Protesting on the Mall this weekend


Jul 14, 2009
America's Voice
American Jewish Community
Catholic Legal Immigration Network, Inc.
Center for American Progress
Farmworker Justice
Jewish Council on Urban Affairs
Jobs for America Now
League of United American Citizens (LULAC)
National Council of La Raza
National Immigration Law Center
United Farm Workers
US Conference of Catholic Bishops
World Relief
MORE CITIZEN ACTIONS PLANNED THROUGH WEEKEND: Unprecedented TEA Party & Grassroots Coalition Aligns to 'Kill The Bill'; Rally Saturday at Capitol, Other Events Across Country
WASHINGTON, March 18 /PRNewswire-USNewswire/ -- An unprecedented coalition of grassroots and "tea party" groups is launching the final push before a possible vote by the House. Coming together under the auspices of the American Grassroots Coalition, various events held by different groups will be coordinated, including a noon rally at the U.S. Capitol on Saturday, a candlelight vigil and "virtual vigil" leading up to the vote.
"All of the groups have a mutual goal -- to band together to communicate the frustration of the people and demand the termination of this health bill legislation," said Jennifer Hulsey, Co-Founder of American Grassroots Coalition.
The past two weeks has seen the "Take The Town Halls To Washington" initiative get nearly 1,000 people to DC to meet with approximately 30 Congressman. The event culminated in the rally at Taft Park near the Capitol, which was sponsored by Tea Party Express. Over 1,500 people assembled to rally against the health care bill and then meet with their representatives.
While the Capitol Police diverted the stage and sound for the park rally, grass roots activists innovated and used a park bench and bull horn to get their message to the attendees!
The following actions are planned for the next 72 hours:
Calling campaigns to the House by constituents to vote no on the bill
"Talk to Washington" health care town halls in Mississippi, Pennsylvania and other states
Code Red rally in Washington, DC at 12 noon on Saturday at Upper Senate Park
Nationwide "Virtual Vigil" on BlogTalk radio sponsored by
Candlelight vigil around the Capitol on Saturday night

Featured speakers at the Washington, D.C. Rally on Saturday will include:
Congresswoman Michelle Bachmann (MN)
Congressman Tom Price (GA)
Congressman Joe Wilson (SC)
Congressman Phil Gingrey (GA)
State Senator Judson Hill (GA)
Actor & Activist Jon Voight
Dr. Milton Wolf, Barack Obama's second cousin who opposes Obamacare
Colin Hanna, Let Freedom Ring
Jim Martin, 60 Plus
Phil Kerpen, Americans for Prosperity
Tim Phillips, Americans for Prosperity
Andrew Langer, Institute for Liberty
Kathryn Serkes, Doctor Patient Medical Association
Mark Skoda, Memphis Tea Party
Amy Kremer, Tea Party Express
Jennifer Hulsey, American Grassroots Coalition
FreedomWorks Representative
Ben Cunningham, Founder of the Tennessee Tax Revolt
Darla Dawald, Grassfire / Resistnet

Grassroots activists everywhere have worked to inform themselves, notify their representatives of their objections and take action in the form of rallies, meetings and calls into those representatives. Individual groups have worked to stop the health care legislation while coordinating with each other to amplify their message and their efforts.
Amy Kremer, of Tea Party Express, commented, "We had a great rally this week in DC and people have overwhelmed us with their desire to do it again on Saturday. With so many people concerned about this legislation and the ability to come to Washington on a weekend, we are working within this coalition to expand the Code Red rally participation."
The coalition of Tea Party and grassroots organizations and leadership is committed to changing the dynamics of this legislative process. "The Democratic led Congress is using procedural and legislative rules to ignore the overwhelming opposition to this," said Mark Skoda of Memphis Tea Party. "The will of the American people is being subverted by these actions and the grass roots activists who make up this coalition are focusing their energy to kill the bill."
The coalition includes:
60 Plus
Alexandria Tea Party
American Grassroots Coalition
Americans for Prosperity
Americans for Tax Reform
Cincinnati Tea Party
Cincinnati 9/12 Project
Concerned Women for America
Constitutional Sovereignty Alliance
Constitutional Tea Party
Doctor Patient Medical Association
Family Research Council
Heartland Institute
Institute for Liberty
Let Freedom Ring
Memphis Tea Party
Mom for America
National Center for Public Policy Research
National Taxpayer's Union
Nationwide Tea Party Coalition
New Jersey Tea Party Coalition
Northern Virginia 912
Richmond Patriots
Take the Town Halls to Washington
Tea Party Express
Tea Party Patriots Live Radio Show
Washington DC Tea Party
We the People of Pennsylvania
Outraged Tea Baggers?

Hide your women and young children. It ain't gunna be pretty

Who is going to make their signs for them this time? FoxNews and Glenn Beck say there are going to be close to 100 zillion tea baggers out there
Outraged Tea Baggers?

