President Trump Can Move Into The Top Five


Sep 23, 2010
In an effort to defund the designer-science frauds the United Nations has been pulling since the Soviet Union imploded:

Big List: Now scientists want U.S. out of U.N. climate agency​

On top of the bad news for the United Nations there is a movement afoot in the halls of Congress to finally get the US out of the United Nations:

In the halls of Congress, a plan, the American Sovereignty Restoration Act of 2016, sponsored by Rep. Mike Rogers, R-Ala., would also do much to take care of the problem.

It would remove the United States from the U.N., ban any continued financial support, bar American military members from serving under U.N. command and remove the diplomatic immunity of U.N. officials.

According to the congressional description, it would repeal “the United Nations Participation Act of 1945 and other specified related laws.”

“The bill requires: (1) the president to terminate U.S. membership in the United Nations (U.N.), including any organ, specialized agency, commission, or other formally affiliated body; and (2) closure of the U.S. Mission to the United Nations,” it explains.​

Click on this link for the full text of H.R. 75

Text of H.R. 75 (113th): American Sovereignty Restoration Act of 2013 (Introduced version) -

CONSERVATIVES please read the devastating article detailing the reasons President Trump should act.

Posted By -NO AUTHOR- On 02/23/2017 @ 8:25 pm

Big List: Now scientists want U.S. out of U.N. climate agency

There is always a lot of talk about a president’s legacy. Such talk usually begins towards the end of a president’s run in the White House. The Monroe Doctrine is the only policy I know of that average Americans associate with a president’s legacy. Most of the policies are soon forgotten by everybody except presidential historians. In Trump’s case he can solidify his legacy at the beginning of his run. Irrespective of anything else he might accomplish he has the opportunity to be remembered as the president who saved the sovereignty that made this country —— not to mention saving the American people from global government. Dumping the United Nations into history’s garbage bin will permanently move Trump’s ranking to one of the five best presidents.

The United Nations and the EPA under serious attack put me in hog heaven, so I will close with a compilation of observations I have been saying on message boards since 2000. (I barely scratched the surface.) I hope the amount is not too redundant for my friends who read my messages about the environment and the United Nations. In any event somebody not familiar with the environmental movement might pick up a little understanding from one of my observations.

The following thoughts are not in chronological order, but I will begin with an observation first posted on my first message board:

Unleaded gas remains the most successful Socialist environmental scam to date. Unleaded gas is environmental Money Law at its most corrosive.

UPDATE on Money Law: The fine (BILLIONS) levied on Volkswagen BY THE EPA is the evolution of Money Law.

Unleaded gas was Money Law legislation combined with the abandonment of common sense. Unleaded gas was never about clean air, it was always about platinum. Every time environmentalists get up a full head of steam on any of their issues, the wise guys come up with a new Money Law. Actually, I am never quite sure which issues originate with the sharpshooters, and which issues begin with the touch-feely crowd. It is probably a little far-fetched, but the Clean Air Act always makes me think of God prohibiting farting in church in order to enrich the preacher.

Do not run out and pull your converter off your car and rush to the nearest jeweler demanding that he make you a platinum ring. The amount of platinum in each converter is minute, and it requires a very complicated chemical process to reclaim it. However, if you add up the number of catalytic converters that are changed each year, the whole process is very profitable to platinum producers and the auto industry; auto dealerships in particular. Whenever a state governor makes noises about raising auto emission standards so he or she can look environmentally sensitive, look into the money that the governor got from auto dealerships in campaign contributions. Being required to replace a converter after approximately thirty thousand miles of use, instead of fifty or sixty thousand miles, amounts to hundreds of millions of dollars a year that automobile owners have to shell out in heavily populated states that enforce emission standards. That is big-time Money Law in anybody’s ballpark.

It is fine if the American people say they accept gasoline taxes for the purpose of building and maintaining highways. There is no argument if those taxes are arrived at through open debate, etc. Taxes levied for a specific objective benefitting everyone, not just the few, have nothing in common with Money Law. And please do not respond and say that clean air benefits everyone. Unleaded gas does not do a damn thing to make the air cleaner anymore than doting on suckerfish benefits anyone except environmentalist hustlers living on tax dollars


Nowadays it is against the law to kill a dung-dwelling maggot because the EPA tells us that would upset nature’s balance.


Socialism should be dismantled wherever it has taken root; the Environmental Protection Agency in particular. Americans have been told for as long as I can remember that if a criminal is not given a fair trial everyone loses their Rights, but have you ever seen that same principle applied to timber farmers, mine owners, and ranchers when their property Rights are diminished or taken away by the EPA? If their Rights are taken away, it must follow that my Rights are also lost.

And it is only going to get worse as Socialists posing as concerned humanitarians are allowed to dictate the use of raw materials; timber, farm crops, livestock management, water resources, etc.


The same thing that the EPA is doing to property Rights every day happened when the income tax was first being sold as a cure-all for society’s ills. The public was told that the income tax would nail rich crooks. Instead, it ended up hammering everyone except crooks. Al Capone was the best poster child that ever posed for the IRS because his conviction on tax fraud made the personal income tax palatable to the American public. In the same vain, the EPA has convinced idiots that it will “save the environment,” no small thing even for Socialists, but it is the average American homeowner with a home on a quarter of an acre of land in the burbs who will finish far worse off than ranchers or mine owners, or timber farmers before the United Nations is finished.


The EPA is a United Nations agency. The official title is United States Environmental Protection Agency. The true title is United Nations Environmental Protection Agency.


The implosion of the Soviet Union hurt American Communists, and hurt them badly, but that did not stop the comrades from continuing their drive towards absolute government control at the national and international levels; hence, their stepped-up drive to promote UN omnipotence through the environmental movement, through so-called peacekeeping activities, through the World Court, etc.


Aside from the anti-Vietnam War demonstrations organized by American Communists there was no other cause that attracted so many of the “worst generation’s” Communists as did the environmental movement. Since the Soviet Union’s implosion, the environmental movement attracted Communism’s most ardent supporters looking for a new home. There again, the dynamic between true believer and charity hustler exists. All of their hopes for America’s submission to global government reside in climate change scare tactics.


Rachel Carson’s fanciful tale “Silent Spring” published in 1962. “Silent Spring” was the start of the environmental movement as it is known today.

The United Nations along with every environmental nut job and two bit hustler jumped on Silent Spring like hogs take to slop. The truth is: DDT is not hazardous contrary to the hysterical claims made by environment screwballs.


The environmental movement is Communism’s best shot at world domination through the U.N. The “I care” crowd claim the economy should serve the environment, or variations on that theme. The hypocrites give the impression that money is not the name of their game, when getting their paws on tax dollars is all they think about, but they want us to believe they will willingly do with less in order to save the environment. The unlucky folks living in Communist countries are used to doing with less; so maybe our American Socialists/Communists are preparing us for hard times. If they get their way they know that the only Americans who will do with less will be the people who do not live on tax dollars. As far as the environment goes: Mother Nature does not need assistance from environmental “I care” freeloaders interfering with her way of doing things.


Incidentally, our federal government may behave like an S.O.B. on occasion, which Americans can always correct because it is our S.O.B. The U.N. will always be someone else’s S.O.B.


The environmental movement should be examined in a much different light than the light its advocates use. To even begin to understand that so-called environmental movement one must first look at the United Nations plan to become a federal government to the world. Begin with the failed League of Nations. (The UN succeeded the League of Nations soon after WWII ended. The League was formally dissolved in 1946.)

In 1945, the UN’s task of becoming an accepted government at some future point in time was monumental. The UN is only an organization, yet it had to convince the government of every sovereign nation to submit their people to UN rule. It did not take UN social engineers long to realize that voters in First World countries have to be tricked into surrendering their sovereignty and accepting the UN as a supreme government. The environmental movement eventually became the major component in that con job.


The UN’s World Court could not do much by way of convincing many people that the UN is an authentic government without actually coming out of the closet and claiming government status. Indeed, the World Court has not convinced many people that the UN is even legitimate. Something more effective was required; so environmental concerns which have been around since the beginning of the Industrial Revolution, and possibly longer, were selected as a very good way for the UN to establish its legitimacy.

Various environmentally concerned organizations that existed prior to the ascent of the UN could not in any way be considered a movement any more than today’s isolated primitive tribes living with nature in a South American jungle can truthfully be defined as environmental activists. Mainly those groups in the more advanced cultures in pre-UN days each engaged itself with saving this or that: the whale, the eagle, the wolf, etc.

Environmental concerns as they are promoted today were conceived to improve the UN’s image with that type of person who is always looking for a cause to rant and rave over. Hence, the environmental movement originated with global warming, and protect the oceans. The UN perpetuated the scam designed by UN planners.

The genius behind the scam was to first give the UN absolute legislative authority over the earth’s atmospheric temperature and the oceans because those two areas are not national —— no country owns them. Even if the people in one or more countries decide to live “in harmony with nature” the world will still have to be controlled by the UN in order to protect the tree-huggers from the nasty polluters. Having control over the atmosphere and the oceans was a sure thing. That is why activists who are busy saving the trees, or a threatened species, within any country’s national boundaries further cloud the UN’s true global objectives. The more doomsday talk there is about the environment the better it is for the United Nations.

The trick was to make most Americans ask themselves “What good will it do for us to pass environmental laws that do not apply to the rest of the world?” Once enough people are thinking along those lines the next step in the con job is easy: “The UN is the way to go. It will see that every country obeys.” The fallacy with that thinking is in the fact that large powerful countries will produce energy and supply goods to their people no matter what the UN says. The simple truth is: The real needs of living people must always come before correcting any questionable damage to the environment as defined by a pack of UN hustlers and second-rate scientists paid to say what the UN tells them to say.


The environmental movement is a scam designed to give the United Nations the deed to the Earth’s oceans and atmosphere because no nation owns them. The UN increased its claim of ownership to include trees, fresh water, and animals. Making ownership stick through treaties and non-existent “International law” is the environmental movement in a nutshell. No other scam has done more to establish a global government administered by the UN than did the manmade global warming hoax. Giving the UN taxing authority over the American people is the only thing a one government world lacks.

For all practical purposes the EPA is a UN bureaucracy that specifically advances the UN’s agenda with tax dollars. Run of the mill environmental freakazoids who show up carrying signs at every demonstration are the equivalent of Lenin’s useful idiots.

Sign-carriers can appear intelligent, while useful idiots on the Internet expose themselves the minute they defend the UN’s designer-science. If that is not enough for you ask yourself how bright can tree huggers be with Al Gore as their leader.

The most important factor is that once the environmentalists have convinced enough people that the UN will protect oceans and guarantee comfortable thermometer readings, it is only a small step to UN interference in the sovereign affairs of every nation, and that includes the United States more than any other country. It is the wealth, success, and power of the United States that most foreign governments seek to diminish through the environmental movement. Most well-intentioned, influential, American environmentalists refuse to see it that way.


Identifying the three major groups most often associated with environmental concerns is important in understanding the UN’s food chain.

