President Obama speaks in Tampa during MacDill visit


Flaming Libs/Koranimals
May 1, 2012
Gulf of Mex 26.609, -82.220
911 calls were off the hook @ 1:45 on sulfur smell...
LIVE VIDEO: President Obama speaks in Tampa during MacDill visit
By Ryan Hughes Published: December 6, 2016, 5:00 am Updated: December 6, 2016, 3:57 pm


TAMPA, Fla. (WFLA) – President Barack Obama is speaking in Tampa on Tuesday afternoon in what will likely be one of his last trips as Commander in Chief.

Air Force One touched down around 1:45 p.m.

The President traveled to MacDill Air Force Base where he spoke to service men and women.

President Obama will remark on his administration’s counter-terrorism efforts, the White House said.

MacDill is home to U.S. Central Command and U.S. Special Operations Command.

The timing of the President’s trip is interesting, as it comes on the same day President-Elect Donald Trump is expected to officially name James ‘Mad Dog’ Mattis as the next U.S. Secretary of Defense.


LIVE VIDEO: President Obama speaks in Tampa during MacDill visit
Obama Goes Out Lying About Islamic Terror
December 6, 2016
Daniel Greenfield

Obama began his misspent time in office lying about Islamic terrorism and he ends it in the same shameful way. From Afghanistan to Iraq and right back to Islamic terror at home, he has never stopped lying about the threat that we face.

The speech was bizarre. After two terms of insisting that we weren't at war with the terrorists, he grandly boasts that, "I will become the first President of the United States to serve two full terms during a time of war."

Considering that the war was largely caused by his refusal to fight it, it's an odd form of self-glorification. It's like a fire chief boasting that the building next door has been on fire for two weeks because he refuses to put out the flames.

Having crippled the military, he claims that he believes it "must remain, the strongest fighting force the world has ever known".Then there's the bizarre revisionism of his disastrous Afghan surge and Iraq withdrawal, which considering the rise of ISIS now seems more insane than ever, being replayed one more time.

"When I took office, the United States was focused overwhelmingly on Iraq, where nearly 150,000 American troops had spent years fighting an insurgency and helping to build a democratic government. Meanwhile, al Qaeda had regrouped in the border region of Afghanistan and Pakistan, and was actively planning attacks against our homeland. So we brought nearly 150,000 troops home from Iraq, consistent with the Status of Forces Agreement negotiated by the previous administration, and we surged our efforts along with our allies in Afghanistan, which allowed us to focus on dismantling al Qaeda and give the Afghan government the opportunity to succeed."


Thousands of American soldiers were killed or crippled fighting this huge threat while his pullout from Iraq cleared the way for the rise of ISIS.


Never mind that Obama's own withdrawal from Afghanistan proved to be impossible because of the Taliban's comeback. That's just a minor detail.

Obama Goes Out Lying About Islamic Terror
Obama Goes Out Lying About Islamic Terror
December 6, 2016
Daniel Greenfield

Obama began his misspent time in office lying about Islamic terrorism and he ends it in the same shameful way. From Afghanistan to Iraq and right back to Islamic terror at home, he has never stopped lying about the threat that we face.

The speech was bizarre. After two terms of insisting that we weren't at war with the terrorists, he grandly boasts that, "I will become the first President of the United States to serve two full terms during a time of war."

Considering that the war was largely caused by his refusal to fight it, it's an odd form of self-glorification. It's like a fire chief boasting that the building next door has been on fire for two weeks because he refuses to put out the flames.

Having crippled the military, he claims that he believes it "must remain, the strongest fighting force the world has ever known".Then there's the bizarre revisionism of his disastrous Afghan surge and Iraq withdrawal, which considering the rise of ISIS now seems more insane than ever, being replayed one more time.

"When I took office, the United States was focused overwhelmingly on Iraq, where nearly 150,000 American troops had spent years fighting an insurgency and helping to build a democratic government. Meanwhile, al Qaeda had regrouped in the border region of Afghanistan and Pakistan, and was actively planning attacks against our homeland. So we brought nearly 150,000 troops home from Iraq, consistent with the Status of Forces Agreement negotiated by the previous administration, and we surged our efforts along with our allies in Afghanistan, which allowed us to focus on dismantling al Qaeda and give the Afghan government the opportunity to succeed."


Thousands of American soldiers were killed or crippled fighting this huge threat while his pullout from Iraq cleared the way for the rise of ISIS.


Never mind that Obama's own withdrawal from Afghanistan proved to be impossible because of the Taliban's comeback. That's just a minor detail.

Obama Goes Out Lying About Islamic Terror
The end of an error....
Turned him off....can't stand the motherfucker......

You don't even know why you hate Obama. It's just something that your ignorant, unsophisticated ass repeats over and over because you are a Repug ass clown.

Obama has done more to serve this country than your sorry ass ever will.

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