President Urges Voter to Rebuke Republicans for Thwarting His Will


Diamond Member
Jul 11, 2004

By John Semmens: Semi-News — A Satirical Look at Recent News

On the heels of the nation’s first ever credit downgrade, an angry President Obama embarked upon a campaign tour aimed at focusing voters’ wrath at what he dubbed the GOP’s “economic terrorism.”

“Opposition to my leadership imperils the very existence of the nation,” Obama asserted. “Voters must send a message to all the members of Congress that refusal to accommodate themselves to my program of transformational change won’t be tolerated.”

House Speaker John Boehner (R-Ohio) said he would be willing to consider accommodating the president’s program if he knew what it was. “The most frustrating thing about the debt-ceiling negotiations is that the president never put forward a single new idea for reducing our nation’s debt,” Boehner complained. “Even now, after our credit rating has been downgraded, all he has to offer is more of the same wasteful spending that got us into the mess.”

House Majority Leader, Eric Cantor (R-Va) called the president’s push for higher taxes and more regulations a recipe for disaster. “Both of these policies raise the cost of doing business,” Cantor pointed out. “If it costs more to do business, less business will be done. Less business being done means fewer jobs and less tax revenue. This would only worsen the country’s economic and financial problems.”

The president warned voters “not to fall for the Republicans’ ‘siren song’ of economic growth as the answer to all our ills. Are jobs really more important than a cleaner environment? Should prosperity be preferred to a broader equality? Shouldn’t we all be willing to bear the burdens of shared sacrifice for a future that is cleaner and fairer?”

Somewhat should I have taught that dipshit back in 3rd grade life wasn't fair.
By John Semmens: Semi-News — A Satirical Look at Recent News

Sounds like something he would say , doesn't it..?:wink_2:

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