President Trump Pulls Troops From Somalia


Diamond Member
Sep 24, 2010
President Trump, the historic peace candidate pulls troops back to America.

Trump “has ordered the Department of Defense and the United States Africa Command to reposition the majority of personnel and assets out of Somalia by early 2021,” the Pentagon said in a statement.

Trump “has ordered the Department of Defense and the United States Africa Command to reposition the majority of personnel and assets out of Somalia by early 2021,” the Pentagon said in a statement.
I would imagine the troops were more or less “training” in Somalia, and there is more serious combat to attend to elsewhere.
Trump “has ordered the Department of Defense and the United States Africa Command to reposition the majority of personnel and assets out of Somalia by early 2021,” the Pentagon said in a statement.
I would imagine the troops were more or less “training” in Somalia, and there is more serious combat to attend to elsewhere.

Those 700 troops in Somalia are mostly Spec Ops who have been both training the Somali military, and carrying out attacks on the Qaeda-linked terrorist group al Shabab. Even though there will be no US military presence in that shithole, we have American forces stationed in nearby Kenya and Djibouti, where the drones are that carry out airstrikes in Somalia are based. We're not fighting harder, we're just fighting smarter.
Spec Ops who have been both training the Somali military,
So both training and being trained, for something bigger.
Even though there will be no US military presence in that shithole,
We could do with a little less racist ass-hattery, and a little more respect for our kind hosts in certain parts of the world.

Well alrighty then. How about this: Get on a plane and go to Somalia. Then come back and tell me how much of a "shithole" it wasn't.
Well alrighty then. How about this: Get on a plane and go to Somalia. Then come back and tell me how much of a "shithole" it wasn't.
Why do dudes get an erection for other dudes' "shitholes” like that?

"Shithole" has nothing to do with ass, although "shitholes" like Somalia pretty much smell like ass. See the difference?

And terrorists who kill people deserve a good ass-fucking.
Yet another country that the US fucked up and then fucked off from.
Because Trump knows that warhawk Biden wouldn't pull them out he would increase the numbers of troops all over the middle east...
Yet another country that the US fucked up and then fucked off from.
Yes, it was the People's Paradise before we showed up, with peace warlords everywhere.

Trump Brings MORE Troops Home: Pulls American Troops Out of Somalia.

President Trump on Friday ordered almost all American troops to be withdrawn from Somalia, following similar reductions in U.S. military presence in Afghanistan and Iraq.


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