President Elect Trump; Already WINNING for America


Old Fogey
Sep 25, 2011
Stocks are at all time record setting highs.

TPP is dead.

TTIP is also dead.

Ca-nada and Mayheeko are begging to renegotiate NAFTA.

Putin is anxious to work with Trump, and China has started their predictable series of bluffs, which is their way of showing respect for an adversary.

Common sense Americans are now being recognized for their courage and resistance to PC Safe Zone idiocy like NYU professor Michael Rectenwald.

Liberals are mass migrating to Cuba and Ca-nada has sealed its border to our brain damaged libtards en masse.

It is a wonderful day to be an American.

This way to the Promised Land, folks.

And here Pence wanted to fast track TPP. I think most of the liberals are in the Pub arena. The only conservative part of them is money. That is their God, they would just as soon spit on a poor person than give them a buck.
And here Pence wanted to fast track TPP. I think most of the liberals are in the Pub arena. The only conservative part of them is money. That is their God, they would just as soon spit on a poor person than give them a buck.
I agree with the gist of what you are saying, though I wouldnt take it quite that far.

I think the Dims will eventually turn it around and go back to representing working class people, but it looks like they will have to lose 2020 as well before they can wake up and smell the coffee.
And here Pence wanted to fast track TPP. I think most of the liberals are in the Pub arena. The only conservative part of them is money. That is their God, they would just as soon spit on a poor person than give them a buck.
I agree with the gist of what you are saying, though I wouldnt take it quite that far.

I think the Dims will eventually turn it around and go back to representing working class people, but it looks like they will have to lose 2020 as well before they can wake up and smell the coffee.

Well you might be right. Of course I'd like to see more jobs return and tax loopholes cut and enforced so people pay taxes. I am going to be very upset if they derail the ACA and expanded Medicaid, and mess with SS and Medicare. They might tinker a bit with the ACA, but as a taxpayer, we the tax payers subsidize their health ins, pay their salaries and pensions. They have to remember they work for us, not the other way around.

If we are going to be so tired of winning I also want to see the less fortunate and needy win. Until I see of it any proof of it, I will continue to think he is on the side of the elites, and his dtr wearing a 8 grand bracelet on 60 mins is just not cool. One does not rub salt into a wound.
Of course I'd like to see more jobs return and tax loopholes cut and enforced so people pay taxes. I am going to be very upset if they derail the ACA and expanded Medicaid, and mess with SS and Medicare. They might tinker a bit with the ACA, but as a taxpayer, we the tax payers subsidize their health ins, pay their salaries and pensions. They have to remember they work for us, not the other way around.

If we are going to be so tired of winning I also want to see the less fortunate and needy win. Until I see of it any proof of it, I will continue to think he is on the side of the elites, and his dtr wearing a 8 grand bracelet on 60 mins is just not cool. One does not rub salt into a wound.
There will be more jobs, a temporary thing as the Robotics Revolution gears up and starts slicing into jobs big time around 2020. I am praying Trump anticipates this and takes precautions.

He has repeatedly stated he wont touch Social Security benefits, but I am not sure about Medicaid and Medicare.

Why cant we roll these two programs into one and use it as a subscription insurance plan for those who can afford it but not other private insurance plans? More money brought into the government can only help.

I cannot believe that Trump is on the side of the ESTABLISHMENTs of the two parties.

He is or was a member of the elite social circle in New York but that does not automatically make him a member of the political establishment who right now are sharpening the daggers for their Ides of March.
Stocks are at all time record setting highs.

TPP is dead.

TTIP is also dead.

Ca-nada and Mayheeko are begging to renegotiate NAFTA.

Putin is anxious to work with Trump, and China has started their predictable series of bluffs, which is their way of showing respect for an adversary.

Common sense Americans are now being recognized for their courage and resistance to PC Safe Zone idiocy like NYU professor Michael Rectenwald.

Liberals are mass migrating to Cuba and Ca-nada has sealed its border to our brain damaged libtards en masse.

It is a wonderful day to be an American.

This way to the Promised Land, folks.

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Trump is going to look at all those trade agreement. Renegotiate on all of them. He's already said that's what he's going to do.
[Rep. Kevin Brady (R., Texas), chairman of the House Ways and Means Committee], who also oversees trade policy, said the Trans-Pacific Partnership is “on hold,” not dead. He said Mr. Trump should use enforcement tools against dumping of products rather than withdraw from trade agreements.

“Take the opportunity to make those agreements better,” Mr. Brady said. “Keep what’s good in there, and there is plenty that levels that playing field in a key way for the region.”​

House Republicans Aim to Cut Taxes Without Increasing Deficits
I think the Dims will eventually turn it around and go back to representing working class people, but it looks like they will have to lose 2020 as well before they can wake up and smell the coffee.
Working class people don't like transgendered bathrooms, Islamic terrorists and don't like gay marriage shoved down their throats. DNC is forever tied to that constituency and agenda.

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