'PURGE' Rolls On: Dem Pushes Legislation to Ban Anyone Who Participated in “Stop the Steal”, in Q-Anon from Holding Sec Clearance or Joining Military


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015

Democrat Stephanie Murphy Pushes Legislation to Ban Anyone Who Participated in “Stop the Steal” Activities and Anyone in Q-Anon from Holding a Security Clearance or Joining Military

"Leading House Democrat Stephanie Murphy proposed in 2020 to end tariffs on Chinese imports amid the spread of Wuhan Virus, essentially rewarding the Chinese for their secretive and problematic handling of the virus that is quickly spreading to all corners of the globe.

This was in March before the China virus ravaged the nation."

NOW she's out to PURGE Conservatives and Trump supporters:

"On Friday Rep. Stephanie Murphy pushed legislation that will bar Q-Anon supporters and anyone who participated in “Stop the Steal” activities from from holding office in the public sector or joining the military.

The media tells us Murphy is a “moderate” Democrat."

Yeah, uh huh......


Democrat Stephanie Murphy Pushes Legislation to Ban Anyone Who Participated in “Stop the Steal” Activities and Anyone in Q-Anon from Holding a Security Clearance or Joining Military

"Leading House Democrat Stephanie Murphy proposed in 2020 to end tariffs on Chinese imports amid the spread of Wuhan Virus, essentially rewarding the Chinese for their secretive and problematic handling of the virus that is quickly spreading to all corners of the globe.

This was in March before the China virus ravaged the nation."

NOW she's out to PURGE Conservatives and Trump supporters:

"On Friday Rep. Stephanie Murphy pushed legislation that will bar Q-Anon supporters and anyone who participated in “Stop the Steal” activities from from holding office in the public sector or joining the military.

The media tells us Murphy is a “moderate” Democrat."

Yeah, uh huh......

The Germans had a similar law after the beer hall putsch. They should have stuck to it because 9 years later hitler took over.
Certainly agree with the Qnon mob. As for the stop the steal, well, that depends on their alleged activities. Were they there for the protest (a lot were and did nothing else, therefore should be okay) or did they invade Congress? In which case she is on the money.

Democrat Stephanie Murphy Pushes Legislation to Ban Anyone Who Participated in “Stop the Steal” Activities and Anyone in Q-Anon from Holding a Security Clearance or Joining Military

"Leading House Democrat Stephanie Murphy proposed in 2020 to end tariffs on Chinese imports amid the spread of Wuhan Virus, essentially rewarding the Chinese for their secretive and problematic handling of the virus that is quickly spreading to all corners of the globe.

This was in March before the China virus ravaged the nation."

NOW she's out to PURGE Conservatives and Trump supporters:

"On Friday Rep. Stephanie Murphy pushed legislation that will bar Q-Anon supporters and anyone who participated in “Stop the Steal” activities from from holding office in the public sector or joining the military.

The media tells us Murphy is a “moderate” Democrat."

Yeah, uh huh......

You would not want traitors in the military.

Democrat Stephanie Murphy Pushes Legislation to Ban Anyone Who Participated in “Stop the Steal” Activities and Anyone in Q-Anon from Holding a Security Clearance or Joining Military

"Leading House Democrat Stephanie Murphy proposed in 2020 to end tariffs on Chinese imports amid the spread of Wuhan Virus, essentially rewarding the Chinese for their secretive and problematic handling of the virus that is quickly spreading to all corners of the globe.

This was in March before the China virus ravaged the nation."

NOW she's out to PURGE Conservatives and Trump supporters:

"On Friday Rep. Stephanie Murphy pushed legislation that will bar Q-Anon supporters and anyone who participated in “Stop the Steal” activities from from holding office in the public sector or joining the military.

The media tells us Murphy is a “moderate” Democrat."

Yeah, uh huh......

You would not want traitors in the military.
You mean we should ban the minions of the Democrat Reich?
'PURGE' Rolls On: Dem Pushes Legislation to Ban Anyone Who Participated in “Stop the Steal”, in Q-Anon from Holding Sec Clearance or Joining Military

and you don't get to smoke weed neither.

Democrat Stephanie Murphy Pushes Legislation to Ban Anyone Who Participated in “Stop the Steal” Activities and Anyone in Q-Anon from Holding a Security Clearance or Joining Military

"Leading House Democrat Stephanie Murphy proposed in 2020 to end tariffs on Chinese imports amid the spread of Wuhan Virus, essentially rewarding the Chinese for their secretive and problematic handling of the virus that is quickly spreading to all corners of the globe.

