Prove racism is real.

THE 13 PERCENT EXCUSE (99th edition cont.)

The question here is do blacks commit more crime? CRIME! That would mean ALL CRIME. Murder is ONE crime. When it comes to ALL CRIMES whites are arrested more and if we use the same rationale in the article, it means whites commit MORE CRIME. In 2015, whites made up approximately 70 percent of ALL CRIME! For all violent crime there were 140,000 arrests of blacks out of a black population of 46 million. That is less than 1/2 of 1 percent of the black population. None of these things show proof of any kind of extraordinarily violent tendencies. That 140,000 is less than 1/1000th of 1 percent of the overall American population. None of these things justify what’s being argued. There are people who have got this wrong and it’s done so on purpose.

In 2017 there were 8,162,849 arrests. There are just over 330 million people in America. If a different person was arrested each time that would equal 2.5 percent of the American population. The per capita argument begins with an erroneous premise that is based on a misuse of percentages. For example, the claim that blacks are 13 percent of the population but commit 50 percent of the murders. The numbers show that 5,025 blacks were arrested for murder. While that is 53 percent of the arrests, if a different black person was arrested for each murder, you're talking about 1000th of 1 percent of the population.

In 2017 there were 8,162,849 arrests, 5.6 million of those arrested were white. These numbers show us that 69 percent of Americans participating in criminal activity were white. 2.5 times more whites participated in criminal activity than blacks or anyone else. Numbers I use are from the “2017 FBI Uniform Crime Report”. The per capita excuse must stop. Math exists we can use to be more accurate exists and it is elementary. Since all people of any race do not commit crime we can assess crime by race fairly by looking only at the number of people by race who commit or are arrested for crimes. If we want to talk about population, we can only measure the number of participants in crime as a percentage of the population. This has been done by many who honestly study these matters, but this is written for us regular Joes and Joannes who do not spend their days analyzing such data.

Less than 1/100th of one percent of the total American population died from murder in 2018. The argument that substitutes or conflates murder to stand for all crime is purely a racist argument to hide the fact that whites lead is almost every category of crime. There were 8,957 murder arrests in 2018. That 53 percent racists talk about equals 4,778 blacks. In 2018 the black population was 47.8 million. Less than 1/100th of 1 percent of the overall black population was arrested for murder. Approximately 330 million people make up the total US population. The ability to do grade school level division debunks this racist claim. 4,778/330,000,000= 0.00014% of the US population arrested for murder. Catch what I am saying? I'm saying that 13 percent of the U.S. population were not responsible for 50 percent of the murders. Less than 1/2 of 100th of 1 percent of the overall US population died by murder in 2018. Less than 1/10,000th of the population were responsible for those deaths. It seems that math knowledge is not required for stormfront membership. As I stated earlier, the math is elementary. In this case, I divided the number of people arrested by race against the population of the United States in 2018 that was provided in the Uniform Crime Report.

That came from using table 43 of the Uniform Crime Reports along with US Population data for 2018. The 13 percent excuse comes from a simpleton analysis that must not include a detailed look at the statistics nor were any numbers compared against the overall US population in order to come to a more accurate assessment. We have the numbers. The numbers show us the number of violent crimes and the number of people by race that are arrested for them. The numbers of arrests show that less than 1 percent of the population arrested were black. It shows that 2.5 percent of the population arrested were white. In any set of numbers 2.5 percent is double 1 percent. We are living in the 21st century. If you can't do math, I am certain you can find an online course that can teach it to you.

Eighty five percent of whites who get killed are killed by other whites.

There are 30 categories of crimes listed in the UCR. Murder is one category. In 2019, out of the 30 categories of crime, whites led in 27. Whites are approximately 70 percent of the population and led in 90 percent of the crime categories. There was a total of 6,578 murders in all races in 2019. There were over 11,588 arrest for rapes by whites in 2019 alone. Blacks had less than half that with 4,427.

“What about white on white crime?” Blacks are not responsible for 50 percent of crime in America. Thirteen percent of no race in this country is responsible for crime. Numbers represent people and by arrests, 1.5 percent of the American population were white and arrested for crimes in 2019. That 1.5 percent of the population made up 59.1 percent of the arrests for violent crime. Less than 1 percent(0.005) of the of the American population was black and arrested for crimes in 2019. So whites made up more than double the arrests and that 1.5 percent of the American population made up nearly 70 percent of all arrests for crime.

