President Trump vs. Perfection?


Platinum Member
Aug 15, 2012
It recently occurred to me that the Democrat/MSM campaign to remove President Trump from office does not involve a comparison with what other Presidents have done but rather to some higher standard. For example, should FDR have been impeached for interning Japanese Americans? Truman for bombing Hiroshima? JFK for authorizing the murder of SVN President Diem? LBJ for the Viet Nam War? Reagan for aiding the Contras? Bush for WMDs? Clinton for corruption? Obama for unauthorized payments to terrorists?

Are President Trump's alleged transgressions really worse than those of these former Presidents? Or is he being held to a higher standard than any other President?
It's the same old statist liberoidal drivel applied to Trump.

If you propose an alternative to the way they do things, you need to be perfect....All that's required for them to continue with their failure is their supposed good intentions.
If Trump sneezed, the democratic party and the mainstream media they control would try to turn it into an impeachment.
It recently occurred to me that the Democrat/MSM campaign to remove President Trump from office does not involve a comparison with what other Presidents have done but rather to some higher standard. For example, should FDR have been impeached for interning Japanese Americans? Truman for bombing Hiroshima? JFK for authorizing the murder of SVN President Diem? LBJ for the Viet Nam War? Reagan for aiding the Contras? Bush for WMDs? Clinton for corruption? Obama for unauthorized payments to terrorists?

Are President Trump's alleged transgressions really worse than those of these former Presidents? Or is he being held to a higher standard than any other President?

No, President Trump has not done anything I consider to be "worse" than any other President.

And yes, he is being held to unreasonable standards.
Why was this thread moved from Clean Debate to General Discussion?

It recently occurred to me that the Democrat/MSM campaign to remove President Trump from office does not involve a comparison with what other Presidents have done but rather to some higher standard. For example, should FDR have been impeached for interning Japanese Americans? Truman for bombing Hiroshima? JFK for authorizing the murder of SVN President Diem? LBJ for the Viet Nam War? Reagan for aiding the Contras? Bush for WMDs? Clinton for corruption? Obama for unauthorized payments to terrorists?

Are President Trump's alleged transgressions really worse than those of these former Presidents? Or is he being held to a higher standard than any other President?
Don IS perfection and so is everything he does. Listen to him.
tRump the imposter should be tried and hung for crimes against humanity. Nothing he does is correct and everything he thinks is a sham.
tRump the imposter should be tried and hung for crimes against humanity. Nothing he does is correct and everything he thinks is a sham.
tRump the imposter should be tried and hung for crimes against humanity. Nothing he does is correct and everything he thinks is a sham.

What crime has he committed that warrant a hanging?

Did he lie about an incident that escalated us into a Police Conflict like LBJ?

Did he use intel that lead us into a war that destabilized a region like George W. Bush?

Did he attack a nation to draw it into a Police Action resulting in a massive genocide like Nixon?


So until he does that shove your hanging where it belongs!
It recently occurred to me that the Democrat/MSM campaign to remove President Trump from office does not involve a comparison with what other Presidents have done but rather to some higher standard. For example, should FDR have been impeached for interning Japanese Americans? Truman for bombing Hiroshima? JFK for authorizing the murder of SVN President Diem? LBJ for the Vietnam War? Reagan for aiding the Contras? Bush for WMDs? Clinton for corruption? Obama for unauthorized payments to terrorists?

