qanon Supporters Dismayed at donald trump's December Tour With bill o'reilly


Diamond Member
Aug 6, 2014
trump is doing some sort of tour with bill o'reilly in December. I don't know what sort of tour it is but he's charging people 100 dollars a head to attend.

The qanon people are very upset and confused by this.

They expect trump to be back in the White House as president in August.

These people are so far past delusional.

They follow some mysterious person who puts messages out in "code" so it can mean just about anything.

Nothing that qanon has claimed would happen or has happened, has actually happened. I will never understand why people continue to follow a person who lies to them. They know they are being lied to because trump isn't in the White House. March came and went and Biden is still president.

Their first lie about Hillary and a child sex ring in the basement of a pizza restaurant in DC should have been their huge red flag but they don't care that their so called "movement" is all lies.

I hope these people wake up and realize they are being shown as the fools they are.

trump is doing some sort of tour with bill o'reilly in December. I don't know what sort of tour it is but he's charging people 100 dollars a head to attend.

The qanon people are very upset and confused by this.

They expect trump to be back in the White House as president in August.

These people are so far past delusional.

They follow some mysterious person who puts messages out in "code" so it can mean just about anything.

Nothing that qanon has claimed would happen or has happened, has actually happened. I will never understand why people continue to follow a person who lies to them. They know they are being lied to because trump isn't in the White House. March came and went and Biden is still president.

Their first lie about Hillary and a child sex ring in the basement of a pizza restaurant in DC should have been their huge red flag but they don't care that their so called "movement" is all lies.

I hope these people wake up and realize they are being shown as the fools they are.

Too funny.

I imagine the excuses for when he's not back in August are already being lined up. Deep State, the Commies, the Swamp, etc., etc.

We're talking about 30% of the GQP.
trump is doing some sort of tour with bill o'reilly in December. I don't know what sort of tour it is but he's charging people 100 dollars a head to attend.

The qanon people are very upset and confused by this.

They expect trump to be back in the White House as president in August.

These people are so far past delusional.

They follow some mysterious person who puts messages out in "code" so it can mean just about anything.

Nothing that qanon has claimed would happen or has happened, has actually happened. I will never understand why people continue to follow a person who lies to them. They know they are being lied to because trump isn't in the White House. March came and went and Biden is still president.

Their first lie about Hillary and a child sex ring in the basement of a pizza restaurant in DC should have been their huge red flag but they don't care that their so called "movement" is all lies.

I hope these people wake up and realize they are being shown as the fools they are.

Not sure what makes them think that....even WHEN the fraud is outed it won't matter. Not if...but WHEN. Biden was inaugurated...they need to go back to their civics lessons and learn what that means.....SCOTUS has no authority to reverse an inauguration....asked to do it they will decline. So what would happen if somebody cleaned up Willie the Wino and stood him up on the podium to be sworn in? Yeah that's right....he would be the President of the US....... Congress could then unanimously impeach and remove him but that's what it would take. There's no way that's gonna happen with Biden....soooo it really doesn't matter what they find as far as fraud is concerned it will not reverse the inauguration. The people who perpetrated this stuff knew this all too well...that's why the rush to delegitimize this thing all died down after that day...because all of the players knew what that meant. Mike Pence dropped the ball here.....sorry Mike...I love ya but you weeneied out Buddy.

The election process was reduced to a massive game of Capture the Flag ( throw out the rule books boys elbows, kicks, and shoulder rams are all in ) ..... The Dems were just much better at it since they have taken the time to lay out the groundwork, the mechanisms and the strategy whilst the clueless GOP just kept merrily strolling down the street with their wallets hanging half way out of their back pockets. This was sooooo predictable it's not even funny. It boils down to poltical energy of the players involved and let's face it the left has a bottomless well of that opposed to the general sleepiness of the right. In some ways the election was poetic justice and bears out that conviction is the chief component of any selection process.

What will happen instead is that the voting process will tidy up considerably before the next election and hugely before the next POTUS election...that is the best they can hope for.