Hide your women and young children. It ain't gunna be pretty

Who is going to make their signs for them this time? FoxNews and Glenn Beck say there are going to be close to 100 zillion tea baggers out there

Faux News estimates are in the kajillions already....
I went to a Tea Party last July 4, mainly because my wife wanted to go, but to be honest I had a lot of sympathy for the view that public spending was out of control.

Unfortunately, despite the ostensible focus, a huge number of attendees seemed to be there to advance a wider agenda. There was a hardcore religious element, there was an "Obama is a Commie" element, birthers, healthcare agitators, pro life campaigners.

So many of the speeches took in subject matter that was almost entirely unrelated (the only connection seemingly a desire to kick Obama / Democrats for any policy they proposed) to what was supposed to be the main theme that the message about tax was almost completely lost.

I have such a problem with the objectives of some of the other groups that attended that day that I would never go to another tea party. It's a real shame that what was purported to be a grassroots movement has been hijacked by GOP activists and is being used as a party-political stick to beat (an in many cases misrepresent) any proposed Democrat policy.

This turn of events does not surprise me, but it does disappoint me.

Right Meets Left in the American Royal Rumble
This weekend at the National Mall

Who Will Win?
Thse competitors will be there!!
America's Voice
American Jewish Community
Catholic Legal Immigration Network, Inc.
Center for American Progress
Farmworker Justice
Jewish Council on Urban Affairs
Jobs for America Now
League of United American Citizens (LULAC)
National Council of La Raza
National Immigration Law Center
United Farm Workers
US Conference of Catholic Bishops
World Relief

To be Televised on CSPAN! FOX and CNN!!

Be there!!

Right Meets Left in the American Royal Rumble
This weekend at the National Mall

Who Will Win?
Thse competitors will be there!!
America's Voice
American Jewish Community
Catholic Legal Immigration Network, Inc.
Center for American Progress
Farmworker Justice
Jewish Council on Urban Affairs
Jobs for America Now
League of United American Citizens (LULAC)
National Council of La Raza
National Immigration Law Center
United Farm Workers
US Conference of Catholic Bishops
World Relief

To be Televised on CSPAN! FOX and CNN!!

Be there!!
Protest on the National mall? Great!

Hoping it will be Chicago 1968? Sad and tragic.
Bury the Tea Baggers with Ted Kennedy!


Right Meets Left in the American Royal Rumble
This weekend at the National Mall

Who Will Win?
Thse competitors will be there!!
America's Voice
American Jewish Community
Catholic Legal Immigration Network, Inc.
Center for American Progress
Farmworker Justice
Jewish Council on Urban Affairs
Jobs for America Now
League of United American Citizens (LULAC)
National Council of La Raza
National Immigration Law Center
United Farm Workers
US Conference of Catholic Bishops
World Relief

To be Televised on CSPAN! FOX and CNN!!

Be there!!

I was going to attend but the NCAA Basketball Tournament is on
Bury the Tea Baggers with Ted Kennedy!


Always entertaining as hell when people use this kind of image as some kind of 'evidence'.... ever heard of photoshop? No one can prove one way or the other whether the signs are faked or genuine. But I am not at all surprised that you don't care whether it's valid or not. Partisan.
more right wing hypocrisy pro life- let thousands die each month for want of health care
smaller government- the largest governments on record- regan bush bush
fiscal responsibilities- greatest defecits on record- reagan bush bush (bush 2 kept the war costs off his budgets and they still set record deficits
"defecits don't matter" Ronald Reagan
the truth is that repigs don't want health care to pass because they are selfish, self absorbed jerk offs
I googled the combination of "deficits dont matter" and Reagan...and came up with this nice snippet:

...when Vice President Cheney allegedly declared, "Reagan proved deficits don't matter," he summed up an enduring argument from the former president's economic legacy.

In late 2002, Cheney had summoned the Bush administration's economic team to his office to discuss another round of tax cuts to stimulate the economy. Then-Treasury Secretary Paul H. O'Neill pleaded that the government -- already running a $158 billion deficit -- was careering toward a fiscal crisis. But by O'Neill's account of the meeting, Cheney silenced him by invoking his take on Reagan's legacy.

It wasn't that Reagan's policies proved that government borrowing had no impact on the economy. But his administration's record -- particularly with some years of hindsight -- did give reason to question traditional thinking and provided a new context for future arguments about deficit spending.

"The lesson we should have learned [from those years] is that deficits have little or no short-term economic impacts," said William A. Niskanen, a member of Reagan's Council of Economic Advisers.

As important, they appeared to have no impact politically, said Stephen Moore, a conservative economist at the Club for Growth who worked in Reagan's budget office.

"Voters and politicians became anesthetized to big deficits," Moore recalled. "Reagan was running these big deficits, and liberals argued it was going to be Armageddon. We were going to ruin the economy. Interest rates were going to go through the roof. And none of these things happened."