In the history of the world there have been many beliefs thought of as fact which we have been forced to change because these beliefs were challenged and found lacking. The theory of inherent black violence, the fatherless home, per capita and the 13 Percent Excuse must now be placed in the garbage disposal of history, ground up and sent down the drain never to be recycled again.

Here endeth the lesson.
Blacks kill more than any other race. Why ? Because they just are more violent, and prone to killing (mostly other blacks). Post 1000 words or post 1,000,000 words, and any BS spin you like. No matter what you say, blacks kill more people relative to the total numbers of people in population, than any other race, and you know it, which is why you go to such great lengths here to ty to distort it.
No, they didn't. You are making that up from your own fantasy.

Not because they wanted to fight Fascism.

First of all the Soviets probably liberated more death camps and secondly entering the war had nothing to do with death camps.

Naom Chomksy (who worked in a military laboratory) does more to combating racism than Joan Wayne (who didn't serve a single day in the armed forces) ever did, yet which one of them do you worship? The mere fact that you think it is necessary to say that Naom Chomsky is a "liberal jewish college professor" is proof that whatever efforts "your white nationalist fathers" did "to end REAL racism" has failed miserably.
Blithering FOOL. If those white nationalist soldiers in World War 2 did not fight and thousands died STOPPING RACISM & FACISM, that facism probably would have kept you from even being born. Go to a World War 2 cemetary and walk among the gravestones giving thanks, if you have any brain left after all the indoctrination you apparently are suffering from.

And whether entering the war had anything to do with death camps or not, without white nationalist Russians, and white nationalist Brits & Americans, the death camps would have proliferated, and killed every Jew in Europe.
White Britans and White Australians and White Free French and White Canadians and White Americans that fought white fascists' Nazis, that is of no consequence? Oh all those whites that stood against slavery and fought and died against slavery, their lives matter too. How many whites died to free the slaves? Their lives should matter in the long run.
My father and 3 uncles fought in the European theatre. My father took a bullet for this country that crippled his left arm for the rest of his life. His brother camee back in a casket and got buried in the segregated cemetary. So Mary, I suggest you shut the hell up. All you do is post racist trash. This thread is evidence of racism and if you really want to see proof that racism exists, look in any mirror.

Whites like you, the trash of the race, run your mouths about whites dying, when blacks have died in every war. And blacks had to fight with whites to even be able to serve. So if you're ignorant of the real history of the United States stop talking about what whites have done, because you won't like the whole story.

Lastly, Mary you want us to give whites credit for taking 200 years to do the right thing. And you can just forget about that one. If I set your house on fire then call the fire department, I don't deserve to ask for credit. Whites never should have had to die for freeing anyone because they never should have made people slaves. We are in the 21st century. This is the 3rd decade of this century and we still have obtuse white racists asking people to be grateful to whites for ending a problem they created.
So you don’t want segregation? But are ok with bet? And Black culture?
There is racism on both sides. Quit playing the victim.
So you claim that all the Affirmative Action discrimination in America (57 years of it), by far the largest racial discrimination, against the largest number of people (whites), is
"playing the victim" ?

No discriminations against blacks comes anywhere close to AA against whites. Blacks are America's racial discrimination BENEFICIARIES - big time.

I have to say to you are either blind to reality, or a baldfaced liar.

This Mornings lesson:

THE 13 PERCENT EXCUSE (99th edition)

This ignorant argument made by racists needs to stop.

I am a black man. As such I have for some reason become number one enemy of the state just for living here. There are very dangerous beliefs held by whites about us and in my view, it is time these opinions ended. Since whites think we are so adept at killing, in this post, we will kill a favorite lie of "conservative" whites when we look at overall and violent crimes. That would be the 13 percent excuse.

Back in the day before calculators when we had to add, subtract, multiply and divide by writing with a number 2 pencil on a big chief tablet, the bigger number meant things occurred more. Playing sports for example, the team who had the most points at the end of the game was the winner. Two hamburgers were always more than one. We had symbols that made things clear such as 9 > 1 or 2< 7. But today among some types of people the larger number is no indication of a bigger problem. 2 million now is > 7 million because if we divide that 2 million into a per 100,000 person rate, then the 2 million produces the higher rate. Now less than has become more than in order to satisfy confirmation bias of a particular section of the white community. The racists.

Certainly, every black person who has tried to have any type of discussion with whites about race has heard this sad excuse made by whites to deny the truth of what annual FBI Uniform Crime Reports show to the nation. That whites are arrested more than all others and that whites commit the most crimes of anyone living in America.