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trump is doing some sort of tour with bill o'reilly in December. I don't know what sort of tour it is but he's charging people 100 dollars a head to attend.

The qanon people are very upset and confused by this.

They expect trump to be back in the White House as president in August.

These people are so far past delusional.

They follow some mysterious person who puts messages out in "code" so it can mean just about anything.

Nothing that qanon has claimed would happen or has happened, has actually happened. I will never understand why people continue to follow a person who lies to them. They know they are being lied to because trump isn't in the White House. March came and went and Biden is still president.

Their first lie about Hillary and a child sex ring in the basement of a pizza restaurant in DC should have been their huge red flag but they don't care that their so called "movement" is all lies.

I hope these people wake up and realize they are being shown as the fools they are.

Too funny.

I imagine the excuses for when he's not back in August are already being lined up. Deep State, the Commies, the Swamp, etc., etc.

We're talking about 30% of the GQP.

So the same lies we hear everyday.

The same lies they used when March came and went and Biden remained in the White House.

Their whole lives and their beliefs are nothing but lies.
trump is doing some sort of tour with bill o'reilly in December. I don't know what sort of tour it is but he's charging people 100 dollars a head to attend.

The qanon people are very upset and confused by this.

They expect trump to be back in the White House as president in August.

These people are so far past delusional.

They follow some mysterious person who puts messages out in "code" so it can mean just about anything.

Nothing that qanon has claimed would happen or has happened, has actually happened. I will never understand why people continue to follow a person who lies to them. They know they are being lied to because trump isn't in the White House. March came and went and Biden is still president.

Their first lie about Hillary and a child sex ring in the basement of a pizza restaurant in DC should have been their huge red flag but they don't care that their so called "movement" is all lies.

I hope these people wake up and realize they are being shown as the fools they are.

Too funny.

I imagine the excuses for when he's not back in August are already being lined up. Deep State, the Commies, the Swamp, etc., etc.

We're talking about 30% of the GQP.

So the same lies we hear everyday.

The same lies they used when March came and went and Biden remained in the White House.

Their whole lives and their beliefs are nothing but lies.
They see the country changing, they realize there's nothing they can do about it, and they're terrified.

May as well latch on to something that can provide them some comfort. As so many do with religion.
trump is doing some sort of tour with bill o'reilly in December. I don't know what sort of tour it is but he's charging people 100 dollars a head to attend.

The qanon people are very upset and confused by this.

They expect trump to be back in the White House as president in August.

These people are so far past delusional.

They follow some mysterious person who puts messages out in "code" so it can mean just about anything.

Nothing that qanon has claimed would happen or has happened, has actually happened. I will never understand why people continue to follow a person who lies to them. They know they are being lied to because trump isn't in the White House. March came and went and Biden is still president.

Their first lie about Hillary and a child sex ring in the basement of a pizza restaurant in DC should have been their huge red flag but they don't care that their so called "movement" is all lies.

I hope these people wake up and realize they are being shown as the fools they are.

Not sure what makes them think that....even WHEN the fraud is outed it won't matter. Not if...but WHEN. Biden was inaugurated...they need to go back to their civics lessons and learn what that means.....SCOTUS has no authority to reverse an inauguration....asked to do it they will decline. What will happen instead is that the voting process will tidy up considerably before the next election and hugely before the next POTUS election...that is the best they can hope for.


trump, all his lawyers and you people have had months to come up with proof.

trump went to court after court with every single court throwing his case out. Mostly due to lack of evidence.

So you are saying that all these months you have been claiming fraud and that you had rock solid proof was a lie. You're now waiting for that proof you claimed you had back in November.

Do you realize how pathetic and sad you are?
trump is doing some sort of tour with bill o'reilly in December. I don't know what sort of tour it is but he's charging people 100 dollars a head to attend.

The qanon people are very upset and confused by this.

They expect trump to be back in the White House as president in August.

