Question, is it Cooling now?


Diamond Member
Mar 19, 2018
Here is a simple to understand chart showing no warming since 2016:




Now watch the predictable evasive, dishonest deflections come running.
Here is a simple to understand chart showing no warming since 2016:

View attachment 406794



Now watch the predictable evasive, dishonest deflections come running.
Both warming/cooling show up
Here is a simple to understand chart showing no warming since 2016:

View attachment 406794



Now watch the predictable evasive, dishonest deflections come running.
Back in 1990 @ EWU I had a geology class(101) with an instructor named Dr. Swedburgh, that informed us about a core sampling contract he & a team of geologists did in the seven geographical areas on our planet earth. He told our class that the field of global warming was a politically saturated field of study but there was definite evidence of MASSIVE temperature changes on our planet earth through the ages. The teams assesment was our planet earth is heading into another cooling trend, but that would be gradual over another one hundred years or so from the core samples. While the teams assesment offered no timetable with an accurate date when this would happen he did say the cores showed BOTH a sudden cooling & also a RAPID cooling(ice age/mini ice ages) of our planet earth. So now we have even more mysteries with no solid evidence of how these
Here is a simple to understand chart showing no warming since 2016:

View attachment 406794



Now watch the predictable evasive, dishonest deflections come running.
It's like the flat earthers. Both GW/CC & flat earthers just want endle$$ grant $$$$$, a g'ment job that pays $uper with ton$ of Bennie$ as well as their burning desire to control other people(narcissistic busy bodies).
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Warmist/alarmists are already deflecting from my simple statement at the beginning of post one:

Here is a simple to understand chart showing no warming since 2016:

It is so simple that only warmist/alarmists will not understand it, heck they ignore the 4 year period back to 2016 statement and the chart, by posting charts that goes back to 1880, thereby dodging what I posted altogether. Then say it is warming, which no one disputes, but they dodge what I posted, because they can't handle the well supported evidence of no warming the last 4 1/2 years, all the while CO2 levels goes up in the air.

Now you SEE how they are incapable of understanding post one simple statement.

This is funny to see.
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Here is a simple to understand chart showing no warming since 2016:


The "Raw data" link from your own "Warmist/alarmist" "LINK" says "#See Wood for Trees: Notes for details"

Seems your "simple to understand chart" has simply been updated..
"Now that BEST has been fully released as a land-ocean dataset"


and here is the latest year's data:

WTI + four original temperature series, last year's values, adjusted to common baseline
Man, you can't pick a cherry more tiny! Still though, see any cooling?
Now don't get all distracted or anything..
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Climatology uses 100 year averages ... if the data is available ... the monthly averages in the OP are strictly weather ...

"We saw 20ºC cooling here, right where I live, in just 12 hours ... crazy fast" ...

Gotchyas without explanation is just immature ... name-calling makes you look like an idiot ... there's some of us who have honest reasons to disbelieve the climate change hoax ... you seem to rely on the same lies the Alarmists use ...

Get a meteorology textbook and read it ... try to learn something about the climate system ... you seem clueless as to why month-to-month temperatures changes so much ... and learn what a "scientific citation" is, these Russian hack jobs are getting old ...
If you bothered to look in the link, you would know the answer, you that lazy?

It is a GLOBAL temperature based chart.

I did read it. Did you ? ( no reference to global on the chart)
From your LINK;
Personal note:
I started this site in 2008 because I wanted to dig underneath what seemed like extreme claims and counter-claims in the "Global Warming Debate". Ten years on, it now seems clear to me that CO2 is indeed the primary driver of global warming, which is proceeding at roughly 1.5°C per century, but with some interesting short and long-term cycles overlaid. These cycles can produce shorter-term periods of both flatline and rapid increase, which get both 'sides' over-excited.

However, please remember this is only historical data, and "past performance is not necessarily a guide to the future". Climate models which do predict the future take into account positive and negative feedbacks such as water vapour, clouds, albedo and frozen methane, and to my mind the most (only?) interesting discussion in this field is around the sign and magnitude of those feedbacks. What this site can do is act as a check on those models and illustrate how the climate system has reacted to past forcings.

As I said back in 2008, as a life-long Green I think a shift to a efficient and sustainable way of life is a Good Thing in any case, and I'd invite my fellow engineers to use their energies to help solve our many inefficiencies.

Best wishes

Here is a simple to understand chart showing no warming since 2016:


The "Raw data" link from your own "Warmist/alarmist" "LINK" says "#See Wood for Trees: Notes for details"

Seems your "simple to understand chart" has simply been updated..
"Now that BEST has been fully released as a land-ocean dataset"


and here is the latest year's data:

WTI + four original temperature series, last year's values, adjusted to common baseline's values, adjusted to common baseline
Man, you can't pick a cherry more tiny! Still though, see any cooling?
Now don't get all distracted or anything..