The dominant level in the scam is composed of prominent UN supporters around the world, UN social engineers, publishers looking to sell books, and Hollywood movie producers. (When did you ever see a book or movie that portrays environmental hogwash for the fraud it is?) Mainstream media, or at least the people that decide who gets ahead in the media, are also an integral part of this politically formidable group. Once the UN has all of the governmental powers it longs for every environmental concern will be shunted aside by these same people wielding unlimited political power.


Environmentalism is the most dangerous nonmilitary Socialist/Communist threat to the American way of life. The “world leader” gambit is the slickest piece of propaganda yet devised by media quislings for the sole purpose of convincing the American people that national leaders are world leaders. Naturally, all of those world leaders must carry out orders issued by the secretary-general of the U.N. —— the world’s supreme world leader.


Those environmentalists who acquired wealth and fame only want to protect their wealth by supporting more government control over the poor and middle class even though they have convinced everyone they support the movement for altruistic reasons. Wealthy American UN stooges usually own property in pristine “nature preserves” and would like to keep the unwashed masses at arms length through environmental laws. Without the stooges operating in the world’s richest countries the environmental movement would disappear. At its current level of funding the UN cannot afford to pay for the grunt work that a very small percentage of the American population performs free of charge. Just imagine how successful you would be if you could run a business with an unpaid labor force. (The environmental movement in Third World countries can be summed up with one simple slogan: Down with the United States.)

It would be nice if those environmentalist grunts being duped by Socialists/Communists would stop trying to convince themselves, and everyone else, they only want to hand a pristine world to future generations. Instead of worrying about bequeathing suckerfish to people a hundred years from now, the grunts would better serve future generations if they handed them secure individual liberties. Americans admire this country’s Founding Fathers for the freedom from oppressive government they established, while no one is going to admire environmentalists for the damage they are doing to those freedoms.

The lowest level in the environmental movement scam consists of political opportunists and well-paid professional agitators who control specific causes at the national level. (I suspect the UN secretly funds many of these causes at the management level with American taxpayer “UN dues.”) Whenever the unpaid stooges make a dent with an environmental cause of one kind or another at the national level the opportunists figure out how to make a buck from it and move right in. Laws, or environmental regulations, or both are soon passed. The opportunists and the agitators get rich or run for elected office. The stooges move to the next crusade, and UN supporters move that much closer to achieving their objective.

Of course, no matter what environmentalists do to help the UN accomplish its “supreme-government” objective, the oceans will continue salinizing at a faster rate than all industrial pollution can conceivably attain. And let us not overlook the ever-present promise of another Ice Age should an unprecedented number of volcanic eruptions send their volcanic ash into the stratosphere within a brief time period. If that happens, environmentalists of every stripe will pray for a little global warming.


Sharpshooters running the environmental movement invented designer-science as a scare tactic. Now, designer-science is morphing into designer-sin.

The Vatican introduced a few new sins in 2008:

Pollution made the cut just when headway is being made against the global warming hoax. That stunned me for two reasons:

1. If polluting is a sin it must be a collective sin as much as it is a sin committed by individuals. I pray that I am not judged in the hereafter as one of a group. Judging an entire group as one person is causing enough trouble in this life without doing it the next.

I assume pollution means more than the sin of air pollution. So I should not be sent to Hell for the sins of somebody burning wood to stay warm.

Even if polluting is treated as criminal activity, collective liability can get out of hand mighty fast once the government charges everyone with everything just for being alive.

2. The environmental movement has become the home of displaced Communists since the Soviet Union imploded. Communists are not friends of Supreme Deity religions. Roman Catholics least of all. That makes it difficult for me to understand why the Vatican would give credence to any part of the environmental movement.

Adding pollution to the list of established sins will attract more depraved human beings than you can count with a super computer. Perverts do not pollute. They abuse children, they murder, they provide drugs and worse to fragile personalities, they encourage depravity, then they lead marches for every environmental cause that comes down the pike.


I long suspected that the environmental movement is tied to eugenics. The unworthy are using up the planet's resources; ergo, eliminate the weakest in order to save planet earth for the rich and powerful. After all, there will not be enough lobster and caviar to go around if the poor keep breeding like fruit flies.


Throughout most of the Cold War, the Democratic party controlled both houses of Congress, and occasionally the White House. They also controlled the propaganda apparatus with an iron hand. They also controlled the Department of Education which saw to the indoctrination of the young; environmentalism being a very, very, important long-term brainwashing activity. The education establishment actually began their environmental scare tactics on children way back in the nineteen sixties. It is easy to see the results of two generations of brainwashed Americans just by listening to their idiotic nonsense.


A mind can be lost forever once it has been contaminated; so teachers who teach environmentalism should be held personally accountable for promoting one of Socialism/Communism’s most important religious tenets in violation of the First Amendment. Public school teachers are civil servants; they are paid tax dollars to ply their trade; therefore, they are government employees wielding the government’s power to impose a religious belief on the young. Teachers draw upon governmental power every time a teacher or a school board overrules a parent who complains about Socialism/Communism being taught to their child through environmentalism: a one government world, the sanctity of the United Nations, and so on.


Mikhail Gorbachev is a dedicated Communist who tried his best to save Socialism/Communism and the Soviet Union, yet he is always portrayed as a freedom-lovin’ Nobel Prize winner. Have you ever seen an article or heard a blurb on television about Gorbachev that did not mention his 1990 Nobel Peace Prize? “Gorby,” as he is affectionately referred to by his Liberal Left admirers, founded Green Cross International: an environmental outfit, and if that does not tell you where all the good little Communists have gone nothing ever will. His only regret in having been a Communist dictator is in not having had the structure to tax the Soviet people deeper into slavery as American Communists/Socialists are doing to Americans. Communism would still be running an intact Soviet Union if Gorbachev would have had his druthers.


The energy crisis brought on by environmental slight of hand is clearly coupled to the U.N.’s agenda. The last thing United Nations proponents want to see is the United States prove that it can be independent in a very important area. American independence in any realm flies in the face of the “global village” concept. Even Liberals must admit it is socialistic Democratic party quislings who most support the shadow government leading this country towards UN subservience. It is also Democratic party policymakers who are thwarting any energy policy that will lead this country to increasing its known power sources in order to become self-sufficient. Environmental veto power, exercised by the Wizard of Oz, being placed above the real need for developing more petroleum fields, building refineries, and building nuclear and coal burning power plants is nothing more than the usual roadblock stratagem designed to convince Americans that the United States will not survive if Americans insist on retaining their sovereignty. “We need the U.N.” is the real message the obstructionist Democratic party is sending out through environmental scare tactics. After all, the United States is only one hut in the village, or so the party line goes. Only a village idiot would fall for that story.

European leaders are also playing the environmental card to their own economic advantage in addition to every last one of them being afflicted with Richelieu-mania. To them I would simply say, “If the United States is so bad, then go right ahead and buddy up to Red China, or perhaps a restored Soviet Union, but do not come running to the U.S. the next time you people get down to killing each other one more time. Ask your newfound friends to bail you out, but make damn sure you know in advance what the cost is going to be.”


I wonder if I can get myself on the endangered species list then split the fees with one of those groups listed in the article?

Environmental Lawsuits, Judgment Fund, Frivolous Lawsuits
Corruption, collusion, or legal thievery
By Henry Lamb Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Corruption, collusion, or legal thievery


The Ethanol scam guarantied further environmental tyranny like Cap-And Trade. Ethanol also made corporate farms growing corn infinitely wealthier on tax dollar subsidies while driving up the price of corn around the world; thereby creating pockets of starvation in the poorest of Third World countries.

The environmental joke is that ethanol corrodes automobile engines. I have to believe that EPA standards (E15) were deliberately imposed on refineries to destroy engines in order to insure new auto sales far into the future. If ever there was a government program promoting planned obsolescence ethanol is it.

Irrespective of what happens to ethanol —— a new generation of solar and wind parasites closing in on the tax tub far outnumber the ethanol freeloaders. the ethanol subsidy is the last thing the EPA will surrender. The only way to end all of the environmental scams is to shutdown the EPA.


It looks like “sustainability” has become a category of parasites being created to prop up the failing environmental scam. Only fools and hustlers believe the UN’s pseudo-scientists and fictional reports anymore. I expect sustainability “experts” will be cited as the final word on every environmental fraud.


The EPA claimed taxing authority by Lisa P. Jackson:

Back in early April 2010, EPA Administrator Lisa P. Jackson announced that she would tax industries to enforce the Clean Air Act. The question is: Where does a bureaucrat get the authority to tax anyone? Certainly not from the Constitution. No police chief in this country can go to a local business, or an individual, suspected of breaking a law and impose a tax, yet Jackson is doing just that. No arrests for breaking the law, no day in court for the accused, just the EPA —— in the person of Lisa P. Jackson —— ordering a private business to pay a tax. I will not be surprised if some of those tax dollars find their way to the United Nations in a backdoor approach to giving the UN taxing authority over the American people.

In a speech Jackson gave at an E-Waste meeting on May 25, 2010, she said:

I would especially like to thank Interpol and their Global E-Waste Crime Group for your continued efforts and partnership. I also want to thank the Environment Agency of England and Wales and the Swedish Environmental Protection Agency for your continued support.​

Just who the hell was Jackson working for? For years, I have been saying that the EPA is a UN bureaucracy. Now that the relationship between INTERPOL and the UN is less obscure than it was in the past, Obama’s reasons for inviting INTERPOL into this country are obvious. INTERPOL is here to oblige everything environmental freakazoids in organizations like Global E-Waste Crime Group want to label a crime.

And what the hell is a Global E-Waste Crime Group in the first place? The name sounds like Dick Tracy’s Crimestoppers from the old comic strip. It is certainly not crime as Americans understand crime, but crime as defined by America’s enemies. Inevitably, so-called environmental crimes will be tried in the UN’s judicial system. Boy, is that a surprise!”


In 2010 INTERPOL pledged war on “environmental crime” whatever the hell that is. Bolivia’s President Evo Morales, a bedbug in his own right, even called for prosecuting criminal “countries” in the UN’s International Criminal Court.


The EPA was established by executive order. It can be abolished the same way.

The EPA was supposed to oversee the implementation of one law. That concept, in itself, is highly suspect. The EPA has no constitutional authority to enforce the Clean Air Act. Anybody that breaks the law should be arrested by real law enforcement officials then given their day in court as the Constitution guarantees. Instead, the EPA levies fines and confiscates the real property Rights of law-abiding citizens. Anyone the EPA accuses gets less protection than the protections given to the most heinous criminals. In addition, the EPA has relentlessly expanded its authority far beyond the Clean Air Act.


Wall Street feeds on companies that are already successful, or succeed after starting up. One of the myths surrounding Wall Street firms is that they provide seed money for new businesses. They do not. Wall Street firms act as middlemen selling shares to the public when a new company starts up. Investors-gamblers-speculators either win or lose their bet. Wall Street brokers profit either way.