These people are so far past delusional.

They follow some mysterious person who puts messages out in "code" so it can mean just about anything.

Nothing that qanon has claimed would happen or has happened, has actually happened. I will never understand why people continue to follow a person who lies to them. They know they are being lied to because trump isn't in the White House. March came and went and Biden is still president.

Their first lie about Hillary and a child sex ring in the basement of a pizza restaurant in DC should have been their huge red flag but they don't care that their so called "movement" is all lies.

I hope these people wake up and realize they are being shown as the fools they are.

Too funny.

I imagine the excuses for when he's not back in August are already being lined up. Deep State, the Commies, the Swamp, etc., etc.

We're talking about 30% of the GQP.

So the same lies we hear everyday.

The same lies they used when March came and went and Biden remained in the White House.

Their whole lives and their beliefs are nothing but lies.
They see the country changing, they realize there's nothing they can do about it, and they're terrified.

May as well latch on to something that can provide them some comfort. As so many do with religion.

That has got to be one of the most childish reactions to reality by the trump people yet.
Liberal media's version of who qanon are...


Who qanon actually are...

trump is doing some sort of tour with bill o'reilly in December. I don't know what sort of tour it is but he's charging people 100 dollars a head to attend.

The qanon people are very upset and confused by this.

They expect trump to be back in the White House as president in August.

These people are so far past delusional.

They follow some mysterious person who puts messages out in "code" so it can mean just about anything.

Nothing that qanon has claimed would happen or has happened, has actually happened. I will never understand why people continue to follow a person who lies to them. They know they are being lied to because trump isn't in the White House. March came and went and Biden is still president.

Their first lie about Hillary and a child sex ring in the basement of a pizza restaurant in DC should have been their huge red flag but they don't care that their so called "movement" is all lies.

I hope these people wake up and realize they are being shown as the fools they are.

Too funny.

I imagine the excuses for when he's not back in August are already being lined up. Deep State, the Commies, the Swamp, etc., etc.

We're talking about 30% of the GQP.
Drones loaded with weapons with WMD's flying over useless areas doing their duty is survival.
trump is doing some sort of tour with bill o'reilly in December. I don't know what sort of tour it is but he's charging people 100 dollars a head to attend.

The qanon people are very upset and confused by this.

They expect trump to be back in the White House as president in August.

These people are so far past delusional.

They follow some mysterious person who puts messages out in "code" so it can mean just about anything.

Nothing that qanon has claimed would happen or has happened, has actually happened. I will never understand why people continue to follow a person who lies to them. They know they are being lied to because trump isn't in the White House. March came and went and Biden is still president.

Their first lie about Hillary and a child sex ring in the basement of a pizza restaurant in DC should have been their huge red flag but they don't care that their so called "movement" is all lies.

I hope these people wake up and realize they are being shown as the fools they are.

Too funny.

I imagine the excuses for when he's not back in August are already being lined up. Deep State, the Commies, the Swamp, etc., etc.

We're talking about 30% of the GQP.
Drones loaded with weapons with WMD's flying over useless areas doing their duty is survival.
trump is doing some sort of tour with bill o'reilly in December. I don't know what sort of tour it is but he's charging people 100 dollars a head to attend.

The qanon people are very upset and confused by this.

They expect trump to be back in the White House as president in August.

These people are so far past delusional.

They follow some mysterious person who puts messages out in "code" so it can mean just about anything.

Nothing that qanon has claimed would happen or has happened, has actually happened. I will never understand why people continue to follow a person who lies to them. They know they are being lied to because trump isn't in the White House. March came and went and Biden is still president.

Their first lie about Hillary and a child sex ring in the basement of a pizza restaurant in DC should have been their huge red flag but they don't care that their so called "movement" is all lies.

I hope these people wake up and realize they are being shown as the fools they are.

There's 50 people that won't attend.
We're talking about 30% of the GQP.
Edit: Or... Hell... Just any kind of logic on how you came up with that number.
Is that all it takes to be GQP?

