Speed Racer character Racer-X (a superior racer who helps the titular hero stay on track). Leo's buddy Tobey Maguire might be the right stay to play the titular hero Speed Racer and perhaps the offbeat but popular actress Winona Ryder can be cast as Speed's cheerful girlfriend Trixie.

That's the rumor among Speed Racer fans, and Spielberg conceptualizing such a film might hit the right note for modern age social interests about competitive labyrinths (e.g., NASCAR). We've already seen the cinematic appeal of race-car culture for new age audiences interested in capitalism-consciousness (e.g., Tom Cruise's Days of Thunder).

Consider a Spielberg adaptation of Speed Racer set in the German Autobahn (the terrific stretch of highway set for more liberal speeding and fast-driving). That's what the film-gossip gurus are suggesting.

Incidentally, DiCaprio is linked to an electric-car eco-conscious race initiative (but we know of Leo's involvement in eco-activism).

Is Spielberg the modern-day Robert Louis Stevenson?



Spielberg's film sets are always engaging for all the members of the company, including the actors eager to portray special characters like Frank Abagnale, Jr. and Indiana Jones.


Speed Racer was a Japanese character from anime but was introduced to American audiences and then adapted into a 2008 live-action computer-graphics dazzling film starring John Goodman. Speed Racer memorabilia and fanfare represent a social fascination with raceway aesthetics and is a kid-friendly rendition of Bobby Deerfield (Al Pacino). Speed and his girlfriend Trixie are terrific racing diplomats for competition ethics and therefore 'capitalism diplomats.'


DiCaprio would make the ideal Racer-X and Leo's friend/actor Tobey Maguire would make an ideal Speed; Tobey has already portrayed the Marvel hero Spider-Man. The dynamic between Speed and Racer-X is one of guardianship, guidance, and brotherly love. Racer-X is much more seasoned and skilled but he helps his little brother Speed steal the show and spread good racing cheer to all race-car fans.


Everyone would want to see Winona Ryder portray Speed's cheering girlfriend Trixie. Winona has been in iconic artsy films like Beetlejuice, Edward Scissorhands, and Autumn in New York, and a portrayal of Trixie might highlight her career in theme-rich film-making.


Speed Racer art and fanfare represents a specific audience interest in elegant lines, playful doodling, and speedway youthfulness, which is why comic book fans in Japan and America alike consider Speed Racer a consciousness-symbolic franchise. Everyone has their own 'imaginarium-interpretation' of Speed Racer, just as a colorful comic book hero like Green Lantern (DC Comics) might come with his own 'fanfare-personalization.'


Racer-X is the "Big Brother" of Speed and DiCaprio/Maguire would make the right on-screen buddy-chemistry duo to portray the brotherly racers. Spielberg inserting these two brothers racing on the German Autobahn with, say, German and American spies and even anti-Western terrorists/saboteurs might hit the right notes about modernism 'politics-imaginative' storytelling. Since the 2008 film came 10 years ago, fans want to see another installation or a remake.


DiCaprio can play mature characters, and he's done that in The Revenant and Marvin's Room, so we could see why Leo playing Racer-X would represent a terrific cinematic achievement for Spielberg.


Spielberg is creative and inventive, so perhaps he'd want to throw in an overseeing wicked witch who tries to add more monkey-wrenches into the Autobahn race involving Speed, Racer-X, and various spies/terrorists. Such a 'wicked-witch' character would offer a Speed Racer adaptation/remake a nice 'conceptual twist.' That seems to be something Spielberg would want to doodle.


Speed Racer storyboards, animation, characterization, and of course, race aesthetics represent an idealized form of capitalism analogy oriented storytelling and it's appealing to multiple age groups (especially kids!). For this new age of video-came consciousness, Speed Racer is the ideal diplomat of 'competitive consciousness.'


I'm not trying to sell Speed Racer, Spielberg, or DiCaprio and the Autobahn, but seriously, the Autobahn should remind us 'modernites' of the complexity of capitalism, traffic, globalization consciousness, and of course eco-pollution (greenhouse emissions). A Spielberg Speed Racer adaptation is the right presentation of modernism 'folklore.'


Speed Racer video-games offer fans and aficionados nice 'windows' into modernism aesthetics. If Spielberg does not end up making such a film, we'd still want more video-games to celebrate raceway-aesthetics in the modern world. Besides, you can never have too much race-car/racing media in modern entertainment(!).


"It looks like this Autobahn race will be something for the ages. Fortunately, Speed will be aided and guided by his big brother Racer-X, and Trixie is along for the incredible journey. There are rumors that German and American intelligence agents will be on hand working undercover and trying to intercept possible terrorist-agents trying to capitalized on this media-publicized event on the internationals stage. The cars are geared and ready, and the crowds have gathered for what will no doubt be a 'spiritual' experience. Go Speed!"



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