Pure Unadulterated Racism


Platinum Member
Jul 20, 2011
Don't harsh my zen, Jen!

The President of the United States cannot say what I’m going to say. I am going to say it loud so that it resounds all over this land.

Racists, racists, racists! Racism is alive and SICK in America. Racial hatred is alive and SICK in America.

Can I prove it? Yes, I can.

I am 81 years old so I have lived through 13 administrations of presidencies: some weak and ineffective, some strong and yet neglectful; and yet a few, passionate, caring and humane.

These Republicans and Libertarians today are still fighting the Civil War! There is Texas where the governor is Republican Rick Perry. This Southern state wants to engrave the Confederate flag on the license plates of all the citizens in the state. There are Southern boards of education including, but not limited to Tennessee, Texas and Virginia who want to rewrite the text books either to omit slavery or to revise and rearrange history to fit their biased views. These three states all have Republican governors.

The Tea Party, a group of extreme right-wing conservative theorists are among the proponents of this revisionist, altered version of American history. There are those semi-literate legislators, like Republican Congresswoman Michele Bachmann of Minnesota, who say the Founding Fathers fought to eliminate slavery. There’s a Southern governor, Republican Governor Haley Barbour of Mississippi, who knows nothing about slavery and racial tensions in the South.

Ignorant! Yes, that’s a part of it; but, the main thing is their psyche. Taught at an early age to look down upon and to hate people of African descent, this hatred is buried deep, deep, within the throes of every fabric and fiber of their beings. Just as a light- weight object put into a glass of water will float to the top, no matter how long racism has been festering in their bodies, confronted with a president of African descent, the covert racism rises to the top. All of the subliminal messages weighing them down for years since infancy, now surface; and unabashedly, they would rather see this Nation, this Democratic Republic crumble as long as they can blame this Black man and cause his Waterloo! This is not my position. This is not my inference. This is exactly what some of these racists legislators have said. There is concrete evidence that they said it. I don’t have to make it up or falsify what they said, it is there on video preserved for the lifetime of this Nation, for the whole world to see that a group of racist legislators, like Republican Congressman Mitch McConnell, are so determined to make the presidency of President Barack Obama, a one-term presidency that they frankly, as Rhett Butler said, …don’t give a damn....”

Of COURSE you're going to disagree with her.

That won't make her any less right.
Speaking of racists, here's Obama's pastor for 20+ years. He's back in pew #3 with his family I am sure

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ix-AMYos0Js]Rev. Wright; God Damn America - Long Version - YouTube[/ame]
Taught at an early age to look down upon and to hate people of African descent, this hatred is buried deep, deep, within the throes of every fabric and fiber of their beings.

That portion right there, BDBoop, is the most horseshitty of all the horseshitty statements made in that piece.

America has come a long way since the Civil Rights Movement, you know. If you could actually meet some of those you would call "tea baggers", you would see that the vast majority of them don't consciously hate black people, and were not raised to do so. Yes, Republicans can be clueless about race, but to think that the quoted is even remotely true is absurd.
Liberal definition of racist: White Conservative

Until you guys get a better dictionary, you're in for a world of hurt. You've made the word "racist" a punchline.
A black friend of mine once said "You are the only Republican I know who isn't racist". When I named other mutual friends who happen to be Republican, his only retort was "Wow. I guess I was just raised to believe that". When I asked him why he was so homophobic, his retort was "I guess I was just raised to believe that". When I asked him why he voted for Obama his reply was "You know why and if that makes me racist, so be it".

Guess what? Everyone has prejudices. And having ignorant views does not make one hateful. Just dumb about that particular view.

That woman's perception is her reality. My reality is quite different.

The President of the United States cannot say what I’m going to say. I am going to say it loud so that it resounds all over this land.

Racists, racists, racists! Racism is alive and SICK in America. Racial hatred is alive and SICK in America.

Can I prove it? Yes, I can.

I am 81 years old so I have lived through 13 administrations of presidencies: some weak and ineffective, some strong and yet neglectful; and yet a few, passionate, caring and humane.

These Republicans and Libertarians today are still fighting the Civil War! There is Texas where the governor is Republican Rick Perry. This Southern state wants to engrave the Confederate flag on the license plates of all the citizens in the state. There are Southern boards of education including, but not limited to Tennessee, Texas and Virginia who want to rewrite the text books either to omit slavery or to revise and rearrange history to fit their biased views. These three states all have Republican governors.

The Tea Party, a group of extreme right-wing conservative theorists are among the proponents of this revisionist, altered version of American history. There are those semi-literate legislators, like Republican Congresswoman Michele Bachmann of Minnesota, who say the Founding Fathers fought to eliminate slavery. There’s a Southern governor, Republican Governor Haley Barbour of Mississippi, who knows nothing about slavery and racial tensions in the South.

