Progressives Thought They Had the Upper Hand In Congress, But That’s Impossible


Diamond Member
Jul 15, 2016
Progressives Thought They Had the Upper Hand In Congress, But That’s Impossible

The progressives never really had the upper hand. When they posed a danger to the status quo, Big Business and the country’s 640 billionaires sent their lobbyists in to remind the corporate owned moderate Democrats who pays for their reelection campaigns, and who pays for those “special benefits” the moderate Democrats receive “under the table”.

There was never any real danger any part of Biden’s agenda to help average Americans would become law. As one of those corporate owned moderate Democrats for his entire political career, Biden knew from the beginning it was a pipe-dream the progressive Democrats would never see come true.

Like every Republican politician across this nation, the corporate owned moderate Democrats have repeatedly sold their constituents out to feed the greed of Big Business and the nation’s billionaire class.

However, just because that $3.5 trillion spending package will die before ever coming to a vote doesn’t mean the moderate Democrats and the Republicans won’t vote to borrow those trillions-of-dollars.

Between now and the 2022 Mid-term elections, that $3.5 trillion and several more trillion dollars will be borrowed, and quietly siphoned into the foreign bank accounts of the country’s 640 billionaires, provided to corporate leaders as multi-million-dollar federal subsidies, and, uncounted billions will find its way to foreign political donors overseas. Perhaps a tiny fraction will benefit the nation’s 330 million average citizens, but that is unlikely.

Sadly, none of this will matter after November 8, 2022. With the red states’ voter suppression laws protected by the corporate owned moderate Democrats in the Senate, led by Joe Manchin, any hope of passing the John Lewis Voting Rights Advancement Act of 2021 has evaporated.

Through their inaction, the corporate owned moderate Democrats will have opened the door for the GOP’s trumpublicans to lay waste to our democracy. What kind of monetary inducement could the country’s 640 billionaires provide the moderate Democrats to buy such treachery? It will require the criminals leave the country before November 8, 2022. After that date, the United States will be a government with a single political party, just like the defunct Soviet Union, and, despite all their help, the corporate owned moderate Democrats that neglected to make their escape will join the progressive Democrats as political prisoners.

What type of government will develop from the ashes after the trumpublicans burn down the current system? That will depend on which alliance of the 640 billionaires wields most power in the early months of 2023.

Will there be a unified effort to form a plutocracy to preserve a nation of fifty states? Perhaps regional wars resulting from power struggles? An authoritarian dictatorship as desired by the trumpublicans? An invading force by an allied China and Russia? Any of these are possible, and other scenarios should be expected, none of them good.

With the credit owed entirely to the corporate owned Democrats, especially Senator Joe Manchin, the United States is at a crossroads. The over 330 million average Americans can only stand by, watch, and hope. But, given the decades of incredible greed and political corruption that brought us to this point, there seems little hope for any of us.

For the extremely stupid among us, go ahead and laugh, but know this, you’re in the sinking ship with the rest of us. (And there are no lifeboats.)

Money runs shit. Once you accept that fact, you can choose to use it to your advantage or continue jousting windmills.
Progressives Thought They Had the Upper Hand In Congress, But That’s Impossible

The progressives never really had the upper hand. When they posed a danger to the status quo, Big Business and the country’s 640 billionaires sent their lobbyists in to remind the corporate owned moderate Democrats who pays for their reelection campaigns, and who pays for those “special benefits” the moderate Democrats receive “under the table”.

There was never any real danger any part of Biden’s agenda to help average Americans would become law. As one of those corporate owned moderate Democrats for his entire political career, Biden knew from the beginning it was a pipe-dream the progressive Democrats would never see come true.

Like every Republican politician across this nation, the corporate owned moderate Democrats have repeatedly sold their constituents out to feed the greed of Big Business and the nation’s billionaire class.

However, just because that $3.5 trillion spending package will die before ever coming to a vote doesn’t mean the moderate Democrats and the Republicans won’t vote to borrow those trillions-of-dollars.

Between now and the 2022 Mid-term elections, that $3.5 trillion and several more trillion dollars will be borrowed, and quietly siphoned into the foreign bank accounts of the country’s 640 billionaires, provided to corporate leaders as multi-million-dollar federal subsidies, and, uncounted billions will find its way to foreign political donors overseas. Perhaps a tiny fraction will benefit the nation’s 330 million average citizens, but that is unlikely.

Sadly, none of this will matter after November 8, 2022. With the red states’ voter suppression laws protected by the corporate owned moderate Democrats in the Senate, led by Joe Manchin, any hope of passing the John Lewis Voting Rights Advancement Act of 2021 has evaporated.

Through their inaction, the corporate owned moderate Democrats will have opened the door for the GOP’s trumpublicans to lay waste to our democracy. What kind of monetary inducement could the country’s 640 billionaires provide the moderate Democrats to buy such treachery? It will require the criminals leave the country before November 8, 2022. After that date, the United States will be a government with a single political party, just like the defunct Soviet Union, and, despite all their help, the corporate owned moderate Democrats that neglected to make their escape will join the progressive Democrats as political prisoners.