People who choose to deny that high crime existing in white communities often try justifying their denial by using per capita. This is an excuse and a weak one at that. The term "per capita" is a Latin phrase meaning "per person". It is used to determine the average per person in a given situation. Per capita divides a statistical measurement for an occurrence by population. Measurement / Population = per capita. When measuring things like the incidence or prevalence of events that occur, per capita is reported as per 100,000. Per Capita has been used to statistically skews events to make a small number of occurrences into a large number that exaggerates certain crimes in non white neighborhoods The 2019 statistics show the estimated rate of violent crime was 366 offenses per 100,000 inhabitants, and the estimated rate of property crime was 2,109.9 offenses per 100,000 inhabitants. Whites lead in both these categories relative to actual numbers of cases. Yet due to the larger white population the number per 100,000 was smaller.

Coincidently this argument is not used in such instances as for example college entrance test scores. The fact that 4-5 times more whites take the test is never thought about being the reason whites would have the most high scores. But that is not the subject of this chapter so let me continue on about per capita.

So you divide the number of occurrences by the population and you get a number. Once you get that number you multiply it by 100,000 to come up with per capita. This number twisting is what members of the racists subgroup in the white community use to make claims about the black crime rate. According to the 2019 Uniform Crime Reports Expanded Homicide data, 2594 whites committed 3,299 murders and 2574 blacks committed 2,906 murders. The number clearly shows that 20 more whites committed 393 more murders than did blacks. Instead of facing this problem and working to fix it, you have whites doing this:

3299/234,370,202 x 0.0000140760215 = 1.4 murders per capita.

2906/40,610,815 x 0.0000715572933 = 7.15 per capita.

If the amount of crime in your community is so high that you must divide two numbers to get a percentage then multiply it by 100,000 to claim that you don’t have serious problems, you have serious problems. Now since the racist contention is usually based on violent crime most specifically murder, when we look at the rate of such crime by per capita, it shows that 99,993 black people out of 100,000 will not be murdered. That is just 6 fewer people than whites. Therefore the claim of astronomically high crime in the black community is not so, even if you use per capita as a basis to make claims.

The per capita argument rests upon using fractured math. Who decided that occurrences must be divided by 100,000. Why couldn’t it be 1? What happened to individualism? There are whites who are really good at looking for excuses, but none really exist. The excuse begins with whites being 5 times the population of blacks. I was told that since whites have 5 times the population they must commit 5 times the number of crimes to be equal to that of blacks. “We are allowed to commit more crime because there are more of us.” If this is not lunacy then what is?

I say this because there are whites who want to multiply things by 5 instead of looking at the fact they have a problem. But if you multiply things by 5 to make the populations the same, there are things that no longer exist for blacks. We would have more economic opportunity. We would have equal representation relative to numbers of police, lawyers, judges and political representatives. Things would be dramatically different. Yet that same group of whites fail to understand this. No matter what, they will continue arguing this ridiculous per capita idiocy. They do this only on race and crime, other disproportionate issues based on per capita are ignored. A fine example are the statements by MaryL.

Since whites have 5 times the population and want to make that an issue, let’s start multiplying by 5. Blacks have over 2 million businesses right now, let’s multiply that by 5 and then see what the outcome will be. Now there are 10 million black owned businesses and more jobs in the black community. Let’s reduce our unemployment rate by 5 to 2.6 percent. Blacks live at a 24 percent rate of poverty lets reduce that by 5 to make it 4.5 percent. Funny how there are whites who can only multiply when it comes to crimes. Let’s keep multiplying folks.

The black economy now grows to 6.5 trillion instead of the 1.3 trillion we have now. Blacks now have 5 times the amount of money to spend and invest. What happens them? All kinds of community development, that’s what. Now property values increase in the black community and because of that we have more money for our schools. Let’s multiply the number of blacks who go to college by 5, there are now 8.5 million blacks in college or get vocational training. That equals approximately 1 out of every 5 black citizen receiving some kind of post secondary training. This results in a more highly trained and qualified black workforce which increases employment So this increase in population and jobs lowers the unemployment rate meaning fewer blacks are on government assistance because they have stable employment. Youth crime is reduced because you have facilities and jobs available for them in their immediate communities. What happens to crime? It reduces itself by 5 from 26 percent to 5.2 percent. Why? because the factors that create crime are reduced, so then crime is reduced. Yet to the racist nothing else changes. The only change is crime increases. The use of per capita fails miserably and is used by racist whites to deny a severe crime problem THEY need to address instead of trying to preach to us. For if we apply per capita like the racists do, when a white person has 500 dollars and I have 100, we have the same amount of money.

