Pushed To Edge By Siege, People Reporting Family And Friends...


Diamond Member
Aug 6, 2014
It must be awful to live with the fact that you turned your parents into the FBI because your parents committed crimes at the riot in DC.

Families are being torn apart even worse now because of it.

There is now a whole network of people who have lost family members and friends to the conservative conspiracies. I'm sure it must feel very lonely to lose people you love that way.

I understand why people did turn people in but wow. I would have a very hard time with living with it.

It would be helpful if the the Democrats weren't obnoxious pieces of shit.

The family unit is something that Marxists generally find offensive and has been on their chopping block for years.

Relevant reading...

The Hell that Trump hath wrought. I sincerely hope there is a special place in the heart of every prosecutor for this man and his family after 12:01PM on 1/20. Up until March 11, 2020, I just had no respect for the man. He was a fraud, a charlatan, a corrupt, incompetent boob who backed into the Presidency. He got to coast on the accomplishments of his predecessor and while he was divisive, it didn't seem like much of a threat. Boy was I wrong. After all his tweeting, golfing, and pep rallies while the virus was establishing an anchor position in this country from January to March, he gets on TV that night and proceeds to let everyone know that not only doesn't he give a shit about the virus, but that he's woefully unprepared to deal with it. If we had a reasonable, functioning government without all the sycophants and yes men/women, March 13th would have been the last day of his Presidency.

I have several family members who are hardcore Trump supporters. Would I turn them in if they appeared in video at the Capitol..probably. Anyone who walked on to that courtyard, charged up the steps, occupied the two terraces, broke windows, gave instructions, stormed into the building, ransacked offices, stole equipment, and defiled the house where the US conduct its business...deserves to be ratted out. Whatever consequences they suffer....too bad.
I got into a fight twice with some of my relatives and we are barely on speaking terms now.

Fukem, then. They'll come around when they want something.

I haven't seen my family in over thirty years. Dad was an abusive drunk and the state came in and took 6 of the 9 kids. Oddly enough, the solution ended up making matters worse for the kids in the long term. When mom got em back, she moved out west.

Actually, I did see my mom around the holday. One of her sisters died so she came out for that, then went back home.
The Hell that Trump hath wrought. I sincerely hope there is a special place in the heart of every prosecutor for this man and his family after 12:01PM on 1/20. Up until March 11, 2020, I just had no respect for the man. He was a fraud, a charlatan, a corrupt, incompetent boob who backed into the Presidency. He got to coast on the accomplishments of his predecessor and while he was divisive, it didn't seem like much of a threat. Boy was I wrong. After all his tweeting, golfing, and pep rallies while the virus was establishing an anchor position in this country from January to March, he gets on TV that night and proceeds to let everyone know that not only doesn't he give a shit about the virus, but that he's woefully unprepared to deal with it. If we had a reasonable, functioning government without all the sycophants and yes men/women, March 13th would have been the last day of his Presidency.

I have several family members who are hardcore Trump supporters. Would I turn them in if they appeared in video at the Capitol..probably. Anyone who walked on to that courtyard, charged up the steps, occupied the two terraces, broke windows, gave instructions, stormed into the building, ransacked offices, stole equipment, and defiled the house where the US conduct its business...deserves to be ratted out. Whatever consequences they suffer....too bad.
I hear for every 10 denouncements, you get a free shirt! I think it's brown...
It must be awful to live with the fact that you turned your parents into the FBI because your parents committed crimes at the riot in DC.

Families are being torn apart even worse now because of it.

There is now a whole network of people who have lost family members and friends to the conservative conspiracies. I'm sure it must feel very lonely to lose people you love that way.

I understand why people did turn people in but wow. I would have a very hard time with living with it.

OH GEE----a new "ME TOO" deluge.
The Hell that Trump hath wrought. I sincerely hope there is a special place in the heart of every prosecutor for this man and his family after 12:01PM on 1/20. Up until March 11, 2020, I just had no respect for the man. He was a fraud, a charlatan, a corrupt, incompetent boob who backed into the Presidency. He got to coast on the accomplishments of his predecessor and while he was divisive, it didn't seem like much of a threat. Boy was I wrong. After all his tweeting, golfing, and pep rallies while the virus was establishing an anchor position in this country from January to March, he gets on TV that night and proceeds to let everyone know that not only doesn't he give a shit about the virus, but that he's woefully unprepared to deal with it. If we had a reasonable, functioning government without all the sycophants and yes men/women, March 13th would have been the last day of his Presidency.

I have several family members who are hardcore Trump supporters. Would I turn them in if they appeared in video at the Capitol..probably. Anyone who walked on to that courtyard, charged up the steps, occupied the two terraces, broke windows, gave instructions, stormed into the building, ransacked offices, stole equipment, and defiled the house where the US conduct its business...deserves to be ratted out. Whatever consequences they suffer....too bad.
I hear for every 10 denouncements, you get a free shirt! I think it's brown...

Bored. Back to your alt-right hidely hole. Honestly, why do you waste your time with the standard Nazi references? You wouldn't know what they mean if someone explained them to you. :)
The Hell that Trump hath wrought. I sincerely hope there is a special place in the heart of every prosecutor for this man and his family after 12:01PM on 1/20. Up until March 11, 2020, I just had no respect for the man. He was a fraud, a charlatan, a corrupt, incompetent boob who backed into the Presidency. He got to coast on the accomplishments of his predecessor and while he was divisive, it didn't seem like much of a threat. Boy was I wrong. After all his tweeting, golfing, and pep rallies while the virus was establishing an anchor position in this country from January to March, he gets on TV that night and proceeds to let everyone know that not only doesn't he give a shit about the virus, but that he's woefully unprepared to deal with it. If we had a reasonable, functioning government without all the sycophants and yes men/women, March 13th would have been the last day of his Presidency.

I have several family members who are hardcore Trump supporters. Would I turn them in if they appeared in video at the Capitol..probably. Anyone who walked on to that courtyard, charged up the steps, occupied the two terraces, broke windows, gave instructions, stormed into the building, ransacked offices, stole equipment, and defiled the house where the US conduct its business...deserves to be ratted out. Whatever consequences they suffer....too bad.
I hear for every 10 denouncements, you get a free shirt! I think it's brown...

a prefer gold-----or "pieces of silver" what is the
going rate?
It would be helpful if the the Democrats weren't obnoxious pieces of shit.

Wow, expanding into sweeping generalization fallacies now. And even trying to connect political parties with friggin' personality traits.

What the fuck got into you?
the fact that you turned your parents into the FBI because your parents committed crimes at the riot in DC.
I have trouble imaging these people as being good parents. What do they teach their kids, rioting and insurrection.



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