Protesters stepping up.


Platinum Member
Nov 16, 2016
As I read the first article I could not help but remember how this played out before. California was an open carry state. Until the Black Panthers started carrying openly and it was banned almost immediately.

Now I have to admit. I am pleased. They are starting out with education to learn about the firearms. How to care for them, shoot them, and store them safely. A wise choice. And a surprise given how hostile everyone is right now.

The second story made me smile. Law Enforcement and Intelligence Agencies have been using Facial Recognition for some time. Now the Protesters are creating their own databases and programs to identify cops with blacked out uniforms. We are told this is to protect the identity of the cops from retaliation. It also makes it impossible to identify a cop who is using excessive force or acting recklessly.

They are stepping up. They are getting more organized. So what happens next?
As I read the first article I could not help but remember how this played out before. California was an open carry state. Until the Black Panthers started carrying openly and it was banned almost immediately.

Now I have to admit. I am pleased. They are starting out with education to learn about the firearms. How to care for them, shoot them, and store them safely. A wise choice. And a surprise given how hostile everyone is right now.

The second story made me smile. Law Enforcement and Intelligence Agencies have been using Facial Recognition for some time. Now the Protesters are creating their own databases and programs to identify cops with blacked out uniforms. We are told this is to protect the identity of the cops from retaliation. It also makes it impossible to identify a cop who is using excessive force or acting recklessly.

They are stepping up. They are getting more organized. So what happens next?

Xi Jinping, is that you?
As I read the first article I could not help but remember how this played out before. California was an open carry state. Until the Black Panthers started carrying openly and it was banned almost immediately.

Now I have to admit. I am pleased. They are starting out with education to learn about the firearms. How to care for them, shoot them, and store them safely. A wise choice. And a surprise given how hostile everyone is right now.

The second story made me smile. Law Enforcement and Intelligence Agencies have been using Facial Recognition for some time. Now the Protesters are creating their own databases and programs to identify cops with blacked out uniforms. We are told this is to protect the identity of the cops from retaliation. It also makes it impossible to identify a cop who is using excessive force or acting recklessly.

They are stepping up. They are getting more organized. So what happens next?

Xi Jinping, is that you?

Nope. Grey haired old white guy in rural Georgia. But nice deflection.
They are trying to replace the government. That's a step towards civil war.

How exactly are they trying to replace the Government? By seeking training to exercise their second amendment rights? One would think Conservatives would be in favor of that. I mean isn’t the right to protect your lives and property one of those guaranteed by the Government rights we hear about?

Accountability. Now help me out there. Why is identifying bad cops using excessive or reckless force a bad thing. According to all those on the Right Wing side of the issue the Cops are nearly perfect. Wouldn’t more video prove that? And wouldn’t those cops 99.9% of whom are good and honest want to identify the rare rogue cop who might go too far?

What is it we are told? If you have nothing to hide, you have nothing to fear. Sauce for the Goose?
As I read the first article I could not help but remember how this played out before. California was an open carry state. Until the Black Panthers started carrying openly and it was banned almost immediately.

Now I have to admit. I am pleased. They are starting out with education to learn about the firearms. How to care for them, shoot them, and store them safely. A wise choice. And a surprise given how hostile everyone is right now.

The second story made me smile. Law Enforcement and Intelligence Agencies have been using Facial Recognition for some time. Now the Protesters are creating their own databases and programs to identify cops with blacked out uniforms. We are told this is to protect the identity of the cops from retaliation. It also makes it impossible to identify a cop who is using excessive force or acting recklessly.

They are stepping up. They are getting more organized. So what happens next?
What happens next is they have a couple “rallies” like the NFA brothers do, and wind up shooting each other on “accident”.
The ones who do actually learn how to shoot will be that much more accurate at their next drive by.
They are trying to replace the government. That's a step towards civil war.