The government decided to provide seed money for so-called green energy companies. The greenbacks those environmental companies rake in is the only thing green about them. When they fail the seed money is gone and taxpayers foot the bill even though individual taxpayers did not want to bet on companies like Solyndra. Ask yourself this: What would I do if an executive from Solyndra came to my home and tried to hold me up?


I usually start the clock on the environmental movement in 1962 with Rachel Carson’s novel Silent Spring because it coincides with brainwashing children. In truth, the foundation for today’s environmental movement was laid by Karl Marx.


Allowing Syrian refugees into this country will be a scandal of major proportions. Of all of the scandals falling like raindrops the EPA’s four scandals are covered the least. The EPA giving confidential information to environmental groups is the worst.


Interestingly, Nobel Peace Prizes now favor environmental hustlers. Gorbachev founded Green Cross International. Wangari Maathai founded the Green Belt Movement, and top global warming hustler Al Gore shared his 2007 prize with the UN’s Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change. A couple more environmental winners and they can rename the peace prize category the Nobel Prize for Environmental Bullshit?


Manmade global warming is not a crisis because it is an environmental scam from start to finish. The media reporting manmade global warming as though it is a real threat is the only provable crisis.


I once suggested that schools teach young children how to watch television. That is teach them to spot the lies, the propaganda, etc. I pointed out that material for homework assignments is unlimited. Homework would include watching a news show, or an entertainment show, and identify at least three government lies. Environmental garbage spliced into everything on television would keep the kids busy. By the time the gumps were in highschool they would be inoculated for life against the ravages of TVD (Television Disease).


I still think Scott Pruitt has powerful enemies lined up against him; enemies who have yet to lose a major battle, this American Thinker article gives me hope for ultimate victory:

December 10, 2016
Pruitt to Dismantle EPA Climate Agenda
By Daniel John Sobieski

Articles: Pruitt to Dismantle EPA Climate Agenda


If Pruitt is not careful EPA bureaucrats might invoke the Endangered Species Act to prevent Donald Trump from draining the swamp.


Thankfully she is gone:



I had it on good authority that Gina McCarthy opened every high-level meeting at the EPA with a chorus of:

In an effort to defund the designer-science frauds the United Nations has been pulling since the Soviet Union imploded:

Big List: Now scientists want U.S. out of U.N. climate agency​

On top of the bad news for the United Nations there is a movement afoot in the halls of Congress to finally get the US out of the United Nations:

In the halls of Congress, a plan, the American Sovereignty Restoration Act of 2016, sponsored by Rep. Mike Rogers, R-Ala., would also do much to take care of the problem.

It would remove the United States from the U.N., ban any continued financial support, bar American military members from serving under U.N. command and remove the diplomatic immunity of U.N. officials.

According to the congressional description, it would repeal “the United Nations Participation Act of 1945 and other specified related laws.”

“The bill requires: (1) the president to terminate U.S. membership in the United Nations (U.N.), including any organ, specialized agency, commission, or other formally affiliated body; and (2) closure of the U.S. Mission to the United Nations,” it explains.​

Click on this link for the full text of H.R. 75

Text of H.R. 75 (113th): American Sovereignty Restoration Act of 2013 (Introduced version) -

CONSERVATIVES please read the devastating article detailing the reasons President Trump should act.

Posted By -NO AUTHOR- On 02/23/2017 @ 8:25 pm

Big List: Now scientists want U.S. out of U.N. climate agency

There is always a lot of talk about a president’s legacy. Such talk usually begins towards the end of a president’s run in the White House. The Monroe Doctrine is the only policy I know of that average Americans associate with a president’s legacy. Most of the policies are soon forgotten by everybody except presidential historians. In Trump’s case he can solidify his legacy at the beginning of his run. Irrespective of anything else he might accomplish he has the opportunity to be remembered as the president who saved the sovereignty that made this country —— not to mention saving the American people from global government. Dumping the United Nations into history’s garbage bin will permanently move Trump’s ranking to one of the five best presidents.

The United Nations and the EPA under serious attack put in hog heaven, so I will close with a compilation of observations I have been saying on message boards since 2000. (I barely scratched the surface.) I hope the amount is not too redundant for my friends who read my messages about the environment and the United Nations. In any event somebody not familiar with the environmental movement might pick up a little understanding from one of my observations.

The following thoughts are not in chronological order, but I will begin with an observation first posted on my first message board:

Unleaded gas remains the most successful Socialist environmental scam to date. Unleaded gas is environmental Money Law at its most corrosive.

UPDATE on Money Law: The fine (BILLIONS) levied on Volkswagen BY THE EPA is the evolution of Money Law.

Unleaded gas was Money Law legislation combined with the abandonment of common sense. Unleaded gas was never about clean air, it was always about platinum. Every time environmentalists get up a full head of steam on any of their issues, the wise guys come up with a new Money Law. Actually, I am never quite sure which issues originate with the sharpshooters, and which issues begin with the touch-feely crowd. It is probably a little far-fetched, but the Clean Air Act always makes me think of God prohibiting farting in church in order to enrich the preacher.

Do not run out and pull your converter off your car and rush to the nearest jeweler demanding that he make you a platinum ring. The amount of platinum in each converter is minute, and it requires a very complicated chemical process to reclaim it. However, if you add up the number of catalytic converters that are changed each year, the whole process is very profitable to platinum producers and the auto industry; auto dealerships in particular. Whenever a state governor makes noises about raising auto emission standards so he or she can look environmentally sensitive, look into the money that the governor got from auto dealerships in campaign contributions. Being required to replace a converter after approximately thirty thousand miles of use, instead of fifty or sixty thousand miles, amounts to hundreds of millions of dollars a year that automobile owners have to shell out in heavily populated states that enforce emission standards. That is big-time Money Law in anybody’s ballpark.

It is fine if the American people say they accept gasoline taxes for the purpose of building and maintaining highways. There is no argument if those taxes are arrived at through open debate, etc. Taxes levied for a specific objective benefitting everyone, not just the few, have nothing in common with Money Law. And please do not respond and say that clean air benefits everyone. Unleaded gas does not do a damn thing to make the air cleaner anymore than doting on suckerfish benefits anyone except environmentalist hustlers living on tax dollars


Nowadays it is against the law to kill a dung-dwelling maggot because the EPA tells us that would upset nature’s balance.


Socialism should be dismantled wherever it has taken root; the Environmental Protection Agency in particular. Americans have been told for as long as I can remember that if a criminal is not given a fair trial everyone loses their Rights, but have you ever seen that same principle applied to timber farmers, mine owners, and ranchers when their property Rights are diminished or taken away by the EPA? If their Rights are taken away, it must follow that my Rights are also lost.

And it is only going to get worse as Socialists posing as concerned humanitarians are allowed to dictate the use of raw materials; timber, farm crops, livestock management, water resources, etc.


The same thing that the EPA is doing to property Rights every day happened when the income tax was first being sold as a cure-all for society’s ills. The public was told that the income tax would nail rich crooks. Instead, it ended up hammering everyone except crooks. Al Capone was the best poster child that ever posed for the IRS because his conviction on tax fraud made the personal income tax palatable to the American public. In the same vain, the EPA has convinced idiots that it will “save the environment,” no small thing even for Socialists, but it is the average American homeowner with a home on a quarter of an acre of land in the burbs who will finish far worse off than ranchers or mine owners, or timber farmers before the United Nations is finished.


The EPA is a United Nations agency. The official title is United States Environmental Protection Agency. The true title is United Nations Environmental Protection Agency.


The implosion of the Soviet Union hurt American Communists, and hurt them badly, but that did not stop the comrades from continuing their drive towards absolute government control at the national and international levels; hence, their stepped-up drive to promote UN omnipotence through the environmental movement, through so-called peacekeeping activities, through the World Court, etc.


Aside from the anti-Vietnam War demonstrations organized by American Communists there was no other cause that attracted so many of the “worst generation’s” Communists as did the environmental movement. Since the Soviet Union’s implosion, the environmental movement attracted Communism’s most ardent supporters looking for a new home. There again, the dynamic between true believer and charity hustler exists. All of their hopes for America’s submission to global government reside in climate change scare tactics.


Rachel Carson’s fanciful tale “Silent Spring” published in 1962. “Silent Spring” was the start of the environmental movement as it is known today.

The United Nations along with every environmental nut job and two bit hustler jumped on Silent Spring like hogs take to slop. The truth is: DDT is not hazardous contrary to the hysterical claims made by environment screwballs.


The environmental movement is Communism’s best shot at world domination through the U.N. The “I care” crowd claim the economy should serve the environment, or variations on that theme. The hypocrites give the impression that money is not the name of their game, when getting their paws on tax dollars is all they think about, but they want us to believe they will willingly do with less in order to save the environment. The unlucky folks living in Communist countries are used to doing with less; so maybe our American Socialists/Communists are preparing us for hard times. If they get their way they know that the only Americans who will do with less will be the people who do not live on tax dollars. As far as the environment goes: Mother Nature does not need assistance from environmental “I care” freeloaders interfering with her way of doing things.


Incidentally, our federal government may behave like an S.O.B. on occasion, which Americans can always correct because it is our S.O.B. The U.N. will always be someone else’s S.O.B.


The environmental movement should be examined in a much different light than the light its advocates use. To even begin to understand that so-called environmental movement one must first look at the United Nations plan to become a federal government to the world. Begin with the failed League of Nations. (The UN succeeded the League of Nations soon after WWII ended. The League was formally dissolved in 1946.)

In 1945, the UN’s task of becoming an accepted government at some future point in time was monumental. The UN is only an organization, yet it had to convince the government of every sovereign nation to submit their people to UN rule. It did not take UN social engineers long to realize that voters in First World countries have to be tricked into surrendering their sovereignty and accepting the UN as a supreme government. The environmental movement eventually became the major component in that con job.


The UN’s World Court could not do much by way of convincing many people that the UN is an authentic government without actually coming out of the closet and claiming government status. Indeed, the World Court has not convinced many people that the UN is even legitimate. Something more effective was required; so environmental concerns which have been around since the beginning of the Industrial Revolution, and possibly longer, were selected as a very good way for the UN to establish its legitimacy.

Various environmentally concerned organizations that existed prior to the ascent of the UN could not in any way be considered a movement any more than today’s isolated primitive tribes living with nature in a South American jungle can truthfully be defined as environmental activists. Mainly those groups in the more advanced cultures in pre-UN days each engaged itself with saving this or that: the whale, the eagle, the wolf, etc.

Environmental concerns as they are promoted today were conceived to improve the UN’s image with that type of person who is always looking for a cause to rant and rave over. Hence, the environmental movement originated with global warming, and protect the oceans. The UN perpetuated the scam designed by UN planners.

The genius behind the scam was to first give the UN absolute legislative authority over the earth’s atmospheric temperature and the oceans because those two areas are not national —— no country owns them. Even if the people in one or more countries decide to live “in harmony with nature” the world will still have to be controlled by the UN in order to protect the tree-huggers from the nasty polluters. Having control over the atmosphere and the oceans was a sure thing. That is why activists who are busy saving the trees, or a threatened species, within any country’s national boundaries further cloud the UN’s true global objectives. The more doomsday talk there is about the environment the better it is for the United Nations.

