Proposed Canadian Law Would Allow Warrantless Searches

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Apr 23, 2009
everywhere and nowhere
An anonymous reader writes "A bill introduced by Canada's Minister of Public Safety will allow police to (warrantlessly) force ISPs to provide access to any requested digital traffic records, reports News 1130. Police lobbied for the bill as means of 'combatting gangsters, pedophiles, or terrorists,' but apparently they find the legal principles of judicial review and probable cause, as well as a constitutional provision against 'unreasonable search or seizure', to be too much of a hassle, and would rather be able to search anyone's web or e-mail traffic at their own discretion and without any oversight. All in the name of public safety, of course."
i think road blocks are gestapo tactics...i think once you are on your own property and you are not distrubing the peace then the cops should fuck off and mind their own damn business....
Not surprising at all. Fairly right-wing government in power, and while they traditionally don't mind international crime, they sure want to monitor all the people... for you know, their own benefit.

I actually surprised there is mention of it - I would just assum ethat it's being done everywhere it can be done, can't imagine a government with the power to do that but deciding not too.
Yes, right wing governments trend that way. Hopefully the Canadians will come to their senses and vote their PM out.
Yes, right wing governments trend that way. Hopefully the Canadians will come to their senses and vote their PM out.

the citizens there did respond. The liberal party was disbanded due to corruption.

But liberals here embrace it harder then their mothers.
Did Canada (Excuse me, I mean the Queen of England, Canada's ruler) vote to authorize their own Patriot Act? :confused:
[ame=]Talking Beaver on the Highway - YouTube[/ame]
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