Pro wrestling is scary.


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Jun 21, 2020
Phoenix, AZ
Many guys are on these smaller leagues and they travel every weekend to various events.
They are grossly underpaid and they all sustain heavy physical damage.
It maybe staged who wins but when a huge guy tosses you around it really hurts and they make mistakes !
Guys get damaged knees and spines and get addicted to drugs
Very hard life
Many guys are on these smaller leagues and they travel every weekend to various events.
They are grossly underpaid and they all sustain heavy physical damage.
It maybe staged who wins but when a huge guy tosses you around it really hurts and they make mistakes !
Guys get damaged knees and spines and get addicted to drugs
Very hard life

I'm generally pretty down on wrestling these days compared to the heyday of the 70s and 80s, but I do check it out as I can now get Smackdown on Friday nights. Mostly a waste of time with many girl wrestlers and half the show just shit talking and the BS has really gotten pretentious-- -- all pretense of this being serious sport HAS long been suspended.

But a couple weeks ago they had a match on with special rules that left me floored to where I still haven't erased it planning to watch it again. It was between this black guy and a fellow with red hair and the entire match was outside the ring where these two guys just BRUTALIZED each other dragging each other down hallways, slamming them into doors, garbage cans, throwing and hitting each other with food, objects, they ended up out in the parking lot on the hood of an expensive car slamming the car door shut on one guy, using the trunk lid, it just went on and on. Far past the point to where I thought any human body could endure. There was no question that most of the stuff they were doing HAD to hurt and have serious impact, you just can't fake gravity.

Even if it was all staged and fake (preplanned) at some level, their strength, conditioning and physique were amazing and it was amazing these guys didn't seriously hurt each other and how they could do this and not end up in the hospital is beyond me. My hat is off to them for not killing each other that night, accidentally or on purpose-- -- there is no way they were not sore the next day and won't pay for the abuse to their bodies a few years down the road. You could see the marks on their body and even some blood in many places. They definitely earned my respect as entertainers; they delivered far more than you'll ever see at any football game.

It doesn't surprise me one bit most of these guys die in their 60s.
Many guys are on these smaller leagues and they travel every weekend to various events.
They are grossly underpaid and they all sustain heavy physical damage.
It maybe staged who wins but when a huge guy tosses you around it really hurts and they make mistakes !
Guys get damaged knees and spines and get addicted to drugs
Very hard life

I'm generally pretty down on wrestling these days compared to the heyday of the 70s and 80s, but I do check it out as I can now get Smackdown on Friday nights. Mostly a waste of time with many girl wrestlers and half the show just shit talking and the BS has really gotten pretentious-- -- all pretense of this being serious sport HAS long been suspended.

But a couple weeks ago they had a match on with special rules that left me floored to where I still haven't erased it planning to watch it again. It was between this black guy and a fellow with red hair and the entire match was outside the ring where these two guys just BRUTALIZED each other dragging each other down hallways, slamming them into doors, garbage cans, throwing and hitting each other with food, objects, they ended up out in the parking lot on the hood of an expensive car slamming the car door shut on one guy, using the trunk lid, it just went on and on. Far past the point to where I thought any human body could endure. There was no question that most of the stuff they were doing HAD to hurt and have serious impact, you just can't fake gravity.

Even if it was all staged and fake (preplanned) at some level, their strength, conditioning and physique were amazing and it was amazing these guys didn't seriously hurt each other and how they could do this and not end up in the hospital is beyond me. My hat is off to them for not killing each other that night, accidentally or on purpose-- -- there is no way they were not sore the next day and won't pay for the abuse to their bodies a few years down the road. You could see the marks on their body and even some blood in many places. They definitely earned my respect as entertainers; they delivered far more than you'll ever see at any football game.

It doesn't surprise me one bit most of these guys die in their 60s.

They probably need more salt.
Many guys are on these smaller leagues and they travel every weekend to various events.
They are grossly underpaid and they all sustain heavy physical damage.
It maybe staged who wins but when a huge guy tosses you around it really hurts and they make mistakes !
Guys get damaged knees and spines and get addicted to drugs
Very hard life

I have been a student of pro wrestling since the 1960's. And you're right. Its a tough business to get into and survive. Those at the top, fighting like WWE, have to pay a lot of due to make it to the top.
"Jabronis will say wrestling's fake but half of this would kill them"

One time there was a match about to start at the beginning of the telecast. The announcer said, "Lets go to the stage" instead of "Lets go to the ring"
"Jabronis will say wrestling's fake but half of this would kill them"


Smoking will kill you too, but 'pro' wrestling is still fake.

Real wrestling is a real sport.
A guy of that size and strength is still going to cause a lot of damage just by accident
I guarantee you a forearm in the jaw is going to knock out a few teeth
I do enjoy real wrestling. But since A child I found "pro rasslin" fun to watch .Especially going to a live event. I have gotten my nephews and grand nephews addicted to it.
I do enjoy real wrestling. But since A child I found "pro rasslin" fun to watch .Especially going to a live event. I have gotten my nephews and grand nephews addicted to it.

What I always like about pro wrestling is how its so popular all around the world. Mexico, Japan, Mongolia, Uganda, Sudan, India, the number of nations that have qualities professionals is tremendous. Did you know that the best attended wrestling match in history was at the Collision in Korea card in Pyongyang in the 1990's? Inoki beat Ric Flair in a huge, sold out stadium show. The Korean people love wrestling.

My grandmother loved wrestling, I've been watching it since I was a kid and it was the first professional sports my dad ever took me to. Sammartino defended his title against Tanaka- a Japanese war criminal from Hiroshima. Really hated America's freedom and got on tv and laughed about Pearl Harbor.
Many guys are on these smaller leagues and they travel every weekend to various events.
They are grossly underpaid and they all sustain heavy physical damage.
It maybe staged who wins but when a huge guy tosses you around it really hurts and they make mistakes !
Guys get damaged knees and spines and get addicted to drugs
Very hard life

We all have to decide what we want to do when we turn 18. Some of us go get union jobs. Some skilled trade or college. Some go do landscaping or carpentry. Some become hairdressers. Work at Walmart. Some go to nyc or los angelis and try to become actors.You get the point. These guys aren’t good enough to be pro athletes and they don’t want to work 9-5 jobs. They chose to go do this in hopes the wwe will hire them.
These guys aren’t good enough to be pro athletes and they don’t want to work 9-5 jobs. They chose to go do this in hopes the wwe will hire them.

What I always like about pro wrestling is how international the sport is. Wrestling managers went to places like Uganda or Manchuria to find top talent like Kamala or Gorilla Monsoon. International pariahs like South African mercenaries, Japanese and German war criminals, radical muslims, Soviet bloc entries all were able to make their way into the Pro Wrestling game.
It is scripted. But they do get hurt bad I have seen it. And as I child I did learn some good moves for defense against bullies and my cousins in our back yard free for all's. But like I tell my nephews. The UnderTaker is Not really a dead man who came back to life :)
There is a amateur grappling organization Called N.A.G.A. that you will find moves and throws used in pro wrestling is used in there matches.

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