The trick was to make most Americans ask themselves “What good will it do for us to pass environmental laws that do not apply to the rest of the world?” Once enough people are thinking along those lines the next step in the con job is easy: “The UN is the way to go. It will see that every country obeys.” The fallacy with that thinking is in the fact that large powerful countries will produce energy and supply goods to their people no matter what the UN says. The simple truth is: The real needs of living people must always come before correcting any questionable damage to the environment as defined by a pack of UN hustlers and second-rate scientists paid to say what the UN tells them to say.


The environmental movement is a scam designed to give the United Nations the deed to the Earth’s oceans and atmosphere because no nation owns them. The UN increased its claim of ownership to include trees, fresh water, and animals. Making ownership stick through treaties and non-existent “International law” is the environmental movement in a nutshell. No other scam has done more to establish a global government administered by the UN than did the manmade global warming hoax. Giving the UN taxing authority over the American people is the only thing a one government world lacks.

For all practical purposes the EPA is a UN bureaucracy that specifically advances the UN’s agenda with tax dollars. Run of the mill environmental freakazoids who show up carrying signs at every demonstration are the equivalent of Lenin’s useful idiots.

Sign-carriers can appear intelligent, while useful idiots on the Internet expose themselves the minute they defend the UN’s designer-science. If that is not enough for you ask yourself how bright can tree huggers be with Al Gore as their leader.

The most important factor is that once the environmentalists have convinced enough people that the UN will protect oceans and guarantee comfortable thermometer readings, it is only a small step to UN interference in the sovereign affairs of every nation, and that includes the United States more than any other country. It is the wealth, success, and power of the United States that most foreign governments seek to diminish through the environmental movement. Most well-intentioned, influential, American environmentalists refuse to see it that way.


Identifying the three major groups most often associated with environmental concerns is important in understanding the UN’s food chain.

The dominant level in the scam is composed of prominent UN supporters around the world, UN social engineers, publishers looking to sell books, and Hollywood movie producers. (When did you ever see a book or movie that portrays environmental hogwash for the fraud it is?) Mainstream media, or at least the people that decide who gets ahead in the media, are also an integral part of this politically formidable group. Once the UN has all of the governmental powers it longs for every environmental concern will be shunted aside by these same people wielding unlimited political power.


Environmentalism is the most dangerous nonmilitary Socialist/Communist threat to the American way of life. The “world leader” gambit is the slickest piece of propaganda yet devised by media quislings for the sole purpose of convincing the American people that national leaders are world leaders. Naturally, all of those world leaders must carry out orders issued by the secretary-general of the U.N. —— the world’s supreme world leader.


Those environmentalists who acquired wealth and fame only want to protect their wealth by supporting more government control over the poor and middle class even though they have convinced everyone they support the movement for altruistic reasons. Wealthy American UN stooges usually own property in pristine “nature preserves” and would like to keep the unwashed masses at arms length through environmental laws. Without the stooges operating in the world’s richest countries the environmental movement would disappear. At its current level of funding the UN cannot afford to pay for the grunt work that a very small percentage of the American population performs free of charge. Just imagine how successful you would be if you could run a business with an unpaid labor force. (The environmental movement in Third World countries can be summed up with one simple slogan: Down with the United States.)

It would be nice if those environmentalist grunts being duped by Socialists/Communists would stop trying to convince themselves, and everyone else, they only want to hand a pristine world to future generations. Instead of worrying about bequeathing suckerfish to people a hundred years from now, the grunts would better serve future generations if they handed them secure individual liberties. Americans admire this country’s Founding Fathers for the freedom from oppressive government they established, while no one is going to admire environmentalists for the damage they are doing to those freedoms.

The lowest level in the environmental movement scam consists of political opportunists and well-paid professional agitators who control specific causes at the national level. (I suspect the UN secretly funds many of these causes at the management level with American taxpayer “UN dues.”) Whenever the unpaid stooges make a dent with an environmental cause of one kind or another at the national level the opportunists figure out how to make a buck from it and move right in. Laws, or environmental regulations, or both are soon passed. The opportunists and the agitators get rich or run for elected office. The stooges move to the next crusade, and UN supporters move that much closer to achieving their objective.

Of course, no matter what environmentalists do to help the UN accomplish its “supreme-government” objective, the oceans will continue salinizing at a faster rate than all industrial pollution can conceivably attain. And let us not overlook the ever-present promise of another Ice Age should an unprecedented number of volcanic eruptions send their volcanic ash into the stratosphere within a brief time period. If that happens, environmentalists of every stripe will pray for a little global warming.


Sharpshooters running the environmental movement invented designer-science as a scare tactic. Now, designer-science is morphing into designer-sin.

The Vatican introduced a few new sins in 2008:

Pollution made the cut just when headway is being made against the global warming hoax. That stunned me for two reasons:

1. If polluting is a sin it must be a collective sin as much as it is a sin committed by individuals. I pray that I am not judged in the hereafter as one of a group. Judging an entire group as one person is causing enough trouble in this life without doing it the next.

I assume pollution means more than the sin of air pollution. So I should not be sent to Hell for the sins of somebody burning wood to stay warm.

Even if polluting is treated as criminal activity, collective liability can get out of hand mighty fast once the government charges everyone with everything just for being alive.

2. The environmental movement has become the home of displaced Communists since the Soviet Union imploded. Communists are not friends of Supreme Deity religions. Roman Catholics least of all. That makes it difficult for me to understand why the Vatican would give credence to any part of the environmental movement.

Adding pollution to the list of established sins will attract more depraved human beings than you can count with a super computer. Perverts do not pollute. They abuse children, they murder, they provide drugs and worse to fragile personalities, they encourage depravity, then they lead marches for every environmental cause that comes down the pike.


I long suspected that the environmental movement is tied to eugenics. The unworthy are using up the planet's resources; ergo, eliminate the weakest in order to save planet earth for the rich and powerful. After all, there will not be enough lobster and caviar to go around if the poor keep breeding like fruit flies.


Throughout most of the Cold War, the Democratic party controlled both houses of Congress, and occasionally the White House. They also controlled the propaganda apparatus with an iron hand. They also controlled the Department of Education which saw to the indoctrination of the young; environmentalism being a very, very, important long-term brainwashing activity. The education establishment actually began their environmental scare tactics on children way back in the nineteen sixties. It is easy to see the results of two generations of brainwashed Americans just by listening to their idiotic nonsense.


A mind can be lost forever once it has been contaminated; so teachers who teach environmentalism should be held personally accountable for promoting one of Socialism/Communism’s most important religious tenets in violation of the First Amendment. Public school teachers are civil servants; they are paid tax dollars to ply their trade; therefore, they are government employees wielding the government’s power to impose a religious belief on the young. Teachers draw upon governmental power every time a teacher or a school board overrules a parent who complains about Socialism/Communism being taught to their child through environmentalism: a one government world, the sanctity of the United Nations, and so on.


Mikhail Gorbachev is a dedicated Communist who tried his best to save Socialism/Communism and the Soviet Union, yet he is always portrayed as a freedom-lovin’ Nobel Prize winner. Have you ever seen an article or heard a blurb on television about Gorbachev that did not mention his 1990 Nobel Peace Prize? “Gorby,” as he is affectionately referred to by his Liberal Left admirers, founded Green Cross International: an environmental outfit, and if that does not tell you where all the good little Communists have gone nothing ever will. His only regret in having been a Communist dictator is in not having had the structure to tax the Soviet people deeper into slavery as American Communists/Socialists are doing to Americans. Communism would still be running an intact Soviet Union if Gorbachev would have had his druthers.


The energy crisis brought on by environmental slight of hand is clearly coupled to the U.N.’s agenda. The last thing United Nations proponents want to see is the United States prove that it can be independent in a very important area. American independence in any realm flies in the face of the “global village” concept. Even Liberals must admit it is socialistic Democratic party quislings who most support the shadow government leading this country towards UN subservience. It is also Democratic party policymakers who are thwarting any energy policy that will lead this country to increasing its known power sources in order to become self-sufficient. Environmental veto power, exercised by the Wizard of Oz, being placed above the real need for developing more petroleum fields, building refineries, and building nuclear and coal burning power plants is nothing more than the usual roadblock stratagem designed to convince Americans that the United States will not survive if Americans insist on retaining their sovereignty. “We need the U.N.” is the real message the obstructionist Democratic party is sending out through environmental scare tactics. After all, the United States is only one hut in the village, or so the party line goes. Only a village idiot would fall for that story.

European leaders are also playing the environmental card to their own economic advantage in addition to every last one of them being afflicted with Richelieu-mania. To them I would simply say, “If the United States is so bad, then go right ahead and buddy up to Red China, or perhaps a restored Soviet Union, but do not come running to the U.S. the next time you people get down to killing each other one more time. Ask your newfound friends to bail you out, but make damn sure you know in advance what the cost is going to be.”


I wonder if I can get myself on the endangered species list then split the fees with one of those groups listed in the article?

Environmental Lawsuits, Judgment Fund, Frivolous Lawsuits
Corruption, collusion, or legal thievery
By Henry Lamb Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Corruption, collusion, or legal thievery


The Ethanol scam guarantied further environmental tyranny like Cap-And Trade. Ethanol also made corporate farms growing corn infinitely wealthier on tax dollar subsidies while driving up the price of corn around the world; thereby creating pockets of starvation in the poorest of Third World countries.

The environmental joke is that ethanol corrodes automobile engines. I have to believe that EPA standards (E15) were deliberately imposed on refineries to destroy engines in order to insure new auto sales far into the future. If ever there was a government program promoting planned obsolescence ethanol is it.

Irrespective of what happens to ethanol —— a new generation of solar and wind parasites closing in on the tax tub far outnumber the ethanol freeloaders. the ethanol subsidy is the last thing the EPA will surrender. The only way to end all of the environmental scams is to shutdown the EPA.


It looks like “sustainability” has become a category of parasites being created to prop up the failing environmental scam. Only fools and hustlers believe the UN’s pseudo-scientists and fictional reports anymore. I expect sustainability “experts” will be cited as the final word on every environmental fraud.


The EPA claimed taxing authority by Lisa P. Jackson:

Back in early April 2010, EPA Administrator Lisa P. Jackson announced that she would tax industries to enforce the Clean Air Act. The question is: Where does a bureaucrat get the authority to tax anyone? Certainly not from the Constitution. No police chief in this country can go to a local business, or an individual, suspected of breaking a law and impose a tax, yet Jackson is doing just that. No arrests for breaking the law, no day in court for the accused, just the EPA —— in the person of Lisa P. Jackson —— ordering a private business to pay a tax. I will not be surprised if some of those tax dollars find their way to the United Nations in a backdoor approach to giving the UN taxing authority over the American people.