Edit: I only ask because it seems as if you are saying the GQP is the worst part of the GOP... And then turn around and use only a single aspect to prove that 30% of the party is the absolute devil...

Edit2: How much political radio talk shows do you listen to?
We're talking about 30% of the GQP.
Edit: Or... Hell... Just any kind of logic on how you came up with that number.

Wonder what % of democrats in TRUMP's 1st year believed the Russia hype and believed TRUMP would resign or be impeached and removed from office... :eusa_think:
We're talking about 30% of the GQP.
Edit: Or... Hell... Just any kind of logic on how you came up with that number.

Wonder what % of democrats in TRUMP's 1st year believed the Russia hype and believed would resign or be impeached and removed from office... :eusa_think:
Go find out for us!

You're on "the internet" right now! Yay!
trump is doing some sort of tour with bill o'reilly in December. I don't know what sort of tour it is but he's charging people 100 dollars a head to attend.

The qanon people are very upset and confused by this.

They expect trump to be back in the White House as president in August.

These people are so far past delusional.

They follow some mysterious person who puts messages out in "code" so it can mean just about anything.

Nothing that qanon has claimed would happen or has happened, has actually happened. I will never understand why people continue to follow a person who lies to them. They know they are being lied to because trump isn't in the White House. March came and went and Biden is still president.

Their first lie about Hillary and a child sex ring in the basement of a pizza restaurant in DC should have been their huge red flag but they don't care that their so called "movement" is all lies.

I hope these people wake up and realize they are being shown as the fools they are.

Not sure what makes them think that....even WHEN the fraud is outed it won't matter. Not if...but WHEN. Biden was inaugurated...they need to go back to their civics lessons and learn what that means.....SCOTUS has no authority to reverse an inauguration....asked to do it they will decline. So what would happen if somebody cleaned up Willie the Wino and stood him up on the podium to be sworn in? Yeah that's right....he would be the President of the US....... Congress could then unanimously impeach and remove him but that's what it would take. There's no way that's gonna happen with Biden....soooo it really doesn't matter what they find as far as fraud is concerned it will not reverse the inauguration. The people who perpetrated this stuff knew this all too well...that's why the rush to delegitimize this thing all died down after that day...because all of the players knew what that meant. Mike Pence dropped the ball here.....sorry Mike...I love ya but you weeneied out Buddy.

The election process was reduced to a massive game of Capture the Flag ( throw out the rule books boys elbows, kicks, and shoulder rams are all in ) ..... The Dems were just much better at it since they have taken the time to lay out the groundwork, the mechanisms and the strategy whilst the clueless GOP just kept merrily strolling down the street with their wallets hanging half way out of their back pockets. This was sooooo predictable it's not even funny. It boils down to poltical energy of the players involved and let's face it the left has a bottomless well of that opposed to the general sleepiness of the right. In some ways the election was poetic justice and bears out that conviction is the chief component of any selection process.

What will happen instead is that the voting process will tidy up considerably before the next election and hugely before the next POTUS election...that is the best they can hope for.


Pence simply wouldn't break the law for Trump.
trump is doing some sort of tour with bill o'reilly in December. I don't know what sort of tour it is but he's charging people 100 dollars a head to attend.

The qanon people are very upset and confused by this.

They expect trump to be back in the White House as president in August.

These people are so far past delusional.

They follow some mysterious person who puts messages out in "code" so it can mean just about anything.

Nothing that qanon has claimed would happen or has happened, has actually happened. I will never understand why people continue to follow a person who lies to them. They know they are being lied to because trump isn't in the White House. March came and went and Biden is still president.

Their first lie about Hillary and a child sex ring in the basement of a pizza restaurant in DC should have been their huge red flag but they don't care that their so called "movement" is all lies.

I hope these people wake up and realize they are being shown as the fools they are.

