President’s approval surges four days from election


Platinum Member
Jul 30, 2010
To our liberal friends, what makes this particularly sweet is that its not a conservative website posting this.
Its World ABC news

They added some of Mr Trump’s ratings sit directly between candidates who have failed and succeeded in winning a second term.
Economic confidence, which has won incumbents the Oval Office in the past, could push him over the line, however.
Gallup said: “National satisfaction and presidential job approval, along with Americans’ economic confidence, have proven to be reliable predictors of election outcomes involving incumbent presidents in the past.
“On satisfaction and job approval, Trump is below the level at which prior incumbents have been reelected, but also above the level at which two prior incumbents lost.”

Just like 2016 the Lame Stream Media is now wanting to appear credible and that their reporting was not biased.. They are still favoring Biden by 5 points so they are still severely skewed...

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