In a speech Jackson gave at an E-Waste meeting on May 25, 2010, she said:

I would especially like to thank Interpol and their Global E-Waste Crime Group for your continued efforts and partnership. I also want to thank the Environment Agency of England and Wales and the Swedish Environmental Protection Agency for your continued support.​

Just who the hell was Jackson working for? For years, I have been saying that the EPA is a UN bureaucracy. Now that the relationship between INTERPOL and the UN is less obscure than it was in the past, Obama’s reasons for inviting INTERPOL into this country are obvious. INTERPOL is here to oblige everything environmental freakazoids in organizations like Global E-Waste Crime Group want to label a crime.

And what the hell is a Global E-Waste Crime Group in the first place? The name sounds like Dick Tracy’s Crimestoppers from the old comic strip. It is certainly not crime as Americans understand crime, but crime as defined by America’s enemies. Inevitably, so-called environmental crimes will be tried in the UN’s judicial system. Boy, is that a surprise!”


In 2010 INTERPOL pledged war on “environmental crime” whatever the hell that is. Bolivia’s President Evo Morales, a bedbug in his own right, even called for prosecuting criminal “countries” in the UN’s International Criminal Court.


The EPA was established by executive order. It can be abolished the same way.

The EPA was supposed to oversee the implementation of one law. That concept, in itself, is highly suspect. The EPA has no constitutional authority to enforce the Clean Air Act. Anybody that breaks the law should be arrested by real law enforcement officials then given their day in court as the Constitution guarantees. Instead, the EPA levies fines and confiscates the real property Rights of law-abiding citizens. Anyone the EPA accuses gets less protection than the protections given to the most heinous criminals. In addition, the EPA has relentlessly expanded its authority far beyond the Clean Air Act.


Wall Street feeds on companies that are already successful, or succeed after starting up. One of the myths surrounding Wall Street firms is that they provide seed money for new businesses. They do not. Wall Street firms act as middlemen selling shares to the public when a new company starts up. Investors-gamblers-speculators either win or lose their bet. Wall Street brokers profit either way.

The government decided to provide seed money for so-called green energy companies. The greenbacks those environmental companies rake in is the only thing green about them. When they fail the seed money is gone and taxpayers foot the bill even though individual taxpayers did not want to bet on companies like Solyndra. Ask yourself this: What would I do if an executive from Solyndra came to my home and tried to hold me up?


I usually start the clock on the environmental movement in 1962 with Rachel Carson’s novel Silent Spring because it coincides with brainwashing children. In truth, the foundation for today’s environmental movement was laid by Karl Marx.


Allowing Syrian refugees into this country will be a scandal of major proportions. Of all of the scandals falling like raindrops the EPA’s four scandals are covered the least. The EPA giving confidential information to environmental groups is the worst.


Interestingly, Nobel Peace Prizes now favor environmental hustlers. Gorbachev founded Green Cross International. Wangari Maathai founded the Green Belt Movement, and top global warming hustler Al Gore shared his 2007 prize with the UN’s Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change. A couple more environmental winners and they can rename the peace prize category the Nobel Prize for Environmental Bullshit?


Manmade global warming is not a crisis because it is an environmental scam from start to finish. The media reporting manmade global warming as though it is a real threat is the only provable crisis.


I once suggested that schools teach young children how to watch television. That is teach them to spot the lies, the propaganda, etc. I pointed out that material for homework assignments is unlimited. Homework would include watching a news show, or an entertainment show, and identify at least three government lies. Environmental garbage spliced into everything on television would keep the kids busy. By the time the gumps were in highschool they would be inoculated for life against the ravages of TVD (Television Disease).


I still think Scott Pruitt has powerful enemies lined up against him; enemies who have yet to lose a major battle, this American Thinker article gives me hope for ultimate victory:

December 10, 2016
Pruitt to Dismantle EPA Climate Agenda
By Daniel John Sobieski

Articles: Pruitt to Dismantle EPA Climate Agenda


If Pruitt is not careful EPA bureaucrats might invoke the Endangered Species Act to prevent Donald Trump from draining the swamp.


Thankfully she is gone:



I had it on good authority that Gina McCarthy opened every high-level meeting at the EPA with a chorus of:

A shining example of pure rightwingnut gibbering insanity.
In an effort to defund the designer-science frauds the United Nations has been pulling since the Soviet Union imploded:

Big List: Now scientists want U.S. out of U.N. climate agency​

On top of the bad news for the United Nations there is a movement afoot in the halls of Congress to finally get the US out of the United Nations:

In the halls of Congress, a plan, the American Sovereignty Restoration Act of 2016, sponsored by Rep. Mike Rogers, R-Ala., would also do much to take care of the problem.

It would remove the United States from the U.N., ban any continued financial support, bar American military members from serving under U.N. command and remove the diplomatic immunity of U.N. officials.

According to the congressional description, it would repeal “the United Nations Participation Act of 1945 and other specified related laws.”

“The bill requires: (1) the president to terminate U.S. membership in the United Nations (U.N.), including any organ, specialized agency, commission, or other formally affiliated body; and (2) closure of the U.S. Mission to the United Nations,” it explains.​

Click on this link for the full text of H.R. 75

Text of H.R. 75 (113th): American Sovereignty Restoration Act of 2013 (Introduced version) -

CONSERVATIVES please read the devastating article detailing the reasons President Trump should act.

Posted By -NO AUTHOR- On 02/23/2017 @ 8:25 pm

Big List: Now scientists want U.S. out of U.N. climate agency

There is always a lot of talk about a president’s legacy. Such talk usually begins towards the end of a president’s run in the White House. The Monroe Doctrine is the only policy I know of that average Americans associate with a president’s legacy. Most of the policies are soon forgotten by everybody except presidential historians. In Trump’s case he can solidify his legacy at the beginning of his run. Irrespective of anything else he might accomplish he has the opportunity to be remembered as the president who saved the sovereignty that made this country —— not to mention saving the American people from global government. Dumping the United Nations into history’s garbage bin will permanently move Trump’s ranking to one of the five best presidents.

The United Nations and the EPA under serious attack put me in hog heaven, so I will close with a compilation of observations I have been saying on message boards since 2000. (I barely scratched the surface.) I hope the amount is not too redundant for my friends who read my messages about the environment and the United Nations. In any event somebody not familiar with the environmental movement might pick up a little understanding from one of my observations.

The following thoughts are not in chronological order, but I will begin with an observation first posted on my first message board:

Unleaded gas remains the most successful Socialist environmental scam to date. Unleaded gas is environmental Money Law at its most corrosive.

UPDATE on Money Law: The fine (BILLIONS) levied on Volkswagen BY THE EPA is the evolution of Money Law.

Unleaded gas was Money Law legislation combined with the abandonment of common sense. Unleaded gas was never about clean air, it was always about platinum. Every time environmentalists get up a full head of steam on any of their issues, the wise guys come up with a new Money Law. Actually, I am never quite sure which issues originate with the sharpshooters, and which issues begin with the touch-feely crowd. It is probably a little far-fetched, but the Clean Air Act always makes me think of God prohibiting farting in church in order to enrich the preacher.

Do not run out and pull your converter off your car and rush to the nearest jeweler demanding that he make you a platinum ring. The amount of platinum in each converter is minute, and it requires a very complicated chemical process to reclaim it. However, if you add up the number of catalytic converters that are changed each year, the whole process is very profitable to platinum producers and the auto industry; auto dealerships in particular. Whenever a state governor makes noises about raising auto emission standards so he or she can look environmentally sensitive, look into the money that the governor got from auto dealerships in campaign contributions. Being required to replace a converter after approximately thirty thousand miles of use, instead of fifty or sixty thousand miles, amounts to hundreds of millions of dollars a year that automobile owners have to shell out in heavily populated states that enforce emission standards. That is big-time Money Law in anybody’s ballpark.

It is fine if the American people say they accept gasoline taxes for the purpose of building and maintaining highways. There is no argument if those taxes are arrived at through open debate, etc. Taxes levied for a specific objective benefitting everyone, not just the few, have nothing in common with Money Law. And please do not respond and say that clean air benefits everyone. Unleaded gas does not do a damn thing to make the air cleaner anymore than doting on suckerfish benefits anyone except environmentalist hustlers living on tax dollars


Nowadays it is against the law to kill a dung-dwelling maggot because the EPA tells us that would upset nature’s balance.


Socialism should be dismantled wherever it has taken root; the Environmental Protection Agency in particular. Americans have been told for as long as I can remember that if a criminal is not given a fair trial everyone loses their Rights, but have you ever seen that same principle applied to timber farmers, mine owners, and ranchers when their property Rights are diminished or taken away by the EPA? If their Rights are taken away, it must follow that my Rights are also lost.

And it is only going to get worse as Socialists posing as concerned humanitarians are allowed to dictate the use of raw materials; timber, farm crops, livestock management, water resources, etc.


The same thing that the EPA is doing to property Rights every day happened when the income tax was first being sold as a cure-all for society’s ills. The public was told that the income tax would nail rich crooks. Instead, it ended up hammering everyone except crooks. Al Capone was the best poster child that ever posed for the IRS because his conviction on tax fraud made the personal income tax palatable to the American public. In the same vain, the EPA has convinced idiots that it will “save the environment,” no small thing even for Socialists, but it is the average American homeowner with a home on a quarter of an acre of land in the burbs who will finish far worse off than ranchers or mine owners, or timber farmers before the United Nations is finished.


The EPA is a United Nations agency. The official title is United States Environmental Protection Agency. The true title is United Nations Environmental Protection Agency.


The implosion of the Soviet Union hurt American Communists, and hurt them badly, but that did not stop the comrades from continuing their drive towards absolute government control at the national and international levels; hence, their stepped-up drive to promote UN omnipotence through the environmental movement, through so-called peacekeeping activities, through the World Court, etc.


Aside from the anti-Vietnam War demonstrations organized by American Communists there was no other cause that attracted so many of the “worst generation’s” Communists as did the environmental movement. Since the Soviet Union’s implosion, the environmental movement attracted Communism’s most ardent supporters looking for a new home. There again, the dynamic between true believer and charity hustler exists. All of their hopes for America’s submission to global government reside in climate change scare tactics.


Rachel Carson’s fanciful tale “Silent Spring” published in 1962. “Silent Spring” was the start of the environmental movement as it is known today.

The United Nations along with every environmental nut job and two bit hustler jumped on Silent Spring like hogs take to slop. The truth is: DDT is not hazardous contrary to the hysterical claims made by environment screwballs.


The environmental movement is Communism’s best shot at world domination through the U.N. The “I care” crowd claim the economy should serve the environment, or variations on that theme. The hypocrites give the impression that money is not the name of their game, when getting their paws on tax dollars is all they think about, but they want us to believe they will willingly do with less in order to save the environment. The unlucky folks living in Communist countries are used to doing with less; so maybe our American Socialists/Communists are preparing us for hard times. If they get their way they know that the only Americans who will do with less will be the people who do not live on tax dollars. As far as the environment goes: Mother Nature does not need assistance from environmental “I care” freeloaders interfering with her way of doing things.


Incidentally, our federal government may behave like an S.O.B. on occasion, which Americans can always correct because it is our S.O.B. The U.N. will always be someone else’s S.O.B.


