Question about what constitutes a hate crime


Gold Member
Dec 5, 2011
If a gay man goes up to another man and says something vulgar, like comming him on his ass, and the man who that was said to slaps the gay guy across the face, is that a hate crime?

If you believe yes, do you think that if a straight man goes up to a woman and says "nice tits" to her and she slaps him across the face, she committed a hate crime, too, right?
If a gay man goes up to another man and says something vulgar, like comming him on his ass, and the man who that was said to slaps the gay guy across the face, is that a hate crime?

If you believe yes, do you think that if a straight man goes up to a woman and says "nice tits" to her and she slaps him across the face, she committed a hate crime, too, right?

Even (especially?) Eric Holder would find it impossible to state without information on the skin colour of each party.
:drillsergeant: Liberal 101

If you assualt a black,gay,Muslim or any other minority and you're are a white Christain then it's a hate crime. It doesn't matter if they hit you first or made a disparaging remark to you, or called you a cracka, If you're white and Christian you are automatically wrong. If your a white male you get extra boo boo points and you're wrong just for breathing.
If you jay walk across a street to beat up some poor black kid for no reason then that's a hate crime. Basically 2 crimes happening. That's my understanding of it. If I calmly walked up to a black person and called he or she a ****** then that would very iffy because of the fighting words exception but nobody prosecutes petty crap like that.
If you jay walk across a street to beat up some poor black kid for no reason then that's a hate crime. Basically 2 crimes happening. That's my understanding of it. If I calmly walked up to a black person and called he or she a ****** then that would very iffy because of the fighting words exception but nobody prosecutes petty crap like that.

Unless, of course, you're white and a liberal reporter sees it happen.
If a gay man goes up to another man and says something vulgar, like comming him on his ass, and the man who that was said to slaps the gay guy across the face, is that a hate crime?

If you believe yes, do you think that if a straight man goes up to a woman and says "nice tits" to her and she slaps him across the face, she committed a hate crime, too, right?
A member of a minority cannot ever commit a hate crime against a member of the majority.

Gay man kills a straight man because of his sexual orientation? Not a hate crime.
Black man kills a white man because of his race? Not a hate crime.
Muslim kills a Christian because of his religion? Not a rate crime.
Other way around? Hate crime.

I thought everyone understood this.

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