Priebus' attempt to modernize GOP angers Base/Old Guard

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Nullius in verba
Feb 15, 2011
Fairfax, NoVA
remember Priebus' GOP autopsy after the last election and his recommendations to be more inclusive? Well...

Following the recommendations in the Priebus-commissioned autopsy of the GOP's losing 2012 presidential campaign, the national party launched a multipronged strategy a year ago to reach out to younger voters, women and racial and ethnic minorities, groups who sided more heavily with Democrats, especially President Barack Obama.

Yet, awkward comments about contraception and women's reproductive systems and chatter over Michigan committeeman Dave Agema's derogatory comments about gays and Muslims obscured the party's attempt to feature its efforts at last week's meeting.

By the end of the three-day conference, Priebus and Michigan Republican Party Chairman Bobby Schostak were calling on Agema to quit, "for the good of the party."

Add to this the recent Texas hospital matter keeping a legally deceased woman on life support against the family's wishes.

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the right wanted to kill our government.

looks like they will only get to kill the R party
40 views :neutral: MAN UP RIGHTIES!!! :mad:

Yeah, lets keep the circlejerk going instead of mutually agreeing on something.

To modernize the GOP would mean to take religion out of it. Also it would mean not being bought out as much.

Religion and Money for themselves/higher up is all they are concerned with. No wonder why people voted for Obama.

The cancer will die out from the GOP as the newer generations take over.
The changes anger only the far right wing nuts and the social cons.

Tuff dust bunnies.
40 views :neutral: MAN UP RIGHTIES!!! :mad:

Yeah, lets keep the circlejerk going instead of mutually agreeing on something.

To modernize the GOP would mean to take religion out of it. Also it would mean not being bought out as much.

Religion and Money for themselves/higher up is all they are concerned with. No wonder why people voted for Obama.

The cancer will die out from the GOP as the newer generations take over.

yep, they're sell-outs/corporate tools and the Dems are, to a lesser extent. Thats why I won't vote in any national election between a water-carrier for wall st from one party or the other in national elections.
With the new rules we should see the stupid sides of Religion and Money, as opposed to responsible faith and hard work, greatly limited.
40 views :neutral: MAN UP RIGHTIES!!! :mad:

Yeah, lets keep the circlejerk going instead of mutually agreeing on something.

To modernize the GOP would mean to take religion out of it. Also it would mean not being bought out as much.

Religion and Money for themselves/higher up is all they are concerned with. No wonder why people voted for Obama.

The cancer will die out from the GOP as the newer generations take over.

yep, they're sell-outs/corporate tools and the Dems are, to a lesser extent. Thats why I won't vote in any national election between a water-carrier for wall st from one party or the other in national elections.

Vote of the lesser of evils. Either they will get competitive or die out as others take their place.

You people are so scared of making progress.
Yeah, lets keep the circlejerk going instead of mutually agreeing on something.

To modernize the GOP would mean to take religion out of it. Also it would mean not being bought out as much.

Religion and Money for themselves/higher up is all they are concerned with. No wonder why people voted for Obama.

The cancer will die out from the GOP as the newer generations take over.

yep, they're sell-outs/corporate tools and the Dems are, to a lesser extent. Thats why I won't vote in any national election between a water-carrier for wall st from one party or the other in national elections.

Vote of the lesser of evils. Either they will get competitive or die out as others take their place.

You people are so scared of making progress.

The lesser of two evils is still evil. i would just use the word "corrupt" because I don't believe in the good/evil religious paradigm.
remember Priebus' GOP autopsy after the last election and his recommendations to be more inclusive? Well...

Following the recommendations in the Priebus-commissioned autopsy of the GOP's losing 2012 presidential campaign, the national party launched a multipronged strategy a year ago to reach out to younger voters, women and racial and ethnic minorities, groups who sided more heavily with Democrats, especially President Barack Obama.

Yet, awkward comments about contraception and women's reproductive systems and chatter over Michigan committeeman Dave Agema's derogatory comments about gays and Muslims obscured the party's attempt to feature its efforts at last week's meeting.

By the end of the three-day conference, Priebus and Michigan Republican Party Chairman Bobby Schostak were calling on Agema to quit, "for the good of the party."

Add to this the recent Texas hospital matter keeping a legally deceased woman on life support against the family's wishes.


Clearly republicans are in need of an intervention.
Yeah, your idea of an intervention, give up their principles and turn liberal/progressive/commie/fascist/Democrat/socialist or get beat down by your masters in the Democrat party and you sheep base

Take this thread as an example

Democrat/liberals the most intolerant people in this country

Noitice the dots can't find one thing wrong with the Democrat party and then whines when nobody enters it's dumb threads on Republicans?
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yep, they're sell-outs/corporate tools and the Dems are, to a lesser extent. Thats why I won't vote in any national election between a water-carrier for wall st from one party or the other in national elections.

Vote of the lesser of evils. Either they will get competitive or die out as others take their place.

You people are so scared of making progress.

The lesser of two evils is still evil. i would just use the word "corrupt" because I don't believe in the good/evil religious paradigm.

they beat you.

they wont beat me
voting for the lesser of two corrupt parties is not admirable in my book. Look at it this way- theres a reason why half of the country doesn't bother to vote- :up: because many of them simply have principles. If enough people sat out we could get a majority new party of non-corrupt people to govern this great nation instead of the current line-up of crooks who currently have a monopoly
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Let's face it, there nothing the GOP inner circle can ever do that will stop leftists and progressive from carping. :eusa_whistle:
Let's face it, there nothing the Dem inner circle can ever do that will stop far right reactionaries and wing nuts from carping.
Yeah, your idea of an intervention, give up their principles and turn liberal/progressive/commie/fascist/Democrat/socialist or get beat down by your masters in the Democrat party and you sheep base

Take this thread as an example

Democrat/liberals the most intolerant people in this country

Noitice the dots can't find one thing wrong with the Democrat party and then whines when nobody enters it's dumb threads on Republicans?

Deceleration alert!!!
We need to stop wishing we were Democrats. We need to deStarkify the Republican Party. We need to run candidates with a record of Conservatism like Scott Walker and leave the McCain's and Romney's to carrying the "Walker/Palin" placards
We need to stop wishing we were Democrats. We need to deStarkify the Republican Party. We need to run candidates with a record of Conservatism like Scott Walker and leave the McCain's and Romney's to carrying the "Walker/Palin" placards

Ahhh, do you mean "severely Conservative" Mitt Romney?


Funny, when a GOPer gets he ass handed to him at an election, his based then says he is suddenly not conservative enough...

Guess that made Carl Paladino (R-NY) or Tommy Tancredo just total liberal pussies, what?


Look, I get what you are trying to say, but then the Right should have been HONEST when it nominated Romney and just said, he's not a real Conservative... hmmm?

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