Project HOOD and Pastor Brooks are graduating their 6th class in construction skills.

I was wondering where you went! I guess you couldn't resist stopping by and taking a crap on the great work Pastor Brooks is doing.
I have no problem with what Pastor Brooks is doing. I'm just informing your racist white ass that Pastor Brooks is not the only one in Chicago doing that and that those kids are still going to face the racism of pricks like you after they graduate.
And there is my other Black friend showing up right on cue to take his dump on me and Pastor Brooks. Keep hate alive!


You understand what I'm saying here ? White supremacists have always tried to use religious black folk as a mask to do their bullsh*t

I don't trust white supremacists on anything.

I'm just asking question. One day you are posting stories about black children getting killed. The next day you're posting stories about black children getting an education. Doesn't seem right to me
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