Putin Is Well on His Way to Stealing the Next Election


Diamond Member
Oct 28, 2017
"Events in the United States have unfolded more favorably than any operative in Moscow could have ever dreamed: Not only did Russia’s preferred candidate win, but he has spent his first term fulfilling the potential it saw in him, discrediting American institutions, rending the seams of American culture, and isolating a nation that had styled itself as indispensable to the free world. But instead of complacently enjoying its triumph, Russia almost immediately set about replicating it. Boosting the Trump campaign was a tactic; #DemocracyRIP remains the larger objective."

When we see posts questioning the validity of then intel community's conclusions that Russia hacked then DNC, gave the material to Wikileaks for dissemination, and otherwise worked to get Trump elected.............Putin smiles.

When Trump continues to attack the integrity of the FBI, sows more division, increases the national debt, and turns the DOJ in to a political arm of his presidency, Putin smiles.

When he sees the US's leadership role in the world as a positive force for democracy and human rights diminish, Putin smiles.

When he reads the headlines and sees Trump fire Inspectors General who are critical of Trump, demote medical experts in favor of his so-in-law, and disregard the advice of the nation's top advisers like Fauci and the CDC in how to handle COVID-19, Putin smiles.

Putin has been doing a lot of smiling over the last three years thanks to the Orange Buffoon. You can bet he'll be doing his best to get Vlad's favorite candidate re-elected with the help of Trumpletards.

"Events in the United States have unfolded more favorably than any operative in Moscow could have ever dreamed: Not only did Russia’s preferred candidate win, but he has spent his first term fulfilling the potential it saw in him, discrediting American institutions, rending the seams of American culture, and isolating a nation that had styled itself as indispensable to the free world. But instead of complacently enjoying its triumph, Russia almost immediately set about replicating it. Boosting the Trump campaign was a tactic; #DemocracyRIP remains the larger objective."

When we see posts questioning the validity of then intel community's conclusions that Russia hacked then DNC, gave the material to Wikileaks for dissemination, and otherwise worked to get Trump elected.............Putin smiles.

When Trump continues to attack the integrity of the FBI, sows more division, increases the national debt, and turns the DOJ in to a political arm of his presidency, Putin smiles.

When he sees the US's leadership role in the world as a positive force for democracy and human rights diminish, Putin smiles.

When he reads the headlines and sees Trump fire Inspectors General who are critical of Trump, demote medical experts in favor of his so-in-law, and disregard the advice of the nation's top advisers like Fauci and the CDC in how to handle COVID-19, Putin smiles.

Putin has been doing a lot of smiling over the last three years thanks to the Orange Buffoon. You can bet he'll be doing his best to get Vlad's favorite candidate re-elected with the help of Trumpletards.

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War is peace. Freedom is slavery. Ignorance is strength. Putin is stealing the election.
"The Russians have learned much about American weaknesses, and how to exploit them. Having probed state voting systems far more extensively than is generally understood by the public, they are now surely more capable of mayhem on Election Day—and possibly without leaving a detectable trace of their handiwork. Having hacked into the inboxes of political operatives in the U.S. and abroad, they’ve pioneered new techniques for infiltrating campaigns and disseminating their stolen goods. Even as to disinformation, the best-known and perhaps most overrated of their tactics, they have innovated, finding new ways to manipulate Americans and to poison the nation’s politics. Russia’s interference in 2016 might be remembered as the experimental prelude that foreshadowed the attack of 2020."
"Vladimir Putin dreams of discrediting the American democratic system, and he will never have a more reliable ally than Donald Trump. A democracy can’t defend itself if it can’t honestly describe the attacks against it. But the president hasn’t just undermined his own country’s defenses—he has actively abetted the adversary’s efforts. If Russia wants to tarnish the political process as hopelessly rigged, it has a bombastic amplifier standing behind the seal of the presidency, a man who reflexively depicts his opponents as frauds and any system that produces an outcome he doesn’t like as fixed. If Russia wants to spread disinformation, the president continually softens an audience for it, by instructing the public to disregard authoritative journalism as the prevarications of a traitorous elite and by spouting falsehoods on Twitter."
"Events in the United States have unfolded more favorably than any operative in Moscow could have ever dreamed: Not only did Russia’s preferred candidate win, but he has spent his first term fulfilling the potential it saw in him, discrediting American institutions, rending the seams of American culture, and isolating a nation that had styled itself as indispensable to the free world. But instead of complacently enjoying its triumph, Russia almost immediately set about replicating it. Boosting the Trump campaign was a tactic; #DemocracyRIP remains the larger objective."

When we see posts questioning the validity of then intel community's conclusions that Russia hacked then DNC, gave the material to Wikileaks for dissemination, and otherwise worked to get Trump elected.............Putin smiles.

When Trump continues to attack the integrity of the FBI, sows more division, increases the national debt, and turns the DOJ in to a political arm of his presidency, Putin smiles.

