Progressive Propaganda: The Race Edition


Diamond Member
Jul 5, 2011
United States
The left has worked so hard to erase their long and unglued history of racism. They've worked just as long - but even harder - to take that ugly history and assign it to the right. Unfortunately for them though, it has already been well documented in history.

The left’s long and ugly history of racism is well documented and undeniable...
Lyndon Johnson said the word "n*gger" a lot. In Senate cloakrooms and staff meetings, Johnson was practically a connoisseur of the word. According to Johnson biographer Robert Caro, Johnson would calibrate his pronunciations by region, using "nigra" with some southern legislators and "negra" with others. Discussing civil rights legislation with men like Mississippi Democrat James Eastland, who committed most of his life to defending white supremacy, he'd simply call it "the n*gger bill."

Then in 1957, Johnson would help get the "n*gger bill" passed, known to most as the Civil Rights Act of 1957. With the 1964 Civil Rights Act and the 1965 Voting Rights Act, the segregationists would go to their graves knowing the cause they'd given their lives to had been betrayed, Frank Underwood style, by a man they believed to be one of their own. When Caro asked segregationist Georgia Democrat Herman Talmadge how he felt when Johnson, signing the Civil Rights Act, said "we shall overcome," Talmadge said "sick."
It’s an added bonus that this article comes from the left’s favorite source - MSNBC. They have no form of denial when they can’t scream “right-wing source”.

Lyndon Johnson was a civil rights hero. But also a racist.
They think white people need to shut up...

It's hard to find any organization that is more racist. Besides BLM not many come to my mind.

Back in the day they supported slavery, today looting of the taxpayers. Their tune has really not changed much.
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The left has worked so hard to erase their long and unglued history of racism. They've worked just as long - but even harder - to take that ugly history and assign it to the right. Unfortunately for them though, it has already been well documented in history.

It's crazy how republicans today celebrate so vigorously that old, lost version of the Democrat party
The left has worked so hard to erase their long and unglued history of racism. They've worked just as long - but even harder - to take that ugly history and assign it to the right. Unfortunately for them though, it has already been well documented in history.

It's crazy how republicans today celebrate so vigorously that old, lost version of the Democrat party

Not to worry, tomorrow night Democrats will roll out Joe Kennedy and attempt to recapture some of that old lost Democrat party. Try to bring back that true womanizing and drunken drives (Chappaquiddick), running from a crime scene, you know all those things you love about Democrats.
The left has worked so hard to erase their long and unglued history of racism. They've worked just as long - but even harder - to take that ugly history and assign it to the right. Unfortunately for them though, it has already been well documented in history.

It's crazy how republicans today celebrate so vigorously that old, lost version of the Democrat party

Not to worry, tomorrow night Democrats will roll out Joe Kennedy and attempt to recapture some of that old lost Democrat party. Try to bring back that true womanizing and drunken drives (Chappaquiddick), running from a crime scene, you know all those things you love about Democrats.

Oh come on now. You can do better than that. :itsok:
It's crazy how republicans today celebrate so vigorously that old, lost version of the Democrat party
The only thing the Dumbocrats have “lost” is the last ounces of sanity they had left.
Dumbocrats? Not familiar with that group.

Have you waved your confederate flag yet today in honor of the pre-civil rights Democrat party?
The left has worked so hard to erase their long and unglued history of racism. They've worked just as long - but even harder - to take that ugly history and assign it to the right. Unfortunately for them though, it has already been well documented in history.

It's crazy how republicans today celebrate so vigorously that old, lost version of the Democrat party

Not to worry, tomorrow night Democrats will roll out Joe Kennedy and attempt to recapture some of that old lost Democrat party. Try to bring back that true womanizing and drunken drives (Chappaquiddick), running from a crime scene, you know all those things you love about Democrats.

Oh come on now. You can do better than that. :itsok:

Yeah, just wish Democrats could too.
The left has worked so hard to erase their long and unglued history of racism. They've worked just as long - but even harder - to take that ugly history and assign it to the right. Unfortunately for them though, it has already been well documented in history.

It's crazy how republicans today celebrate so vigorously that old, lost version of the Democrat party

Not to worry, tomorrow night Democrats will roll out Joe Kennedy and attempt to recapture some of that old lost Democrat party. Try to bring back that true womanizing and drunken drives (Chappaquiddick), running from a crime scene, you know all those things you love about Democrats.

Oh come on now. You can do better than that. :itsok:

Yeah, just wish Democrats could too.

You wish Democrats could give better petty insults? That's weird but okay.
The left has worked so hard to erase their long and unglued history of racism. They've worked just as long - but even harder - to take that ugly history and assign it to the right. Unfortunately for them though, it has already been well documented in history.

It's crazy how republicans today celebrate so vigorously that old, lost version of the Democrat party

Not to worry, tomorrow night Democrats will roll out Joe Kennedy and attempt to recapture some of that old lost Democrat party. Try to bring back that true womanizing and drunken drives (Chappaquiddick), running from a crime scene, you know all those things you love about Democrats.

Oh come on now. You can do better than that. :itsok:

Yeah, just wish Democrats could too.

You wish Democrats could give better petty insults? That's weird but okay.

Sure, run with that.
It's crazy how republicans today celebrate so vigorously that old, lost version of the Democrat party

Not to worry, tomorrow night Democrats will roll out Joe Kennedy and attempt to recapture some of that old lost Democrat party. Try to bring back that true womanizing and drunken drives (Chappaquiddick), running from a crime scene, you know all those things you love about Democrats.
Oh come on now. You can do better than that. :itsok:

Yeah, just wish Democrats could too.
You wish Democrats could give better petty insults? That's weird but okay.

Sure, run with that.
How? By carrying my monitor?

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