The environmental movement should be examined in a much different light than the light its advocates use. To even begin to understand that so-called environmental movement one must first look at the United Nations plan to become a federal government to the world. Begin with the failed League of Nations. (The UN succeeded the League of Nations soon after WWII ended. The League was formally dissolved in 1946.)

In 1945, the UN’s task of becoming an accepted government at some future point in time was monumental. The UN is only an organization, yet it had to convince the government of every sovereign nation to submit their people to UN rule. It did not take UN social engineers long to realize that voters in First World countries have to be tricked into surrendering their sovereignty and accepting the UN as a supreme government. The environmental movement eventually became the major component in that con job.


The UN’s World Court could not do much by way of convincing many people that the UN is an authentic government without actually coming out of the closet and claiming government status. Indeed, the World Court has not convinced many people that the UN is even legitimate. Something more effective was required; so environmental concerns which have been around since the beginning of the Industrial Revolution, and possibly longer, were selected as a very good way for the UN to establish its legitimacy.

Various environmentally concerned organizations that existed prior to the ascent of the UN could not in any way be considered a movement any more than today’s isolated primitive tribes living with nature in a South American jungle can truthfully be defined as environmental activists. Mainly those groups in the more advanced cultures in pre-UN days each engaged itself with saving this or that: the whale, the eagle, the wolf, etc.

Environmental concerns as they are promoted today were conceived to improve the UN’s image with that type of person who is always looking for a cause to rant and rave over. Hence, the environmental movement originated with global warming, and protect the oceans. The UN perpetuated the scam designed by UN planners.

The genius behind the scam was to first give the UN absolute legislative authority over the earth’s atmospheric temperature and the oceans because those two areas are not national —— no country owns them. Even if the people in one or more countries decide to live “in harmony with nature” the world will still have to be controlled by the UN in order to protect the tree-huggers from the nasty polluters. Having control over the atmosphere and the oceans was a sure thing. That is why activists who are busy saving the trees, or a threatened species, within any country’s national boundaries further cloud the UN’s true global objectives. The more doomsday talk there is about the environment the better it is for the United Nations.

The trick was to make most Americans ask themselves “What good will it do for us to pass environmental laws that do not apply to the rest of the world?” Once enough people are thinking along those lines the next step in the con job is easy: “The UN is the way to go. It will see that every country obeys.” The fallacy with that thinking is in the fact that large powerful countries will produce energy and supply goods to their people no matter what the UN says. The simple truth is: The real needs of living people must always come before correcting any questionable damage to the environment as defined by a pack of UN hustlers and second-rate scientists paid to say what the UN tells them to say.


The environmental movement is a scam designed to give the United Nations the deed to the Earth’s oceans and atmosphere because no nation owns them. The UN increased its claim of ownership to include trees, fresh water, and animals. Making ownership stick through treaties and non-existent “International law” is the environmental movement in a nutshell. No other scam has done more to establish a global government administered by the UN than did the manmade global warming hoax. Giving the UN taxing authority over the American people is the only thing a one government world lacks.

For all practical purposes the EPA is a UN bureaucracy that specifically advances the UN’s agenda with tax dollars. Run of the mill environmental freakazoids who show up carrying signs at every demonstration are the equivalent of Lenin’s useful idiots.

Sign-carriers can appear intelligent, while useful idiots on the Internet expose themselves the minute they defend the UN’s designer-science. If that is not enough for you ask yourself how bright can tree huggers be with Al Gore as their leader.

The most important factor is that once the environmentalists have convinced enough people that the UN will protect oceans and guarantee comfortable thermometer readings, it is only a small step to UN interference in the sovereign affairs of every nation, and that includes the United States more than any other country. It is the wealth, success, and power of the United States that most foreign governments seek to diminish through the environmental movement. Most well-intentioned, influential, American environmentalists refuse to see it that way.


Identifying the three major groups most often associated with environmental concerns is important in understanding the UN’s food chain.

The dominant level in the scam is composed of prominent UN supporters around the world, UN social engineers, publishers looking to sell books, and Hollywood movie producers. (When did you ever see a book or movie that portrays environmental hogwash for the fraud it is?) Mainstream media, or at least the people that decide who gets ahead in the media, are also an integral part of this politically formidable group. Once the UN has all of the governmental powers it longs for every environmental concern will be shunted aside by these same people wielding unlimited political power.


Environmentalism is the most dangerous nonmilitary Socialist/Communist threat to the American way of life. The “world leader” gambit is the slickest piece of propaganda yet devised by media quislings for the sole purpose of convincing the American people that national leaders are world leaders. Naturally, all of those world leaders must carry out orders issued by the secretary-general of the U.N. —— the world’s supreme world leader.


Those environmentalists who acquired wealth and fame only want to protect their wealth by supporting more government control over the poor and middle class even though they have convinced everyone they support the movement for altruistic reasons. Wealthy American UN stooges usually own property in pristine “nature preserves” and would like to keep the unwashed masses at arms length through environmental laws. Without the stooges operating in the world’s richest countries the environmental movement would disappear. At its current level of funding the UN cannot afford to pay for the grunt work that a very small percentage of the American population performs free of charge. Just imagine how successful you would be if you could run a business with an unpaid labor force. (The environmental movement in Third World countries can be summed up with one simple slogan: Down with the United States.)

It would be nice if those environmentalist grunts being duped by Socialists/Communists would stop trying to convince themselves, and everyone else, they only want to hand a pristine world to future generations. Instead of worrying about bequeathing suckerfish to people a hundred years from now, the grunts would better serve future generations if they handed them secure individual liberties. Americans admire this country’s Founding Fathers for the freedom from oppressive government they established, while no one is going to admire environmentalists for the damage they are doing to those freedoms.

The lowest level in the environmental movement scam consists of political opportunists and well-paid professional agitators who control specific causes at the national level. (I suspect the UN secretly funds many of these causes at the management level with American taxpayer “UN dues.”) Whenever the unpaid stooges make a dent with an environmental cause of one kind or another at the national level the opportunists figure out how to make a buck from it and move right in. Laws, or environmental regulations, or both are soon passed. The opportunists and the agitators get rich or run for elected office. The stooges move to the next crusade, and UN supporters move that much closer to achieving their objective.

Of course, no matter what environmentalists do to help the UN accomplish its “supreme-government” objective, the oceans will continue salinizing at a faster rate than all industrial pollution can conceivably attain. And let us not overlook the ever-present promise of another Ice Age should an unprecedented number of volcanic eruptions send their volcanic ash into the stratosphere within a brief time period. If that happens, environmentalists of every stripe will pray for a little global warming.


Sharpshooters running the environmental movement invented designer-science as a scare tactic. Now, designer-science is morphing into designer-sin.

The Vatican introduced a few new sins in 2008:

Pollution made the cut just when headway is being made against the global warming hoax. That stunned me for two reasons:

1. If polluting is a sin it must be a collective sin as much as it is a sin committed by individuals. I pray that I am not judged in the hereafter as one of a group. Judging an entire group as one person is causing enough trouble in this life without doing it the next.

I assume pollution means more than the sin of air pollution. So I should not be sent to Hell for the sins of somebody burning wood to stay warm.

Even if polluting is treated as criminal activity, collective liability can get out of hand mighty fast once the government charges everyone with everything just for being alive.

2. The environmental movement has become the home of displaced Communists since the Soviet Union imploded. Communists are not friends of Supreme Deity religions. Roman Catholics least of all. That makes it difficult for me to understand why the Vatican would give credence to any part of the environmental movement.

Adding pollution to the list of established sins will attract more depraved human beings than you can count with a super computer. Perverts do not pollute. They abuse children, they murder, they provide drugs and worse to fragile personalities, they encourage depravity, then they lead marches for every environmental cause that comes down the pike.


I long suspected that the environmental movement is tied to eugenics. The unworthy are using up the planet's resources; ergo, eliminate the weakest in order to save planet earth for the rich and powerful. After all, there will not be enough lobster and caviar to go around if the poor keep breeding like fruit flies.


Throughout most of the Cold War, the Democratic party controlled both houses of Congress, and occasionally the White House. They also controlled the propaganda apparatus with an iron hand. They also controlled the Department of Education which saw to the indoctrination of the young; environmentalism being a very, very, important long-term brainwashing activity. The education establishment actually began their environmental scare tactics on children way back in the nineteen sixties. It is easy to see the results of two generations of brainwashed Americans just by listening to their idiotic nonsense.


A mind can be lost forever once it has been contaminated; so teachers who teach environmentalism should be held personally accountable for promoting one of Socialism/Communism’s most important religious tenets in violation of the First Amendment. Public school teachers are civil servants; they are paid tax dollars to ply their trade; therefore, they are government employees wielding the government’s power to impose a religious belief on the young. Teachers draw upon governmental power every time a teacher or a school board overrules a parent who complains about Socialism/Communism being taught to their child through environmentalism: a one government world, the sanctity of the United Nations, and so on.


Mikhail Gorbachev is a dedicated Communist who tried his best to save Socialism/Communism and the Soviet Union, yet he is always portrayed as a freedom-lovin’ Nobel Prize winner. Have you ever seen an article or heard a blurb on television about Gorbachev that did not mention his 1990 Nobel Peace Prize? “Gorby,” as he is affectionately referred to by his Liberal Left admirers, founded Green Cross International: an environmental outfit, and if that does not tell you where all the good little Communists have gone nothing ever will. His only regret in having been a Communist dictator is in not having had the structure to tax the Soviet people deeper into slavery as American Communists/Socialists are doing to Americans. Communism would still be running an intact Soviet Union if Gorbachev would have had his druthers.


The energy crisis brought on by environmental slight of hand is clearly coupled to the U.N.’s agenda. The last thing United Nations proponents want to see is the United States prove that it can be independent in a very important area. American independence in any realm flies in the face of the “global village” concept. Even Liberals must admit it is socialistic Democratic party quislings who most support the shadow government leading this country towards UN subservience. It is also Democratic party policymakers who are thwarting any energy policy that will lead this country to increasing its known power sources in order to become self-sufficient. Environmental veto power, exercised by the Wizard of Oz, being placed above the real need for developing more petroleum fields, building refineries, and building nuclear and coal burning power plants is nothing more than the usual roadblock stratagem designed to convince Americans that the United States will not survive if Americans insist on retaining their sovereignty. “We need the U.N.” is the real message the obstructionist Democratic party is sending out through environmental scare tactics. After all, the United States is only one hut in the village, or so the party line goes. Only a village idiot would fall for that story.

European leaders are also playing the environmental card to their own economic advantage in addition to every last one of them being afflicted with Richelieu-mania. To them I would simply say, “If the United States is so bad, then go right ahead and buddy up to Red China, or perhaps a restored Soviet Union, but do not come running to the U.S. the next time you people get down to killing each other one more time. Ask your newfound friends to bail you out, but make damn sure you know in advance what the cost is going to be.”


I wonder if I can get myself on the endangered species list then split the fees with one of those groups listed in the article?

