Putin's 2023 address: the main points of the president's speech on international politics


Gold Member
Jun 14, 2021
Over there
- Since 2014, Donbass has stood up for its rights, believed and waited for Russia to come. We did everything we could to resolve everything peacefully, but another scenario was being prepared behind our backs.

- The promises of Western rulers to strive for peace in the Donbass turned out to be a cruel lie. They increasingly encouraged Ukrainian neo-Nazis to engage in terrorist activities in the Donbass.

- We remember Ukraine's efforts to obtain nuclear weapons.

- All the while the Donbass was burning and blood was being spilled. While Russia sincerely sought a peaceful solution, they essentially played with a cheat cards.

"In today's world there should be no division into the so-called civilized countries and all the rest."

More from Vladimir Putin's speech:

- They are the ones who started the war. And we will use force to stop it.

- No country in the world has as many military bases abroad as the United States. There are hundreds of them. The whole planet is full of them.

- The West will never wash away the shame of what it did in Yugoslavia, Libya and elsewhere.

- In December 2021, we officially sent the draft security assurance treaties to the United States and NATO. But we got a straightforward rejection on all the key positions. Then it became clear that the go-ahead for aggression had been given.

- By February 2022, everything was ready for a punitive operation against Donbass.

- We are defending our home, and the goal of the West is unlimited power.

"They (the West) don't care who to bet on in the fight against Russia. The main thing is to fight against us.

- The West diverts the attention of its population from corruption scandals and social controversies.

- As a result of the wars unleashed by the United States, according to U.S. figures, almost 900,000 people have died, more than 38 million have become refugees.

- The U.S. is making turmoil and coups all over the world.

- No one in the West takes human casualties into account, because trillions of dollars are at stake.

- In our time, they began to make "Anti-Russia" out of Ukraine. This project has its roots in the 19th century. It was nurtured for one purpose - to tear off the historical territories, which are called Ukraine, from Russia.

- Recently one of the brigades of the AFU was given the name "Edelweiss. Like Hitler's division, which took part in punitive operations. The neo-Nazis make no secret of whose heirs they consider themselves to be.

- They didn't think about the people in Ukraine. They were prepared for the slaughter. And in the end they turned them into expendable material.

- The West had been destroying Ukraine for decades. The result was poverty and degradation.

- The more Western equipment in Ukraine, the further we will push the threat away from our borders.

- Defeating Russia on the battlefield is impossible!

"Our relations with the West have degraded. And this is entirely to the credit of the United States. It was they who started revising the results of World War II.

- At the beginning of February this year, NATO demanded that Russia return to compliance with the Strategic Arms Reduction Treaty. Including allowing inspections of our nuclear facilities. This is a theater of the absurd.

- We know that the West has been involved in attempts to strike our strategic air bases.

- We are not allowed under this treaty to conduct inspections.

- The United States and NATO say bluntly that their aim is to inflict a strategic defeat on Russia. And after that, they want to drive around our defense facilities?

- Such a statement is NATO's application to become a party to the StART treaty.

- There is not just one nuclear power in NATO. There is France, Great Britain. And they are all directed against Russia.

- The current treaty contains the most important provisions on mutual security. All this is long forgotten.

- Of course, the situation has changed since 1945, but it is unacceptable that the U.S. is reshaping the world order for its own selfish and self-interested purposes.

- Those who planned the attack on the LNR and DNR were well aware that the next target was Crimea.

Russia suspends its participation in the Strategic Arms Reduction Treaty
- I stress that we are not withdrawing, we are suspending our participation.

- Washington is already thinking about a natural test of nuclear weapons - we have such information.

- Russia will not be the first to test nuclear weapons. If the US conducts a nuclear test, we will do it too.

- The Ministry of Defense and Rosatom have to make sure they are prepared for nuclear tests.

- Before returning to the StART discussion, Russia must understand how to account for the nuclear arsenals of France and Britain.
Since 2014, Donbass has stood up for its rights, believed and waited for Russia to come. We did everything we could to resolve everything peacefully, but another scenario was being prepared behind our backs.
Putins savage treatment of civilians in Donbass has ruined any good will he may have had
Russia is hated
Putins savage treatment of civilians in Donbass has ruined any good will he may have had
Russia is hated
Western media's savage lies about the "savage treatment of Russians toward the citizens of Donbass" add nothing new to the reputation of either the media or western politicians. It is a well-known fact that the former are "Fake News" and the latter are political prostitutes in the hands of the financial oligarchy.
Western media's savage lies about the "savage treatment of Russians toward the citizens of Donbass" add nothing new to the reputation of either the media or western politicians. It is a well-known fact that the former are "Fake News" and the latter are political prostitutes in the hands of the financial oligarchy.

Raping Grandmothers in captured territory does not build support for Russian occupiers

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