Question for libs re: DREAM Act


Gold Member
Dec 5, 2011
How is that not a special privilege? Okay, first illegal aliens, who are illegally present in the country first take up a spot in a school that could be used by someone legally here. Second, given illegal aliens, at least the ones liberals care about are overwhelmingly hispanic in origin, so they also benefit from affirmative action, meaning they will be accepted before many people who have a right to be here, and lastly, now the taxpayers are expected to subsidize this bullshit?

I don't like the Dream Act; send them home.
It's a nightmare for all small businesses who use cheap labor.
hating smart kids for being brought to this country is insane.

why do you guys always operate out of hate?

try operating out of being smart and compassionate for a change.

It will end your stupid
hating smart kids for being brought to this country is insane.

why do you guys always operate out of hate?

try operating out of being smart and compassionate for a change.

It will end your stupid

Are you saying that all illegals under a certain are smart?
Illegals are cheap labor; make them legal or send them home.
No small business wants them to become citizens.
Every other country on earth does not do this but if we treat illegals the way every other country does suddenly we are hateful bigots.
We let the illegals into college under the dream act, pay for their attendance but getting in is not staying in. Most of them drop out as soon as they have exhausted all ability to get student loans. Then they default on the loans. They might not be intelligent enough to remain in college, but they are streetwise enough to scam the money.
We let the illegals into college under the dream act, pay for their attendance but getting in is not staying in. Most of them drop out as soon as they have exhausted all ability to get student loans. Then they default on the loans. They might not be intelligent enough to remain in college, but they are streetwise enough to scam the money.

and of course nothing proving once again.....the bullshit you spew....
The Dream Act is for kids brought here at an early age by their parents. Many of them speak only english and think of themselves as Americans. Some of them didn't even know they were illegal until they went for higher education. I know this for a fact. I think they deserve a chance. At the same time I think our immigration policy is wrong but business interests are the push behind mass immigration. This is where we got the dream act kids in the first place.
hating smart kids for being brought to this country is insane.

why do you guys always operate out of hate?

try operating out of being smart and compassionate for a change.

It will end your stupid

Speaking of ending stupid: when are you going to understand that resources committed to educating the children of illegal immigrants will not be used to educate children of legal citizens.
We let the illegals into college under the dream act, pay for their attendance but getting in is not staying in. Most of them drop out as soon as they have exhausted all ability to get student loans. Then they default on the loans. They might not be intelligent enough to remain in college, but they are streetwise enough to scam the money.

^^^^ along with the OP, hasn't read the dream act.

Sent from my iPhone using no lube, maximizing the butt hurt in right wingers
Does every other country on earth operate out of hate?

I think the terrorist and violent militants operate out of hate. So yes, there are govts that have been taken over by such regimes.

However, just expressing things through free speech is part of the civil petitioning process to redress grievances.
Sometimes hatred and anger needs to be expressed in order to heal of the past, before addressing solutions in the future.
How can we judge people for that if they are merely grieving and responding honestly?

If speech is abused only to further divide by projecting blame to prevent cooperation on solutions, that is hateful.

To be honest, in America I see both things going on.
Some people are honestly expressing grievances to work out solutions in a democratic process. Even if it comes out negative or hateful as part of that process and grief.

And some people are just abusing the issues and language to rally political points,
and not open to really solving the problems but end up obstructing the process.
It does help to move from the anger phase towards being more effective; but this cannot be done by judging people and criticizing how we express our honest feelings.

Instead of blaming people for having conflicting views or negative feelings,
I prefer to work together to SOLVE problems of immigration policy, and paying taxpayers back for the costs of crime in a just way that invests resources and restitution into building a sustainable system of correction and prevention. instead of the failed criminal justice and immigration system we have now. Earned Amnesty
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hating smart kids for being brought to this country is insane.

why do you guys always operate out of hate?

try operating out of being smart and compassionate for a change.

It will end your stupid

Speaking of ending stupid: when are you going to understand that resources committed to educating the children of illegal immigrants will not be used to educate children of legal citizens.

Why not set up a system through party where people can fund the schools and populations they want to focus on?

That would not only stop the fighting over which group or policy to fund,b
but it would motivate each party to set up a system to be cost effective and sustainable
where their resources are renewable and pay for the next set of students to go through.
People are more likely to pay resources into and pay back their student loans if they are investing in their own community programs they believe in.
We let the illegals into college under the dream act, pay for their attendance but getting in is not staying in. Most of them drop out as soon as they have exhausted all ability to get student loans. Then they default on the loans. They might not be intelligent enough to remain in college, but they are streetwise enough to scam the money.


Or is this another one of your invented "facts?"
hating smart kids for being brought to this country is insane.

why do you guys always operate out of hate?

try operating out of being smart and compassionate for a change.

It will end your stupid

Are you saying that all illegals under a certain are smart?
Illegals are cheap labor; make them legal or send them home.
No small business wants them to become citizens.

The Dream Act is for illegals who were brought here at a young age, grew up in this country, were educated in this country, and are just as smart as anyone born here. For all intents and purposes, they are Americans, as much as you and I. They're not illiterate, cheap labor.

I guess I can see why, however, you wouldn't educational resources diverted away from people like you, because you definitely need it.

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