President Unveils 4-Year Plan For 'Black America'....Biden Even Won't Commit To Leaving His Basement


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
EXCLUSIVE: Trump unveils 4-year plan for 'Black America,' read the details

EXCLUSIVE: Trump unveils 4-year plan for 'Black America,' read the details

The only thing Biden has really campaigned on so far is 'Orange Man Bad' & the false claim that President Trump did nothing to keep the country safe from COVID-19

- Beside the fact that the President was ahead of the WHO, stood up the CDC, declared an Emergency, instituted life-saving travel while Biden and Democrats called Xenophobic, authored legislation to block them, failed to see the pandemic coming because they were too focused on their failed coup Impeachment, were telling Americans not to listen to Trump, that COVID-19was nothing, and gave advice that would spread the virus....

Biden flip-flopped on fracking
Biden flip-flopped on a President's obligation to fill USSC vacancies during an election year
Biden refuses to release his list of USSC nominees
Biden flip-flopped on stacking the USSC
Biden refuses to discuss his economic plan / policies
Biden refuses to answer questions from voters or the media
- The rare times he has in the past handlers have shut it down or Biden has used / read off of a teleprompter
Biden has signaled he wants a return to Obama policies but has refused to talk about / release his OWN plan
- higher taxes, record number of job-killing regulations, etc..
And his wife is on the road campaigning for him while he stays secluded in the basement

The only thing we DO know Job believes about blacks is that black people aren't black unless they vote for him, and Biden doesn't believe black people are 'diverse'

President Trump did more for minorities in 3 years than Obama and Biden did for them in 8 years...he did more in some cases than any other President has done for them EVER!

Is the Left Wing Anti-Trump fanatics going to now demand to see Joe's plans for America?


I doubt however that many will be swayed due to the number of times the left has lied to them... But then again Trump has given them more than all other presidents, except Lincoln, combined.
Left Wing elites dont want to hear about (private sector) jobs and business investment for blacks. They just dont want to hear about it. They only want to talk about what they can give for free because that will necessarily involve more government control across the board, including in the private sector. The only jobs they are interested in are the ones they have their hands in.
Biden would be no more than a water carrier for the Left. He's incapable of leading.

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