Professor Obama gives world an epic lecture on terrorism!


Gold Member
Feb 25, 2010
Watching Professor hes back at Harvard. a classic idealistic lecture right now.

The summary-

People are terrorists not religions
We arent at war
If only we were all nicer to each other it'd go away
Police need to be more respectful- yes he even fit that in
Government need to help provide jobs to terrorists
Muslims have dreams...we just need to help them
Racial profiling is bad mmmkay
Racial profiling is bad
Law enforcement must not profile Muslims
Cant we all just get along
Government investment in the community will fix terrorism
Rich people are terrorists too

That basically sums up the feel good lecture he just gave saying we can invest and hug our way through this.

Meanwhile. .ISIS just burned and beheaded some more people and are reloading their weapons.
Now hes talking about the hope we have in little children and how we must "remember them during this debate".

ISIS is cutting childrens heads off. They've declared a global Holy War.

And we're debating.
I'm certain that members of ISIS now feel foolish after Obama informed them they're not real Muslims.
Damn why didn't we do this sooner ?
Watching Professor hes back at Harvard. a classic idealistic lecture right now.

The summary-

People are terrorists not religions
We arent at war
If only we were all nicer to each other it'd go away
Police need to be more respectful- yes he even fit that in
Government need to help provide jobs to terrorists
Muslims have dreams...we just need to help them
Racial profiling is bad mmmkay
Racial profiling is bad
Law enforcement must not profile Muslims
Cant we all just get along
Government investment in the community will fix terrorism
Rich people are terrorists too

That basically sums up the feel good lecture he just gave saying we can invest and hug our way through this.

Meanwhile. .ISIS just burned and beheaded some more people and are reloading their weapons.

It is insanity.

We can't pacify our own savage kids, or educate them, or find employment for them, but we are going to save the Muslim world.

I wonder what the new ISIL minimum wage will be, and if they will be forced to allow their women access to birth control when they go on Obamacare?
It was a bizarre, rambling speech. He says terrorists come from all economic backgrounds, and he said a billion poor Muslims in the world dont resort to violence.

But then says developing economies is the answer...right after saying class status doesnt matter and billions of poor Muslims are not violent.

He truly wishes he could just hit pause for 2 years until hes out of office and not deal with this. And THAT is exactly why ISIS is so emboldened.
Now hes talking about the hope we have in little children and how we must "remember them during this debate".

ISIS is cutting childrens heads off. They've declared a global Holy War.

And we're debating.
Hyperbolic nonsense and demagoguery.

It's this sort of ignorant, unwarranted hysteria that resulted in two failed, illegal wars and over 4000 Americans killed, in addition to thousands more seriously wounded and permanently disabled.

That you and many others on the right seek to place American ground troops in harm's way to again pointlessly die in the ME is both sad and telling.

The president's assessment is absolutely correct – and it's the thoughtless, brain-dead emotionalism exhibited by you and most other conservatives that will only benefit terrorism in the long run.
Now hes talking about the hope we have in little children and how we must "remember them during this debate".

ISIS is cutting childrens heads off. They've declared a global Holy War.

And we're debating.
Hyperbolic nonsense and demagoguery.

It's this sort of ignorant, unwarranted hysteria that resulted in two failed, illegal wars and over 4000 Americans killed, in addition to thousands more seriously wounded and permanently disabled.

That you and many others on the right seek to place American ground troops in harm's way to again pointlessly die in the ME is both sad and telling.

The president's assessment is absolutely correct – and it's the thoughtless, brain-dead emotionalism exhibited by you and most other conservatives that will only benefit terrorism in the long run.

Ok. So we should send cash and ipods and textbooks to the middle east instead?

You know...our military TRIED to build schools there. And a stable police force. And good hospitals. And all the shit a steady economy needs. And Muslims thanked them with IEDs and suicide bombings and attacks.

Fuck the middle east. We tried to develop their economy and they didnt want it.

Time to profile them and isolate it until it stops. Even if it takes a century of isolation.
All those oppressive countries that didn't do enough. Countries like Denmark, the UK, France and Italy have just not done enough. It's a wonder someone didn't jump up and say You Lie.
They have said they are going to cut his head off.

I think he is afraid they might at least pull off an attempt, Secret Service being so competent lately and all.

He is trying to appease them into being nice.

It will be interesting to see their response to him, and Harf and the rest of the circus.
Now hes talking about the hope we have in little children and how we must "remember them during this debate".

ISIS is cutting childrens heads off. They've declared a global Holy War.

And we're debating.
Hyperbolic nonsense and demagoguery.

