Question to Democrats- do you think it’s racist to say that labor is exploited in Africa?


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
May 12, 2022
Gotta wonder how many democrats believe it is racist to state the fact that there are many corrupt black African business people who are ruining the lives of people in Africa. As we know, there is poverty all over Africa. Part of it could be blamed on Rich western corporations taking advantage of the situations, but some portion of the blame also goes to local African businessman who partake in the corruption.

of course, for sometime now there has been a portion of Democrats or left wingers who believe it is racist to state the fact that poverty is a problem in Africa. Democrats will say it is the white man’s fault or Europe’s fault historically that there are struggles in Africa today.

And that is a really interesting situation because the masses of people in Africa, the masses of Muslims and Christians of Africa are good people who want better leader ship they want to make their countries a better place. They’re the ones trying to tell the world that they want the western countries to call out the corruption in Africa, they want the populations of the western countries to keep on calling out the corrupt western corporations who take advantage of slave labor in Africa. But yet it is the far left wing populations of America and of the west, who think it’s racist to suggest that Africa has corruption and humans rights issues.

So we could all do better as Americans, Democrats and Republicans can take care of this issue. I do put the question to Democrats, because historically speaking the Democrats have taken a stand for the workingman. So let’s see where they stand on this one because Democrats have taken a stand for the workingman not only in America, but all throughout the world. Unfortunately today’s Democrats talk way too much about white supremacy in the USA which is a non issue. So let’s see how they tackle this issue …. the issue is corruption in Africa and what we can do as Americans about this issue.
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Gotta wonder how many democrats believe it is racist to state the fact that there are many corrupt black African business people who are ruining the lives of people in Africa. As we know, there is poverty all over Africa. Part of it could be blamed on Rich western corporations taking advantage of the situations, but some portion of the blame also goes to local African businessman who partake in the corruption.

of course, for sometime now there has been a portion of Democrats or left wingers who believe it is racist to state the fact that poverty is a problem in Africa. Democrats will say it is the white man’s fault or Europe’s fault historically that there are struggles in Africa today.

And that is a really interesting situation because the masses of people in Africa, the masses of Muslims and Christians of Africa are good people who want better leader ship they want to make their countries a better place. They’re the ones trying to tell the world that they want the western countries to call out the corruption in Africa, they want the populations of the western countries to keep on calling out the corrupt western corporations who take advantage of slave labor in Africa. But yet it is the far left wing populations of America and of the west, who think it’s racist to suggest that Africa has corruption and humans rights issues.

So we could all do better as Americans, Democrats and Republicans can take care of this issue. I do put the question to Democrats, because historically speaking the Democrats have taken a stand for the workingman. So let’s see where they stand on this one because Democrats have taken a stand for the workingman not only in America, but all throughout the world. Unfortunately today’s Democrats talk way too much about white supremacy in the USA which is a non issue. So let’s see how they tackle this issue …. the issue is corruption in Africa and what we can do as Americans about this issue.
Africa has been an exploited mess for hundreds of years. We get to see the carnage on TV in one of the continent's countries every single week. After a while, people either become numb to it, or ask that something be done about it.
Yes, Africa's nations breed corruption...but that is largely the product of the exploitation that has occurred over the centuries. Money or resources are offered, money and resources are taken. The little people, the weak, the poor, get crushed in the process.
What can be done about it? As the United States of America?..very little. In conjunction with organizations like the United Nations? Could be a lot..but there is no political will in this country to make that happen.

Oh, and by the way, white supremacy has been an issue in this country for decades. It just hasn't got the exposure it has over the last decade or so.
Were you taught about Black Wall Street in grade school and middle school?...I wasn't.
Africa has been an exploited mess for hundreds of years. We get to see the carnage on TV in one of the continent's countries every single week. After a while, people either become numb to it, or ask that something be done about it.
Yes, Africa's nations breed corruption...but that is largely the product of the exploitation that has occurred over the centuries. Money or resources are offered, money and resources are taken. The little people, the weak, the poor, get crushed in the process.
What can be done about it? As the United States of America?..very little. In conjunction with organizations like the United Nations? Could be a lot..but there is no political will in this country to make that happen.

Oh, and by the way, white supremacy has been an issue in this country for decades. It just hasn't got the exposure it has over the last decade or so.
Were you taught about Black Wall Street in grade school and middle school?...I wasn't.

An argument can be made that Africa as a whole had more success in the middle ages or the ancient time compared to today. The question is what can America do to help poor African nations achieve more success today .

Most Americans were taught about successful black Americans throughout our countries history , so I would disagree with you on that point. To your point, the fact that Black Lives Matter exists in America, the fact that Democrat politicians say that white privilege exists and that politicians including Republicans in America try to divide us by race is a embarrassment. We should be using that time to make our country’s middle class stronger and also to help poor people of Africa.

