Pure Criminal: DOJ Admits They Reviewed and May Have Taken ‘Limited’ Amount of Attorney-Client Privileged Docs in Trump Raid

MAGA Macho Man

Diamond Member
Apr 19, 2022
Linear Time

Hillary is alleged to have classified documents: "Criminal! Traitor! Lock her up!"
Orange Jesus is alleged to have classified documents: "Persecution! Deep State! Defund the police!"

Care to cite the place in the Constitution, or even the Federal Code, that gives Sec State the power to declassify at will? Regardless of your media sources, POTUS DOES have that power so the comparison, like the rest of your commentary, is ridiculous, Idiot boy...
They violated Trump’s rights. This is purely criminal in what they did. Ethics be damned.

These people need to go to prison.
The most satisfying aspect of this is with the fascist democrat base, you cannot hope to demonstrate reality to them, or explain alien concepts such as the rule of law, they are so hate filled they believe any lunatic nonsense the fascists put out there, literally anything no matter how ludicrous! Dr Robert Malone pretty much summed things up on the Rogan podcast by explaining to Rogan the phenomenon of "mass formation psychosis!"
They violated Trump’s rights. This is purely criminal in what they did. Ethics be damned.

As opposed to an "unlimited amount"?

Why have then not been returned? Is their copier broken?
The deep state, with all of the drunken power, thinks they are above all laws and they have some people who really are not that smart.

Hillary is alleged to have classified documents: "Criminal! Traitor! Lock her up!"
Orange Jesus is alleged to have classified documents: "Persecution! Deep State! Defund the police!"


Hillary was USSecState and used an insecure server as well using an insecure phone while traveling abroad.

Trump is the former POTUS who can have his own documents under his own control after leaving office. That is what statutory law allows.
The truth is that once the two year Russiagate investigation ended those determined to destroy him to reinstate the Establishment did themselves and America great harm by continuing to pursue the goal of party over country.

I assume that these documents were taken in error, the result of going to great lengths to get something, ANYTHING on Trump which leads to sloppy, shoddy detailing in the process.
Possessing is bad but reading the content should be instant jail
If they have possessed them for this long, the logical inference is that they have read them. If there is any incriminating evidence that exists, I hope the FBI/DOJ got every bit of attorney/client privileged communication detailing it. There isn't a court in the land that would allow it.

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