The fiscal shift in the Reagan years was staggering. In January 1981, when Reagan declared the federal budget to be "out of control," the deficit had reached almost $74 billion, the federal debt $930 billion. Within two years, the deficit was $208 billion. The debt by 1988 totaled $2.6 trillion. In those eight years, the United States moved from being the world's largest international creditor to the largest debtor nation.

To some economists, the impact was clear. Interest rates rose in the late 1980s and early 1990s, the economy slowed, then slipped into recession, and productivity barely advanced. Americans feared their nation had slipped into the shadows of Japan and Germany.

Reagan's "economic policy . . . was a disaster," University of California at Berkeley economic historian J. Bradford DeLong wrote this past weekend on his Web site. "The tax cuts made America a more unequal place, and the deficits slowed economic growth in the 1980s significantly."

Source: Washington Post
you have to laugh the repigs rewriting history- then just as they are trying to do now- its as if they haven't realized that there is tape of things they said and did. apparently they realize their followers are truly stupid.

"Voters and politicians became anesthetized to big deficits," Moore recalled. "Reagan was running these big deficits, and liberals argued it was going to be Armageddon. We were going to ruin the economy. Interest rates were going to go through the roof. And none of these things happened." (LOL)

The fiscal shift in the Reagan years was staggering. In January 1981, when Reagan declared the federal budget to be "out of control," the deficit had reached almost $74 billion, the federal debt $930 billion. Within two years, the deficit was $208 billion. The debt by 1988 totaled $2.6 trillion. In those eight years, the United States moved from being the world's largest international creditor to the largest debtor nation.

To some economists, the impact was clear. Interest rates rose in the late 1980s and early 1990s, the economy slowed, then slipped into recession, and productivity barely advanced. Americans feared their nation had slipped into the shadows of Japan and Germany.

Reagan's "economic policy . . . was a disaster," University of California at Berkeley economic historian J. Bradford DeLong wrote this past weekend on his Web site. "The tax cuts made America a more unequal place, and the deficits slowed economic growth in the 1980s significantly."
you have to laugh the repigs rewriting history- then just as they are trying to do now- its as if they haven't realized that there is tape of things they said and did. apparently they realize their followers are truly stupid.

"Voters and politicians became anesthetized to big deficits," Moore recalled. "Reagan was running these big deficits, and liberals argued it was going to be Armageddon. We were going to ruin the economy. Interest rates were going to go through the roof. And none of these things happened." (LOL)

The fiscal shift in the Reagan years was staggering. In January 1981, when Reagan declared the federal budget to be "out of control," the deficit had reached almost $74 billion, the federal debt $930 billion. Within two years, the deficit was $208 billion. The debt by 1988 totaled $2.6 trillion. In those eight years, the United States moved from being the world's largest international creditor to the largest debtor nation.

To some economists, the impact was clear. Interest rates rose in the late 1980s and early 1990s, the economy slowed, then slipped into recession, and productivity barely advanced. Americans feared their nation had slipped into the shadows of Japan and Germany.

Reagan's "economic policy . . . was a disaster," University of California at Berkeley economic historian J. Bradford DeLong wrote this past weekend on his Web site. "The tax cuts made America a more unequal place, and the deficits slowed economic growth in the 1980s significantly."

I'm not sure where you're quoting from, but there's a requirement to provide a link (copyright law).
you have to laugh the repigs rewriting history- then just as they are trying to do now- its as if they haven't realized that there is tape of things they said and did. apparently they realize their followers are truly stupid.

"Voters and politicians became anesthetized to big deficits," Moore recalled. "Reagan was running these big deficits, and liberals argued it was going to be Armageddon. We were going to ruin the economy. Interest rates were going to go through the roof. And none of these things happened." (LOL)

The fiscal shift in the Reagan years was staggering. In January 1981, when Reagan declared the federal budget to be "out of control," the deficit had reached almost $74 billion, the federal debt $930 billion. Within two years, the deficit was $208 billion. The debt by 1988 totaled $2.6 trillion. In those eight years, the United States moved from being the world's largest international creditor to the largest debtor nation.

To some economists, the impact was clear. Interest rates rose in the late 1980s and early 1990s, the economy slowed, then slipped into recession, and productivity barely advanced. Americans feared their nation had slipped into the shadows of Japan and Germany.

Reagan's "economic policy . . . was a disaster," University of California at Berkeley economic historian J. Bradford DeLong wrote this past weekend on his Web site. "The tax cuts made America a more unequal place, and the deficits slowed economic growth in the 1980s significantly."

I'm not sure where you're quoting from, but there's a requirement to provide a link (copyright law).

All you had to do was look back two posts.....jeez Reagan Policies Gave Green Light to Red Ink
Not sure what Reagan has to do with the thousands going to Washington DC tomorrow to protest this abomination of a health "reform" bill.

At any rate, word is the turnout will be significant - upwards of 50,000 or so people - which will likely dwarf the 5000 or so union thugs who are bussing their way there tomorrow as well...

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