Question for Democrats, would you prefer Hillary over the current candidates?


Platinum Member
Dec 25, 2009
I think the Democratic candidates are awful. And while I thought Hillary was a terrible candidate in 2016, I think she is probably a better candidate than what's running now. How about you?
You conservatives gotta give it a rest and realize that Hillary is no longer politically viable, nor will she run for office again.

Give the Hillary thing a rest already, and start looking at the people who are actually running.
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How is 2 time loser Hillary a better candidate than who is actually running? Better than Trump for sure, but her time has come and gone.

Biden is the current front runner for the Democrats. Do you believe that he is a "better" candidate than Hillary?
How is 2 time loser Hillary a better candidate than who is actually running? Better than Trump for sure, but her time has come and gone.

Biden is the current front runner for the Democrats. Do you believe that he is a "better" candidate than Hillary?
In all honesty, I think Biden has past his use by date too. He is more likeable than Hillary. Better? I dunno...
How is 2 time loser Hillary a better candidate than who is actually running? Better than Trump for sure, but her time has come and gone.

Biden is the current front runner for the Democrats. Do you believe that he is a "better" candidate than Hillary?
In all honesty, I think Biden has past his use by date too. He is more likeable than Hillary. Better? I dunno...

You gotta admit, he would have a better idea of how to handle things as a president, because he's already been in the loop as VP.
I think the Democratic candidates are awful. And while I thought Hillary was a terrible candidate in 2016, I think she is probably a better candidate than what's running now. How about you?

After investing all those years in opposing the Clintons, them being out of the game is a big loss for you, isn't it?
Too early to put Chelsea in the bullpen?

Something tells me we ain't seen the last of the Clinton syndicate.
You conservatives gotta give it a rest and realize that Hillary is no longer politically viable, nor will she run for office again.

Give the Hillary thing a rest already, and start looking at the people who are actually running.

His question is viable. Just answer it or butt out. I think Tulsi is 100x better than HRC.
I think the Democratic candidates are awful. And while I thought Hillary was a terrible candidate in 2016, I think she is probably a better candidate than what's running now. How about you?
Hillary is not far left enough for current Democrats. They want someone akin to Leon Trotsky, Che Guevara, or Pol Pot.
You conservatives gotta give it a rest and realize that Hillary is no longer politically viable, nor will she run for office again.

Give the Hillary thing a rest already, and start looking at the people who are actually running.

His question is viable. Just answer it or butt out. I think Tulsi is 100x better than HRC.
Tulsi Gabbard is the dark horse to watch.
I think the Democratic candidates are awful. And while I thought Hillary was a terrible candidate in 2016, I think she is probably a better candidate than what's running now. How about you?

Why bother asking Libtards what they think?

They don't.
You conservatives gotta give it a rest and realize that Hillary is no longer politically viable, nor will she run for office again.

Give the Hillary thing a rest already, and start looking at the people who are actually running.

His question is viable. Just answer it or butt out. I think Tulsi is 100x better than HRC.

His question is pretty goofy, and only serves to give comfort to crazy right wingers who are lost without Hillary to rant about.
You conservatives gotta give it a rest and realize that Hillary is no longer politically viable, nor will she run for office again.

Give the Hillary thing a rest already, and start looking at the people who are actually running.

His question is viable. Just answer it or butt out. I think Tulsi is 100x better than HRC.

His question is pretty goofy, and only serves to give comfort to crazy right wingers who are lost without Hillary to rant about.

Is that right, old man? Follow up and explain how.
You conservatives gotta give it a rest and realize that Hillary is no longer politically viable, nor will she run for office again.

Give the Hillary thing a rest already, and start looking at the people who are actually running.

His question is viable. Just answer it or butt out. I think Tulsi is 100x better than HRC.

No, it's not a good question. There is no way in hell that Hillary will ever be a candidate for president again. Even if she wanted to, there is no way the Dems would give her a chance. Why speculate on something that is never gonna happen? I think the question was brought up so that you conservatives could rag on Hillary, while ignoring what Trump has been doing, or use something she's done in the past as justification for Trump's stupid actions now.

And, I think that answers your question in post 16.
You conservatives gotta give it a rest and realize that Hillary is no longer politically viable, nor will she run for office again.

Give the Hillary thing a rest already, and start looking at the people who are actually running.

His question is viable. Just answer it or butt out. I think Tulsi is 100x better than HRC.

No, it's not a good question. There is no way in hell that Hillary will ever be a candidate for president again. Even if she wanted to, there is no way the Dems would give her a chance. Why speculate on something that is never gonna happen? I think the question was brought up so that you conservatives could rag on Hillary, while ignoring what Trump has been doing, or use something she's done in the past as justification for Trump's stupid actions now.

And, I think that answers your question in post 16.

Nope. That was not the intent of the question IMO. I am Also not a conservative. Not that there is anything wrong with that. You are the one labeling people.
You think a democrat has the balls to admit they voted for Hillary or would admit voting for any of these insane candidates .. come on now lol
After investing all those years in opposing the Clintons, them being out of the game is a big loss for you, isn't it?
It would be nice if she made one more speech in West Virginia to explain her views on coal mining.

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