This was in March before the China virus ravaged the nation."

NOW she's out to PURGE Conservatives and Trump supporters:

"On Friday Rep. Stephanie Murphy pushed legislation that will bar Q-Anon supporters and anyone who participated in “Stop the Steal” activities from from holding office in the public sector or joining the military.

The media tells us Murphy is a “moderate” Democrat."

Yeah, uh huh......

Is she a Chinese asset like Swalwell?
She don't look Irish to me.

Democrat Stephanie Murphy Pushes Legislation to Ban Anyone Who Participated in “Stop the Steal” Activities and Anyone in Q-Anon from Holding a Security Clearance or Joining Military

"Leading House Democrat Stephanie Murphy proposed in 2020 to end tariffs on Chinese imports amid the spread of Wuhan Virus, essentially rewarding the Chinese for their secretive and problematic handling of the virus that is quickly spreading to all corners of the globe.

This was in March before the China virus ravaged the nation."

NOW she's out to PURGE Conservatives and Trump supporters:

"On Friday Rep. Stephanie Murphy pushed legislation that will bar Q-Anon supporters and anyone who participated in “Stop the Steal” activities from from holding office in the public sector or joining the military.

The media tells us Murphy is a “moderate” Democrat."

Yeah, uh huh......

Moderately Stalinist

Democrat Stephanie Murphy Pushes Legislation to Ban Anyone Who Participated in “Stop the Steal” Activities and Anyone in Q-Anon from Holding a Security Clearance or Joining Military

"Leading House Democrat Stephanie Murphy proposed in 2020 to end tariffs on Chinese imports amid the spread of Wuhan Virus, essentially rewarding the Chinese for their secretive and problematic handling of the virus that is quickly spreading to all corners of the globe.

This was in March before the China virus ravaged the nation."

NOW she's out to PURGE Conservatives and Trump supporters:

"On Friday Rep. Stephanie Murphy pushed legislation that will bar Q-Anon supporters and anyone who participated in “Stop the Steal” activities from from holding office in the public sector or joining the military.

The media tells us Murphy is a “moderate” Democrat."

Yeah, uh huh......

I retired from the US Army a year ago. When I joined up under the Delayed Entry Program in 1988 I was vetted to a degree, but I recall no questions about my political leanings—but how many fifteen year old kids really possess set in stone ideological beliefs? I was vetted again around 1992 when I was permanently attached to the 312th Military Intelligence Battalion and put on a long range surveillance detachment. Again, no questions were asked about which American political party I affiliated with, although there were questions about whether or not I was a communist or had been associated with the American communist party. Seems Russian agents had been caught trying to get their hands on phone books for the Army base where I was serving.

Over the course of the following two decades I would be vetted for various security clearances a number of times, most memorably after the events of 9/11/01. However, I cannot remember a single US Army background investigation which wanted to know my American political party affiliation, although I did receive a letter once from the Pentagon written entirely in Arabic, which turned out to be a test of sorts, to verify whether or not I could read and understand that language enough to respond, which I could and I did.

I can also report the same thing about background vetting for federal law enforcement. Yes, they did go door to door through neighborhoods where I had grown up asking questions about me and my family and they did indeed speak at length with a number of my public school teachers and college professors, but they never wanted to know whether I was a democrat or republican. That particular initial background investigation occurred around 2005, so social media popularity was well in force by that time. No background investigator ever asked for explanation of my ideological beliefs or means to see what I might have been writing about online, although they did check my Facebook and Gmail accounts for security risks—to see if criminal or foreign elements had infiltrated either account.

What we're witnessing here in 2021 is unprecedented and clear discrimination against law enforcement and military service applicants—and even already serving members of both—based on their political beliefs, racial appearance, and religious backgrounds. As a veteran of both the military and law enforcement I find it to be utterly sickening. The only reason for it, as others have said, is to identify and purge from service any applicant or active duty member whose political beliefs clash with modern Democratic Party ideology—and it needs to STOP or be stopped. Now.

Democrat Stephanie Murphy Pushes Legislation to Ban Anyone Who Participated in “Stop the Steal” Activities and Anyone in Q-Anon from Holding a Security Clearance or Joining Military

"Leading House Democrat Stephanie Murphy proposed in 2020 to end tariffs on Chinese imports amid the spread of Wuhan Virus, essentially rewarding the Chinese for their secretive and problematic handling of the virus that is quickly spreading to all corners of the globe.

This was in March before the China virus ravaged the nation."

