Preview of Jan 6 Committee 2.0, once the Reps take over Congress? Jim Jordan BRUTALIZES (verbally) a Freaking Reverend over a his lie

Seymour Flops

Diamond Member
Nov 25, 2021
It was the former pro-life reverend who turned pro-abortion absolutist, and as such folk do, lied about a perceived political nemisis to make a point.

Schenck said that in 2014, a donor to his organization had dined at the home of Justice Samuel Alito. Afterward, Schenck said, the donor told him she'd learned there that the decision in Burwell v. Hobby Lobby, a case before the court that centered on religious liberty, would be favorable to conservatives.

Schenck said the donor shared that information with him weeks before the decision was released to the public, and he used it to prepare a response in advance. Alito wrote the majority opinion in both that case and the Dobbs decision on abortion this summer.

Once Militantly Anti-Abortion, Evangelical Minister Now Lives 'With Regret'

Questions from Republicans​

Republican members of the Judiciary Committee, including ranking member Jim Jordan of Ohio, expressed skepticism about Schenck's story, which Jordan described as "8-year-old second-hand hearsay."

Jordan noted that both the donor, Gayle Wright, and Justice Alito have denied being involved in leaking the information, and questioned Schenck's motives for coming forward with the story.

But that is not the brutal part. Here it is when Jordan catches the good Reverend in a lie once again about the Supreme Court:

Did you see how that dude stammered? Jordan should have followed up with questions about using his clergy role to molest kids, just to see if he would squirm over that also.

If Jordan treats a reverend like that, what will he do to Liz Cheney, and Adam Schiff?
Jim "Groomer Loving" Jordan is going to wind up in prison.

jjust more evidence that the left lies even when they don't have to. LIe on the little things you can't be trusted on the big things.

What Jordan did to him was righteous. An alleged reverend...lying like that....but see..that is what happens when you adopt the belief system of the vile left.

and hear the fear is Rob Schenk's voice. LOLOL
It was the former pro-life reverend who turned pro-abortion absolutist, and as such folk do, lied about a perceived political nemisis to make a point.

Schenck said that in 2014, a donor to his organization had dined at the home of Justice Samuel Alito. Afterward, Schenck said, the donor told him she'd learned there that the decision in Burwell v. Hobby Lobby, a case before the court that centered on religious liberty, would be favorable to conservatives.

Schenck said the donor shared that information with him weeks before the decision was released to the public, and he used it to prepare a response in advance. Alito wrote the majority opinion in both that case and the Dobbs decision on abortion this summer.

Once Militantly Anti-Abortion, Evangelical Minister Now Lives 'With Regret' 'With Regret'

Questions from Republicans​

Republican members of the Judiciary Committee, including ranking member Jim Jordan of Ohio, expressed skepticism about Schenck's story, which Jordan described as "8-year-old second-hand hearsay."

Jordan noted that both the donor, Gayle Wright, and Justice Alito have denied being involved in leaking the information, and questioned Schenck's motives for coming forward with the story.

But that is not the brutal part. Here it is when Jordan catches the good Reverend in a lie once again about the Supreme Court:

Did you see how that dude stammered? Jordan should have followed up with questions about using his clergy role to molest kids, just to see if he would squirm over that also.

If Jordan treats a reverend like that, what will he do to Liz Cheney, and Adam Schiff?

Hopefully they will be destroyed. We need the Jan 6th committee itself investigated for being the biased piece of political abuse of power that it was.

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