Professor gives details to destroy monuments to rioters


Diamond Member
Jul 10, 2004
This is what teaches your kids folks...

After reading footage in DC where you see looters using her instructions.

Edited to add: anyone surprised Twitter allows this on their “platform”? Because I’m not..
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After reading footage in DC where you see looters using her instructions.

The Professors around the country are trying to "rewrite" American History. They want folks to only learn what they teach them. Therefore, by getting rid of historic monuments and American artifacts - the next generation won't even know a single history of the American Revolution, The Civil War, and other related American histories.
It is only being taught through the incredulous eyes of these Professors "who hate America".

After reading footage in DC where you see looters using her instructions.

The Professors around the country are trying to "rewrite" American History. They want folks to only learn what they teach them. Therefore, by getting rid of historic monuments and American artifacts - the next generation won't even know a single history of the American Revolution, The Civil War, and other related American histories.
It is only being taught through the incredulous eyes of these Professors "who hate America".

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What is disgusting is that this witch is an anthropology professor. Wonder what other artifacts she has destroyed?
This is what teaches your kids folks...

After reading footage in DC where you see looters using her instructions.

This "human" being, this "professor", is the poster child for radical postmodernism and cultural Marxism. The new postmodernists believe society/civilization is but a social construct which can be radically changed simply by willing it to happen. Of course, they also believe human biology is a social construct as well. These "people" use militant moral relativism and factual relativism to bend, mutilate and destroy all American traditions, moral codes, long established scientific facts. The postmodernists will fight to the death to prove up is down, black is white, life is bad and death is good. For reference, one of the postmodernists' star pupils was Pol Pot, a man personally responsible for killing millions of his own countrymen. Postmodernists are so incredibly dangerous because their anything goes code of anti-morality appeals to young, rebellious minds seeking a cause and seeking to free themselves from personal responsibility. They offer young minds an "out" from every facet of society; from following a society's laws, to answering for any kind bad behavior, including murder.
This is what teaches your kids folks...

After reading footage in DC where you see looters using her instructions.

Edited to add: anyone surprised Twitter allows this on their “platform”? Because I’m not..
I hope that they enjoy the prison food when they are put away for planning such a vandalism.

God bless you always!!!

Can we use those instructions to tear down the asinine and pandering to the civil rights animals?

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