It's this sort of ignorant, unwarranted hysteria that resulted in two failed, illegal wars and over 4000 Americans killed, in addition to thousands more seriously wounded and permanently disabled.

That you and many others on the right seek to place American ground troops in harm's way to again pointlessly die in the ME is both sad and telling.

The president's assessment is absolutely correct – and it's the thoughtless, brain-dead emotionalism exhibited by you and most other conservatives that will only benefit terrorism in the long run.

Ok. So we should send cash and ipods and textbooks to the middle east instead?

You know...our military TRIED to build schools there. And a stable police force. And good hospitals. And all the shit a steady economy needs. And Muslims thanked them with IEDs and suicide bombings and attacks.

Fuck the middle east. We tried to develop their economy and they didnt want it.

Time to profile them and isolate it until it stops. Even if it takes a century of isolation.
It was called Nation Building when Bush did it, and cursed by right and left.

That was the mistake, not pulling out and leaving in the first year.
You know all libturds would be screaming for the heads of all muslims if Obama changed his tune and said all muslims were bad. Hell they dont give a damn when Obama kills them in droves by drone.
Now hes talking about the hope we have in little children and how we must "remember them during this debate".

ISIS is cutting childrens heads off. They've declared a global Holy War.

And we're debating.
Hyperbolic nonsense and demagoguery.

It's this sort of ignorant, unwarranted hysteria that resulted in two failed, illegal wars and over 4000 Americans killed, in addition to thousands more seriously wounded and permanently disabled.

That you and many others on the right seek to place American ground troops in harm's way to again pointlessly die in the ME is both sad and telling.

The president's assessment is absolutely correct – and it's the thoughtless, brain-dead emotionalism exhibited by you and most other conservatives that will only benefit terrorism in the long run.

Ok. So we should send cash and ipods and textbooks to the middle east instead?

You know...our military TRIED to build schools there. And a stable police force. And good hospitals. And all the shit a steady economy needs. And Muslims thanked them with IEDs and suicide bombings and attacks.

Fuck the middle east. We tried to develop their economy and they didnt want it.

Time to profile them and isolate it until it stops. Even if it takes a century of isolation.
It was called Nation Building when Bush did it, and cursed by right and left.

That was the mistake, not pulling out and leaving in the first year.

Its crazy how the same concepts apply on different scales. Nation building is like an American city trying to build a bad community out of crime and poverty. Invest so much. And it still doesnt work. At some point you say fuck it, contain and isolate it, and give up.

Its time to contain and isolate Islam. Like Ebola really. Theres no cure. Only containment.
Now hes talking about the hope we have in little children and how we must "remember them during this debate".

ISIS is cutting childrens heads off. They've declared a global Holy War.

And we're debating.
Hyperbolic nonsense and demagoguery.

It's this sort of ignorant, unwarranted hysteria that resulted in two failed, illegal wars and over 4000 Americans killed, in addition to thousands more seriously wounded and permanently disabled.

That you and many others on the right seek to place American ground troops in harm's way to again pointlessly die in the ME is both sad and telling.

The president's assessment is absolutely correct – and it's the thoughtless, brain-dead emotionalism exhibited by you and most other conservatives that will only benefit terrorism in the long run.

Ok. So we should send cash and ipods and textbooks to the middle east instead?

You know...our military TRIED to build schools there. And a stable police force. And good hospitals. And all the shit a steady economy needs. And Muslims thanked them with IEDs and suicide bombings and attacks.

Fuck the middle east. We tried to develop their economy and they didnt want it.

Time to profile them and isolate it until it stops. Even if it takes a century of isolation.
It was called Nation Building when Bush did it, and cursed by right and left.

That was the mistake, not pulling out and leaving in the first year.

Its crazy how the same concepts apply on different scales. Nation building is like an American city trying to build a bad community out of crime and poverty. Invest so much. And it still doesnt work. At some point you say fuck it, contain and isolate it, and give up.

Its time to contain and isolate Islam. Like Ebola really. Theres no cure. Only containment.

That would require the Ds to be sane.
Sending American ground forces to Iraq to fight ISIS is exactly what ISIS would like to have happen – and too many moronic conservatives are blind to this fact.

Which is why its time as a society to treat Islam like Ebola. Isolate and contain.

Being Muslim doesnt mean you are a terrorist. Just like having a 104 fever, vomitting and bleeding from the nose and eyes doesnt mean you have Ebola.

But we cant risk it anymore.
All those oppressive countries that didn't do enough. Countries like Denmark, the UK, France and Italy have just not done enough. It's a wonder someone didn't jump up and say You Lie.
Or someone stand up an ask, "WTF does this have to do with global warming, suckah?"

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