Not sure what makes them think that....even WHEN the fraud is outed it won't matter. Not if...but WHEN. Biden was inaugurated...they need to go back to their civics lessons and learn what that means.....SCOTUS has no authority to reverse an inauguration....asked to do it they will decline. So what would happen if somebody cleaned up Willie the Wino and stood him up on the podium to be sworn in? Yeah that's right....he would be the President of the US....... Congress could then unanimously impeach and remove him but that's what it would take. There's no way that's gonna happen with Biden....soooo it really doesn't matter what they find as far as fraud is concerned it will not reverse the inauguration. The people who perpetrated this stuff knew this all too well...that's why the rush to delegitimize this thing all died down after that day...because all of the players knew what that meant. Mike Pence dropped the ball here.....sorry Mike...I love ya but you weeneied out Buddy.

The election process was reduced to a massive game of Capture the Flag ( throw out the rule books boys elbows, kicks, and shoulder rams are all in ) ..... The Dems were just much better at it since they have taken the time to lay out the groundwork, the mechanisms and the strategy whilst the clueless GOP just kept merrily strolling down the street with their wallets hanging half way out of their back pockets. This was sooooo predictable it's not even funny. It boils down to poltical energy of the players involved and let's face it the left has a bottomless well of that opposed to the general sleepiness of the right. In some ways the election was poetic justice and bears out that conviction is the chief component of any selection process.

What will happen instead is that the voting process will tidy up considerably before the next election and hugely before the next POTUS election...that is the best they can hope for.


Pence simply wouldn't break the law for Trump.
Pence was too much of a coward to keep the law you mean to say.
There is precedent.....he just has no balls....frankly.

trump is doing some sort of tour with bill o'reilly in December. I don't know what sort of tour it is but he's charging people 100 dollars a head to attend.

The qanon people are very upset and confused by this.

They expect trump to be back in the White House as president in August.

These people are so far past delusional.

They follow some mysterious person who puts messages out in "code" so it can mean just about anything.

Nothing that qanon has claimed would happen or has happened, has actually happened. I will never understand why people continue to follow a person who lies to them. They know they are being lied to because trump isn't in the White House. March came and went and Biden is still president.

Their first lie about Hillary and a child sex ring in the basement of a pizza restaurant in DC should have been their huge red flag but they don't care that their so called "movement" is all lies.

I hope these people wake up and realize they are being shown as the fools they are.

Not sure what makes them think that....even WHEN the fraud is outed it won't matter. Not if...but WHEN. Biden was inaugurated...they need to go back to their civics lessons and learn what that means.....SCOTUS has no authority to reverse an inauguration....asked to do it they will decline. So what would happen if somebody cleaned up Willie the Wino and stood him up on the podium to be sworn in? Yeah that's right....he would be the President of the US....... Congress could then unanimously impeach and remove him but that's what it would take. There's no way that's gonna happen with Biden....soooo it really doesn't matter what they find as far as fraud is concerned it will not reverse the inauguration. The people who perpetrated this stuff knew this all too well...that's why the rush to delegitimize this thing all died down after that day...because all of the players knew what that meant. Mike Pence dropped the ball here.....sorry Mike...I love ya but you weeneied out Buddy.

The election process was reduced to a massive game of Capture the Flag ( throw out the rule books boys elbows, kicks, and shoulder rams are all in ) ..... The Dems were just much better at it since they have taken the time to lay out the groundwork, the mechanisms and the strategy whilst the clueless GOP just kept merrily strolling down the street with their wallets hanging half way out of their back pockets. This was sooooo predictable it's not even funny. It boils down to poltical energy of the players involved and let's face it the left has a bottomless well of that opposed to the general sleepiness of the right. In some ways the election was poetic justice and bears out that conviction is the chief component of any selection process.

What will happen instead is that the voting process will tidy up considerably before the next election and hugely before the next POTUS election...that is the best they can hope for.


Pence simply wouldn't break the law for Trump.
Pence was too much of a coward to keep the law you mean to say.
There is precedent.....he just has no balls....frankly.


What precedent?

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