Prosecution and conviction of rapes vs statutory rapes


Gold Member
Dec 12, 2013
Why do so many statutory rape cases result in convictions, but so few adult-victim rapes?

According to RAINN (Reporting Rates RAINN Rape Abuse and Incest National Network

"Just 32% of rapes get reported. Of these,

7 result in an arrest
3 get prosecuted
2 result in felony conviction and prison time"

98% of rapists get away with it.

"Statutory rape can involve the expressed consent of the minor. However, the reason why the act is illegal from the beginning is because the minor does not legally have the authority to consent about having sex. In turn, the law only considers the age of the defendant in relation to that of the "victim."

The prosecutor must only prove, beyond a reasonable doubt, that sex had occurred between the offender and the victim. He or she must also confirm the ages of both people involved in the statutory rape proceedings. Previously, this left criminal attorneys defending statutory rape cases with little evidence to submit. Statutory rape defense is notoriously difficult and the high rates of conviction reflects this."
Statutory Rape Attorney - Sex Crimes

Reason for the massive disparity in prosecutions is the burden of proof is so much lower in statutory rape cases. Prove how old both parties are, that sex occured, and you win. In an adult case, because the victim can legally consent to sex you have to prove that they didn't and the sex wasn't consensual. And that's a lot more difficult. Especially without witnesses.

So higher ages of consent have the added benefit of ensuring protection of minors from adults by almost guaranteeing prosecution and conviction, whereas adults get the unfortunate short-end of the legal stick with just 2% conviction rates.

But is there a way to ensure adult convictions on par with statutory ones?

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