If anything, maybe you can see what’s going on now…it’s a huge waste of time and resources for the American government and major American to be agreeing with Black Lives Matter ideology or engaging in cancel culture …. It’s done nothing to help poor people in America or throughout the world.

Most African countries have been independent for decades now…. I would bet that most African people would have major disagreements with the pro BLM left wing Americans. Of course, Africa has a lot of traditional values gay marriage is not practiced in many African countries. Keep this in mind. Most African Christians and Muslims are against abortion.

The question in going forward is in the upcoming few decades will African countries improve, will they stay about the same or will they get worse? And what role can America play in this? we all know this much …..suggesting that Most of the problems in Africa are due to the fault of foreign interference is not helping anybody.

The exploitation of children in Africa is being done by black Africans in the first place. That’s the central problem. So number one is what can be done to stop this type of corruption by adult men and women in Africa who are basically the owners of slaves. It’s their fault that we see black children in Africa mining for diamonds. America should sanction those people and even consider sending money to large groups of Africans in war ridden countries that want democracy. A prime example would be Ethiopia or Sudan. It doesn’t mean we have to do it, but we should consider it if it would benefit people on human rights levels.
Slavery ended in America the century before last. Griping about it now is a false and fraudulent endeavor. It is only used by black folks to empower themselves with cash (e.g., BLM; Ben Crump; MSNBS). For the regular old black folks who work and pay their bills and live their lives, social justice means nothing to them. The race hustlers pimp the hateful shit, young people with mush for brains buy into it and join up as SJWs in order to have a self-identity and engage in narcissistic virtue signaling. The media humps it like it is going out of style. The politicians pander to it. Do you really think we would STILL be talking about slavery today, from the century before last, if there was not money being generated by doing so?!?

This is all just a hustle. Moreover, it is a hustle that exists in reckless disregard to all the harm it can cause undermining America and dividing people. These race hustlers are some of the lowest forms of trash out there for this reason. I am all for eliminating true racism. But the race hustlers are fucking that goat for their own selfish reasons, not for the betterment of black people.
Africa has been an exploited mess for hundreds of years. We get to see the carnage on TV in one of the continent's countries every single week. After a while, people either become numb to it, or ask that something be done about it.
Yes, Africa's nations breed corruption...but that is largely the product of the exploitation that has occurred over the centuries. Money or resources are offered, money and resources are taken. The little people, the weak, the poor, get crushed in the process.
What can be done about it? As the United States of America?..very little. In conjunction with organizations like the United Nations? Could be a lot..but there is no political will in this country to make that happen.

Oh, and by the way, white supremacy has been an issue in this country for decades. It just hasn't got the exposure it has over the last decade or so.
Were you taught about Black Wall Street in grade school and middle school?...I wasn't.
The globalist leadership is centered in Europe.
Is it racist to say there are currently auctions being held in Africa where human beings are sold into chattel slavery?
Gotta wonder how many democrats believe it is racist to state the fact that there are many corrupt black African business people who are ruining the lives of people in Africa. As we know, there is poverty all over Africa. Part of it could be blamed on Rich western corporations taking advantage of the situations, but some portion of the blame also goes to local African businessman who partake in the corruption.

of course, for sometime now there has been a portion of Democrats or left wingers who believe it is racist to state the fact that poverty is a problem in Africa. Democrats will say it is the white man’s fault or Europe’s fault historically that there are struggles in Africa today.

And that is a really interesting situation because the masses of people in Africa, the masses of Muslims and Christians of Africa are good people who want better leader ship they want to make their countries a better place. They’re the ones trying to tell the world that they want the western countries to call out the corruption in Africa, they want the populations of the western countries to keep on calling out the corrupt western corporations who take advantage of slave labor in Africa. But yet it is the far left wing populations of America and of the west, who think it’s racist to suggest that Africa has corruption and humans rights issues.

So we could all do better as Americans, Democrats and Republicans can take care of this issue. I do put the question to Democrats, because historically speaking the Democrats have taken a stand for the workingman. So let’s see where they stand on this one because Democrats have taken a stand for the workingman not only in America, but all throughout the world. Unfortunately today’s Democrats talk way too much about white supremacy in the USA which is a non issue. So let’s see how they tackle this issue …. the issue is corruption in Africa and what we can do as Americans about this issue.
Labor is exploited everywhere. You are very shallow. Use the brain God gave you occasionally.
Gotta wonder how many democrats believe it is racist to state the fact that there are many corrupt black African business people who are ruining the lives of people in Africa. As we know, there is poverty all over Africa. Part of it could be blamed on Rich western corporations taking advantage of the situations, but some portion of the blame also goes to local African businessman who partake in the corruption.

of course, for sometime now there has been a portion of Democrats or left wingers who believe it is racist to state the fact that poverty is a problem in Africa. Democrats will say it is the white man’s fault or Europe’s fault historically that there are struggles in Africa today.

