Probably No Chance But Maybe....


Diamond Member
Aug 25, 2009
Deep State Plant.
When I was a kid growing up in the 1800s (joke), we used to have double headers all the time in baseball. Often this was because the train trips would take a while and travel along with another night for 30 guys in a hotel would be prohibitive. I'm sure there were other reasons.

Anyway, they stopped that with jet travel and the players union gaining traction.

I think it would be good to explore ways to bring back the double header if you re-imagine/re-invent the idea.

Since there are more domes now; fan comfort is no longer that much of a concern so starting at Noon in July is not a deal breaker.

Have a feature in-between shows. This is where you can use your imagination to some degree but, for example, lets say there is a new summer movie coming out that is baseball centric--think The Natural--and whatever hot Hollywood star(s) are in it. Have a premier/showing of the movie between games. Giving the players who played in the first game a chance to rest up, get treatment, etc...

Schedule the game on a Saturday; maybe before Mothers Day. So fans can spend time with their mothers on her day and still get their baseball fix. It will allow players in the home city to do the same. For the visiting team, it will allow them to fly home to spend some time with their mother or have a real travel day before starting the next away game.

The extra sales of concessions during the movie/event in the intermission along with what I'm sure will be a markup on tickets will help offset the cost of missing the second home date. Probably not on a dollar-to-dollar basis but it certainly won't be a financial casualty.

A team struggling to draw fans because they are perennial door mats could do this with an eye of generating some interest in a team that is "playing out the string" in July like hte D-Backs often are. They cracked the 90 win barrier once in the last 10 years....give that some thought. LOL

Anyway; just some ideas. Go 'Stros! has a LOT of down time--in between between innings..etc's boring as it is ......people couldn't bring their young kids because they would not be able to take it ....the elderly would fall asleep
Used to be scheduled Double Headers on Sundays.
You are right. With train travel they needed more open days during the week. Weekend games were also during the day.
Now they only have one day game a week.

Also when Double Headers are scheduled they empty the stadium and charge for two games
Used to be scheduled Double Headers on Sundays.
You are right. With train travel they needed more open days during the week. Weekend games were also during the day.
Now they only have one day game a week.

Also when Double Headers are scheduled they empty the stadium and charge for two games

The D-Backs late last month, had a couple of home dates where they got like 7,000 people to attend. The actual numbers were probably less than that. Considering they lost one of those games by 7 runs...I wouldn't be surprised if by the final out was recorded the number of players equaled or exceeded the number of fans.

I'm not saying that if the Dodgers are coming to town (assuming they have some local fans in Phoenix and travel well) do it but if you're playing the Brewers mid-week in September....why not try some creative marketing? I'm sure the expenses/costs are probably more favorable for two games on two different days--that is why they do it that way--but maybe engender some good will.

One minor league team back home had a movie night; started the game early and showed The Sandlot on the jumbotron. You were encouraged to bring a blanket and sit on the outfield grass with your family; or remain in the stands if you preferred.

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