Environmental Lawsuits, Judgment Fund, Frivolous Lawsuits
Corruption, collusion, or legal thievery
By Henry Lamb Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Corruption, collusion, or legal thievery


The Ethanol scam guarantied further environmental tyranny like Cap-And Trade. Ethanol also made corporate farms growing corn infinitely wealthier on tax dollar subsidies while driving up the price of corn around the world; thereby creating pockets of starvation in the poorest of Third World countries.

The environmental joke is that ethanol corrodes automobile engines. I have to believe that EPA standards (E15) were deliberately imposed on refineries to destroy engines in order to insure new auto sales far into the future. If ever there was a government program promoting planned obsolescence ethanol is it.

Irrespective of what happens to ethanol —— a new generation of solar and wind parasites closing in on the tax tub far outnumber the ethanol freeloaders. the ethanol subsidy is the last thing the EPA will surrender. The only way to end all of the environmental scams is to shutdown the EPA.


It looks like “sustainability” has become a category of parasites being created to prop up the failing environmental scam. Only fools and hustlers believe the UN’s pseudo-scientists and fictional reports anymore. I expect sustainability “experts” will be cited as the final word on every environmental fraud.


The EPA claimed taxing authority by Lisa P. Jackson:

Back in early April 2010, EPA Administrator Lisa P. Jackson announced that she would tax industries to enforce the Clean Air Act. The question is: Where does a bureaucrat get the authority to tax anyone? Certainly not from the Constitution. No police chief in this country can go to a local business, or an individual, suspected of breaking a law and impose a tax, yet Jackson is doing just that. No arrests for breaking the law, no day in court for the accused, just the EPA —— in the person of Lisa P. Jackson —— ordering a private business to pay a tax. I will not be surprised if some of those tax dollars find their way to the United Nations in a backdoor approach to giving the UN taxing authority over the American people.

In a speech Jackson gave at an E-Waste meeting on May 25, 2010, she said:

I would especially like to thank Interpol and their Global E-Waste Crime Group for your continued efforts and partnership. I also want to thank the Environment Agency of England and Wales and the Swedish Environmental Protection Agency for your continued support.​

Just who the hell was Jackson working for? For years, I have been saying that the EPA is a UN bureaucracy. Now that the relationship between INTERPOL and the UN is less obscure than it was in the past, Obama’s reasons for inviting INTERPOL into this country are obvious. INTERPOL is here to oblige everything environmental freakazoids in organizations like Global E-Waste Crime Group want to label a crime.

And what the hell is a Global E-Waste Crime Group in the first place? The name sounds like Dick Tracy’s Crimestoppers from the old comic strip. It is certainly not crime as Americans understand crime, but crime as defined by America’s enemies. Inevitably, so-called environmental crimes will be tried in the UN’s judicial system. Boy, is that a surprise!”


In 2010 INTERPOL pledged war on “environmental crime” whatever the hell that is. Bolivia’s President Evo Morales, a bedbug in his own right, even called for prosecuting criminal “countries” in the UN’s International Criminal Court.


The EPA was established by executive order. It can be abolished the same way.

The EPA was supposed to oversee the implementation of one law. That concept, in itself, is highly suspect. The EPA has no constitutional authority to enforce the Clean Air Act. Anybody that breaks the law should be arrested by real law enforcement officials then given their day in court as the Constitution guarantees. Instead, the EPA levies fines and confiscates the real property Rights of law-abiding citizens. Anyone the EPA accuses gets less protection than the protections given to the most heinous criminals. In addition, the EPA has relentlessly expanded its authority far beyond the Clean Air Act.


Wall Street feeds on companies that are already successful, or succeed after starting up. One of the myths surrounding Wall Street firms is that they provide seed money for new businesses. They do not. Wall Street firms act as middlemen selling shares to the public when a new company starts up. Investors-gamblers-speculators either win or lose their bet. Wall Street brokers profit either way.

The government decided to provide seed money for so-called green energy companies. The greenbacks those environmental companies rake in is the only thing green about them. When they fail the seed money is gone and taxpayers foot the bill even though individual taxpayers did not want to bet on companies like Solyndra. Ask yourself this: What would I do if an executive from Solyndra came to my home and tried to hold me up?


I usually start the clock on the environmental movement in 1962 with Rachel Carson’s novel Silent Spring because it coincides with brainwashing children. In truth, the foundation for today’s environmental movement was laid by Karl Marx.


Allowing Syrian refugees into this country will be a scandal of major proportions. Of all of the scandals falling like raindrops the EPA’s four scandals are covered the least. The EPA giving confidential information to environmental groups is the worst.


Interestingly, Nobel Peace Prizes now favor environmental hustlers. Gorbachev founded Green Cross International. Wangari Maathai founded the Green Belt Movement, and top global warming hustler Al Gore shared his 2007 prize with the UN’s Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change. A couple more environmental winners and they can rename the peace prize category the Nobel Prize for Environmental Bullshit?


Manmade global warming is not a crisis because it is an environmental scam from start to finish. The media reporting manmade global warming as though it is a real threat is the only provable crisis.


I once suggested that schools teach young children how to watch television. That is teach them to spot the lies, the propaganda, etc. I pointed out that material for homework assignments is unlimited. Homework would include watching a news show, or an entertainment show, and identify at least three government lies. Environmental garbage spliced into everything on television would keep the kids busy. By the time the gumps were in highschool they would be inoculated for life against the ravages of TVD (Television Disease).


I still think Scott Pruitt has powerful enemies lined up against him; enemies who have yet to lose a major battle, this American Thinker article gives me hope for ultimate victory:

December 10, 2016
Pruitt to Dismantle EPA Climate Agenda
By Daniel John Sobieski

Articles: Pruitt to Dismantle EPA Climate Agenda


If Pruitt is not careful EPA bureaucrats might invoke the Endangered Species Act to prevent Donald Trump from draining the swamp.


Thankfully she is gone:



I had it on good authority that Gina McCarthy opened every high-level meeting at the EPA with a chorus of:

I would like to read your OP darling, but it's just too long and also that the writing is all bolded isn't helping.

I'll just have a look at the links you have provided.
I would like to read your OP darling, but it's just too long and also that the writing is all bolded isn't helping.
To Lucy Hamilton: Do not hold your breath until I change the format I have been using for 17 years just so you can read my messages.
The EPA was established by executive order. It can be abolished the same way.

The EPA was supposed to oversee the implementation of one law. That concept, in itself, is highly suspect. The EPA has no constitutional authority to enforce the Clean Air Act. Anybody that breaks the law should be arrested by real law enforcement officials then given their day in court as the Constitution guarantees. Instead, the EPA levies fines and confiscates the real property Rights of law-abiding citizens. Anyone the EPA accuses gets less protection than the protections given to the most heinous criminals. In addition, the EPA has relentlessly expanded its authority far beyond the Clean Air Act.

The EPA is a regulatory agency just like Agriculture, Commerce, Education, Energy, Transportation, Veteran Affairs and a dozen others. Their primary tasks are to develop, implement and enforce laws enacted by the government. If you remove one, you will then have laws on the books without the enforcement authority those laws call for. Whether or not the elimination of the EPA would eliminate the regulations created by the EPA to enforce our laws is another question.

From Wikipedia:
The United States Environmental Protection Agency[2] (EPA or sometimes USEPA) is an agency of the Federal government of the United States which was created for the purpose of protecting human health and the environment by writing and enforcing regulations based on laws passed by Congress.[3] The EPA was proposed by President Richard Nixon and began operation on December 2, 1970, after Nixon signed an executive order. The order establishing the EPA was ratified by committee hearings in the House and Senate.[4] The agency is led by its Administrator, who is appointed by the president and approved by Congress. The current administrator is Scott Pruitt.[5] The EPA is not a Cabinet department, but the administrator is normally given cabinet rank.

The EPA has its headquarters in Washington, D.C., regional offices for each of the agency's ten regions, and 27 laboratories. The agency conducts environmental assessment, research, and education. It has the responsibility of maintaining and enforcing national standards under a variety of environmental laws, in consultation with state, tribal, and local governments. It delegates some permitting, monitoring, and enforcement responsibility to U.S. states and the federally recognized tribes. EPA enforcement powers include fines, sanctions, and other measures. The agency also works with industries and all levels of government in a wide variety of voluntary pollution prevention programs and energy conservation efforts.

In 2016, the agency had 15,376 full-time employees.[1] More than half of EPA's employees are engineers, scientists, and environmental protection specialists; other employees include legal, public affairs, financial, and information technologists.

The EPA was created in response to the National Environmental Policy Act of 1969 (NEPA, 42 U.S.C. §§ 4321–4347). Along with the Departments of Agriculture and the Interior, it enforces the following:

Endangered species
Hazardous waste
So, which of these laws would you like to see repealed Flanders?

Your OP diatribe's comments on the UN, the EPA, socialism and communism is 100% right wing paranoid fantasy.
The EPA is a regulatory agency just like Agriculture, Commerce, Education, Energy, Transportation, Veteran Affairs and a dozen others. Their primary tasks are to develop, implement and enforce laws enacted by the government. If you remove one, you will then have laws on the books without the enforcement authority those laws call for. Whether or not the elimination of the EPA would eliminate the regulations created by the EPA to enforce our laws is another question.
To Crick: Nicely done! Implying that Democrat bureaucracies, regs, and laws benefit ALL AMERICANS. You must have learned that one from Saul Alinsky.
Anybody that breaks the law should be arrested by real law enforcement officials then given their day in court as the Constitution guarantees.
I thought you and your kind wanted to abolish the 2nd Amendment! Or is disarming private sector Americans the goal?

As the U.S. engages in a national debate over the militarization of the police, federal data shows that government agencies charged with largely administrative roles are spending tens of millions of taxpayer dollars to purchase SWAT and military-style equipment.

Since FY 2006, 44 traditionally administrative agencies have spent over $71 million on items like body armor, riot helmets and shields, cannon launchers and police firearms and ammunition, according to federal spending data from watchdog group​

EPA, FDA stocking up on body armor during President Obama’s watch
By Kellan Howell
Thursday, January 7, 2016

Golden Hammer: Feds spending millions to arm agencies that don’t need guns


There are now more non-military government employees who carry guns than there are U.S. Marines, according to a new report.

Open the Books, a taxpayer watchdog group, released a study Wednesday that finds domestic government agencies continue to grow their stockpiles of military-style weapons, as Democrats sat on the House floor calling for more restrictions on what guns American citizens can buy.​

There Are Now More Bureaucrats With Guns Than U.S. Marines
BY: Elizabeth Harrington
June 22, 2016 3:20 pm

There Are Now More Bureaucrats With Guns Than U.S. Marines

p.s. Do not forget to thank the late Janet Reno and the Clintons:

In the name of efficiency, in 1994 the Justice Department began to allow blanket deputation of numerous agencies—that authority has been extended into 1999. Agencies such as the National Air and Space Administration, Labor, State, Transportation, Veteran’s Administration, Social Security Administration, and the Small Business Administration have received permission for agents to carry weapons. According to data from the General Accounting Office (GAO), the number of armed federal bureaucrats is more than 80,000, but the specific number is unknown. The Federal Law Enforcement Training Center produced 848 graduates in 1970. In 1998, the center will turn out 25,077. This number does not include FBI agents trained at the FBI center in Quantico, Virginia. Federal agents are trained and authorized to enforce over 3,000 criminal laws which Congress has passed. In addition, they must now deal with hundreds of thousands of regulations which carry criminal penalties. Thousands of regulations have been placed on the books in the last 30 years and relate to environmental or endangered species "crimes" or efforts to enforce federal "wars" like the "war on tobacco and drugs." Of the federal agencies with at least 500 armed officers, the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service has grown the most—40 percent in 15 years.