How exactly are they trying to replace the Government? By seeking training to exercise their second amendment rights? One would think Conservatives would be in favor of that. I mean isn’t the right to protect your lives and property one of those guaranteed by the Government rights we hear about?

Accountability. Now help me out there. Why is identifying bad cops using excessive or reckless force a bad thing. According to all those on the Right Wing side of the issue the Cops are nearly perfect. Wouldn’t more video prove that? And wouldn’t those cops 99.9% of whom are good and honest want to identify the rare rogue cop who might go too far?

What is it we are told? If you have nothing to hide, you have nothing to fear. Sauce for the Goose?
Straw man much? Right wingers think cops are nearly perfect?
Says who?
That’s far from my view, and I’m pretty damn right wing.
And I’m all for citizens being armed.
Since when are you lefties ok with it?
It seems you only like it when fellow lefties are.
As I read the first article I could not help but remember how this played out before. California was an open carry state. Until the Black Panthers started carrying openly and it was banned almost immediately.

Now I have to admit. I am pleased. They are starting out with education to learn about the firearms. How to care for them, shoot them, and store them safely. A wise choice. And a surprise given how hostile everyone is right now.

The second story made me smile. Law Enforcement and Intelligence Agencies have been using Facial Recognition for some time. Now the Protesters are creating their own databases and programs to identify cops with blacked out uniforms. We are told this is to protect the identity of the cops from retaliation. It also makes it impossible to identify a cop who is using excessive force or acting recklessly.

They are stepping up. They are getting more organized. So what happens next? are anti-police/anti-America/etc....the police are not the problem---these people are jackasses who support and love criminals.......
They are trying to replace the government. That's a step towards civil war.

How exactly are they trying to replace the Government? By seeking training to exercise their second amendment rights? One would think Conservatives would be in favor of that. I mean isn’t the right to protect your lives and property one of those guaranteed by the Government rights we hear about?

Accountability. Now help me out there. Why is identifying bad cops using excessive or reckless force a bad thing. According to all those on the Right Wing side of the issue the Cops are nearly perfect. Wouldn’t more video prove that? And wouldn’t those cops 99.9% of whom are good and honest want to identify the rare rogue cop who might go too far?

What is it we are told? If you have nothing to hide, you have nothing to fear. Sauce for the Goose?
stop the stupid shit-----police are not the problem.......
..the cop who shot Oscar Grant was convicted
..the cop who shot Scott was convicted
..Chauvin has been charged are always babbling crap about cops......these jackasses support CRIMINALS---police are not the problem--blacks committing crime/RESISTING/etc are the problem.....
Floyd/Blake/Brown/Garner/etc ALL criminals---get it????????!!!!
So, now the left is for the right to bear arms?


According to the RW here I am a Left winger. And I was out shooting today. So what?
Why would a gun owner support biden? where is the common sense in that?
They are trying to replace the government. That's a step towards civil war.

How exactly are they trying to replace the Government? By seeking training to exercise their second amendment rights? One would think Conservatives would be in favor of that. I mean isn’t the right to protect your lives and property one of those guaranteed by the Government rights we hear about?

Accountability. Now help me out there. Why is identifying bad cops using excessive or reckless force a bad thing. According to all those on the Right Wing side of the issue the Cops are nearly perfect. Wouldn’t more video prove that? And wouldn’t those cops 99.9% of whom are good and honest want to identify the rare rogue cop who might go too far?

What is it we are told? If you have nothing to hide, you have nothing to fear. Sauce for the Goose?
Straw man much? Right wingers think cops are nearly perfect?
Says who?
That’s far from my view, and I’m pretty damn right wing.
And I’m all for citizens being armed.
Since when are you lefties ok with it?
It seems you only like it when fellow lefties are.

There is a search function on the site. Go up there at the top of the page and find one post where I advocate for restricting arms. I am a member of the NRA and ACLU. Because I believe all the rights matter. I love studying history. So I know why those rights were enumerated.