NOW she's out to PURGE Conservatives and Trump supporters:

"On Friday Rep. Stephanie Murphy pushed legislation that will bar Q-Anon supporters and anyone who participated in “Stop the Steal” activities from from holding office in the public sector or joining the military.

The media tells us Murphy is a “moderate” Democrat."

Yeah, uh huh......

I retired from the US Army a year ago. When I joined up under the Delayed Entry Program in 1988 I was vetted to a degree, but I recall no questions about my political leanings—but how many fifteen year old kids really possess set in stone ideological beliefs? I was vetted again around 1992 when I was permanently attached to the 312th Military Intelligence Battalion and put on a long range surveillance detachment. Again, no questions were asked about which American political party I affiliated with, although there were questions about whether or not I was a communist or had been associated with the American communist party. Seems Russian agents had been caught trying to get their hands on phone books for the Army base where I was serving.

Over the course of the following two decades I would be vetted for various security clearances a number of times, most memorably after the events of 9/11/01. However, I cannot remember a single US Army background investigation which wanted to know my American political party affiliation, although I did receive a letter once from the Pentagon written entirely in Arabic, which turned out to be a test of sorts, to verify whether or not I could read and understand that language enough to respond, which I could and I did.

I can also report the same thing about background vetting for federal law enforcement. Yes, they did go door to door through neighborhoods where I had grown up asking questions about me and my family and they did indeed speak at length with a number of my public school teachers and college professors, but they never wanted to know whether I was a democrat or republican. That particular initial background investigation occurred around 2005, so social media popularity was well in force by that time. No background investigator ever asked for explanation of my ideological beliefs or means to see what I might have been writing about online, although they did check my Facebook and Gmail accounts for security risks—to see if criminal or foreign elements had infiltrated either account.

What we're witnessing here in 2021 is unprecedented and clear discrimination against law enforcement and military service applicants—and even already serving members of both—based on their political beliefs, racial appearance, and religious backgrounds. As a veteran of both the military and law enforcement I find it to be utterly sickening. The only reason for it, as others have said, is to identify and purge from service any applicant or active duty member whose political beliefs clash with modern Democratic Party ideology—and it needs to STOP or be stopped. Now.

Is it even legal to ask what one's political preference is between the 2 main systemic party's?

Democrat Stephanie Murphy Pushes Legislation to Ban Anyone Who Participated in “Stop the Steal” Activities and Anyone in Q-Anon from Holding a Security Clearance or Joining Military

"Leading House Democrat Stephanie Murphy proposed in 2020 to end tariffs on Chinese imports amid the spread of Wuhan Virus, essentially rewarding the Chinese for their secretive and problematic handling of the virus that is quickly spreading to all corners of the globe.

This was in March before the China virus ravaged the nation."

NOW she's out to PURGE Conservatives and Trump supporters:

"On Friday Rep. Stephanie Murphy pushed legislation that will bar Q-Anon supporters and anyone who participated in “Stop the Steal” activities from from holding office in the public sector or joining the military.

The media tells us Murphy is a “moderate” Democrat."

Yeah, uh huh......

I retired from the US Army a year ago. When I joined up under the Delayed Entry Program in 1988 I was vetted to a degree, but I recall no questions about my political leanings—but how many fifteen year old kids really possess set in stone ideological beliefs? I was vetted again around 1992 when I was permanently attached to the 312th Military Intelligence Battalion and put on a long range surveillance detachment. Again, no questions were asked about which American political party I affiliated with, although there were questions about whether or not I was a communist or had been associated with the American communist party. Seems Russian agents had been caught trying to get their hands on phone books for the Army base where I was serving.

Over the course of the following two decades I would be vetted for various security clearances a number of times, most memorably after the events of 9/11/01. However, I cannot remember a single US Army background investigation which wanted to know my American political party affiliation, although I did receive a letter once from the Pentagon written entirely in Arabic, which turned out to be a test of sorts, to verify whether or not I could read and understand that language enough to respond, which I could and I did.

I can also report the same thing about background vetting for federal law enforcement. Yes, they did go door to door through neighborhoods where I had grown up asking questions about me and my family and they did indeed speak at length with a number of my public school teachers and college professors, but they never wanted to know whether I was a democrat or republican. That particular initial background investigation occurred around 2005, so social media popularity was well in force by that time. No background investigator ever asked for explanation of my ideological beliefs or means to see what I might have been writing about online, although they did check my Facebook and Gmail accounts for security risks—to see if criminal or foreign elements had infiltrated either account.