Ignorant! Yes, that’s a part of it; but, the main thing is their psyche. Taught at an early age to look down upon and to hate people of African descent, this hatred is buried deep, deep, within the throes of every fabric and fiber of their beings. Just as a light- weight object put into a glass of water will float to the top, no matter how long racism has been festering in their bodies, confronted with a president of African descent, the covert racism rises to the top. All of the subliminal messages weighing them down for years since infancy, now surface; and unabashedly, they would rather see this Nation, this Democratic Republic crumble as long as they can blame this Black man and cause his Waterloo! This is not my position. This is not my inference. This is exactly what some of these racists legislators have said. There is concrete evidence that they said it. I don’t have to make it up or falsify what they said, it is there on video preserved for the lifetime of this Nation, for the whole world to see that a group of racist legislators, like Republican Congressman Mitch McConnell, are so determined to make the presidency of President Barack Obama, a one-term presidency that they frankly, as Rhett Butler said, …don’t give a damn....”

Of COURSE you're going to disagree with her.

That won't make her any less right.

oh and..

Written by Helen L. Burleson

Doctor of Public Administration


the irony here? you cannot make this shit up. read up on her background, priceless.

shes had a tick going way back....and is apparently supreme court decision challenged....
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The President of the United States cannot say what I’m going to say. I am going to say it loud so that it resounds all over this land.

Racists, racists, racists! Racism is alive and SICK in America. Racial hatred is alive and SICK in America.

Can I prove it? Yes, I can.

I am 81 years old so I have lived through 13 administrations of presidencies: some weak and ineffective, some strong and yet neglectful; and yet a few, passionate, caring and humane.

These Republicans and Libertarians today are still fighting the Civil War! There is Texas where the governor is Republican Rick Perry. This Southern state wants to engrave the Confederate flag on the license plates of all the citizens in the state. There are Southern boards of education including, but not limited to Tennessee, Texas and Virginia who want to rewrite the text books either to omit slavery or to revise and rearrange history to fit their biased views. These three states all have Republican governors.

The Tea Party, a group of extreme right-wing conservative theorists are among the proponents of this revisionist, altered version of American history. There are those semi-literate legislators, like Republican Congresswoman Michele Bachmann of Minnesota, who say the Founding Fathers fought to eliminate slavery. There’s a Southern governor, Republican Governor Haley Barbour of Mississippi, who knows nothing about slavery and racial tensions in the South.

Ignorant! Yes, that’s a part of it; but, the main thing is their psyche. Taught at an early age to look down upon and to hate people of African descent, this hatred is buried deep, deep, within the throes of every fabric and fiber of their beings. Just as a light- weight object put into a glass of water will float to the top, no matter how long racism has been festering in their bodies, confronted with a president of African descent, the covert racism rises to the top. All of the subliminal messages weighing them down for years since infancy, now surface; and unabashedly, they would rather see this Nation, this Democratic Republic crumble as long as they can blame this Black man and cause his Waterloo! This is not my position. This is not my inference. This is exactly what some of these racists legislators have said. There is concrete evidence that they said it. I don’t have to make it up or falsify what they said, it is there on video preserved for the lifetime of this Nation, for the whole world to see that a group of racist legislators, like Republican Congressman Mitch McConnell, are so determined to make the presidency of President Barack Obama, a one-term presidency that they frankly, as Rhett Butler said, …don’t give a damn....”

Of COURSE you're going to disagree with her.

That won't make her any less right.
No, the fact that shes wrong makes her less right.

She's a bigot. And her bigotry is not proof that anyone else is.
It’s possible she’s just being used, as deplorable as that idea is. It could also be that she really feels the way the article says. Then again, she may be one of that massive group of nincompoops who think the world owes them a living, that the U.S. owes them a living whether they earned it or not.

Our Constitution doesn’t promise happiness, but the “pursuit of happiness”. Maybe being a liberal whiner who blames everyone with a different color skin than herself, falls under the “pursuit of happiness” clause. Maybe that’s what’s going on with Obama also.

In my opinion, she’s just another self-centered, self-important narcissicist. She’s not a Saint the way she talks. Her racist attitude would fit in perfectly with other Klu Klux Klan members. Her type of bigoted thinking is exactly why I gave up on the Democrat Party small-mindedness. To me, this woman is an idiot. But, in America, she does have the right to blab.

Racist Hater Or Simple-Minded Bigot? | Veterans News Now

The President of the United States cannot say what I’m going to say. I am going to say it loud so that it resounds all over this land.

Racists, racists, racists! Racism is alive and SICK in America. Racial hatred is alive and SICK in America.

Can I prove it? Yes, I can.