End of part 1.
As a black person, not only are you NOT "number one enemy of the state", you are number one MOST FAVORED, by your beneficiary status of Affirmative Action.
I don't exactly know what the hell you are talking about, because it is often different to ascertain thoughts from people as deranged as you apparently are.
Deranged? Here’s some friendly advice for you: Using words that you do not understand will get expensive and you obviously cannot afford it.
1. As a US Army veteran of 5 years of service, I don't need to be schooled about what soldiers do, or why they do it.
I am a 3-year Army veteran of which one year I fought in war and you clearly do need a lesson on why soldiers fight. But I guess you didn’t learn a whole lot about real life in the barracks after a dump with a flushing toilette, a hot shower, and a Joan Wayne movie marathon.
2. In a time when we have no military draft, and all our military personnel are volunteer, YES THEY DO have some moral component to their service. Very much so.
Unemployment and destitution are the main reasons but you are not capable of seeing the plight of humanity with any clarity or compassion.
3. Our soldiers, sailors, etc. don't have to fight to stay alive. they dinlt have to enlist to begin with.
See my statement – just above this one.
4. I don't have any racist attitude, and you thinking I do means you need to revise your perceptions which are hanging on invalid premises.
You most certainly do have a racist attitude by the quote I included from you. Maybe you should read it again or have someone read it for you.
5. I had quite a few non-white people who served alongside of me in the Army. I am well aware. So what ?
What is your point? None.
6. Taken WHAT "tact".. Again: you words are nebulous, at best.
If you don’t understand then try improving your vocabulary.
7. As far as being white is concerned, I happen to be 1/2 white, 1/2 Hispanic. I also don't see your lopsided "point" about that either. I guess the reason your post is such a mess, is because you don't have the foggiest idea of what the hell you're babbling about. Blithering FOOL.
Again, you are racially-ethnically oriented. That is racist in itself.
As many more dark-skinned people enter the country, allowed in by Joe Biden, the situation will get worse and worse
Not exactly true. The dark skinned people have been migrating to the US through the past decades. And low fertility rates among the White Americans only deepen the gap.
As many more dark-skinned people enter the country, allowed in by Joe Biden, the situation will get worse and worse
Not exactly true. The dark skinned people have been migrating to the US through the past decades. And low fertility rates among the White Americans only deepen the gap.

All ethnic groups are experiencing falling fertility rates.
There is racism on both sides. Quit playing the victim.
So you claim that all the Affirmative Action discrimination in America (57 years of it), by far the largest racial discrimination, against the largest number of people (whites), is
"playing the victim" ?

No discriminations against blacks comes anywhere close to AA against whites. Blacks are America's racial discrimination BENEFICIARIES - big time.

I have to say to you are either blind to reality, or a baldfaced liar.
I have seen the reality of racism from a different side than you. Whites who play the victim are pathetic.
As many more dark-skinned people enter the country, allowed in by Joe Biden, the situation will get worse and worse
Not exactly true. The dark skinned people have been migrating to the US through the past decades. And low fertility rates among the White Americans only deepen the gap.

All ethnic groups are experiencing falling fertility rates.
Some more than others though.

Which many here do not understand.
As many more dark-skinned people enter the country, allowed in by Joe Biden, the situation will get worse and worse
Not exactly true. The dark skinned people have been migrating to the US through the past decades. And low fertility rates among the White Americans only deepen the gap.

All ethnic groups are experiencing falling fertility rates.
Some more than others though.

Which many here do not understand.
How come you gave this post of mine a thumbs down? Do you disagree?

My nephew is rushing one of the best three party frats at Michigan state university. My brother and I took him and his pledge brothers up to his hunting cabin to bond. They were all cool guys. One guy told me every pledge is assigned someone who’s responsibility is to make sure they black out.

Frats definitely cross the line. I wish drinking till you puke was frowned capon but it’s encouraged.
There is racism on both sides. Quit playing the victim.
So you claim that all the Affirmative Action discrimination in America (57 years of it), by far the largest racial discrimination, against the largest number of people (whites), is
"playing the victim" ?

No discriminations against blacks comes anywhere close to AA against whites. Blacks are America's racial discrimination BENEFICIARIES - big time.