And that is a really interesting situation because the masses of people in Africa, the masses of Muslims and Christians of Africa are good people who want better leader ship they want to make their countries a better place. They’re the ones trying to tell the world that they want the western countries to call out the corruption in Africa, they want the populations of the western countries to keep on calling out the corrupt western corporations who take advantage of slave labor in Africa. But yet it is the far left wing populations of America and of the west, who think it’s racist to suggest that Africa has corruption and humans rights issues.

So we could all do better as Americans, Democrats and Republicans can take care of this issue. I do put the question to Democrats, because historically speaking the Democrats have taken a stand for the workingman. So let’s see where they stand on this one because Democrats have taken a stand for the workingman not only in America, but all throughout the world. Unfortunately today’s Democrats talk way too much about white supremacy in the USA which is a non issue. So let’s see how they tackle this issue …. the issue is corruption in Africa and what we can do as Americans about this issue.
I think it is racist to say, “Someone has to pick the crops” but apparently Democrats don’t think so.
Gotta wonder how many democrats believe it is racist to state the fact that there are many corrupt black African business people who are ruining the lives of people in Africa. As we know, there is poverty all over Africa. Part of it could be blamed on Rich western corporations taking advantage of the situations, but some portion of the blame also goes to local African businessman who partake in the corruption.

of course, for sometime now there has been a portion of Democrats or left wingers who believe it is racist to state the fact that poverty is a problem in Africa. Democrats will say it is the white man’s fault or Europe’s fault historically that there are struggles in Africa today.

And that is a really interesting situation because the masses of people in Africa, the masses of Muslims and Christians of Africa are good people who want better leader ship they want to make their countries a better place. They’re the ones trying to tell the world that they want the western countries to call out the corruption in Africa, they want the populations of the western countries to keep on calling out the corrupt western corporations who take advantage of slave labor in Africa. But yet it is the far left wing populations of America and of the west, who think it’s racist to suggest that Africa has corruption and humans rights issues.

So we could all do better as Americans, Democrats and Republicans can take care of this issue. I do put the question to Democrats, because historically speaking the Democrats have taken a stand for the workingman. So let’s see where they stand on this one because Democrats have taken a stand for the workingman not only in America, but all throughout the world. Unfortunately today’s Democrats talk way too much about white supremacy in the USA which is a non issue. So let’s see how they tackle this issue …. the issue is corruption in Africa and what we can do as Americans about this issue.

where is labor NOT exploited? conservatives love to conflate race with class.

plantation overseers tended to be black as well. so what?
Gotta wonder how many democrats believe it is racist to state the fact that there are many corrupt black African business people who are ruining the lives of people in Africa. As we know, there is poverty all over Africa. Part of it could be blamed on Rich western corporations taking advantage of the situations, but some portion of the blame also goes to local African businessman who partake in the corruption.

of course, for sometime now there has been a portion of Democrats or left wingers who believe it is racist to state the fact that poverty is a problem in Africa. Democrats will say it is the white man’s fault or Europe’s fault historically that there are struggles in Africa today.

And that is a really interesting situation because the masses of people in Africa, the masses of Muslims and Christians of Africa are good people who want better leader ship they want to make their countries a better place. They’re the ones trying to tell the world that they want the western countries to call out the corruption in Africa, they want the populations of the western countries to keep on calling out the corrupt western corporations who take advantage of slave labor in Africa. But yet it is the far left wing populations of America and of the west, who think it’s racist to suggest that Africa has corruption and humans rights issues.

So we could all do better as Americans, Democrats and Republicans can take care of this issue. I do put the question to Democrats, because historically speaking the Democrats have taken a stand for the workingman. So let’s see where they stand on this one because Democrats have taken a stand for the workingman not only in America, but all throughout the world. Unfortunately today’s Democrats talk way too much about white supremacy in the USA which is a non issue. So let’s see how they tackle this issue …. the issue is corruption in Africa and what we can do as Americans about this issue.
is it racist for corrupt businessmen anywhere (in case you have forgotten, we have a few.) to exploit black people? of course. why not?
Is it racist to say there are currently auctions being held in Africa where human beings are sold into chattel slavery?

No because the racism pimps don't care when black people are the ones being slavers.

They don't care that in Barbary blacks had way more white slaves than white Americans ever owned in blacks slaves.

They don't care to notice all of the blacks in America that owned black slaves. There were a lot, but William Ellison is the most famous one.

They don't care that movies like the woman king were portrayed wrong. The dahomey and women portrayed were in real life slavers. They waged war on their enemies and the ones that survived they sold as slaves.

They also don't care to notice that every race and every group of people has been someone else's slave at some point in history.

And they most certainly ignore the fact blacks still enslave blacks now to work in mines in Africa for diamonds or precious resources.

Just like they ignore every single time when a black person in America comits a crime, they only care when a white person does something to them.

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