What type of government will develop from the ashes after the trumpublicans burn down the current system? That will depend on which alliance of the 640 billionaires wields most power in the early months of 2023.

Will there be a unified effort to form a plutocracy to preserve a nation of fifty states? Perhaps regional wars resulting from power struggles? An authoritarian dictatorship as desired by the trumpublicans? An invading force by an allied China and Russia? Any of these are possible, and other scenarios should be expected, none of them good.

With the credit owed entirely to the corporate owned Democrats, especially Senator Joe Manchin, the United States is at a crossroads. The over 330 million average Americans can only stand by, watch, and hope. But, given the decades of incredible greed and political corruption that brought us to this point, there seems little hope for any of us.

For the extremely stupid among us, go ahead and laugh, but know this, you’re in the sinking ship with the rest of us. (And there are no lifeboats.)


Are you putting up any Haitians in your living room? How about any latino 'refugees'?

Until you commie vermin practice what you preach, you got nothing to say about anything worth taking you seriously over.
Are you putting up any Haitians in your living room? How about any latino 'refugees'?

Until you commie vermin practice what you preach, you got nothing to say about anything worth taking you seriously over.
A Haitian Belongs in Haiti...have them put them up.
What refugees? Is there a war going on in South America?
Practice what you preach, where did he say to take more refugees?

You're not even addressing his post at all, it has nothing to do with refugees....are you high?
A Haitian Belongs in Haiti...have them put them up.
What refugees? Is there a war going on in South America?
Practice what you preach, where did he say to take more refugees?

You're not even addressing his post at all, it has nothing to do with refugees....are you high?

So you want to be stupid moron now,too? Go ahead.
Uh you didn't address his post at all....I called you out for it....its what I do.....

You're dense and triggered, and so desperate to make some sort of 'comeback' you're just looking like a pathetic gimp. lol you're too rattled to pull anything off. Go have some of your breakfast meth and a beer or two and try again.
You're dense and triggered, and so desperate to make some sort of 'comeback' you're just looking like a pathetic gimp. lol you're too rattled to pull anything off. Go have some of your breakfast meth and a beer or two and try again.
Still not responding to his just post gibberish. And where did you get have a Haitian fetish?
Progressives Thought They Had the Upper Hand In Congress, But That’s Impossible

The progressives never really had the upper hand. When they posed a danger to the status quo, Big Business and the country’s 640 billionaires sent their lobbyists in to remind the corporate owned moderate Democrats who pays for their reelection campaigns, and who pays for those “special benefits” the moderate Democrats receive “under the table”.

There was never any real danger any part of Biden’s agenda to help average Americans would become law. As one of those corporate owned moderate Democrats for his entire political career, Biden knew from the beginning it was a pipe-dream the progressive Democrats would never see come true.

Like every Republican politician across this nation, the corporate owned moderate Democrats have repeatedly sold their constituents out to feed the greed of Big Business and the nation’s billionaire class.

However, just because that $3.5 trillion spending package will die before ever coming to a vote doesn’t mean the moderate Democrats and the Republicans won’t vote to borrow those trillions-of-dollars.

Between now and the 2022 Mid-term elections, that $3.5 trillion and several more trillion dollars will be borrowed, and quietly siphoned into the foreign bank accounts of the country’s 640 billionaires, provided to corporate leaders as multi-million-dollar federal subsidies, and, uncounted billions will find its way to foreign political donors overseas. Perhaps a tiny fraction will benefit the nation’s 330 million average citizens, but that is unlikely.

Sadly, none of this will matter after November 8, 2022. With the red states’ voter suppression laws protected by the corporate owned moderate Democrats in the Senate, led by Joe Manchin, any hope of passing the John Lewis Voting Rights Advancement Act of 2021 has evaporated.

Through their inaction, the corporate owned moderate Democrats will have opened the door for the GOP’s trumpublicans to lay waste to our democracy. What kind of monetary inducement could the country’s 640 billionaires provide the moderate Democrats to buy such treachery? It will require the criminals leave the country before November 8, 2022. After that date, the United States will be a government with a single political party, just like the defunct Soviet Union, and, despite all their help, the corporate owned moderate Democrats that neglected to make their escape will join the progressive Democrats as political prisoners.

What type of government will develop from the ashes after the trumpublicans burn down the current system? That will depend on which alliance of the 640 billionaires wields most power in the early months of 2023.

Will there be a unified effort to form a plutocracy to preserve a nation of fifty states? Perhaps regional wars resulting from power struggles? An authoritarian dictatorship as desired by the trumpublicans? An invading force by an allied China and Russia? Any of these are possible, and other scenarios should be expected, none of them good.

With the credit owed entirely to the corporate owned Democrats, especially Senator Joe Manchin, the United States is at a crossroads. The over 330 million average Americans can only stand by, watch, and hope. But, given the decades of incredible greed and political corruption that brought us to this point, there seems little hope for any of us.

For the extremely stupid among us, go ahead and laugh, but know this, you’re in the sinking ship with the rest of us. (And there are no lifeboats.)

The The progressives had a problem because they actually care about people whereas the GOP and the idiot from West Virginia are totally bought.

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