My chart uses ALL of the temperature data sets, which includes BEST dataset.

I started in January 2016, which you didn't do, your dishonesty is vivid here.
If you bothered to look in the link, you would know the answer, you that lazy?

It is a GLOBAL temperature based chart.

I did read it. Did you ? ( no reference to global on the chart)
From your LINK;
Personal note:
I started this site in 2008 because I wanted to dig underneath what seemed like extreme claims and counter-claims in the "Global Warming Debate". Ten years on, it now seems clear to me that CO2 is indeed the primary driver of global warming, which is proceeding at roughly 1.5°C per century, but with some interesting short and long-term cycles overlaid. These cycles can produce shorter-term periods of both flatline and rapid increase, which get both 'sides' over-excited.

However, please remember this is only historical data, and "past performance is not necessarily a guide to the future". Climate models which do predict the future take into account positive and negative feedbacks such as water vapour, clouds, albedo and frozen methane, and to my mind the most (only?) interesting discussion in this field is around the sign and magnitude of those feedbacks. What this site can do is act as a check on those models and illustrate how the climate system has reacted to past forcings.

As I said back in 2008, as a life-long Green I think a shift to a efficient and sustainable way of life is a Good Thing in any case, and I'd invite my fellow engineers to use their energies to help solve our many inefficiencies.

Best wishes


I read that years ago, it doesn't address post one at all.

My prediction is coming true over a very simple chart 100% based on the temperature data.

Now watch the predictable evasive, dishonest deflections come running.

It is a FACT that since January 2016 it has cooled over all.
Here is a simple to understand chart showing no warming since 2016:

View attachment 406794



Now watch the predictable evasive, dishonest deflections come running.

Using real temperature data from ALL the main data centers is fake, YOU SAY, that is a new one, it is clear you didn't bother to examine the link I provided.

In my chart are from the following temperature data centers:

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Climatology uses 100 year averages ... if the data is available ... the monthly averages in the OP are strictly weather ...

"We saw 20ºC cooling here, right where I live, in just 12 hours ... crazy fast" ...

Gotchyas without explanation is just immature ... name-calling makes you look like an idiot ... there's some of us who have honest reasons to disbelieve the climate change hoax ... you seem to rely on the same lies the Alarmists use ...

Get a meteorology textbook and read it ... try to learn something about the climate system ... you seem clueless as to why month-to-month temperatures changes so much ... and learn what a "scientific citation" is, these Russian hack jobs are getting old ...

All I stated was this, nothing more:

Here is a simple to understand chart showing no warming since 2016:

It is a flypaper statement that worked better than I expected, since the replies are all over the map without a single credible counter to it, itself.

They changed starting dates to 1880, they think I didn't use BEST data (it is included) call it a fake (uses only official temperature data) and more useless replies.

What I posted isn't a "gotcha" since it isn't a reply to something in the first place. The statement is so simple even a caveman would understand it, but not warmist/alarmists...apparently.

"Here is a simple to understand chart showing no warming since 2016:"

I have NEVER disputed warming since the 1800's, have never disputed it is warming since 1979 either.

You can drop your huff and puff crap.

By the way I own a COLLEGE grade Meteorology Text book.
Climatology uses 100 year averages ... if the data is available ... the monthly averages in the OP are strictly weather ...

"We saw 20ºC cooling here, right where I live, in just 12 hours ... crazy fast" ...

Gotchyas without explanation is just immature ... name-calling makes you look like an idiot ... there's some of us who have honest reasons to disbelieve the climate change hoax ... you seem to rely on the same lies the Alarmists use ...

Get a meteorology textbook and read it ... try to learn something about the climate system ... you seem clueless as to why month-to-month temperatures changes so much ... and learn what a "scientific citation" is, these Russian hack jobs are getting old ...

All I stated was this, nothing more:

Here is a simple to understand chart showing no warming since 2016:

It is a flypaper statement that worked better than I expected, since the replies are all over the map without a single credible counter to it, itself.

They changed starting dates to 1880, they think I didn't use BEST data (it is included) call it a fake (uses only official temperature data) and more useless replies.

What I posted isn't a "gotcha" since it isn't a reply to something in the first place. The statement is so simple even a caveman would understand it, but not warmist/alarmists...apparently.

"Here is a simple to understand chart showing no warming since 2016:"

I have NEVER disputed warming since the 1800's, have never disputed it is warming since 1979 either.

You can drop your huff and puff crap.

By the way I own a COLLEGE grade Meteorology Text book.

All I said is you restricted your sample pool to drive up your probabilities ... a well worn statistical trick (c.f. the Monty Hall problem) ...

It's warming by the minute where I live ... +1ºC per hour ... in a few days, should I expect the river to start boiling off? ...

Do you understand what all those fanciful esses mean in your "college grade" textbook? ... there's nothing in anything you've ever posted here that would lead me to believe you know what an epsilon/delta proof is ...

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