What we're witnessing here in 2021 is unprecedented and clear discrimination against law enforcement and military service applicants—and even already serving members of both—based on their political beliefs, racial appearance, and religious backgrounds. As a veteran of both the military and law enforcement I find it to be utterly sickening. The only reason for it, as others have said, is to identify and purge from service any applicant or active duty member whose political beliefs clash with modern Democratic Party ideology—and it needs to STOP or be stopped. Now.

Is it even legal to ask what one's political preference is between the 2 main systemic party's?

The modern Democratic Party seems to have its own ideas about the importance of what is and is not technically legal. I do not believe, in the democrats' eyes, that "legal" applies the same to all Americans.
I mean which Party do they throw an individual in who states that they vote on issues irrespective of Party?
And does any Gov't agency have the right to force an individual to reveal their stance on ISSUES?
If we are truly free to politically choose, then we are free to keep our individual political choices, whether they be candidates and/or issues to ourselves!

Democrat Stephanie Murphy Pushes Legislation to Ban Anyone Who Participated in “Stop the Steal” Activities and Anyone in Q-Anon from Holding a Security Clearance or Joining Military

"Leading House Democrat Stephanie Murphy proposed in 2020 to end tariffs on Chinese imports amid the spread of Wuhan Virus, essentially rewarding the Chinese for their secretive and problematic handling of the virus that is quickly spreading to all corners of the globe.

This was in March before the China virus ravaged the nation."

NOW she's out to PURGE Conservatives and Trump supporters:

"On Friday Rep. Stephanie Murphy pushed legislation that will bar Q-Anon supporters and anyone who participated in “Stop the Steal” activities from from holding office in the public sector or joining the military.

The media tells us Murphy is a “moderate” Democrat."

Yeah, uh huh......

I retired from the US Army a year ago. When I joined up under the Delayed Entry Program in 1988 I was vetted to a degree, but I recall no questions about my political leanings—but how many fifteen year old kids really possess set in stone ideological beliefs? I was vetted again around 1992 when I was permanently attached to the 312th Military Intelligence Battalion and put on a long range surveillance detachment. Again, no questions were asked about which American political party I affiliated with, although there were questions about whether or not I was a communist or had been associated with the American communist party. Seems Russian agents had been caught trying to get their hands on phone books for the Army base where I was serving.

Over the course of the following two decades I would be vetted for various security clearances a number of times, most memorably after the events of 9/11/01. However, I cannot remember a single US Army background investigation which wanted to know my American political party affiliation, although I did receive a letter once from the Pentagon written entirely in Arabic, which turned out to be a test of sorts, to verify whether or not I could read and understand that language enough to respond, which I could and I did.

I can also report the same thing about background vetting for federal law enforcement. Yes, they did go door to door through neighborhoods where I had grown up asking questions about me and my family and they did indeed speak at length with a number of my public school teachers and college professors, but they never wanted to know whether I was a democrat or republican. That particular initial background investigation occurred around 2005, so social media popularity was well in force by that time. No background investigator ever asked for explanation of my ideological beliefs or means to see what I might have been writing about online, although they did check my Facebook and Gmail accounts for security risks—to see if criminal or foreign elements had infiltrated either account.

What we're witnessing here in 2021 is unprecedented and clear discrimination against law enforcement and military service applicants—and even already serving members of both—based on their political beliefs, racial appearance, and religious backgrounds. As a veteran of both the military and law enforcement I find it to be utterly sickening. The only reason for it, as others have said, is to identify and purge from service any applicant or active duty member whose political beliefs clash with modern Democratic Party ideology—and it needs to STOP or be stopped. Now.

Thank you for sharing this. I felt there were reasons why you are one of the smarter members on this board!
Nothing beats awareness combined with experience.

Democrat Stephanie Murphy Pushes Legislation to Ban Anyone Who Participated in “Stop the Steal” Activities and Anyone in Q-Anon from Holding a Security Clearance or Joining Military

"Leading House Democrat Stephanie Murphy proposed in 2020 to end tariffs on Chinese imports amid the spread of Wuhan Virus, essentially rewarding the Chinese for their secretive and problematic handling of the virus that is quickly spreading to all corners of the globe.

This was in March before the China virus ravaged the nation."

NOW she's out to PURGE Conservatives and Trump supporters:

"On Friday Rep. Stephanie Murphy pushed legislation that will bar Q-Anon supporters and anyone who participated in “Stop the Steal” activities from from holding office in the public sector or joining the military.

The media tells us Murphy is a “moderate” Democrat."

Yeah, uh huh......

Of course she wants the same for anyone associated with ANTIFABLM.

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