The Green Police: At War in Nevada

Marc Morano, of the television news program American Investigator, has found the most wildly aggressive federal agencies using commando style tactics are the EPA, the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, the Forest Service and the National Park Service.

Arms and 'The Man'
By Diane Alden
Wednesday, July 15, 1998

Arms and 'The Man'

NOTE: Fish and Wildlife Service, the Forest Service and the National Park Service take direction from the EPA, but only:
The EPA is a United Nations agency. The official title is United States Environmental Protection Agency. The true title is United Nations Environmental Protection Agency.
The EPA is a regulatory agency just like Agriculture, Commerce, Education, Energy, Transportation, Veteran Affairs and a dozen others. Their primary tasks are to develop, implement and enforce laws enacted by the government. If you remove one, you will then have laws on the books without the enforcement authority those laws call for. Whether or not the elimination of the EPA would eliminate the regulations created by the EPA to enforce our laws is another question.

To Crick: Nicely done! Implying that Democrat bureaucracies, regs, and laws benefit ALL AMERICANS. You must have learned that one from Saul Alinsky.

What the FUCK are you babbling about? That information comes from the US Constitution. The government of the United States does serve its people. If you've got some other idea as to how one ought to work, you might need to look elsewhere. What an ass.

Anybody that breaks the law should be arrested by real law enforcement officials then given their day in court as the Constitution guarantees.

Why don't you show us where the Constitution states that all law breakers "should be arrested by real law enforcement officials"? Why don't you start by explaining to us (from a Constitutional perspective) what constitutes a "real law enforcement official"? And then why don't you explain to us the difference between a felony, a misdemeanor and a regulatory infraction? And then you can explain to us what instances you believe to lack the opportunity for a court appearance.

I thought you and your kind wanted to abolish the 2nd Amendment! Or is disarming private sector Americans the goal?

What the fuck does that have to do with anything I said, the EPA, the UN or anything other than your scatterbrained right wing paranoid victim mentality?

As the U.S. engages in a national debate over the militarization of the police, federal data shows that government agencies charged with largely administrative roles are spending tens of millions of taxpayer dollars to purchase SWAT and military-style equipment.

Since FY 2006, 44 traditionally administrative agencies have spent over $71 million on items like body armor, riot helmets and shields, cannon launchers and police firearms and ammunition, according to federal spending data from watchdog group​

EPA, FDA stocking up on body armor during President Obama’s watch
By Kellan Howell
Thursday, January 7, 2016

Golden Hammer: Feds spending millions to arm agencies that don’t need guns


There are now more non-military government employees who carry guns than there are U.S. Marines, according to a new report.

Open the Books, a taxpayer watchdog group, released a study Wednesday that finds domestic government agencies continue to grow their stockpiles of military-style weapons, as Democrats sat on the House floor calling for more restrictions on what guns American citizens can buy.​

There Are Now More Bureaucrats With Guns Than U.S. Marines
BY: Elizabeth Harrington
June 22, 2016 3:20 pm

There Are Now More Bureaucrats With Guns Than U.S. Marines

p.s. Do not forget to thank the late Janet Reno and the Clintons:

In the name of efficiency, in 1994 the Justice Department began to allow blanket deputation of numerous agencies—that authority has been extended into 1999. Agencies such as the National Air and Space Administration, Labor, State, Transportation, Veteran’s Administration, Social Security Administration, and the Small Business Administration have received permission for agents to carry weapons. According to data from the General Accounting Office (GAO), the number of armed federal bureaucrats is more than 80,000, but the specific number is unknown. The Federal Law Enforcement Training Center produced 848 graduates in 1970. In 1998, the center will turn out 25,077. This number does not include FBI agents trained at the FBI center in Quantico, Virginia. Federal agents are trained and authorized to enforce over 3,000 criminal laws which Congress has passed. In addition, they must now deal with hundreds of thousands of regulations which carry criminal penalties. Thousands of regulations have been placed on the books in the last 30 years and relate to environmental or endangered species "crimes" or efforts to enforce federal "wars" like the "war on tobacco and drugs." Of the federal agencies with at least 500 armed officers, the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service has grown the most—40 percent in 15 years.

The Green Police: At War in Nevada

Marc Morano, of the television news program American Investigator, has found the most wildly aggressive federal agencies using commando style tactics are the EPA, the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, the Forest Service and the National Park Service.

Arms and 'The Man'
By Diane Alden
Wednesday, July 15, 1998

Arms and 'The Man'

NOTE: Fish and Wildlife Service, the Forest Service and the National Park Service take direction from the EPA, but only:
The EPA is a United Nations agency. The official title is United States Environmental Protection Agency. The true title is United Nations Environmental Protection Agency.

I didn't respond to you to discuss guns. I responded to your contention that the EPA should be abolished. If you don't want to defend your own comments, don't put them up here to begin with.
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If you don't want to defend your own comments, don't put them up here to begin with.
To Crick: It is my thread, asshole. I decide what I say if I respond at all. Do not read my messages, or respond, if my retorts are too profound for you to grasp.

I repeat:

To Crick: Do both of us a favor and put me in your filter —— then you can stop stalking my posts and get a life for yourself.

Ruling Classes Collectively
Brilliant fact, best of the year to date! Oh.....let me tell you.....when this shit starts getting up a head of steam, AGW people in here are going to have to be placed on suicide watch! The first we'll see is the US leaving the Paris treaty, which means its as dead as a doornail. I'll be providing the bumpy cucumber Photobucket celebration in here. And the business for one reason only in 2017: to coordinate wealth redistribution efforts worldwide. Need the evidence? Just go google any UN field worker training manual ( have posted examples of these more times than I can remember ).........the mission is right there in the introduction. Only hopelessly duped progressives fall for the "humanitarian" slogans, the same people who would gladly purchase a bag of dog doo if it were wrapped up just right!:deal::eusa_dance::eusa_dance:

Some awesome info here usual. Dominating the dummies once again.:rock::oops-28:
If you don't want to defend your own comments, don't put them up here to begin with.
To Crick: It is my thread, asshole. I decide what I say if I respond at all. Do not read my messages, or respond, if my retorts are too profound for you to grasp.

I repeat:

To Crick: Do both of us a favor and put me in your filter —— then you can stop stalking my posts and get a life for yourself.

Ruling Classes Collectively

Too OCD bro..........check out his avatar. The background. The pose. If a psychologist did a DAP Test on this guy, the findings would tell us what we already know. Profound narcissism.......being in the field, can spot it 4 billion miles away!:popcorn:
Brilliant fact, best of the year to date!
To skookerasbil: Well said.
Too OCD bro..........check out his avatar. The background. The pose. If a psychologist did a DAP Test on this guy, the findings would tell us what we already know. Profound narcissism.......being in the field, can spot it 4 billion miles away!:popcorn:
To skookerasbil: Right on:

What an ego! I don't stalk anyone here. I refute bullshit. If you don't want to see my responses, stop posting it.

Why don't you identify the environmental laws you'd like to see repealed?
I would like to read your OP darling, but it's just too long and also that the writing is all bolded isn't helping.
To Lucy Hamilton: Do not hold your breath until I change the format I have been using for 17 years just so you can read my messages.

If I could read it a little bit at a time. I definitely read the first part, all for it. I can never remember to find it again. Sometimes I add a post into it, like this. so I can go to my content.

I was not aware of the platinum in Catalytic converters. Well done posting, as always. But I am lazy.

I have to run off to other threads and bash Liberal loons. Regular guy don't want to work this hard on time off.
What an ego! I don't stalk anyone here. I refute bullshit. If you don't want to see my responses, stop posting it.
To Crick: Asshole. Instead of telling not to post messages you object to get your own message board and bar me.
Why don't you identify the environmental laws you'd like to see repealed?
To Crick: I did. You must have missed it when you were busy stalking somebody else:

The Affordable Care Act has nothing to do with healthcare. The Clean Air Act has nothing to do with clean air. Those two laws are the most destructive laws crying for repeal. Both laws are far more destructive than the:

Linguini & Jell-O


Public understanding of the issue might even result in repealing the Clean Air Act. (Repeal the Clean Air Act and the EPA is history.)

It Is Not The Economy, Stupid!

And here:

The Clean Air Act tells Americans what they must do. Repeal the Clean Air Act and the EPA goes down the toilet along with along 95 percent of so-called “affirmative rights.” The lying sack of shit calls them positive Rights; i.e., Rights that must be paid for by somebody else; while negative Rights are free.​

Repeal both the Affordable Care Act and the Clean Air Act and that should see the end of affirmative rights until a future generation of parasites comes up with a new angle. U.S. District Judge Ann Aiken gave a free people the best reason they will have to repeal the Clean Air Act:

Where The Hell Is My Hub?

And did you forget that you read this thread?

Repeal both the Affordable Care Act and the Clean Air Act and that should see the end of affirmative rights until a future generation of parasites comes up with a new angle. U.S. District Judge Ann Aiken gave a free people the best reason they will have to repeal the Clean Air Act:

Scott Pruitt Is Pissing Into The Wind
What beneficial changes do you believe would result from repealing the Clean Air Act?
What beneficial changes do you believe would result from repealing the Clean Air Act?
To Crick: Research my messages instead of asking clever little questions. I say what I have to say. You can do the same. I do not play Socratic elenchus with halfwits —— or anybody else for that matter.

Socratic elenchus (noun)
interrogation: Socratic method, Socratic elenchus argumentation: dialectic, Socratic elenchus, dialogue, logical disputation​
I already have him in the top five...


But, he could move up if he starts killing journalist.
What beneficial changes do you believe would result from repealing the Clean Air Act?
To Crick: Research my messages instead of asking clever little questions. I say what I have to say. You can do the same. I do not play Socratic elenchus with halfwits —— or anybody else for that matter.

Socratic elenchus (noun)
interrogation: Socratic method, Socratic elenchus argumentation: dialectic, Socratic elenchus, dialogue, logical disputation​

Clever little questions? Your message doesn't say shit. The Clean Air Act "tells Americans what they must do"? No more than any other law or regulation. Do you want to repeal them all? You babble on about UN conspiracies but have no evidence. You babble on about affirmative rights and negative rights but never explain either. Your whole OP was a meaningless babble. If you've got as much info as you seem to think you've got, why can't you answer a simple little question?

How will Americans benefit from a repeal of the Clean Air Act? And it would be nice if you could answer that with concrete, identifiable, verifiable benefits and not meaningless pseudo-philosophical blather.
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