When he sees the US's leadership role in the world as a positive force for democracy and human rights diminish, Putin smiles.

When he reads the headlines and sees Trump fire Inspectors General who are critical of Trump, demote medical experts in favor of his so-in-law, and disregard the advice of the nation's top advisers like Fauci and the CDC in how to handle COVID-19, Putin smiles.

Putin has been doing a lot of smiling over the last three years thanks to the Orange Buffoon. You can bet he'll be doing his best to get Vlad's favorite candidate re-elected with the help of Trumpletards.

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Adolph Schiffler lied and so do you, Sir Spamalot.

Go back to gutting bats for your bat soup. Bat Boy.
"The Russians have learned much about American weaknesses, and how to exploit them. Having probed state voting systems far more extensively than is generally understood by the public, they are now surely more capable of mayhem on Election Day—and possibly without leaving a detectable trace of their handiwork. Having hacked into the inboxes of political operatives in the U.S. and abroad, they’ve pioneered new techniques for infiltrating campaigns and disseminating their stolen goods. Even as to disinformation, the best-known and perhaps most overrated of their tactics, they have innovated, finding new ways to manipulate Americans and to poison the nation’s politics. Russia’s interference in 2016 might be remembered as the experimental prelude that foreshadowed the attack of 2020."
Already setting up your excuses for a Biden defeat?

Very proactive of you.
Best post of the week award to you!
Who would Putin would rather deal with? Trump or Biden (KH) HAAAAAAA HAAAAAAAA!
Fucking DEM idiots will NEVER get it!
Putin is funneling money into Biden's campaign already.
"The Russians have learned much about American weaknesses, and how to exploit them. Having probed state voting systems far more extensively than is generally understood by the public, they are now surely more capable of mayhem on Election Day—and possibly without leaving a detectable trace of their handiwork. Having hacked into the inboxes of political operatives in the U.S. and abroad, they’ve pioneered new techniques for infiltrating campaigns and disseminating their stolen goods. Even as to disinformation, the best-known and perhaps most overrated of their tactics, they have innovated, finding new ways to manipulate Americans and to poison the nation’s politics. Russia’s interference in 2016 might be remembered as the experimental prelude that foreshadowed the attack of 2020."

Again, what Trump policies benefit Russia?
"Vladimir Putin dreams of discrediting the American democratic system, and he will never have a more reliable ally than Donald Trump. A democracy can’t defend itself if it can’t honestly describe the attacks against it. But the president hasn’t just undermined his own country’s defenses—he has actively abetted the adversary’s efforts. If Russia wants to tarnish the political process as hopelessly rigged, it has a bombastic amplifier standing behind the seal of the presidency, a man who reflexively depicts his opponents as frauds and any system that produces an outcome he doesn’t like as fixed. If Russia wants to spread disinformation, the president continually softens an audience for it, by instructing the public to disregard authoritative journalism as the prevarications of a traitorous elite and by spouting falsehoods on Twitter."

Answer the question, What Trump policies benefit Russia?
"Events in the United States have unfolded more favorably than any operative in Moscow could have ever dreamed: Not only did Russia’s preferred candidate win, but he has spent his first term fulfilling the potential it saw in him, discrediting American institutions, rending the seams of American culture, and isolating a nation that had styled itself as indispensable to the free world. But instead of complacently enjoying its triumph, Russia almost immediately set about replicating it. Boosting the Trump campaign was a tactic; #DemocracyRIP remains the larger objective."

When we see posts questioning the validity of then intel community's conclusions that Russia hacked then DNC, gave the material to Wikileaks for dissemination, and otherwise worked to get Trump elected.............Putin smiles.

When Trump continues to attack the integrity of the FBI, sows more division, increases the national debt, and turns the DOJ in to a political arm of his presidency, Putin smiles.

When he sees the US's leadership role in the world as a positive force for democracy and human rights diminish, Putin smiles.

When he reads the headlines and sees Trump fire Inspectors General who are critical of Trump, demote medical experts in favor of his so-in-law, and disregard the advice of the nation's top advisers like Fauci and the CDC in how to handle COVID-19, Putin smiles.

Putin has been doing a lot of smiling over the last three years thanks to the Orange Buffoon. You can bet he'll be doing his best to get Vlad's favorite candidate re-elected with the help of Trumpletards.

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Your poor sap. The release of the next batch from DNI is going to show Russia wanted Hillaryous to win because Trump was too much of a wild card. And Obamakov wanted the Trump/Russia narrative.

How'd that work out for you clowns?
Again, what Trump policies benefit Russia?
Don't be so obtuse. Widen your vision. Putin isn't necessarily interested in Trump's bigoted stance on immigration or his policies resulting in the degradation of the environment. Putin's goal is to take down our democratic system..........and no one does a better job of undermining our democracy than Trump.

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