Race and the Right

William Joyce

Chemotherapy for PC
Jan 23, 2004
National Review contributor John Derbyshire discusses conservative fears of discussing race.


Meanwhile, among nonblack Americans, a rigorous and intolerant ideology of “anti-racism” has grown up. The opinions a nonblack American has, or more precisely voices, about race are now a major in-group (I mean, among fellow nonblacks) status marker.

Let me just elaborate on that a little. Modern neuroscience perceives the human brain as a modular structure, different modules performing different functions. Since humans are quintessentially social animals, much of the brain is given over to processing social information. A big part of this information concerns in-group status. We need to be constantly evaluating, and re-evaluating, the status of ourselves and others in the various groups we belong to. A mistake in this respect can be fatal—as, for example, in the case of an undersized low-status male foolishly challenging one of the group’s alpha males. Evolution has a way of weeding these things out. Some neuroscientists have postulated an entire module of the brain given over to these highly important issues of in-group status evaluation.

Among American nonblacks in the present age, being known to have “incorrect” opinions about race results in catastrophic loss of status.
National Review contributor John Derbyshire discusses conservative fears of discussing race.


Meanwhile, among nonblack Americans, a rigorous and intolerant ideology of “anti-racism” has grown up. The opinions a nonblack American has, or more precisely voices, about race are now a major in-group (I mean, among fellow nonblacks) status marker.

Let me just elaborate on that a little. Modern neuroscience perceives the human brain as a modular structure, different modules performing different functions. Since humans are quintessentially social animals, much of the brain is given over to processing social information. A big part of this information concerns in-group status. We need to be constantly evaluating, and re-evaluating, the status of ourselves and others in the various groups we belong to. A mistake in this respect can be fatal—as, for example, in the case of an undersized low-status male foolishly challenging one of the group’s alpha males. Evolution has a way of weeding these things out. Some neuroscientists have postulated an entire module of the brain given over to these highly important issues of in-group status evaluation.

Among American nonblacks in the present age, being known to have “incorrect” opinions about race results in catastrophic loss of status.

As it should. Nothing good results from bigotry. America has made a lot of progress, but there is still a long way to go. I would venture that most Americans still have certain 'feelings' about other races, but they keep them quietly hidden. These hidden prejudices keep alive the class division and racial tension that exists in this nation. Tolerating prejudice and racism would be a step back for America; we need to keep moving foreword.
As it should. Nothing good results from bigotry. America has made a lot of progress, but there is still a long way to go. I would venture that most Americans still have certain 'feelings' about other races, but they keep them quietly hidden. These hidden prejudices keep alive the class division and racial tension that exists in this nation. Tolerating prejudice and racism would be a step back for America; we need to keep moving foreword.

I agree. I just wish racists among other racial groups were treated the same way.

Let's get to the point where people dont look at each oher and see race. Its just pointless.
As it should. Nothing good results from bigotry. America has made a lot of progress, but there is still a long way to go. I would venture that most Americans still have certain 'feelings' about other races, but they keep them quietly hidden. These hidden prejudices keep alive the class division and racial tension that exists in this nation. Tolerating prejudice and racism would be a step back for America; we need to keep moving foreword.

No, it's all wrong. Yeah, racism is bad...WE GET IT! However, non-whites seem unable to be guilty of racism while a white person is racist if he recognizes the inherent differences in the races or dares dislike any part of a non-white culture.
Nothing good results from bigotry.

Plenty good results from bigotry. People avoid getting their asses kicked in Harlem... by avoiding it. And on for days. Need more? Just ask. In another era, it was called common sense.

Racist: a person who says what everyone else thinks.
National Review contributor John Derbyshire discusses conservative fears of discussing race.


Meanwhile, among nonblack Americans, a rigorous and intolerant ideology of “anti-racism” has grown up. The opinions a nonblack American has, or more precisely voices, about race are now a major in-group (I mean, among fellow nonblacks) status marker.

Let me just elaborate on that a little. Modern neuroscience perceives the human brain as a modular structure, different modules performing different functions. Since humans are quintessentially social animals, much of the brain is given over to processing social information. A big part of this information concerns in-group status. We need to be constantly evaluating, and re-evaluating, the status of ourselves and others in the various groups we belong to. A mistake in this respect can be fatal—as, for example, in the case of an undersized low-status male foolishly challenging one of the group’s alpha males. Evolution has a way of weeding these things out. Some neuroscientists have postulated an entire module of the brain given over to these highly important issues of in-group status evaluation.

Among American nonblacks in the present age, being known to have “incorrect” opinions about race results in catastrophic loss of status.

I don't know WJ, I looked at the article along with what you have here, and I think it's all a very good example of liberal psycho-babble.
Ha! Derbyshire likes that stuff, but I'm OK with him. He's one of the few mainstream conservative writers who at least tries to think through issues of racial difference, Jewish influence and so on. Most just go hysterical with screams of 'racist' or 'anti-Semite.'

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