I have to say to you are either blind to reality, or a baldfaced liar.
Name them

Name the fortune 500 companies were white dudes are standing down and rolling out the red carpet for blk dudes ?

Mattter of fact. Name any major company that is run by black people ? Name one. That is on the same level as Nike, KFC, Coca Cola, Walmart, Amazon, Exxon Mobil, Bershire Hathaway, AT&T, Costco, JP Morgan Chase, FedEx, Wells Fargo, Paypal, Ebay, Penguin Books. Facebook. Google, Insta, Twitter ? ABC, CBS, FOX ? Universal music group, Sony BMG

Name one. I mean we blacks are taking over right ? All this AA were are getting has you white folks in the toilet right ?

The floor is yours
Last edited:
There is racism on both sides. Quit playing the victim.
So you claim that all the Affirmative Action discrimination in America (57 years of it), by far the largest racial discrimination, against the largest number of people (whites), is
"playing the victim" ?

No discriminations against blacks comes anywhere close to AA against whites. Blacks are America's racial discrimination BENEFICIARIES - big time.

I have to say to you are either blind to reality, or a baldfaced liar.
Name them

Name the fortune 500 companies were white dudes are standing down and rolling out the red carpet for blk dudes ?

Mattter of fact. Name any major company that is run by black people ? Name one. That is on the same level as Nike, KFC, Coca Cola, Walmart, Amazon, Exxon Mobil, Bershire Hathaway, AT&T, Costco, JP Morgan Chase, FedEx, Wells Fargo, Paypal, Ebay, Penguin Books. Facebook. Google, Insta, Twitter ? ABC, CBS, FOX ? Universal music group, Sony BMG

Name one. I mean we blacks are taking over right ? All this AA were are getting has you white folks in the toilet right ?

The floor is yours

You keep repeating the same nonsense over and over. Are you going to tell us again how black guys can't lose a fight? We've heard all your stupid bullshit over and over. Maybe you should try communicating like a normal human being once in a while.
As many more dark-skinned people enter the country, allowed in by Joe Biden, the situation will get worse and worse
Not exactly true. The dark skinned people have been migrating to the US through the past decades. And low fertility rates among the White Americans only deepen the gap.

All ethnic groups are experiencing falling fertility rates.
Yes, but the Whites have one of the lowest. It is the only racial/ethnic group which are projected to considerably decline by the half of the century.
I get the disparity of times past, but I also see blacks harming each other and anyone that lives around them in large numbers. Ignoring that isn't helping anyone. This is an inescapable fact.
You said, "Prove racism is real". You are getting plenty of proof of it and now you are trying to side-step it by changing the subject. :scared1:
Are you ever not a moron. Racism is real but systemic racism is not. Durr...
There is racism on both sides. Quit playing the victim.
So you claim that all the Affirmative Action discrimination in America (57 years of it), by far the largest racial discrimination, against the largest number of people (whites), is
"playing the victim" ?

No discriminations against blacks comes anywhere close to AA against whites. Blacks are America's racial discrimination BENEFICIARIES - big time.

I have to say to you are either blind to reality, or a baldfaced liar.
Name them

Name the fortune 500 companies were white dudes are standing down and rolling out the red carpet for blk dudes ?

Mattter of fact. Name any major company that is run by black people ? Name one. That is on the same level as Nike, KFC, Coca Cola, Walmart, Amazon, Exxon Mobil, Bershire Hathaway, AT&T, Costco, JP Morgan Chase, FedEx, Wells Fargo, Paypal, Ebay, Penguin Books. Facebook. Google, Insta, Twitter ? ABC, CBS, FOX ? Universal music group, Sony BMG

Name one. I mean we blacks are taking over right ? All this AA were are getting has you white folks in the toilet right ?

The floor is yours

You keep repeating the same nonsense over and over. Are you going to tell us again how black guys can't lose a fight? We've heard all your stupid bullshit over and over. Maybe you should try communicating like a normal human being once in a while.
Dude, I have to buy you a beer. Aren't we both in Boston?
As many more dark-skinned people enter the country, allowed in by Joe Biden, the situation will get worse and worse
Not exactly true. The dark skinned people have been migrating to the US through the past decades. And low fertility rates among the White Americans only deepen the gap.

All ethnic groups are experiencing falling fertility rates.
Yes, but the Whites have one of the lowest. It is the only racial/ethnic group which are projected to considerably decline by the half of the century.

Fertility rates among Latino immigrants are falling fastest of any demographic.

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