I am 81 years old so I have lived through 13 administrations of presidencies: some weak and ineffective, some strong and yet neglectful; and yet a few, passionate, caring and humane.

These Republicans and Libertarians today are still fighting the Civil War! There is Texas where the governor is Republican Rick Perry. This Southern state wants to engrave the Confederate flag on the license plates of all the citizens in the state. There are Southern boards of education including, but not limited to Tennessee, Texas and Virginia who want to rewrite the text books either to omit slavery or to revise and rearrange history to fit their biased views. These three states all have Republican governors.

The Tea Party, a group of extreme right-wing conservative theorists are among the proponents of this revisionist, altered version of American history. There are those semi-literate legislators, like Republican Congresswoman Michele Bachmann of Minnesota, who say the Founding Fathers fought to eliminate slavery. There’s a Southern governor, Republican Governor Haley Barbour of Mississippi, who knows nothing about slavery and racial tensions in the South.

Ignorant! Yes, that’s a part of it; but, the main thing is their psyche. Taught at an early age to look down upon and to hate people of African descent, this hatred is buried deep, deep, within the throes of every fabric and fiber of their beings. Just as a light- weight object put into a glass of water will float to the top, no matter how long racism has been festering in their bodies, confronted with a president of African descent, the covert racism rises to the top. All of the subliminal messages weighing them down for years since infancy, now surface; and unabashedly, they would rather see this Nation, this Democratic Republic crumble as long as they can blame this Black man and cause his Waterloo! This is not my position. This is not my inference. This is exactly what some of these racists legislators have said. There is concrete evidence that they said it. I don’t have to make it up or falsify what they said, it is there on video preserved for the lifetime of this Nation, for the whole world to see that a group of racist legislators, like Republican Congressman Mitch McConnell, are so determined to make the presidency of President Barack Obama, a one-term presidency that they frankly, as Rhett Butler said, …don’t give a damn....”

Of COURSE you're going to disagree with her.

That won't make her any less right.
AAHHHHH SHUT UP !! ........................YOU OLD BITCH !!:doubt:
"These Republicans and Libertarians today are still fighting the Civil War! There is Texas where the governor is Republican Rick Perry. This Southern state wants to engrave the Confederate flag on the license plates of all the citizens in the state. There are Southern boards of education including, but not limited to Tennessee, Texas and Virginia who want to rewrite the text books either to omit slavery or to revise and rearrange history to fit their biased views. These three states all have Republican governors.

The Tea Party, a group of extreme right-wing conservative theorists are among the proponents of this revisionist, altered version of American history. There are those semi-literate legislators, like Republican Congresswoman Michele Bachmann of Minnesota, who say the Founding Fathers fought to eliminate slavery. There’s a Southern governor, Republican Governor Haley Barbour of Mississippi, who knows nothing about slavery and racial tensions in the South."

What part of this is inaccurate? She wrote this perfectly and she is 100% on point. Wow. This is great.
"These Republicans and Libertarians today are still fighting the Civil War! There is Texas where the governor is Republican Rick Perry. This Southern state wants to engrave the Confederate flag on the license plates of all the citizens in the state. There are Southern boards of education including, but not limited to Tennessee, Texas and Virginia who want to rewrite the text books either to omit slavery or to revise and rearrange history to fit their biased views. These three states all have Republican governors.

The Tea Party, a group of extreme right-wing conservative theorists are among the proponents of this revisionist, altered version of American history. There are those semi-literate legislators, like Republican Congresswoman Michele Bachmann of Minnesota, who say the Founding Fathers fought to eliminate slavery. There’s a Southern governor, Republican Governor Haley Barbour of Mississippi, who knows nothing about slavery and racial tensions in the South."

What part of this is inaccurate? She wrote this perfectly and she is 100% on point. Wow. This is great.
Because she repeats your programming doesn't make her right.
Blacks have been such a drain on American society, we all want them to do better.
Taught at an early age to look down upon and to hate people of African descent, this hatred is buried deep, deep, within the throes of every fabric and fiber of their beings. Just as a light- weight object put into a glass of water will float to the top, no matter how long racism has been festering in their bodies, confronted with a president of African descent, the covert racism rises to the top.

Racial distrust IS "buried deep, deep, within", but not because it's taught.

Because it's biological.

Evolution programmed racial groups to be wary of each other. Studies show that when members of one racial group see pictures of another -- particularly white-to-black and black-to-white, the amygdala lights up like a Christmas tree. This is what shows up on the BRAIN SCAN. But of course, the subjects all act nonchalant and say, "hey, I don't judge anyone by their skin color, dude..."

The effects of skin tone on race-related amygdala activity: an fMRI investigation

So, Sojourner Truth here is partly right. Only, something racist buried deep, deep inside me says she ain't gonna be poring over the results of this study.
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