Are President Trump's alleged transgressions really worse than those of these former Presidents? Or is he being held to a higher standard than any other President?
Most of what you posted is kind of skewed. The internment camps were started in the early fog of war and what the people favoring honestly perceived as self preservation. JFK authorizing assassination of Diem was totally against policy, but not sure I would not have supported the hit, if I was old enough to read the papers. Beside, Kennedy faced the ultimate coup for reasons we will never be sure of. Johnson escalated and doubled down on Kennedy policy until he realized the truth, that the people we were hand picking and supporting were no better than the ones we fought against, and the domino theory was just a talking point, He could have doubled down again, but he self impeached by refusing to run and be a part of it anymore. You left out Nixon. The lying, corrupt crook was impeached constitutionally and the Republicans rightly told him to get out or he would be thrown out. Some people talked about impeaching "Father Ron", but he really was a great communicator, ;and he gave up the perfect scapegoat who took the entire blame for running an illegal war under table and trading arms to Iran out of his office in the basement of the White House. He got a pardon for his crimes, and a career as a right wing mouthpiece. I did not favor the pardon, but it was Bush's prerogative and he later kicked the crap out of Iraq's invading army and sent them back to Baghdad or straight to hell. By the way, your put Bush out of order. After Daddy Bush, we had Clinton and unlike you I distinctly remember him being impeached. It was in all the papers. They have even referred to it on FOX NEWS recently. Baby Bush was a dope and he was used by his handlers to start the 2nd Iraq war. We had a perfectly good war of righteous vengeance seeking the terrorist ass hole that sent planes to attack civillian targets within our own country, but it was slow. He wasn't showing progress and recruiting of patriots to defend us was way up, see they convinced him to start another war. Beware large standing armies. There will always be cabals in this country that want to put them to use. There never was much of a push to impeach because the lie of WMDs was successfully sold and too many people had egg on their face. That lying toad Hillary even bought into it. I don't remember much about Obama payments to terrorist. It must not have been a big deal. He only had majority support early in his term. The Republicans must not have thought it impeachable.
Trump seemed like he was probably corrupt before he was elected. He didn't break into any computers, but used stolen information from the break-in. He invited Russia to break in to computers and two days later, they did and he relished every bit of support the Russian stolen information could generate for him, appearently while his underlings coordinated to receive the stolen merchandise. Then everybody associated with him started lying about it, and obstructing justice to hide crimes, and tampering with witnesses and going to jail. He is a more crooked president than we have seen lately and has always acted like the biggest ass hole president in my memory, often taking actions or making states for the supposed joy of pissing off Democrats.
He will be impeached, not because a different standard is applied, but because the constitutional standard is standard enough. Although, it could be argued Americans can stomach a liar and crook better if he is not a liar and a crook and an obnoxious asshole.
It recently occurred to me that the Democrat/MSM campaign to remove President Trump from office does not involve a comparison with what other Presidents have done but rather to some higher standard. For example, should FDR have been impeached for interning Japanese Americans? Truman for bombing Hiroshima? JFK for authorizing the murder of SVN President Diem? LBJ for the Viet Nam War? Reagan for aiding the Contras? Bush for WMDs? Clinton for corruption? Obama for unauthorized payments to terrorists?

Are President Trump's alleged transgressions really worse than those of these former Presidents? Or is he being held to a higher standard than any other President?

“Are President Trump's alleged transgressions really worse than those of these former Presidents?”

He payed hush money to a porn model to keep quiet about his marital infidelity.

It recently occurred to me that the Democrat/MSM campaign to remove President Trump from office does not involve a comparison with what other Presidents have done but rather to some higher standard. For example, should FDR have been impeached for interning Japanese Americans? Truman for bombing Hiroshima? JFK for authorizing the murder of SVN President Diem? LBJ for the Viet Nam War? Reagan for aiding the Contras? Bush for WMDs? Clinton for corruption? Obama for unauthorized payments to terrorists?

Are President Trump's alleged transgressions really worse than those of these former Presidents? Or is he being held to a higher standard than any other President?

“Are President Trump's alleged transgressions really worse than those of these former Presidents?”

He payed hush money to a porn model to keep quiet about his marital infidelity.


But I thought marriage is an outdated institution and that shaming sex workers is wrong?
It recently occurred to me that the Democrat/MSM campaign to remove President Trump from office does not involve a comparison with what other Presidents have done but rather to some higher standard. For example, should FDR have been impeached for interning Japanese Americans? Truman for bombing Hiroshima? JFK for authorizing the murder of SVN President Diem? LBJ for the Viet Nam War? Reagan for aiding the Contras? Bush for WMDs? Clinton for corruption? Obama for unauthorized payments to terrorists?

Are President Trump's alleged transgressions really worse than those of these former Presidents? Or is he being held to a higher standard than any other President?

“Are President Trump's alleged transgressions really worse than those of these former Presidents?”

