Pulling Back The Curtain, Exposing 'Woke' Is Comatose, & You're Living In An 'Ant Farm' - Tom MacDonald


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
Is this 'Entertainment'? It could be described as that.
Is this 'political' and does it belong in 'Politics'. YES
Is it 'News Commentary', an 'Editorial' put to music? YES

My son came over to the house yesterday and told me he wanted me to see something that I would appreciate. He brings up YouTube. As he is doing so, he begins to tell me about a White Rapper named Tom MacDonald...He knows I HATE 'RAP'.

MacDonald is an 'independent Artist'. By that, I mean he is not signed to any music label. He is 'not owned' by anyone. He says he can't be 'CANCELED' because HE owns him. He writes his own lyrics, writes his own music, and his wife/girlfriend (also a cinematic artist) films his videos.
His popularity is sky-rocketing.

As his image pops up on YouTube I see a shite guy in dreads with tatoos all over. I personally do my best not to judge anyone by their looks, so I wasn't that phased. The music starts....the reason his popularity is sky-rocketing becomes immediately obvious.

I'm not sure if USM would allow me to past the YouTube link to his videos, so I will just suggest - STRONGLY suggest - you look up 'YouTube - Tom MacDonald', specifically the following two songs / videos as a perfect introduction to MacDonald" 'Clown World' (watch this 1st) followed by 'Fake Woke'.

LISTEN TO THE WORDS. Look past the dreads, look past the tatoos, and listen to the words...and FREE YOUR MIND. MacDonald is unique in that he helps cut though the Saul Alinsky / World/Political Elitist false narratives-by-design they have been pushing / sold that the vast majority has bought into. As his 2nd song implies, 'Woke' is 'FAKE WOKE' but a comatose trance pushed onto people to manipulate them, control them, and keep us divided. He pulls bag the fog / curtain and speaks COMMON SENSE.....he speaks truth that truly gets you 'WOKE' to show is really going on.....

Here are some of his lyrics to 'CLOWN WORLD'....and YES, this is about 'POLITICS' and what is going on:

You worried 'bout leaving a better planet for our kids
How 'bout leaving better kids for our planet
Entire generation offended at everything
Getting mad that a human thinks all lives matter
We don't need black or white or left or right
What we need is common sense, we need balance
We're all in the same boat, why you tryna make holes?
If they sink, we sink, this is madness

I'm offended that you're offended by me taking offense
Trump can't build a wall, why does your house have a fence?
I believe in two genders, I'm not mad at the rest
I'm just confused when a dude has a beard and some breasts

We won't always agree, no
I don't hate all police, no
I don't think that the system's racist
I just think the system hates people

I think fighting violence with more violence is what they want
Viruses and riots, people dying, we won't stay home
Black lives matter, all lives matter, what's all this division for?
It's modern segregation, this is setting up a civil war

Burn the circus down 'cause the world is full of clowns
They're all stupid and they're proud, making smiles on they mouths
I don't hang with Bozos, homie, I can't be around you
Anyone who knows me, knows my feet don't fit in clown shoes

When I was a child, the only races that we hated
Were the ones that we ran and didn't win
Then we stopped playing with each other, started hating on each other
Started noticing the color of our skin

Christians and atheists, immigrants, patriots
We love the country but we are not saving it
Wages don't raise through the rate of inflation
And half of the country hates all of the nation, it's
Funny that we think the world owes us something
All the phones got smart but the people so dumb
We care more about the likes and our selfies than our moms
And the only time we ever speak the truth's when we're drunk

We won't always agree, no
I don't hate all police, no
Your thoughts and opinions ain't facts
And they are not defining my reality, no

I think picking sides divides, it's probably what has got us here
United States is great regardless, that's what we forgot in here
Black lives matter, all lives matter, what's all this division for
It's modern segregation, this is setting up a civil war

'Clown World' ... 'Fake Woke' ... Tom MacDonald.....You Tube

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Tom MacDonald: 'Fake Woke'

Here's a small bit from his song / video 'Fake Woke'

I think it's crazy I'm the one who they labelled as controversial
And Cardi B is the role model for 12-year-old girls
There's rappers pushing Xanax at the top of the Billboard
But if I mention race in a song, I'm scared I'll get killed for it
It's backwards, it's getting exponentially dumb
It's more difficult to get a job than purchase a gun
Eminem used to gay bash and murder his mom
And now he doesn't want fans if they voted for Trump

We're ashamed to be American, you should probably love it
'Cause you have the right to say it and not get strung up in public

As children, we were taught how to walk and talk
But the system wants adults to sit down and shut up
Cancel culture runs the world now, the planet went crazy
Label everything we say as homophobic or racist

If you're white, then you're privileged, guilty by association
All our childhood heroes got Me-Too'd or they're rapists

They never freed the slaves, they realized that they don't need the chains
They gave us tiny screens, we think we're free 'cause we can't see the cage
They knew that race war would be the game they need to play
For people to pick teams, they use the media to feed the flame

They so fake woke, facts don't care 'bout feelings
They know they won't tell me what to believe in
They so fake woke, same old safe zones
They so fake woke, facts don't care 'bout your feelings

I think it's crazy all these people screaming facts, but they fake woke
Hate their neighbour 'cause he wears a mask or he stays home
Has a daughter, but his favourite artist said he slays hoes
Picks her up from school, music slaps on the way home
Censorship's an issue 'cause they choose what they erase
There's a difference between hate speech and speech that you hate

I think Black Lives Matter was the stupidest name
When the system's screwing everyone exactly the same

I just wanna spend Thanksgiving Day with food and my family
Without being accused of celebrating native casualties
We got so divided, it's black and white and political
Republicans are bigots, libtards if you're liberal
There's riots in our streets, and it's just getting worse
Y'all screaming, "Defund the police", y'all are genius for sure
They're underfunded already, they're way too busy to work
Order food and call the cops, see what reaches you first

Segregation ended, that's a lie in itself
That was a strategy to make us think they were trying to help
They knew that racism was hot if they designed it to sell
We buy up every single box and divide us ourselves


We are ALL getting crushed in the gears of THEIR 'GAME'
Its time we all get 'WOKE' for REAL and realize what's going on.

I didn't listen long enough to make out any WORDS. No rap for me.
Then google the lyrics for his songs. Just as impactful, which is why I posted some of his lyrics.

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