The problem is you believe the stereotypes from the propaganda.
So, now the left is for the right to bear arms?


According to the RW here I am a Left winger. And I was out shooting today. So what?
Why would a gun owner support biden? where is the common sense in that?

I voted for Trump in 2016. I am not voting for anyone this year. Both parties are wrong. Both candidates are terrible. And the argument that I have to choose between the lesser of two evils is idiotic. It would be like requiring you to choose. Which of your two children will die? And that is how I feel. Either way we go there is doom.
As I read the first article I could not help but remember how this played out before. California was an open carry state. Until the Black Panthers started carrying openly and it was banned almost immediately.

Now I have to admit. I am pleased. They are starting out with education to learn about the firearms. How to care for them, shoot them, and store them safely. A wise choice. And a surprise given how hostile everyone is right now.

The second story made me smile. Law Enforcement and Intelligence Agencies have been using Facial Recognition for some time. Now the Protesters are creating their own databases and programs to identify cops with blacked out uniforms. We are told this is to protect the identity of the cops from retaliation. It also makes it impossible to identify a cop who is using excessive force or acting recklessly.

They are stepping up. They are getting more organized. So what happens next? are anti-police/anti-America/etc....the police are not the problem---these people are jackasses who support and love criminals.......

Curiously. When Body Camera studies were conducted. Officers wearing body cameras were less than half as likely to use force. The Police advocates said that the camera scared the people into complying. The detractors said that the cops were afraid of being exposed.

I said I did not care. I wanted the reduction. If you are a cop and can manage the situation without force it is a win win. Because there is less chance of the citizen being injured. And less chance of the cop being injured.

And don’t go pretending you care when the cops are killed. More than half of the police deaths this year have been from COVID. And I am not one of those screaming masks are fascist. Herd Immunity. Only the weak will die and good riddance. So when you are howling that the cops are at risk from the lack of COVID precautions get with me.
As I read the first article I could not help but remember how this played out before. California was an open carry state. Until the Black Panthers started carrying openly and it was banned almost immediately.

Now I have to admit. I am pleased. They are starting out with education to learn about the firearms. How to care for them, shoot them, and store them safely. A wise choice. And a surprise given how hostile everyone is right now.

The second story made me smile. Law Enforcement and Intelligence Agencies have been using Facial Recognition for some time. Now the Protesters are creating their own databases and programs to identify cops with blacked out uniforms. We are told this is to protect the identity of the cops from retaliation. It also makes it impossible to identify a cop who is using excessive force or acting recklessly.

They are stepping up. They are getting more organized. So what happens next?

Xi Jinping, is that you?

Nope. Grey haired old white guy in rural Georgia. But nice deflection.
Lesson One ...

Don't do this!

Lesson One ...

Don't do this!

View attachment 405541

Actually. I would say that lesson one is do not put your finger on the trigger until you are ready to shoot. I have fired one shot I did not intend to. Thankfully it was at a range and the weapon, an M-9 like the picture, was pointed at the ground. I was embarrassed. But nobody was hurt.

That was more than thirty years ago. And that is when I started calling those events Negligent Discharges. To describe my own experience. And to give thanks to God, the Great Pumpkin, or blind luck depending on your Beliefs that nobody was hurt.
They are trying to replace the government. That's a step towards civil war.

How exactly are they trying to replace the Government? By seeking training to exercise their second amendment rights? One would think Conservatives would be in favor of that. I mean isn’t the right to protect your lives and property one of those guaranteed by the Government rights we hear about?

Accountability. Now help me out there. Why is identifying bad cops using excessive or reckless force a bad thing. According to all those on the Right Wing side of the issue the Cops are nearly perfect. Wouldn’t more video prove that? And wouldn’t those cops 99.9% of whom are good and honest want to identify the rare rogue cop who might go too far?

What is it we are told? If you have nothing to hide, you have nothing to fear. Sauce for the Goose?
Such is the hypocrisy of the racist right

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