He payed hush money to a porn model to keep quiet about his marital infidelity.


But I thought marriage is an outdated institution and that shaming sex workers is wrong?

Wow, you’re stupid
It recently occurred to me that the Democrat/MSM campaign to remove President Trump from office does not involve a comparison with what other Presidents have done but rather to some higher standard. For example, should FDR have been impeached for interning Japanese Americans? Truman for bombing Hiroshima? JFK for authorizing the murder of SVN President Diem? LBJ for the Viet Nam War? Reagan for aiding the Contras? Bush for WMDs? Clinton for corruption? Obama for unauthorized payments to terrorists?

Are President Trump's alleged transgressions really worse than those of these former Presidents? Or is he being held to a higher standard than any other President?

“Are President Trump's alleged transgressions really worse than those of these former Presidents?”

He payed hush money to a porn model to keep quiet about his marital infidelity.


But I thought marriage is an outdated institution and that shaming sex workers is wrong?

Wow, you’re stupid

Why is what Trump does in his personal life any business of yours, bigot?
It recently occurred to me that the Democrat/MSM campaign to remove President Trump from office does not involve a comparison with what other Presidents have done but rather to some higher standard. For example, should FDR have been impeached for interning Japanese Americans? Truman for bombing Hiroshima? JFK for authorizing the murder of SVN President Diem? LBJ for the Viet Nam War? Reagan for aiding the Contras? Bush for WMDs? Clinton for corruption? Obama for unauthorized payments to terrorists?

Are President Trump's alleged transgressions really worse than those of these former Presidents? Or is he being held to a higher standard than any other President?

“Are President Trump's alleged transgressions really worse than those of these former Presidents?”

He payed hush money to a porn model to keep quiet about his marital infidelity.


But I thought marriage is an outdated institution and that shaming sex workers is wrong?

Wow, you’re stupid

Why is what Trump does in his personal life any business of yours, bigot?

I was asked about his transgressions. Paying hush money to porn stars is a transgression in the eyes of people with working brains. I can see where you’re okay with it shitbrains
Well as I said before when repubs wanted to impeach Clinton did he really do something that bad that they had to impeach him

now when the shoe is on the other foot it is almost comical how Trump didn't do anything wrong

Broil it down to the stew

Clinton lied and Trump lied

He tried to get a foreign government to investigate this company in Ukraine

why is trump interested in this company in ukraine, because biden son and biden himself might have done some illegal stuff but there is no proof of that. So why the investigation.

Boil it down
What does legal affairs in Ukraine have to do with the US

Biden son made money boo hoo, that is not a crime otherwise Ivanka and Jared and trump Jr who are now raking it in with foreign

Why because Trump is the president

where is the outrage or suspicion of a crime. Its not a crime, its poor judgement and shows greed but its not a crime

He withheld money from Ukraine and that is a fact. There is no good reason for it. New government just got elected, old politicians gone now, Why withhold the money

Trump had a discussion with the Ukraine president. Why is the tape classified

Looking at the transcript there is nothing classified

Is that deep state stuff

Some many questions but some want to sweep it under the rug but it won't go away

Still haven't got to the obstruction of justice yet but when a certain lawyer testifies then let see what happens

Trump charity foundation. Closed down because of questionable activities. He claimed the Clinton foundation was corrupt but it turns out his was the one who was corrupt

Vince McMahon and wife

The Trump Foundation received a total of $5 million in donations from World Wrestling Entertainment owner Vince McMahon and his wife Linda McMahon from 2007 to 2009.

Trump himself stopped donating to the foundation in 2008

Linda McMahon served as the administrator of the Small Business Administration when Trump became president

Repubs claiming people donating to Clinton foundation for political favors

yet trump does it it outright and no complaints

Trump has accused numerous people of crimes with no proof just right wing propaganda to keep him up at nights as the only proof he needs.

Should a president make such accusation in public without no proof

is he just lying without any proof

a habitual liar

The little boy who cried wolf

but to get to the question at hand is Trump VS Perfection

Impeachment by its definition is not compatible with perfection

if Trump faces impeachment then it is his own doing and he is less than perfect

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